Empire Social Club | Luke Hemmings
A/N: Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been MIA for a while now. So I’ve was redoing an old story as you can tell it’s the Empire one and instead of Ashton I changed the protagonist to Luke. I figured with the debut of their newest album why not drop the new revamped version of this story? Let me know what you think! My ask is always open to opinions. As for those requests that I have sitting in my ask though, I just want to say sorry for not getting to them. I will eventually get to them but with my school and work load beginning to pile up I don’t think I will be able to get to them as quickly as I used to. I do want to warn you that this contains strong sexual content so viewer discretion is advised. Also this is the entire story. I decided not to break up the story into pieces. So pretty much I have just given you all of Empire! Anyways! Hope you enjoy Empire Social Club!
It was like any other day today, I sat behind my desk and looked over the new assignments for the field agents. Nothing new or different, just the same old intelligence espionage assignments; tap someone’s phone, snap candid photographs, and ultimately stop any imminent threats to the country. Life behind this desk had started to become monotonous and boring. I thought being the director of the CIA was going to exciting, no one was handing me my assignments and telling me what to do. I got to call the shots this time. But this also meant that I could no longer do field work.
I turned my chair to look out of the window from my office. I had a great view overlooking the entire city. God, how I wished I was head of a task force again instead of the entire department.
I turned back around and the file that I came across next was one that I had not encountered since I was in the field. It was her. It was Leo. But that simply can not be. She died in my arms that night.
Damn, this brought me back ten years…
 * * * * * 
I lazily looked up and saw my boss looking over at me and motioning for me to come to his office. So I kicked my legs off my desk, straightened my tie, put on my blazer and made my way up to his glass office. I slowly opened the door, “Sir?”
“Take a seat Hemmings. Director Dawson has decided to give you another chance. Figured you had enough punishment for your last fuck up.”
I could feel my eyes light up. Finally no more paper pushing. Thank fucking god.
“Here,” he said handing me a manila folder containing my assignment. “I believe you’ve heard of the Empire case?”
I opened the case file and gave a once over through the file, “Yes sir. The Empire Social Club is located in the heart of Los Angeles. Known location for the biggest drug trafficking rings in the metropolitan area. Leo, though there is no known image nor name, is supposed to be the alleged king pin of the entire enterprise sir.” I was going through the file when I stumbled upon her picture. “Who’s this,” I asked taking the picture out of the file.
“That’s his accomplice, Y/N Hood. You find her, you find Leo. I want you to infiltrate his inner circle and retrieve as much information as you can. Report to your handler weekly. And here,” he said hanging me another folder, “This is your new identity. Study it. Breathe it. Live it. I don’t have to tell you what happened if you get caught.” I began to flip through the thorough file he had just handed me. “I wouldn’t study that now, I would rather have you do it on the plane there. Your handler will be arriving here shortly with a car waiting for you along with your new passport and ID.”
“Yes sir,” I said as I went back to the other file that contained her picture. I just sat there not wanting to take my eyes off of her. She was just simply hypnotizing. There was something so alluring about her. I didn’t know what it was, maybe it was the way her bedroom eyes just pierced through to whoever gazed into them. The intense green in her eyes were breath taking and with the way she was looking into the photo and her smirk seemed like she knew this photo was going to be taken of her.
Suddenly I heard someone clear his throat. The noise brought me out of my thoughts and back to reality. “Did you hear what I said Hemmings? You’re dismissed.”
“Yes sir,” I replied back slightly distant, not taking my eyes off of her, as I went towards the door.
“Oh and Hemmings,” he called out to me before I got to the door.
I looked up at him, “Yes sir?”
“Please don’t kill the target this time. I know how light your trigger finger is.”
“I will do my best, sir.”
“Good luck Hemmings,” was the last thing I heard before I closed the door.
I walked back onto the floor, to my desk. Put my phone in my pockets and the files into my bag before making my way to the elevator towards the lobby where the town car was already waiting for me. The door to the backseat was already open for me and I got inside.
“So I’m guessing you’re Hemm—er, I mean Fletcher?”
I looked up to see a blonde haired man sitting across from me. He extended his hand out to me, “I’m agent Irwin, I’m your handler for the duration of this assignment.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said shaking his hand.
The drive to the airport did not take that long. And when we got there, instead of getting out at the front of the airport we went towards the hangars.
“Private plane?”
He let out a small laugh, “You should really read your new alias, and then you’ll understand why we’re flying like this.”
“Huh, well at least I’ll have five hours to read up and study my new persona,” I said as I got out of the car and headed towards the plane.
The flight itself was not bad. It felt long but it was definitely better than all of those other times we went overseas. As I was studying my cover story and new identity, Irwin was on the other side of the plane typing away furiously at his laptop, though I don’t really know what he would be typing out now since we don’t really have any intel right now and there was really nothing to report back to HQ.
Next thing I knew, I felt him nudging me awake. “Fletcher, wake up.”
Oh shit, I can’t believe I fell asleep.
“Sorry man,” I responded groggily.
“It’s ok,” he chuckled, “Long flight. Anyways, were you able to memorize who you’re supposed to be?”
“Yeah, for the most part. My name is Jack Fletcher. I’m a trust fund baby looking for something new to pass the time. Though I don’t know how we’re going to pull that off. I don’t have a place in case they some how go and check my background. Nor do I-“
“Don’t worry about it,” he interrupted, “the Company took care of everything. Tonight you just have to look and play the part. Get a good look of what the club looks like on the inside and if Leo and his gang happen to show up just look nonchalant about everything. Make small talk with the patrons and employees. Just get as much intel as you can tonight. Now come on.”
He led the both of us out of the plane towards a blacked out luxury town car.
“Damn,” I marveled, “the company really did spare no expense.”
“The company is everything if not thorough,” he said as he walked out of the plane to the car. Then he turned silent. He opened the car for me in the back and got in after me.
“Irwin why the silent treatment all of a sudden,” I asked, slightly confused. This reminded me that I never got a chance to know what exactly his new role was going to be when we both landed. He never gave me a response the entire drive to I suppose where our new base of operations was going to be.            
It was not until we got inside the house did he go back to being the chipper agent I had originally met outside the federal building. “So what was that all about,” I asked, letting my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Sorry about that,” he apologized sheepishly to me, “but you now have to remember that everything you do and say, until you are authorized to fly back to DC, will be under constant scrutiny. Leo has eyes everything. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he knew of us being here. Anyways, out there I am your bodyguard, and in the safety of our new base I am your chirpy handler.”
“Okay that makes sense,” I said as I walked into the house. And upon entry I was completely floored. This house was HUGE. It was so spacious. I suppose its was partly due to the fact that there was no furniture inside of it. As I walked throughout the house I noticed that most of the rooms inside the house were massive, with high ceilings and tall windows. And that practically one side of the house was made of just, just overlooking the entirety of the city.
I also noted that there was a pool that appeared to have no end, out back with a massive deck to accompany it.
“The company really did spare no expense,” I couldn’t help but mutter. I turned to Irwin who was following me around the house and I asked him, “What about the bedrooms and clothes?”
“The bedrooms are full equipped with everything you will need. Clothes, equipment, et al. The furniture should have actually been here yesterday, but I was able to call the delivery people and they said they will have everything here by tomorrow morning. So by the time you either wake up or stumble back in here tomorrow morning this house will look like you’ve been living in it for a few years. Well come one,” he said motioning for me to follow him, “This is your room.”
He opened the door and I walked in. There was a plush king sized bed in the centre of the room. Navy blue silk sheets. White walls. Pale wood floors with the occasional white rug decorating it. There were two doors on one wall. One lead into a huge walk in closet that was filled to the brim with designer suits, shoes and accessories. The other was an en suite bathroom.
“Alright Fletcher, we’re due to leave for the club in a couple of hours. So I suggest you take a shower, change and be the charming trust fund baby you were born to be.” And with that statement he left me alone in the room to marvel at everything the company had left me.
The first thing I did was strip out of my clothes and made my way to the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. Jeez, even the body wash looked and felt expensive. After a few more minutes I turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist then walked toward the walk in.
There was a plethora of suits to choose from, as well as matching accessories. I never realized how much effort it took to actually look like a trust fund baby. God, why did they give me this alias of all the ones they could have given me? I decided to go with a navy blue suit with a crisp white button down and matching tie. And to top it off, I decided to wear tan oxfords just to give myself the classy yet I’m here to fuck shit up type of look. As I was fixing my tie, I found myself looking at her picture again. I know I should not have put her picture there on my mirror but I just couldn’t help it. Her picture was just breath taking. And if I was supposed to be dressing to impress, I might as well dress to impress her right?
Once I finished, I took a step back and gave myself the old once over. Damn, Hemmings you clean up well.  
Just was I was putting on light dabs of some expensive cologne I heard the car outside begin to honk its horn. I rushed down to the car, where Irwin was waiting for me with the back door open. Apparently he changed too because this time he was in a black and white suit and appeared very guarded.
“Alright Fletcher are you ready,” he asked as I climbed in.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I breathed out.
“That’s good enough for me,” he said climbing in with me, sitting across from me.
As he sat down he took out a silver suitcase and handed it to me. “Inside you’ll find a wallet containing your new ID and a few credit cards. Don’t get too excited and spend too much with those. Remember everything is going to go back to the company. Also inside you will find a small handgun that you are to hide and keep with you at all times. I suggest tucking it behind you. There should also be pair of monogrammed cufflinks, they have a locator on it so we’ll know where you are at all times, as well as a microphone so we can hear what you hear and say. Lastly, if you at all feel that you need to be extracted from the scene use the phrase ‘gods and monsters’.”
“Excuse me?”
“I know it’s a strange phrase but seeing as how we are going to be entering such a world the extraction phrase seemed appropo,” he chuckled.
I couldn’t help but laugh with him, “So where exactly is Empire anyways?”
“Beverly Hills. We should be there in about half an hour. We’re going to drop you off and we’ll be waiting a couple of minutes away from there and pick you up when you’re ready to go home.”
“And if I stay out all night?”
“Remember you’re a trust fund baby now, you’re not supposed to care for our well being even though Luke Hemmings might Jack Fletcher couldn’t give two shits about us.”
“Oh,” I said as I resigned into my seat and looked out the window at the twinkling lights passing me by.
And just as he said, a half hour late we had arrived at our destination. Empire Social Club.
Well fuck me.
