terrorking10 · 4 years
An animation made with toon boom harmony.
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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I commission I did. If you’re interested in ordering a commission from me. Send me a message.
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terrorking10 · 4 years
Digimon Comparisons: Gabumon and Gaomon Lines
DownsofFire here with another Digimon comparison because, well, I’m lazy. Plus I had no idea for a Top Ten and life stories are few and far between. So, for now, we do another comparison. Today we’re looking at the Gabumon line from Adventure 01 and the Gaomon line from Data Squad. Since every season of Digimon, minus Tamers, has had the brash goggle head and the other guy who had a wolf Digimon and family issues. The only brooder without a wolf was Ken. As before, I’m judging on personality, appearance, and power. Also, keep in mind that this is my opinion. Let’s go.
Rookie - Gabumon and Gaomon: Gabumon is pretty interesting among the rookies of any season in that he’s always wearing a pelt. You never see under the pelt he’s wearing. He has a notable horn on his head and he isn’t very wolf-like. But that changes later. In terms of personality, Gabumon is quite quiet and timid. He’s very kind and doesn’t say much. However he’s very protective of his partner, Matt. He’s almost puppy-like with Matt, always following him around and doing his best to make sure Matt is happy. He’s very loyal. Power-wise, Gabumon has two attacks: Blue blaster, a shot or blue flame, and Horn Attack which is self explanitory. Gaomon is different. He’s a small blue wolf with a round tail. He wears a red head band and red boxing gloves. Like Gabumon, he’s very attached to his partner, Thomas H. Norstein. However Gaomon is more….. noble. Honestly, while Gabumon cares about others Matt is his first priority. Gaomon will protect Thomas but is more than willing to help a comrade in need. Being voiced by Skip Stellrecht (AKA Might Guy in Naruto) also adds to him being a soldier to Thomas’s commander. Unlike Gabumon, Gaomon is very physical, hence the boxing gloves. His attacks are Rolling Upper, where he goes Sonic and rolls in a ball mid air to hit an enemy, and Gao Rush, a flurry of punches that shows Gaomon’s speed and proficiency with his boxing gloves. 
Champion - Garurumon and Gaogamon: Now here’s where we get into the wolf part. Garurumon is a big white wolf with blue stripes. His fur is harder than steel and can take quite the beating. Much like Agumon to Greymon, Garurumon is much more aggressive than Gabumon. He charges into battle, ready to get hungry like the wolf……. can not believe I just said that. In terms of appearance, Garurumon is pretty cool. He’s a giant wolf, not much else to say. His attacks are pretty simple, being only one: Howling Blaster. Similar to Gabumon’s Blue Blaster but much more powerful. Gaogamon is also a wolf. In fact he looks more like a wolf than Garurumon. Except for a few details: he has sabre-teeth, a stylish scarf, flat boxing gloves with claws protruding from them, and that fluffy round tail. He’s like Gaomon, but a bit more aggressive, but he’s still got that nobility about him. In terms of power, he has tow attacks: Dash Double Claw, where he uses the scarf he has to attack the enemy, and Spiral Blow, which is a forceful burst of wind. Both great wolves.
Ultimate - WereGarurumon and MachGaogamon: This is one I have a slight issue with. WereGarurumon has almost no changes from Garurumon except for two things: He’s bipedal and he has a snazzy pair of jeans. He’s really just Garurumon but bipedal and with jeans. Power wise, he’s more powerful that Garurumon and that’s about it. Now MachGaogamon is different. Like WereGarurumon, he’s bipedal. However there’s a few differences other than appearance. MachGaogamon has a champion belt across his chest, metal gauntlets, metal feet, an awesome jetpack, and a cool pair of sunglasses. MachGaogamon looks pretty damn cool. He’s pretty powerful as well, his attacks being Winning Knuckle, a punch form his gauntlets, and Howling Cannon, a blast of sound waves. Plus he’s freaking huge. So one is disappointing and the other is pretty awesome. 
Mega - MetalGarurumon and MirageGaogamon: Now we’re getting into real awesomeness. MetalGarurumon is, well, a metal Garurumon. However he has a few new cogs and knobs attached. He has little jets that allow him to fly and/or hover and that’s pretty awesome. Most notable, however, is his near limitless arsenal of ice missiles. That’s where his power comes from. His attacks are Metal Wolf Claw, a misnamed ice beam, and Ice Wolf Bite, where he assaults you with his arsenal of missiles. Yeah, he’s pretty fearsome at times. I mean, robotic wolf with missiles, yeah. Now, MirageGaogamon is much different. He’s very physical. But his appearance is what does it for me. He looks AWESOME. He looks very regal and knightly. He has a flowing red cape, armour with regal designs all over it, and massive claws on his gauntlets. His attacks are quite varied, being both melee and ranged. He can use his claws physically but his ranged attacks are pretty cool. Double Crescent Mirage is where he makes moon shaped waves from his claws. Full Moon Blaster is a beam fired form his chest, and Gale Claw is his physical attack. Like his line, MirageGaogamon is very noble and knghtly. Both great mega levels. 
