thatpersongold · 2 months
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
please, please and please.
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thatpersongold · 2 months
Opinion on Garchomp
Not my favorite pokemon, but it definitely is one I try to include in my team. I just think Garchomp is pretty versatile and good to have for a variety of situations, like for pivoting. Aside from that, it’s a shark—sharks are cool af! Definitely up there in terms of design
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thatpersongold · 11 months
✨reblog if you're accepting anonymous asks about anything✨
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thatpersongold · 11 months
Writeblr intro
Hey all, name’s Deanna—but I go by Gold (feel free to call me either, Rose also works). I’ve been on Tumblr for a bit but haven’t had the courage to post anything of my own, so I’ve been getting lurking around. I wanna say I’ve been here for a year or so, but I’m bad with time.
After seeing people’s fanfics about Ghost from CoD: MW2 2022, as well as various Oscar Isaac characters (Moon Knight, Miguel O’Hara, etc.), it really made me wanna contribute to this dumpster fire of a platform (I use this adjective affectionately). Who knows—maybe someone might like my weird imaginings?
About me
To start simple, I go by she/her—if you even care. Some interests of mine are video games, reading, writing, and drawing, but writing and drawing are the bigger passions in my life. I’d say I’m part of the furry fandom but I don’t do the fursuiting stuff tbh, I just exist for the art and meet new people. But speaking of art, I’m looking to start a following and doing commissions, and maybe streaming drawing and playing games—but we’ll see if that actually takes off.
I joined Tumblr after a friend said that it was like Wattpad but was more accepting of weird. I think. And I’ve never wanted to go back. I really feel at home here. There’s also some sound writing advice here that I’m happy to see, and an ocean of people who might be like me.
Speaking of writing, I’ve got a WIP that is the child of my creative efforts. Don’t think I’ve put more thought into a project than… idfk highschool?
About my WIP/writing
I fucking love fantasy so much, more so on the medieval side (knights, dragons), but I love everything fantasy. Sci-fi is a close second because of Star Wars and space is just so fucking cool.
Tropes I gravitate towards (may miss some):
The chosen one/prophecy type stuff
Friends to lovers/rivals to lovers
Found family/mending broken family relationships (if that makes sense?)
Love triumphs over hate
Twist villains
Polar opposites (kinda fits into the second point)
Emotional development/growing from trauma
I also plan on writing fanfics for characters that I just care about/hyperfixate.
So, about my current WIP. It’s a modern fantasy set in New York—except there’s an extra district for a populace who can use magic, dubbed the Magus. Unfortunately the relationship between the Magus and the Mundanes (regular people) has been tense for many decades, but has considerably cooled in recent times. Main character is my OC Blaine who’s the (known) firstborn of the prestigious Howler family, one of many gifted with magic. He’s a free radical who just wants to live life and have fun, but his father wants him to become CEO of his company when he passes. Along the line, Blaine for whatever reason loses the ability to use magic and fails to save his girlfriend—causing her to become crippled. And after causing shame to his family, basically being ostracized from high society, living amongst Mundanes, and dealing with trauma and depression, he ends up becoming a vigilante.
I know it’s a lot for a brief synopsis, but I didn’t wanna go on and on. I probably missed a lot of stuff I wanted to include but this post is long enough. Feel free to DM me or comment below if you have any questions, or just wanna talk!
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thatpersongold · 11 months
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
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