 * * * * *
What we pulled up in front of was definitely not your normal nightclub. This was a mansion. Gated with lights all along the driveway up until you reach the front door. And don’t get me started on the light of those who had to wait to get in. I shouldn’t be surprised there is one, considering this is one of the most exclusive clubs in the city.
“Well shit, how am I supposed to be able to get in without waiting in that line?”
I received a good number of disdainful looks as the car drove up the driveway past those eager, hopeful patrons.
“Don’t worry, your name is on the list.” I was about to ask him how when he opened the door for me to get out and then I remembered that the company most likely had something to do with it. Of fucking course.
“I’ll see you soon Fletcher. Good luck.”
And the minute I got out of the car, I couldn’t help but feel an immense wave of smugness take over me. And with that feeling overwhelming me came with cockiness. God I really did let the whole trust fund baby attitude get into my head. I felt like that one man in almost all romantic comedies that no one really roots for. You know the type that I’m talking about. The man that everyone envies, the man every girl wants to sleep with and the man every boy wants to be. Yeah that one. That was exactly how I felt at this moment, taking those few steps to the front door, to the guard outside holding an iPad with I can only assume is the guest list. “Name,” he asked me dismissively.
“Fletcher,” I said with an air of arrogance.
He looked through the iPad before he finally took hold of the velvet rope, letting me in. Definitely the first thing anyone who walks through those doors is that it’s dark. Then there’s the blaring music pounding throughout the house. The further in one went into the house one would notice how dispersed the patrons were. It wasn’t as crowded as one usually thought it was going to be, considering this was supposed to be the hottest nightclub in the Hills. The air was thick with sex, drugs and alcohol, not surprising.
I made my way to the bar and ordered myself an old fashioned and sat on the stool watching everyone around me. Waiting for them to make their grand entrance into the club.
Where the hell are they? I thought they would be here already.
Hours passed me by and still there was no sign of them. The atmosphere stayed the same most of the night. Then suddenly, the air changed. There were hushed whispers everywhere. Sudden flashes of looks that tended to be pointed toward the door. And that was when I realized what was happening. What had caught everyone’s attention. They had arrived on the scene.
From what I remember of that night it was a group of them and I remember thinking: No wonder there isn’t a published image of Leo to be found. The man has himself surrounded. And not only that, he’s wearing a stupid disguise and shades inside too. Fucking hell, this just made my job that much harder… And then I suddenly caught a glimpse of her. The woman in the picture in my bedroom closet. The one who I dressed to impress. She was here. And fuck, was she breathtaking. I didn’t realize I was staring at her until her emerald eyes flashed to mine, boring holes into my head for a brief second before tearing her gaze away, and looking straight once again. She left me completely and utterly speechless.
I continued to sit there and stare at the space that she had once occupied. The space where our eyes met. It wasn’t until the bartender cleared his throat that I finally snapped out of it.
“Can I get you another drink sir?”
“Yeah, and keep them coming,” I said without a second thought. After he poured me my second drink I downed it immediately, still trying to process everything that had happened. Also in a vain attempt to calm my nerves. I wonder if she has this type of effect on all men and not just me. Because fuck, I will not be able to go through this assignment if I keep reacting this way to her.
After downing my third drink of the night. Crap I really need to watch how much I drink I can’t have it go to my head. I turned back around and saw that they had made their way to the second floor of the club. Towards a much darker and secluded area. I suppose that it supposed to be the VIP section of the club?
Once they were out of sight, the entire club went back to the way it was. But I kept my gaze towards where they supposedly were in the hopes of catching another glimpse of them, and hopefully her. But after a few minutes of staring into darkness, I resigned myself back to my drink. Who am I kidding, I’m not going to get anywhere tonight. Well I might as well enjoy my last drink before calling it a night.
So with that though, I killed the drink and asked the bartender for a refill.
“Rough night,” he asked me.
“Yeah something like that,” I said watching him pour the liquid into the glass. “Hey can I ask you something?”
“Depends on what it is,” he said, sounding a bit guarded.
“Who were those people? You know the ones who just came in?”
“You a cop?”
“Do you really think a cop would make it past the bouncer?”
“That’s true,” he laughed, “Well they’re the owners of the club.
“Yeah well it’s actually just Leo and his girl who own it. The others are just a part of his entourage,” he said casually as he was wiping a few soiled glasses dry. Leo and his girl huh? That must be Y/N. Lucky bastard.
I turned around to look back at the corner to where thy disappeared to, taking a sip out of my drink every so often. Then suddenly I saw a silhouette starting to come out of the shadows. It was her. She was wearing what appeared to be a black silk dress that just seemed to have hugged her body beautifully. Her leg partially exposed due to the slit that crept up along her mid thigh. She leaned over the glass balcony appearing bored, her emerald eyes taking in the surroundings below. Taking drags out of her cigarette every so often and letting the smoke linger just outside of her full lips. God was she breathtaking.
Then suddenly I heard the bartender chuckle softly, taking me out of my trance of her. I turned around and asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. I just wouldn’t let her hear what you just said.”
“I’m just saying you probably shouldn’t let her hear you say that.”
“Why not? Who is she anyways?”
“It’s just going to go straight to her head. And as for your second question, well I don’t know how stupid you may want to seem but that’s Leo’s woman, Y/N. She’s completely off limits. Well most men have tried, but to no avail. But there are a lucky few though. I’d still stay away kid.”
I looked back up at her and saw her watching us with the slightest of smirks playing on her lips before retreating back into the shadows.
“Listen you look like a good kid. So why don’t you stay away from that crowd.”
“Too late for that don’t you think? If I was such a good kid I wouldn’t be in a place like this.”
“That’s very true,” he marveled, “So then what are you doing in a place like this anyways?”
“Boredom. I need to find something to pass the time.”
“Well then I think you came to the right place. We specialize in boredom. So what’s your poison kid?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well Empire isn’t just your average night club.”
“What do you mean?”
“This place specializes in indulging in everyone’s desires. Your poisons if you will. But it comes with a certain price to indulge in the pleasures of Empire. So tell me kid, how can we relieve you of your boredom?”
“Well I heard Vertigo is the newest thing to get into, you got any of that?”
He smirked, “Ah, so we have someone who keeps up with the trends. That’s good. Unfortunately, we’re out of stock at the moment. I’d come back in the next few days. Word on the street is that there’s supposed to be a new batch coming in soon and it’s supposed to be stronger than ever. But while you’re waiting, anything else I can interest you in?”
“How about ecstasy?”
“Pink, blue, purple or white?”
“I’ll take two purple ones.”
“Good choice,” he said reaching for something underneath the bar.
“How much do I owe you?”
“Consider this one on the house. First time patrons get a freebie. As for the Vertigo, well we’ll have to discuss payment then. But until then, why don’t you enjoy the rest of your night,” he said winking at me as he handed me the pills.
I took them well as much as I hate to admit it, I ingested them. The rest of the night became a blur. The nightclub turned into a rave and colorful blurs.
The next morning I woke up in my own bed, surprisingly. I honestly didn’t know how I got back home. Shit, I really hope I didn’t get to fucked up last night.
Suddenly the burning brightness of the sun filled up my room. I groaned as I attempted to cover my head with my covers.
“Good morning sunshine,” said an overly chirpy agent Irwin. Huh, you know come to think of it, I never asked him what his first name was. Wow, I’m such an ass. I don’t even know my handler’s first name.
I groaned, not wanting to respond. My head was throbbing. Everything looked too bright. And I just felt like utter shit. Uhg, if this is what I have to do for the rest of this mission I have no fucking idea how I’m expected to survive when I can’t even handle one fucking hangover.
“Someone had one hell of a night, last night,” he said. I didn’t even have to see him to see that possible shit eating smirk on his face. “Come on, get up. We have a lot to do today,” he said chirpily as he yanked off the covers from the bed exposing me to the brightness that is morning sunshine. Jesus fucking Christ.
“What could we possibly be doing today,” I groaned, “I didn’t even get that much intel last night.”
“You actually got some pretty decent information last night, despite you getting really fucked up last night. Now come on let’s go to the kitchen.”
I didn’t move. I just wanted to lie in my bed until the sun went down.
“There’s coffee,” he bribed. Damn, my weakness. He fucking knew.
I groaned and unwillingly got off my bed and made my way to the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee was somewhat life giving. Drinking it was just pure ecstasy.
“Alright Irwin, I’m going to ask again, what could we possibly be doing right now that we couldn’t have done possibly later on in the day?”
“Well I’m going to need you to be seen out in public today.”
“Excuse me?”
“You caught someone’s eye last night and you’re being looked into. So we need to make you look like the bratty trust fund baby that you are.”
I sighed, “And how do you suppose we do this?”
“Well you are going to be going to brunch with one of the other agents today and then we were just approved to go ahead and buy ourselves the new Aston Martin, so that should be fun. Then we’ll reconvene back here at the house before going out for another night out at Empire.”
“Jesus, how the hell am I supposed go through your schedule today when this hangover is hell enough as it is.”
“Oh suck it up Hemmings, you can do this. And I’ll be in the car if you need anything today okay?”
 * * * * *
Unfortunately for me, my first two weeks back on the field consisted of doing exactly that. Waking up with massive hangovers. Going to obnoxious expensive brunches out with the various female agents that I had previously slept with. I’m pretty sure Dawson is doing this just to spite me. That fucker. Blowing extravagant amounts of money on useless items like cars, furniture, paintings, et al. And then getting super fucked up at Empire during the night. And repeat. If this is the life of a trust fund baby, I can see why they would end up going to clubs like Empire at the end of the day.
My nights weren’t that bad though. Aside from my blacking out in the early hours of the morning, I have befriended the bartender and I get to see her everyday. We would make eye contact from the minute she steps into the club to when she reappears at the balcony. We would hold eye contact and not once break it. It was weird but I just couldn’t tear my eyes away from her.
By the end of the third week of frequenting this place Bailey, the bartender, told me that they just recently got a shipment of Vertigo.
“Now Bailey, why would you be telling him of such a volatile drug?”
We both looked up wondering who was butting into our business. But then our wonder turned to awe. It was her. She was sitting on the stool next to mine in yet again another silk dress. This time in red. She was leaning against the bar with her legs crossed looking out at the crowd behind us. She took a long drag of her cigarette and let the smoke linger once again. She tilted her head ever so slightly to look at me with her bedroom eyes.