Alternate Forms - ZeedGarurumon and MirageGaogamon Burst Mode: Now I’m not sure of ZeedGarurumon is an “alternate form” but hey, it’s a different mega of the line. ZeedGarurumon is pretty much MetalGarurumon with a giant fucking cannon on his back. And hey, it’s pretty awesome. MirageGaogamon Burst Mode is quite different from MirageGaogamon. He loses his claws and gains a staved weapon with a crescent blade on one end and a chain mace on the other. And he gains a badass mane of white hair. Great Alternate forms I must say. 
Final Verdict: Gaomon line. Yeah. Gabumon and his line are cool and all but the Gaomon line is just more noble and that’s what does it for me. His line’s personality is great and his devotion isn’t cheesy. Both lines are great but the Gaomon line I like more. 
This is DownsofFire and Gaomon’s line is awesome. 
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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autumn chill
yosemite valley, california
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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Critical mass
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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terrorking10 · 4 years
This was My Day
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How was yours?
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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hello??? @roosterteeth id like to report a broken heart
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terrorking10 · 4 years
All of the emo/rebel Harrison we had in this episode
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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[ Original link ]
A tribute to Steven Universe(½)
It took way longer than It should’ve. Dunno when I’ll finish the rest.
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terrorking10 · 4 years
Just some Disney Pokémon trainers
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artist: https://www.deviantart.com/pavlover/gallery/64251477/Disney-Pokemon-trainer
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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"I didn't even get to know my mom!"
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terrorking10 · 4 years
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I’ve mentioned the idea before of UFF Mabel having dresses in the colors of a lot of different pride flags and since its Pride Month I decided to throw together a few really fast recolors just to see how they’d turn out. For funsies ^_^ 
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terrorking10 · 5 years
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Original Image by Shiin’s
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terrorking10 · 5 years
The Snacks of the Louds and the Home of the Fave
Inspired by this post from @wyomingparmesan, I give you my thoughts on each of the Louds’ favourite snacks seen in “Home of the Fave”.
Lily - Cheetos Homemmade Cheesy-Flavour Corn Curls. Maybe Luna imported a bag of Wotsits from England one day and Lily liked the name (and eventually the snack) enough to consider it her favourite snack? Maybe Lily calls all kinds/brands of cheese curls “Otsys”, even the ones Lynn Sr. makes? That’s my headcanon, anyway.
Luna - Hamburger and fries. Or, since this is Luna we’re talking about, “Burger and chips”! She probably likes to wind up Lisa by confusing her with whether she means UK!Chips or US!Chips at times. In the previous scene, we saw Lynn Sr. cooking, and considering his thought pattern at the time, I like to think he made doubly sure Luna would be satisfied with her snack by using real Maris Piper potatoes to make the fries with.
Lynn Jr. - A TV dinner. It’s the ONLY thing on the table NOT crafted by Lynn Sr.*, which is a bit odd. But then again…. it compliments her gimmick (since everyone traditionally eats TV dinners during sports games broadcast on TV); her father might’ve been panicking for time due to his slight paranoia and decided to go for a snack Lynn likes that is quicker to prepare; it’s her favourite SNACK, so nine times out of ten she enjoys her Dad’s cooking (except for that one time in Season 2, of course).
*(Unless I’m questioning his extreme versatility in cuisine, in which case… bravo, my good man. Bravo.)
Lincoln - French dip sandwich. What is it with Lincoln Loud and sandwich fillings that go beyond the taste buds of your typical bog-standard cartoon character? Any normal cartoon character would plump for good ol’ PBnJ in their sarnies… Instead, we’ve got one with the most unique choices for sandwich fillings in current animation. I’m not complaining - it’s a brave decision by the crew to go against the norm. Also, it looks as if the French dip has now replaced peanut butter and sauerkraut (“Changing the Baby”, Season 1) as Lincoln’s favourite sandwich filling/snack. Maybe that Youtube video of some of the sitcom actors tasting a real-life version of that sandwich (to their eventual disgust) influenced decisions somewhat in the making of this episode….?
Luan: A burrito. As shown in the episode, it replaced Lynn Sr.’s original idea of giving stroganoff to Luan. Here’s a crazy thought, though… what if Lynn Sr. became so paranoid that he couldn’t concentrate and accidentally gave Luan LYNN’s favourite snack by mistake? Then he realised his mistake, panicked again, and went for the TV dinner for Lynn? But because his kids were being nice in this episode (as revealed later on), they didn’t say anything in case they made things worse? It still makes a bit more sense for Lynn to have burritos as her favourite snack, I still think, based on previous instances in the show, but feel free to correct me otherwise!
Lori: Pizza. Easy one this - Bobby Boo-Boo Bear used to deliver pizzas before he moved to The City, remember? (Arguably, as established in several pieces of media, ALL the Louds love pizza, but I digress)
Lola: A bog-standard cartoon pie. I’m hazarding a guess and that this is ‘princess pie’ because Lola.
Lana: Worms au Gratin. Typical Lana! :P
Leni: Sushi. Last time we saw her eat that was in the second Loud House comic book, even though most of it was taken up by Lincoln’s imagination running away with him and him causing chaos at the Japanese restaurant.
Lucy: Corn. Unless it’s short for ’CORN of the Dead’….
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…I find it odd (not as odd as Lynn’s choice) that Lucy would pick something not related to the afterlife or the supernatural as her favourite snack. Although, I guess even goth/emos need a quick break from embracing the darkness now and again.
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terrorking10 · 5 years
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BOHAM + Bingo
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