“Besides what’s a pretty boy like you,” she said reaching over to caress my face, “want with such a dangerous drug like that?”
I shrugged dismissively and said, “Heard it was the latest drug to get into.”
She sighed, “That may be true. But I wouldn’t be so trusting of it.”
“Ma’am,” interrupted Bailey, “The usual?”
“Yes,” she said tilting her head back to him, then she turned to me, “And to answer that look on your face, I prefer the herbal remedy to the chemically laced ones. At least with those I know what I’m putting into my body. But with Vertigo, that is a whole other story.” She sighed, “Unfortunately, Empire does not run on my say so. If the people demand it, then Empire will supply it.”
Bailey have her the same drink as the one I usually ordered.
“So what’s your drink handsome,” she said as she fully turned to me. I could feel myself getting nervous from all the attention she was giving me.
“J-jack Fletcher.”
She extended her hand out to me, “Nice to meet you Jack. I’m Y/N. Though with the way Bailey is looking at you, I’m sure you already know who I am. Anyways, are you busy tonight Mr Fletcher?”
“E-excuse me?”
She sighed, “Oh how I hate repeating myself. But for someone as handsome as you, I’ll make an exception. Do you have anything else planned for tonight? Or are you going to just stay here and get high with the rest of the crowd?”
“I-I don’t have anything planned, why?”
“My for someone as handsome as you I wouldn’t think I would be getting as many questions,” she smirked, then she took something out of her chest, it was a key. “I’ll answer all of the questions you may possibly have here. Meet me in five minutes Mr Fletcher.”
Then she stood up to leave. “Oh, and Jack?”
I looked up at her.
“Don’t keep me waiting.”
And just like that she disappeared through the crowd.
I looked over at Bailey who was just as dumbfounded as I was.
“Fuck man,” he finally said, “That’s the first time in all the time I’ve been working here to have ever seen something like that happen.”
“So what am I supposed to do?”
“Don’t leave her waiting. Fucking go man,” he urged me.
With that encouragement, I killed my drink and made my way through the crowd to this mysterious room she had given me the key for. Luckily for me, it was labeled and colored so it didn’t making finding the matching door with the lock hard.
When I finally opened the door I placed the key into the lock and turned it. The room was dark except for a lone lamp in the corner. I could see her silhouette sitting on the bed and her head tilted up just barely exhaling from her cigarette. She brought her head back down to look over at me. Her emerald eyes no longer burning as bright as they did, but they appeared hooded and a shade darker. I could see the slightest of smirks playing on her lips, “Someone’s prompt.”
Fuck Hemmings. You need to remember that you’re on the job. Remember the objective. You are not fucking here to get laid.
But the more I looked over at her, the farther away that thought seemed to be.
“Well are you going to stand there all night and stare or are you going to fuck me?”
“E-excuse me,” I asked slightly dumbfounded by her bluntness on the matter.
She gave a small laugh, “You should have know that was why I gave you the key to this room right?” She put out her cigarette and stalked toward me. Slowly unzipping her dress in the process, letting the material pool at her feet. Then there she was, standing in front of me, in just her underwear giving me that smirk. “Well?”
“Fuck,” I couldn’t help but let out before reaching out to touch her. Her skin was soft. I bent down and started to kiss every inch I could attach my lips to. God it was like I couldn’t get enough of her.
Soon enough I found her sweet spot. The way her body reacted to me and her moans, it was obvious I was not going to skip over this spot so quickly. She was just so intoxicating. Her hands made their way down the buttons of my shirt, letting them crawl enticingly along my bare torso. I could feel my muscles tense at her slightest touch.
Finally I crashed my lips on her’s, our lips molding perfectly against each other.
“Jump,” I managed to say between breaths. And she did so with ease, wrapping her legs around me.
I led us back to the bed, with me sitting down and her straddling my lap. Her nimble hands pulling me by my collar towards her. Then slowly trying to push the shirt off. I had to tear my hands away from her body to properly take the damn thing off.
I could feel myself straining against my slacks. And I think she knew how I was feeling with the way she was grinding on my lap.
“God,” she moaned before pushing the both of down onto the plush bed and flipping the both of us over so that I was hovering over her. I couldn’t help but take in the sight in front of me. My hands wandering all over her body aimlessly.
“Fuck, enough with the teasing and get on with it already,” she growled, crashing our lips together once again. Her nimble fingers working fast to undo my slacks. I had to tear away once again just to take them off. I hissed at the sudden contact of the cool wind blowing past me. I looked back at her and could see her eyes widen. I couldn’t help but smile cockily at her.
She started working to take her’s off when I stopped her, “Please let me.” She simply smirked back at me and laid back down on the bed, all keeping eye contact with me. I slowly dragged the thin material down her legs and came face to face with her wanton lips. Placing a small chaste kiss at which she instantly hissed.
“Mm,” I said against her core, “so sweet.”
I made my way back up to her lips, “I would love to get a proper taste, but I don’t think I can wait any longer sweetheart. Maybe next time,” I winked at her.
She smirked, “And how are you so sure there’s going to be a next time?”
“Because,” I said into her ear, “I’m going to have you writhing underneath me, begging for me.” I growled before I took her lips into mine again, lightly biting down on her bottom lip. Her moaning. God, everything was just simply intoxicating.
I lined myself up to her and looked into her eyes, seeing if she was ready. She gave me a simply nod and I eased my way into her. Her back arching into me, head rolling back as she took me in. I waited a moment to let her adjust before moving.
“Fuck move,” she moaned.
And I gladly obliged. Soon enough we were meeting moan for moan. Thrust for thrust. Moaning out curses and our names with each and every breath.
I wasn’t going to last long with the way I was reacting to her body. But I felt her clenching around me, so I knew she wasn’t that far either. I thrusted harder and faster, bringing her closer and closer.
“Oh fuck,” she yelled before she came all over me, setting off my own euphoria.
I slid myself out of her and collapsed right next to her. She reached over the bedside table and took out a cigarette. She lit it and cuddled into my chest.
“Not bad pretty boy, not,” she said sounding fairly dazed.
“So does that mean there’s going to be a next time,” I couldn’t help but ask as I took the cigarette from her and took a quick drag. Only to begin coughing violently as I exhaled. She let out a small laugh and I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.  
“It’s ok,” she said as she took the cigarette back, “it’s not for everyone. And as for your question. Well it depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“On how often I’m going to see you after tonight. But for now why don’t we just enjoy the moment,” she said as she put the cigarette out on the ash tray beside us and took her place back into my chest. I found myself lazily stroking her back, while she started to slowly doze off to sleep. Soon enough I found myself doing the exact same.
 * * * * *
The crazy thing was how this became routine for us every night I went back to that club. I would get there before her and order my drink. I would talk up Bailey and see what else I could get from him about Leo and Empire. And then as soon as she would enter the club we would lock eyes for that quick second and then we would go back to what were doing before. Then she would leave for our room and I would follow a few minutes afterwards and then we’d both find ourselves on that same bed and spend the rest of the night there.
One night I couldn’t help but ask afterwards while she was lying on my chest, “Hey I know we don’t talk much but what does your boyfriend think of you constantly sneaking off and sleeping with me?”
“Boyfriend,” she asked as she got up to look at me.
“Yeah, you know Leo?”
“Oh,” she said as she went back down to my chest, “he doesn’t care if and who I sleep with. Mainly because I don’t ask him who he sleeps around with too. Our relationship is mainly for appearances to be honest.”
“Do you love him,” I asked as I was lazily stroking her bare back.
“Of course I do, but not romantically.” Then she got up and straddled my lap, “Now what’s with all the questions pretty boy? You usually go straight to sleep after we have sex.”
“Oh nothing, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to die for sleeping with you.”
She laughed, “Oh don’t worry about that. The only reason why Leo would kill you is he found out you were working for the government or worse his rival.”
I let out a nervous laugh, “Oh thank god. Because I really do enjoy sleeping with you.”
She looked up at me and smiled, “I enjoy sleeping with you too, pretty boy. Now sh, let’s just go to sleep.”
Weeks had passed by and I had gotten a lot closer to her than I would have imagined. And I certainly did not think I was going to be sleeping with her. Ashton was praising me for getting in as close as I did even though I was just sleeping with her and getting bits of pieces of information on the cartel. Even though it wasn’t much, I was still able to sleep with her which was amazing. So I had something to look forward to every night when I went out. And every night Ashton would warn me about not falling for this woman. And every night I would have to assure him that, that wasn’t going to happen. Though, as of lately, I’m not sure anymore. The more time I spent with her, the more time I wanted to take her away from this life. The more I wanted to tell her who I really was and try to protect her from this monster. But if I was going to put him away for life I would need to make sure I take out his entire entourage and any one who has come into contact with her to make sure that no one would come into contact with her in the future. And to burn any and all pictures of her that he posses. I would have to do a lot to protect her. And to be completely honest, I would do it. I would be that thorough to protect her.
One morning I woke up to the sun beating down on my exposed skin. I looked over at my companion next to me. Her smooth, tanned bare back to me. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of what we had done last night and the ecstasy we both experienced. I was about to lay kisses along her back when I heard my phone begin to vibrate. I could see the screen light up underneath the material of my slacks on the floor. So I wrapped a sheet around my waist and went over to where I discarded my pants from last night. I also saw the gun tucked underneath the material, so I folded the pant legs once more just to at the very least hid the shape. I finally found my phone and saw that it was Ashton.
I went out to the adjoining balcony and hit answer, “Hello?”
“Good morning lover boy,” he teased, “Did you have a fun night last night?”
“Is that really why you’re calling me right now,” I groaned as I looked out at the city.
“No the boss wanted me to tell you to stop fucking around and get something useful. He said he didn’t want you to sleep with the girl and that he expected you in the inner circle by now. Also to stop wasting Company time, money and resources. So pretty much just to stop screwing the oh so lovely Ellie Hood and to get back to your job.”
Jesus Christ. Then I proceeded to tell him everything I managed to get out of her from the past few weeks that was supposed to help get the both of us out of hot waters.
“Alright, I’ll relay that back to him. Try and get more if you can. I’ll see you when you get back home lover boy.” With that he hung up the phone. I let out a small sigh as I leaned against the balcony before going back to her.
To my surprise however, she was standing there leaning against the doorway smoking a cigarette watching me intently. Her eyes looking predatory. As she exhaled, that was when I saw it. The tattoo on her wrist. Smudges of make up attempting to cover it. The leo symbol. And that was when it hit me. I felt my eyes widen at the realization. How the fuck have I not seen this before!? You would think that I would have noticed any tattoos with the amount we both sweat. But back to the situation at hand.
“Oh fuck,” I let out as my eyes went back to her.
“Oh fuck, is right pretty boy. Now who was that you were just talking to,” she asked as she stalked toward me.
“No one,” I said as firmly as I could.
“Oh I highly doubt that, because see to me that sounded like you were reporting back to someone,” she said as she took another drag. “Now why don’t we make this as painless as possible and just tell me who it was you were talking to Jack, if that is even your real name.” She was now standing in front of me, her eyes burning holes through my head.
“Like I said, I wasn’t talking to anymore.”
She let out a small sigh and placed her hand on my torso slowly making its way down my chest and back up again, “Such a shame, you had such beautiful skin.” Then suddenly she took out a gun and shot my right shoulder.
“Argh,” I yelled out in pain as I grabbed onto my shoulder to try and ease the pain and prevent more blood to ooze out. But still not matter how hard I held on to my shoulder, blood kept spilling through my fingers.
“Fucking bitch,” I said through clenched teeth.
“That’s right,” she said as she bent down to me, “And I’m the fucking bitch that will make sure the bullet goes to your he—“
“Ellie,” someone exclaimed as they burst into the room, “We heard a gunshot.” Him and his team entered the room and took in what happened. He turned to her and asked, “What the hell happened.”
Before I could attempt to understand everything that was happening, everything started to get hazy. I was losing too much blood.
“Get him cleaned up,” she said as she began to leave the room, “And bring him to the basement. I want him talking by the end of the day.
”Yeah no problem,” he said as he and his team started approaching my writhing body on the floor.
“Oh and Calum,” she said when she was at the doorway not even looking back at us. “Yeah?”
“If he isn’t talking by the end of the day, kill him.” At the last phrase she turned her head and her eye pierced mine. They were cold and killer. That was the last thing I heard and saw before everything went black.
 * * * * *
I started to come to, groggily. My eyes barely beginning to open. Vision blurry and hazy. And I felt extremely uncomfortable. Then a sudden pain shot through my right shoulder. I immediately looked over and found it completely bandaged. I started to slowly recall what had happened.
And that was when it hit me. I was found out. I was going to die. Fuck.
I quickly took in my surroundings. I was in a dark room with a light flickering above me. With every flicker I could see I was in a concrete room. Then I assessed what was happening to me. I was tied to a chair, tightly. Arms tied behind me and feet tied to each leg of the chair. My skin beginning to chafe the more I moved, with no luck in wiggling loose out of those ropes.
“Oh good you’re awake,” said a male voice somewhere in the room. I could smell the faintest hint of tobacco burning.
Suddenly a bright light filled the room, lighting the entire space. I looked across the room and saw a dark haired man leaning against the further wall sitting on I think a stool, next to a mirror – which was most likely a two way – and a steel door.
“Damn did you piss her off,” he smirked as he put out the cigarette on the ledge of the window. My eyes widened at his action, it was absolutely uncanny. And then I realized that this was her brother. “I guess you should consider yourself luck though,” he continued.
“What do you mean,” I croaked.
“Well if I know my sister, she be a bit of,” he paused, contemplating what he was going to say next, “a loose canon if you will.” He started to walk closer to me, dragging the stool behind him. “But for some reason she decided to injure you instead of kill you on the spot. She’s intrigued by you,” he let out a small laugh as he place the stool in front of me and sat down. “I mean hell it took her two weeks to work up the nerve to finally talk to you let alone seduce you. The funny thing is, she thought I didn’t know. But I did. And I did my homework on you too, because what kind of brother would I be if I didn’t know who my sister was getting involved with? Now the thing is, is that normally she would have done her own research before proceeding, but I guess she didn’t want me or anyone else to know about you. So I let it pass, thinking I knew what she was doing. But the more time you spent with her, the more curious I got about you. I mean hell, she is the head of this entire enterprise. Well we both are, but that’s beside the point. The point is, she was happy. And it’s been a while since any of us had seen her glowing as she was.”
She was happy? She was glowing. I couldn’t help but feel even more shitty for what I had done to her.
“And then you went and pulled this stunt this morning,” he continued, “I mean honestly how stupid could you be to take a phone call from your handler while you were still in the house?” He sat there, watching my every move. I could literally feel him burn holes through me. It was unsettling. Granted his eyes were not the same green shade as her’s but still piercing nonetheless. “Tsk tsk. So Luke, why don’t you tell me a story and this go down a much more pleasant path for you. Less pain if you will. So how do you want to do this?”
I spat at him. Like hell I was going to give him any more information than he already had.
He wiped away my saliva from his face, “Right. So it’s that path then.”
Suddenly he brought his hand to me face, I could feel blood beginning to pool in my mouth. A cut burning on my cheek.
“Now Ellie, gave my some specific instructions to not hit your face. But you just spat at mine, so call it even. So how about that story now huh?”
“If you say you have all this information on me what is the point of me telling you what you already know?”
“Well this is more for Ellie’s sake. See, she’s recording this little interaction of our’s to watch later. Normally she would either be watching behind that glass screen right there,” he pointed out,” or she would be in here herself torturing the shit out of you until you talked. But like I said, you seemed to have struck a nerve with her. And let’s be completely honest here, no one fucks with my sister. No one.”
I gulped at his threat.
He smirked, “Scared now are you? So now you know you’re going to be dealing with the pissed off brother. So what do you say? How about that story huh?”
I may have been scared but I still stayed silent. There was no way I was going to give up and talk that easily.
He sighed, “Look kid, I don’t want to carry out her last order if you don’t talk, so why don’t you make it easier for the both of us and just talk already.”
I didn’t answer. My resolve still strong.
That was when he took a gun out from behind him, cocked it and aimed for my head, “Now if you don’t remember hearing the last order or you already blacked out by then. Why don’t I refresh your memory. If you don’t talk, I was ordered to kill you on the spot. And quite frankly I’m not really in the killing mood today. So what do you say kid?”
I swallowed hard, my resolve starting the whither away.
He let out an exasperated sigh, “I wouldn’t try my patience kid. Trust me, I’m a hell of a lot more patient and forgiving than she is.” He squatted down to the floor and looked up at me and continued, “If you were dealing with her, well at this point if you haven’t talked yet well she would be barely keeping you alive. That’s how fucked up her torturing can get. I won’t go into the specifics but I’m sure you get the idea. Now if you don’t start talking in oh the next second or so I may just have to start using her methods on you and trust me, even I can get a little carried away.” He stood up at this point to look down at me.
Fucking hell. My resolve was starting the slowly dissolve. I couldn’t stand it anymore. So I bent my head in shame, let out a small sigh and talked, “My name is Lucas Hemmings and I work for the CIA…”
 * * * * *
I gave them everything they wanted to know. Who I was. Who I worked for. Where I was based. All the details of the assignment Everything. God how could I have given in so easily?
Meanwhile he was just sitting there, listening to everything I had to say. Once I finished he got up without a word and left the room.
Not long afterwards, another man came into the room and started to tend to my cheek. I hissed at the sudden contact of alcohol on the fresh wound. But the pain didn’t last long. Soon enough he put a band aid on my cheek and left.
Then the room went dark again, except for the flickering light above my head. I looked up into the window and could see the faintest silhouette of a woman standing behind it, watching me.
“Why do you bother taking care of me if you’re going to just kill me in the end,” I croaked.
No answer. Of fucking course.
The window reverted back to a mirror, leaving me alone with a reflection of a broken man tied up to a chair. I let out a small sigh and let my eyes begin to drift close into a disturbing and unsettling sleep. And the last thing I saw were her emerald eyes glowing at me.
A little while later I woke up groggy and uncomfortable, still sitting in the chair, but no longer tied to it. My wrists and ankles were chafed but upside was that I was no longer tied to it.
To be completely honest I don’t remember how long I stayed down there in that basement. The bright fluorescent light was on now instead of the flickering light. The only way I knew what time of day it was, was by the food they gave me. They served me breakfast, lunch and dinner. And not the crappy kind one would think most prisoners would have gotten but it seemed like something they would be eating. From what I could tell a couple of days had passed.
Fuck, how long is it going to take Ashton to come in here and extract me already. He would have gotten at least the little bit curious as to why I haven’t come home yet right? I mean any handler would have.
One day while contemplating as to why my incompetent handler hadn’t come and get me yet the door creaked open. It was Calum, the dark haired man. The brother.
“Looks like she’s going to let you out,” he said as he walked over to me.
“Don’t get your hopes up kid. She’s not going to let you go any time soon. She just thought that a week in the hole is enough to drive anyone insane. So she’s confining you to one of the rooms upstairs.”
Why would she do that? Wait, shit! If she’s going to let me stay in one of the rooms upstairs, there may be a chance I can get out and get to base!
He suddenly started to laugh, taking me out of my thoughts.
“I wouldn’t bother trying to escape the room she’s putting you in. She’s had the doors and windows bolted. And the door to your room locks on the outside.
I let out a frustrated sigh, “What’s the point of keeping me alive? Why not just kill me already? You already got what you want from me.” God, I sound so hopeless.
“Like I said, you keep her interested. I don’t know how, or let alone why, but she’s been coming down here to give you food everyday you’ve been here.”
He blindfolded me, tied up my wrists with rope again and started to lead me upstairs to my new prison. “Honestly,” he continued, “if it were up to me I would have already killed you by now and have you buried in some ditch already. But it’s not my call. You’re her prisoner not mine.”
After walking up another set of stairs and down a hallway we stopped. I heard him fumbling with his keys and I took this as a chance to run. I turned and started turning my head back and forth wiggling down that stupid blindfold.
“Awh shit,” I heard him exclaim. I didn’t bother turning around I just kept running, running as fast as my legs could take me. I got ass far as the staircase when suddenly I felt a knife go through my thigh.
“Arhg,” I exclaimed, “Fuck.” I tripped and rolled down the staircase. But I didn’t let that slow me down, even though it substantially did. I still kept going. I limped my way to the door before I was stopped by her standing outside in front of me with the paper under her arm and coffee in the other hand. She took in my appearance for a quick second and suddenly she tossed her hot coffee in my face and kneed me in the groin. That was when I collapsed to the floor.
She stepped over me, her heels clicking with each step. “Calum, I don’t want our guests seeing blood when they enter so make sure you get someone to clean this mess up.”
“You know we wouldn’t have a mess to clean up if you hadn’t insisted on moving him to one of the rooms upstairs.”
“Well I certainly can’t have my fun with him knowing there are cameras in the basement.”
“Dear god seriously,” he said as he came to me, “you are ridiculous. Don’t come crying to me if he ends up causing you more trouble than he already has.”
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that. Ashton tells me he’s keeping them at bay for now. But he’s going to need more information to feed them with.”
“Wait, you know Ashton,” I croaked.
The both of them turned to me silent. She bent down to me and gave me a sweet smile. She placed her hand on my cheek, “I’ve known Ashton a hell of a lot longer than he’s been in the agency. I didn’t know you were his latest charge until he came bursting into my home and asked me where the hell his agent was.”
What the fuck. So he’s known I’ve been here. I could feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes. She bent down a little lower and whispered, “Don’t cry pretty boy, don’t let them see your weakness.” I turned to look up at her and she gave me another sweet smile before she got up and walked away.
“Alright come on and get up,” Calum said as he pulled me up. As we walked up back to the room he whispered to me, “I’d do what she says and wait until you get into your new room. The both of us maybe the leaders but that does not mean the others will not be brutal with you. You room requires a key going in and out and only she and I will have a copy.”
He started to take out the key and this time we entered the room. It was definitely plush. That’s the best word to describe it. It was plush and comfortable and light. The bed looked so comfortable all I wanted to do was jump in and sleep. Actually all I wanted to do was go home and forget this entire fucking case. But I highly doubt that would be anytime soon.
“I’ll go and get Zack to come in and check on your wounds,” Calum said taking me out of my thoughts before he left me alone in the room.
I walked over to the en suite and started to wash up my face when I heard a knock on the door, then the key turning to unlock the door and in came a tall, brawny man with Calum standing in the doorway.
“Hey man,” he said as he greeted me, “How are you?”
“I’ve been better,” I couldn’t help but say.
He laughed, “Seems like it. Well let’s see what you’re giving me to work with.”
So I showed him the knife wound in my leg and the various bruises that had started to form. He opened his bag and began to treat my wounds. He was nice. He made small talk with me and kept me comfortable. Next thing I knew he was getting up and wishing me well. The both of them leaving me alone in my room. I limped over to the large window and leaned against the ledge. I looked over the city and that was when I let myself break down. I don’t really know why I started to sob but the tears just kept spilling and there was really no stopping them. That rest of the night continued on exactly like that. Not exactly one of my shining moments.
 * * * * *
The following morning, I woke up and found myself in Ellie’s arms. I don’t know when she came in but here she was asleep with me on the floor. I looked up and saw that she was wearing one of her signature silk dresses. I guess she came in after she made an appearance at the club last night. I know I should have hated seeing her here with me. Hell I had so many reasons to hate her. I should have hated her for torturing me. I should have hated her for making me lose my dignity. I should have hated her for breaking me. Like I said, I had quite a few reasons to hate her. Yet, here I was not doing anything about it. Instead I relished just lying on her lap in her arms. What the hell happened to me?
“Are you going to keep wondering how you’re going to kill me? Or would you rather keep staring at me while I pretend to sleep and not notice,” she whispered with her eyes still closed.
“I don’t know. I did like you more when you were asleep though. At least then I know you’re not going to hurt me.”
She let out a small laugh, then slowly opened her eyes down at me. Still breath taking. “Well I would love to continue sitting here on the floor to let you watch me sleep but it’s getting late and I have quite a bit to do today.” She gave me a small kiss on my forehead before leaving me.
To say it was maddening to stay in that room is an understatement. Granted I had a television and food came in for breakfast, lunch and dinner but that was about it. And every few nights or so she would come in and we would spend the night together. We don’t have sex as much as we used to but now we literally just sleep with each other. It’s strange how much better I sleep at night with her in my arms or the other way around.
Days, weeks, months have passed by exactly like this. It was strange it was as if I was no longer a prisoner anymore. Little did I know that my bliss was going to come to an end.
 * * * * *
One night, I awoke to the sound of gunshots. What the hell?
On instinct, I fell to the ground from the bed and crawled over to the door and listened to what was happening outside.
“Get down! Get down!”
“Priority one is Ellie, get her to safety,” Calum, I assumed, exclaimed.
“I don’t know where she is!” It was weird because the one who responded sounds a whole lot like Ashton. But what the hell was he doing here?
More gun fire.
More gun fire.
Then suddenly silence. It was a bit eerie. As if telling me that we were on the losing side. Then I heard a radio trying to connect to what I assume was one of the bodies lying dead outside of my bedroom door.
“Cross are you there? What the fuck is happening! Cross talk to me! Did you retrieve Leo? Why the fuck is no one answering!”
Then I heard the scrape of something, I’m assuming the body, against the door with a thud following soon after. Then the sound of they key slowly unlocking the door. The silhouettes looked like Calum being held up by Ashton. Calum was leaning on to Ashton for support, with his gun in his other hand.
“Come on Hemmings we need to get out of here,” Ashton ordered.
I simply nodded, not really knowing what else to say, and got up and followed them.
“Man, I can’t believe she kept you alive,” Ashton joked.
How the hell could he be joking at a time like this? Wait, hold the fuck up. I am fucking furious with this asshole.
“Wait, hold the fuck up. Ashton what the fuck,” I exclaimed as I stopped in the middle of the hallway.
“Look man there’s not that much time to explain. I’ll tell you everything you need to know later, but right now we need to move everything to back to base.”
What the fuck is happening? Move everything back to base? He isn’t really talking about moving everything to the house the Company put us up in is he? He can’t be that stupid right?
By the time we got to the garage that was when I saw the extent of what had happened to everyone. The doctor was called in to examine and temporarily fix everyone up. Some worse than others.
“Ok everyone who is able to drive, you all have your orders,” I heard Ellie bark, “remember to take different roads and I’ll meet you all at the safe house. Take everything and anything you can. I do not want the assholes who hit us to get any more information about us than they already know.”
“Yes ma’am,” everyone said as they dispersed. Some took vans with the computers, others took the cars with the drugs.
“Hey,” she said as she came to us, “how is he?”
“I could be better,” Calum croaked.
She let out a small laugh, “You gave me a scare little brother. Don’t do it again. I can’t run this empire without you.”
“Oh I think you’ll be just fine.”
“Shut up,” she said as she gave him a small smile. Then she looked up to Ashton, “Take Zack with you and make sure Calum gets to the house safely. Luke you’re coming with me.” I staggered behind her, but then she turned around with a piercing glare at Ashton, “If you don’t make it to the house with him alive I will kill you. Got it?”
“Yes ma’am. Come on Zack, I need you to work your magic. I don’t really feel like dying tonight,” he said as he walked off to the last car in the garage.
“And how do you suppose we get to the house,” I asked not seeing any more cars in the garage.
“Put this on,” she said as she handed me a helmet. Then she took the cover off of a motorcycle. It looked like a ’67 Triumph. Holy shit. I couldn’t help but gulp when I saw her mounting the thing. God dammit. At that moment I felt my libido just sky rocketing. What inappropriate timing for me to be feeling this goddamn horny right now. Fuck, need to think of things that won’t make it noticeable that I want to just fuck her on top of her bike right now. Old grandmas. Yeah that’s a good one. Old, wrinkly grandmas.
“Well come on,” she urged.
“Right,” I said as I shook my remaining thoughts of her and got on behind her.
Then she turned the beast on and it roared to life. As soon as the garage opened, we sped through the gates of the house. Next thing I knew I heard an explosion and when I looked at the mirror, the house was engulfed in flames. And just like that the hottest club in the city was burned to a crisp.
As we drove through the sleeping streets of Los Angeles I suddenly heard a car screech and speed up. I saw her trying to speed up to try and lose them but they were only gaining speed. Next thing I knew we were under fire. And since we were on the bike there was no way of shielding ourselves from it.
She leaned back and yelled, “I need you to drive.”
“I need you to drive,” she said as she took my hands and put them on the handles.
Then she turned around, took off her helmet and threw it at them. From what I saw in the mirror it wasn’t that much help. If anything the van swerved but that was pretty much it. Then she wrapped her legs around my waist, then took my face in her hands and passionately kissed me. And I reacted as any red blooded male would have. I deepened it. But she tore herself away and smirked at me, then she leaned in and whispered, “Remind me to take care of you when we get to the house.”
Then she unholstered two guns and pointed them behind my head and started to fire. They continued to fire, I surprisingly wasn’t hit. But I threw off my helmet as I turned off the headlight to the bike. The van was giving me enough light to see ahead of me. When I realized that she ran out of ammunition I made a sharp turn. The van wasn’t able to maneuver and ended up toppling to its side and off the cliff. As I was about to celebrate us being able to get away from them, she collapsed in my arms. That was when I felt it. The all too familiar warm, thick liquid pooling in between us.
I immediately pulled us over and got her off the bike.
“Are we at the base,” she groaned.
“No,” I replied as I removed my shirt and tried to stop the bleeding, “I had to pull us over. Why didn’t you tell me you were bleeding.”
She laughed, “I didn’t want you to worry pretty boy. Besides, we won.”
“You lost so much blood,” I couldn’t help but marvel at her blood drenched clothes, “how are you still alive?”
“Adrenaline, I suppose,” she said weakly.
“Come on Y/N stay with me. How are you supposed to take care of me when we get to the house.”
She laughed weakly.
“That’s good, laugh. Just stay with me. I need you to stay with me.”
She looked up at me with her fading green eyes, “I’m not going to make it Luke. And I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for everything that I put you through.”
The tears started to well up in my eyes, “No you can not die.” I held on to her, shaking.
“Oh come on,” she croaked, “Don’t let those pretty eyes of your’s get sad. They’re too beautiful to express such an emotion.”
“Then don’t you die on me. Not now.”
“I’ll try my best. I don’t have any promises though. So promise me something if I don’t make it by the time we get to the house.”
“Live a long life you’ll be proud of.” And just like that she went limp. That night marked the end of Leo and the Empire Social Club. I drove the both of us to the base house as fast as I could, which didn’t take too long. As I drove into the garage everyone swarmed us. Asking me questions I couldn’t answer. I just simply walked past them and to the living room where Zack was treating Calum. He was unconscious and the minute Zack saw me, he stopped working on Calum and went straight to her. One of the others took over for Zack. I walked away completely numb as everyone watched him try to bring her back to life. Ashton followed me the front door. I knew he was asking me all sorts of questions but I couldn’t answer them. I was just completely numb. She died in my arms and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. One of the other came outside and called to Ashton as if to confirm what everyone already knew. And next thing I knew he was escorting me to a town car and we were headed to the airport.
The flight on the way back was silent and somber. I couldn’t bring myself to talk. When I looked over at him I could tell tears were threatening to spill over. I guess the both of them were close. When we arrived back at the office we were congratulated for taking down Empire and Leo all in one night.
As the years went by, Ashton eventually retired from the service without a word to me. And I was soon climbing the ladder and finally reached the top to where I am today. The director of the CIA. All because of her. All because of that night. Yet here I was sitting in my desk mesmerized by her picture as if I was five years younger and looking at her picture as I did when I was first assigned to the case. But as I sat there looking at her picture I just couldn’t believe it. What was this assignment doing on my desk? This case should have long been closed by now.
I leaned over to the intercom, “Heather, can you please come in here.”
No answer.
“Heather are you there,” I continued.
Again no answer.
That was definitely strange, where the hell should she be at this time of the day? The work day isn’t necessarily over.
I got up off my desk and went outside to find her desk completely empty. What the hell? I did, however, find a note on her desk. It was addressed, “Hello Pretty Boy” I stood there frozen at the effect of those three words. No, it can’t be.
I rushed into my office and locked the door. I opened the letter…
Hello pretty boy,
As you might have guessed I didn’t really die that night in your arms. I was actually just close to dead. I know this may come as a shock to you, because if I would have “lived” that night, you would have stayed with us longer, and that meant putting you in danger. Which was something I couldn’t do. I do, however, want to congratulate you on your success in your career. You did keep your promise to me, I hope, to live a life you would be proud of.
Well as I write this letter, you are probably going through the various files I placed on your desk to go over and assign your different field agents. And as you finish reading this sentence you will also learn that I have been your assistant for the past month. But because I’m needed back home I couldn’t stay as long as I would have wished to. So I figured bringing my file to your desk was enough to get you curious about my case again. I am not writing this in the hopes that you will pursue and finally put an end to me and my empire. I am writing this as a final farewell.
That night when you brought me back to the house and Zackery was able to “revive” me and I quickly saw that you weren’t in the room I told Alex to tell Ashton not to tell you that I was alive. I knew that if you would have known I would have put your life in more danger than it was already in. So I figured if you thought I was dead you would gladly move on. Which is exactly what you did. But unfortunately I couldn’t stay away. I wanted to see you, talk to you. Go back to where we were before everything. But I know that can never happen. But a girl can try can’t she? So that was when I applied to be your assistant. Of course Calum and the others thought I was crazy but I guess inside they all knew how I felt about you. They all knew how hard it was for me to give you up. So they didn’t really try to stop me.
But alas, real life has come to take me back to my world. Do you remember those late nights we would spend in your room just talking about running away and having that happily ever after? I wish we could run away to your happily ever after. I suppose we always can in another lifetime. Until then, pretty boy.
I will always love you,
 * * * * *
As I finished reading the letter I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. So she was alive this whole time. And she was so close. I knew there was something about Heather that seemed so familiar. The way she flirted with me. The light graze of her hand over mine. The goose bumps she gave me. How could I have not known it was her? She’s the only one who could do this to me. That was when I realized that even though it was fucked up what she did to me in that basement, the days and nights afterwards were some of the best I’ve had. And I hadn’t had any of those when I went back to Virginia. And that was when I knew I didn’t want this life. I wanted to be with her.
So I booked a first class ticket to Los Angeles and exited the office. Packed as lightly as I could and straight to the airport. I could feel myself getting jittery as I waited for my flight. Finally they called boarding and I was the first one in the line. I couldn’t wait to get to Los Angeles, because knowing her she would instantly be alerted of me coming to the city the minute I booked the flight.
Boarding was taking a while, oh how I wished we would have taken off already. As I sat there waiting for the flight to take off, someone took their seat next to me. I didn’t pay them any mind. I just kept looking out the window, impatiently waiting for the plane to take off.
Then suddenly I felt a hand on top of mine. The goose bumps reappearing on my skin. My entire body freezing. I turned to look at her. And she sat there smiling at me with those beautiful green eyes.
“So what do you say we run away to your happily ever after?”
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Future Hearts | Calum Hood (Part 3)
Calum’s POV
After she left we started to head towards the press tents. 
“Quite a performance Cal,” remarked Ashton.
"Actually seemed like you two had been dating for a while,” teased Michael, “definitely convincing.”
“Yeah so much so RockSound tweeted about it,” Luke said as he shoved his phone screen in my face. 
“@RockSound: EXCLUSIVE: Calum Hood of @5SOS is not single. And who’s the lucky lady? Why none other than @y/n of Buzzfeed!”
Oh shit.
“Yeah ‘oh shit’ is right,” Luke said as he pointed to what looked like Y/N on the phone. 
As we started to near her I could fairly overhear her conversation.
“Babe are you really going to believe some stupid tweet from a bitter man or me?”
She let out a sigh. “Babe look I would really rather not fight about this now right before I go to work--- What? Are you shitting me,” her voice beginning to rise. She let out a long exhale before finishing, “Cecil we’ll just talk about this when I get home.” 
She let out a sigh as she hung up her phone. She crouched down and squatted to the floor with her phone in both her hands against her forehead. From the look of the way her body was slowly moving it seemed like she was taking in deep breaths in and out.
“We’ll see you later,” Ashton whispered to me as he led the boys past her. Letting me stay behind to attempt to comfort her. 
“Hey,” I said as I sat down on the floor across from her.
She looked up at me with watery eyes, and gave me a smile smile. “Hi,” she croaked. 
“Looks like you could use a hug from your committed fake boyfriend,” I said reciprocating her smile and opening my arms out to her.
She let out a small laugh as she wiped her eyes of any tears, “Thanks but I think that just might make my situation worse than it already is. But I’ll raincheck on that hug okay?”
“Okay,” I said, slightly disappointed that I wasn’t able to hold her, “Well then how about I help you up off the floor then?” I said as I got up and extended my hand out to her.
“Now that you can do Mr Hood,” she said as she took hold of my hand, “ Thank you.”
Once she got up she began to straighten herself up. Fixing her clothes. Checking her bright yet sad eyes in the screen of her phone. 
Then she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath and suddenly it was as if her sadness was never there. A mask to hide the pain.
“Alright Mr Hood, so how are we going to deal with the press outside?”
“I don’t really know--”
“Well seeing as how much buzz that single tweet got we should prep you know what I mean,” she asked, going into full reporter mode, “Okay we need to get our story straight. And then by the end of the night you can dump me or say that I dumped you whichever floats your boat okay? Tonight is going to be a long one for the both of us Hood. So I suggest we brainstorm some ideas before going out to that shit storm outside.”
To be completely honest I was getting a little bit more excited than I should have been for this situation. I guess mainly because I got to make up this romantic history with this beautiful girl that I just met. And well who knows maybe it will be more than a story.
“So where did we meet,” I asked.
“How about a concert?”
“Wouldn’t it be too obvious,” I said letting out a small laugh.
“Yeah well we might as well stick to the truth as much as possible,” she winked at me, “that way it’s not as hard to remember everything. And I mean I am a fan of your music so why not meet at your concert?” She let out a giggle.
“Ok so how long have we been dating?”
She looked up at me, “Hm, well we appeared to be in our honeymoon stage in front of Archer, so how about year and a half?”
“Honeymoon stage aye,” I raised my eyebrow at her, smirking at her.
She let out a small laugh, “Yes the honeymoon phase. Now don’t get any ideas Hood.”
“I would never,” I joked. 
We both laughed. 
It was weird. Even though we just met today, it definitely seems like we had been friends for a much longer time. We just had this immediate connection. 
On to the way over to the press room we just kept talking about ourselves. What we liked. What we didn’t like. Where we grew up. What we were doing. Just everything that there practically was to know about another person. 
We stopped before getting to the door of the mayhem that was awaiting us in the adjoining room. 
“Tonight is going to be a long night,” she said, staring at the door straight ahead, “Are you ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I responded as I took hold of her hand in mine. “And hey,” I said turning to face her, “If it’s any consolation to your situation earlier, just know you’re a girl worth fighting for.” And with that I leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. 
When I became eye level with her I could see a small smile form on her lips. She let out a sigh and cupped my cheek with her hand, our eyes burning into each other, “Oh Calum, if only we were under different circumstances.” 
Then she turned toward the door, still not opening it.
“Into the belly of the beast,” she began as she reached for the door handle. 
“And out of the demon’s ass,” I said as I pushed open the door to the hoards of camera flashes and reporters awaiting us.
41 notes · View notes
Gotta Get Out: If the world was ending,and you could choose someone to spend your last hour with,who would it be?
Too Late: Ever had your heart broken?
Unpredictable: Number 1 thing on your bucket list?
Out Of My Limit: Ever fallen for someone who's completely out of your limit?
Beside You: Are you missing anyone?
She Looks So Perfect: Describe your crush
Heartache On The Big Screen: Favourite romantic/sad movie?
The Only Reason: Are you in love with anyone at the moment?
Disconnected: Who do you want to get away from the world with?
Don't Stop: 5 turn ons?
Rejects: What is your clothing style?
Try Hard: The furthest you've gone for someone you like/love?
Wrapped Around Your Finger: Do you think you're the type to get 'whipped'?
Good Girls: Ever snuck out?
Kiss Me Kiss Me: Ever been kissed? Describe your first kiss if you have
Heartbreak Girl: Ever been cheated on?
Lost Boy: Favourite Disney Movie?
Amnesia: You have your one true love holding onto one hand and a complete stranger holding the other,they are both hanging over a cliff and you have to let go of one to save the other,who would you let go of?
Eighteen: Ever been drunk?
Superhero: One super power you want?
I've Got This Friend: What would you do if you found out your best friend was in love with you?
Voodoo Doll: If you had a voodoo doll of the person you hated,would you do anything to it?
Over and Over: Favourite memory?
Wherever You Are: Ever been in a long distance relationship?
What I Like About You: What do you like best about your crush?
(sorry some songs are missing)
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Future Hearts | Calum Hood (Part 2)
A/N: Woot! Two posts in one day! :D 
Calum’s POV
We were exploring the arena when suddenly we heard two people just start going at it with each other. 
“I bet you the little shit hasn’t made you cum yet!”
“Woah, what the fuck,” Michael exclaimed.
“Yeah, I didn’t know there were people already in here,” Ashton remarked.
And that was when we caught a glimpse of the two people who were arguing make their way around the corner. 
The two looked like they were with the press. Seeing as how they had the passes hanging from their necks. The man was from RockSound the other was with I think Buzzed. Hard to see from this distance. 
But as soon as the girl looked our way, our eyes immediately locked. 
I could feel my breath hitch in my throat. 
Her eyes were mesmerizing. Not to mention her entire self. Just every aspect of her was breath taking. From her small frame to her curves to her lips.
And that was when I caught a glimpse of the slightest smirk play on her lips. 
“Hm, well I mean why don’t you go ask him. He is here,” she said nonchalantly. His eyes immediately widening at her words. “Matter of fact,” she continued, “He’s right in front of us.” Sending a smirk and a wink my way.
“Hey babe,” she continued as she approached me. She got up on her toes and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before managing to whisper, “Help me get rid of him.”
I placed my arm around her and just started to play along with the whole situation. I could feel the boys starting to feel extremely confused about the situation.
“Hi love, I wasn’t planning on see you until the press rounds. But I’m happy you’re here,” I smiled down at her, “So who’s your friend?”
“I wouldn’t call him that,” she remarked, “But he did have something to say about our sex life though.”
I looked over at the frozen in his place reporter. His reaction completely priceless. 
“Oh,” I asked raising an eyebrow at him, “And what did he have to say about our sex life?”
“Yeah, what did you have to say about it Archer?”
Still completely speechless and frozen in his place.
“Oh, cat got your tongue,” she taunted, “I believe your words were that. Oh, what was it.”
“That the little shit hasn’t made you cum yet,” I answered.
She gave me a smirk, “That sounds exactly like what he said.
And with that we both looked to him and he was gone. 
She started to laugh, “Oh thank god. Thank you so much for helping me out with that. I’m Y/N.” She extended her hand out to us.
Damn, she even had a beautiful name.
“Calum,” I said taking her hand in mine. 
“Nice to officially meet all of you,” she said with a bright smile, “Even though I’m supposed to technically be meeting you all in the press booths. Oh gosh, don’t tell my boss or any of the -- Well,” she said interrupting her own thought, “by the end of this concert everyone and their mother is going to think we’re dating. And oh god Cecil is going to hate me. Shit, he already thinks I’m not that invested in our relationship. Fuck---”
Those last words ringing in my head.
“...Oh god Cecil is going to hate me... Our relationship...”
Of course she’s taken. Someone like her. Why am I surprised. 
“Oh well,” she shrugged, as I brought myself back to the conversation, “I’ll figure out what to do when the time comes. But for the time being thanks for being perfect, loverboy.” 
She smirked as she got up on her toes again and kissed me on the cheek. And started to walk away.
“I’ll see out there babe,” I called out to her.
She stopped and turned around to face me to blow me a kiss and a wink before leaving me wanting more of her. 
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Future Hearts | Calum Hood
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A/N: I know this is ATL’s album name but I figured for this request it suited it well don’t you think? Also been having some maaad Calum feels lately. Don’t really know why. Just kind of happened. Anyways! This is going to be a multiple part story - not really sure how many yet. Enjoy! 
Also hope you like this one anon!
Inbox is always open to feedback and requests. Sorry in advance if requests take a while for me to get to.
“Uhg,” he sighed,” I don’t even understand why you have to go meet them?”
“Babe, I’ve already told you about this event. I really don’t understand why you’re complaining about it,” I said as I picked up my bag and made my way to the door.
“But is it necessary to?”
“You know it’s not like I'm getting paid to watch and write an article about them,” I sighed. I turned around to face him, “Look I’m going whether you like it or not. Honestly babe you really have nothing to worry about, the only other people that are going to be there are other reporters writing about them show. Parents who have to take their fan girl kids to the show. And fan girls. Oh god the fan girls.”
“Yeah but - “
“No but’s babe. This is only a job nothing else. Ok? I’ll be back before you know it,” I said as I sweetly gave him a kiss.
And just like that I left him in my apartment and headed for the venue. 
Now don’t get me wrong I like him. A lot. Not really sure if I love him but I really like him. But lately, I don’t know anymore...
I let out a sigh as I drove and let thoughts of the concert tonight take over my mind. 
To be honest though, out of all the jobs that the paper had given me, this one is definitely the most exciting. Mainly because I’ve followed them since their humble beginnings. And well not to mention that they’re crazy attractive. Oh and their accents. And oh god, did I forget to mention who the band was? 
5 Seconds of fucking Summer.
Yeah. Them. 
So with those thoughts in my mind, I rolled down my windows and blasted their music down the streets. Granted I do this already but now I have an actual excuse to do it.
I was stopped when I pulled up to the gate by the security guard, “Sorry ma’am lot is not open to the public.”
I let out a sigh as I pulled out my press pass.
“Oh sorry ma’am. Spaces are labeled accordingly,” he said as he lifted the gate and pointed me in the direction of the press lot.
As I pulled up to my space I saw that Alt, Kerrang, RockSound, Rolling Stone were also covering the show tonight.
And crap. 
I let out another sigh.
If RockSound is here then that means that Archer is here too. Fuck. 
I got out of my car and of course outside of the arena smoking a cigarette is Archer with a smug look on his fucking face. 
God, you sleep with a guy once and he thinks he can easily get back into your pants. 
Note to self: don’t sleep with anyone in the same profession as you.
“Funny seeing you here Y/L/N,” he smirked as he took another drag.
“Archer,” I greeted sarcastically,“Why am I not surprised that RockSound sent you.” I gave him a tight smile before pushing past him and into the arena. 
“Oh come on Y/L/N, you’re really going to treat me like that? Even after everything we’ve been through?”
I let out an exasperated sigh, stopped, and turned around to face him, “Look. There is absolutely nothing that we’ve been through together. We slept with each other the one night. Ok? Can you get that through your thick head? It’s never going to happen again. Got it?”
I was not about to let this asshole ruin my night.
Then a smirk made his way to his face, “Never going to happen again huh? Is it because of that boyfriend of your’s? I bet you that little shit you have been so called dating hasn’t made you cum yet.”
I was wide eyed at his comment. How dare he. Fucking asshole. 
I wasn’t going to let him get to me. So I just kept on walking. I swear every time I’m around him, all he does is just make me mad. God, I don’t even remember why I slept with him in the first place. Oh, that’s right. I felt sorry for him because his dick-y attitude kept getting him rejected all throughout the bar. Dammit. I knew it was a bad idea. 
Even with that extremely rude comment he still kept tailing me. 
God, what is it with him.
And once we turned the corner I immediately locked eyes with the band. One in particular. Calum Thomas Hood. 
And then a plan began to hatch in my mind.
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Roommates | Jack Barakat (Part 7)
A/N: Hey guys, I’m sorry I haven’t been updating at all lately. I’ll try and change that! Anyways! Since I’ve been getting a lot of requests to update this one in particular and I set up that poll as to which way the story is going to go… I have made my decision. And well hope you like the direction this is going to go! Hope you like it! :) 
Jack’s POV
“Guess what bitches,” Y/N exclaimed as she burst through the doors.
All of our heads turned to see an overly elated Y/N go straight for the liquor cabinet. 
“What,” Rian asked. 
“Ya girl is finally fucking out for the summer,” She exclaimed as she took a swig out of the Hennessy bottle. Then her expression went from pure cheer to sudden worry.
“Oh no, what’s wrong,” I asked, “You were so happy!”
“I don’t have a job for the summer.”
“What do you mean,” Alex asked.
“I’ve been working at the school. And well since the school year is done, I’m out of the job until the beginning of the semester. Crap,” she whined, “Oh fucking well I’ll worry about it when the time comes.” She took another huge swig out of the bottle. “So what do you say boys? Let’s go out and celebrate!”
And well everything became a bit of a blur, which is a really bad thing because when that type of shit happens… Well… Shit happens. 
So of course the following morning I wake up with a massive hangover. Naked in my room. Typical. 
I headed out to see the damage done to the apartment. 
Jesus… This is bad. 
Booze everywhere. Strangers naked on the couch. I went into Y/N’s bathroom since I was already down here and found Alex passed out in the tub. Rian hugging the toilet. 
God how was last night this crazy? I thought all we did was just celebrate Y/N finally getting finishing the semester… Wait…
Oh god my head is killing me…
After splashing my face with some ice cold water I walked out and headed straight for the kitchen. Few minutes later a man came out of Y/N’s room. 
God dammit. 
He just headed straight for the door with his head down, avoiding all eye contact. I don’t really know why. I would be bragging and shit if I got into bed with a girl like Y/N. 
I felt myself beginning to fill with anger and jealousy. Goddammit. Negative emotions and a hangover should not be missed together. 
Once I made the cup of coffee she finally came out in an oversized shirt, probably that bastard’s. Though he was fully clothed when he left. 
I took another look at her and realized that she was wearing one of my shirts that she had swiped when she was doing laundry and just refused to give it back. 
Damn, if only I could give her a real reason to be wearing one of my shirts the morning after…
“Morning,” she said groggily as she sat down at the kitchen counter taking my cup of coffee. 
“Looks like someone had a fun night last night,” I remarked. 
“Meh, he was okay,” she said nonchalantly, “Definitely was not my first pick from last night. But what’s a girl to do?” 
I don’t know if I was seeing things but it definitely looked like she gave me a quick disappointed glance. No way. I’m probably just seeing things. 
“What do you mean not your first choice?”
She shrugged it off, “I had my eye on this guy last night and was really hoping that he was going to take me home but I guess he just didn’t take the hint. Oh well, probably for the best.” She gave me a small, disappointed smile. “But who knows maybe I’ll have another chance in the near future,” she said giving me a wink and hopping off the kitchen counter and heading straight for her bathroom.
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” I yelled after her.
She looked at me with confusion.
“Just use mine,” I continued, “nobody is in there.”
And so she made her way up to my room. 
And left me alone to my thoughts of the conversation that took place not even a minute earlier. Her words still ringing through my ears. 
“…But who knows maybe I’ll have another chance in the near future…”
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Ok so I have tallied up the responses from over the weekend and we have a tie! So the final ideas are for either options 3 or 4!
I’ll keep the poll open until Wednesday so please don’t hesitate to let me know which way I should go!
Thanks again guys!
Roommates | Jack Barakat (Part 7) **OPEN POLL**
Hey guys! 
Sorry I’ve been MIA lately and just not posting/updating for a while - even when I said I was going to :/ But I’ll try and change that!
Anyways! My inbox has been filling up with a lot of requests for me to update my Roommates fic and well I have two possible storylines that I can play around with but I don’t know which way I should go… And this is where I’m going to need your help. 
Please send answers to my inbox.
Okay so the first one - Jack finds out that Y/N wants him in a more intimate way.
Second one - the two go out to celebrate and one thing leads to another type of thing. 
Sorry for the vagueness I just don’t want to give anything away you know? Gotta keep you guys still fairly interested in this story ;) 
Anyways let me know which way I should go! There are four possibilities for this one:
1 - the first storyline as stated above
2 - the second storyline as stated above
3 - the first then second
4 - the second then first
My inbox is wide open for you guys! And don’t hesitate to let me know if you want a different type of storyline for these two. Or if you have a request - which reminds me that I will be posting some of those requests hopefully next week!
Thanks you guys!
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Roommates | Jack Barakat (Part 7) **OPEN POLL**
Hey guys! 
Sorry I’ve been MIA lately and just not posting/updating for a while - even when I said I was going to :/ But I’ll try and change that!
Anyways! My inbox has been filling up with a lot of requests for me to update my Roommates fic and well I have two possible storylines that I can play around with but I don’t know which way I should go... And this is where I’m going to need your help. 
Please send answers to my inbox.
Okay so the first one - Jack finds out that Y/N wants him in a more intimate way.
Second one - the two go out to celebrate and one thing leads to another type of thing. 
Sorry for the vagueness I just don’t want to give anything away you know? Gotta keep you guys still fairly interested in this story ;) 
Anyways let me know which way I should go! There are four possibilities for this one:
1 - the first storyline as stated above
2 - the second storyline as stated above
3 - the first then second
4 - the second then first
My inbox is wide open for you guys! And don’t hesitate to let me know if you want a different type of storyline for these two. Or if you have a request - which reminds me that I will be posting some of those requests hopefully next week!
Thanks you guys!
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Hey, are you okay? I noticed you haven't been on in a while, I love your blog, and I hope you're well.
Yeah I’m okay, just a little exhausted because of work. Sorry for being MIA lately  though :/ I’ll try and update as soon as I can though! Thanks for the concern :)
0 notes
Still alive? 😔😂😂😂 Please come back now. I honestly like how you write. 😂
Yeah I am anon lol sorry for being MIA lately though :/ work has been kicking my ass lately. But I’ll try and update as soon as I can :)
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Please please please update your Roomates Fanfic. I really love your writing style and cannot get enough (:
Thanks :)
0 notes
Please update roommates! It's so good :)
Thanks! I’ll be posting a quick poll soon - just have to word it properly so it doesn’t give too much away lol - to see where to story goes. So keep an eye out :) 
0 notes
A/N: So since I’ve been MIA lately here’s an updated master list to keep you guys nice and occupied until the next update. Happy reading! :) 
M A S T E R L I S T (Updated)
A/N: Because I’ve had a lot of requests to actually post this out there, so instead of replying back with a link to it (which I’ll add with this post), here you go! Happy reading! :) 
* = Contains strong sexual situations and themes. Viewer discretion is advised. 
 1 D
| T O M L I N S O N |
Apartment Days // Part 2* // Part 3 // Part 4* // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7* // Part 8* // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 // Part 13 // Part 14 // Part 15 // Part 16 // Part 17 // Part 18 // The End // Epilogue
Mysterious Stranger // Part 2 // Part 3 // The End
| S T Y L E S |
Meet Cute // Part 2
| H O R A N |
The NYE Party
5 S O S
| A L L |
The Bet // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
| H E M M I N G S |
Wasn’t That the Original Plan? // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // The End
I Put a Spell On You
Demons // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9* // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 // Part 13 // Part 14 // Part 15 // The End
The Argument*
Charlie Lucas // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
| I R W I N |
Close As Strangers
Empire (Teaser) // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4* // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11
Dragons // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Daylight // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
| H O O D |
Midnight Memories // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // The End
Music Video
| C L I F F O R D |
O T H E R  P E O P L E
| O ‘ B R I E N |
About Last Night // Part 2
| B A R A K A T |
Roommates // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
Last Night // Part 2 // The End
239 notes · View notes
Daylight | Part 4
A/N: Hey guys, sorry I’ve been MIA lately. Work has seriously been kicking my ass - but everything should be slowing down hopefully by next week! Until then here’s a quick update :) I’ll try updating and posting next week! Feedback and requests are always welcome! 
- Ashton’s POV - 
I could hear Calum rush into the house and make his way to my room. Her eyes were burning into mine. 
"Ashton, no one else can know about the conversation that my brother and I just had right now," she said, walking over to me. 
"No one can know our secret," Cal said from my doorway. I looked at him and I could see that he was pleading with me to keep my mouth shut. Then my gaze went back to his sister. 
Why is it that she had the blood red eyes but not him? Holy fuck, did this mean that he's been feeding off of us?
My hand travelled to my neck and tried to calmly feel if there were any bite marks. She laughed, my eyes went back to her's.
"Relax," she said removing my hand from my neck, "You're not his type. Besides I'm the only one in the family like this. He just happened to go through the first half of the transformation.."
"First half of the transformation," I asked. 
She took a cigarette out, lit it and began to tell me their story. How their parents sold them to this man in hopes of a better life for their kids. How he essentially killed her and damned her to this world. How she risked her life to save Cal's but he was already undergoing the first half of the transformation. How he saved her and how they have survived. It was a lot to take in. 
"Holy shit mate, you've been through a lot," I said looking at Calum.
"Yeah and apparently that was just the beginning," he said. He looked over at Y/N, "You really think you should be smoking those things even after you learned that you can just as easily die now?"
"Like I said Cal, I've lived a long time. It's about damn time I die," she muttered. 
"Fine if after all we've been through has meant nothing and you just want to throw it away and die then fucking go ahead. Just don't expect me to be here when you do," he said as he angrily walked away and out of my room. 
She sighed, "It wasn't always like this you know. We were great." She put out her cigarette and laid down on my bed facing up at the ceiling, "We killed Jack the Ripper, but then again we did take over as Jack. But none the less we still killed him. We became the biggest crime syndicate in London too. Until we had to move because we were hunted. We moved to Paris. Cleaned up our act, even joined a sideshow in the 1600's. For some reason the 1900's were different. We grew apart. I guess it was because I missed being a crime boss and well he didn't. I was the head of one of the big families in New York while he decided to go travel and explore on his own. Until he landed in Australia and decided to go and get adopted. Wanted to live a normal life he said." She laughed, "And now look, he as well as the rest of you are one of the biggest names in music right now.” 
She turned her head to look over at me, “So Ashton, what's your story? Hopefully not as dreadful. I need something light right now."
"Well mine's not of the light sort," I said as I began to rub my wrists. 
She tilted her head, her eyes burning into mine as if urging me to tell her.
"I don't know what to tell you. My dad left when I was a kid so I helped my mom raise my brother and sister. Went to school. Went to work when I could. Then got asked to be a part of this band and well the rest, everyone knows."
"You're leaving out some gritty details about your life," she said eyeing my wrists. "Now you can either tell me or," she started for my wrist and eyed it suspiciously, "I can bite it out of you." I saw the way she licked her lips. Hungrily. 
"I-I thought you said you have to wait for something to flush out of your system before having fresh stuff again."
"It's blood Ash. No need to be so nervous around the word."
Suddenly Luke came bursting into my room, "Hey! That's no fair! I want the hot sister to come into my room too." 
Y/N laughed, "I'm sure there's enough of me to go around, Luke. Who knows you might see me smoking on your balcony tomorrow."
"I would like that very much," he said as he plopped himself onto my bed, "So what are we doing here in Ash's room anyways?"
"Having a smoke," she said as she got up and began to light another cigarette. Funny she didn't have a lighter on her.
Calum came in with four cups of coffee, "I heard Luke start yelling and I figured he was in here so I brought another cup."
"Thanks mate," he said as he took one. 
I took one and let the scorching hot liquid go down my throat. 
"Look I'll let you do what you want with your life but while we're here in this house, can you please not smoke," he asked as he gave Y/N her cup of coffee. 
"Since you asked so kindly I suppose I can. I mean it's not like not having them is going to kill me right," she joked. Calum’s face stayed serious, having none of it. 
"So Y/N, how many years apart are you from Cal," asked Luke. 
"Hm," she contemplated, "that's a good question Luke. How old are you turning this year brother dear? Or did I miss your birthday again?"
"I turned 19 this year," he said flatly. 
"Oh, then that mean I'm just three years older than you! Fancy that," she smirked.
"You're the older one," Luke asked shocked.
"Why is that so shocking?"
"I don't know Cal just seems like he's the older one of the both of you."
"That's always the case. But no, I'm the oldest one. And I'm fairly positive then that I'm the oldest one in this house isn't it?"
"Yeah, because Ash is only 20."
"Fancy that," she said as she looked at me. Her gaze always left me breathless. I don't understand how Luke was just able to talk to her normally. But he did. 
Michael finally came into my room with a blanket wrapped around himself and plopped himself on the bed. "Thanks for the invite guys."
"So are you going to be staying with us long," Luke finally asked. The one question on all our minds. 
"For the time being,"she said, all while keeping perfect eye contact with me.
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Daylight | Part 3
A/N: Enjoy! My ask is open to feedback and requests :) 
- Calum's POV -
"Ouch, is that anyway to treat your long lost sister?"
She smirked. Then suddenly she bent over as if in pain and fell to the floor. We all rushed to her and tried our best to revive her. Ashton started to perform CPR on her and she suddenly started to cough up blood. 
What the hell? That's never happened before. 
"We need to bring her to a hospital," Michael said, panic stricken. 
"We can't," I said picking her up and walking the both of us to the Cadillac waiting for us out back. 
"What do you mean we can't," said Ashton rushing up next to me, "did you not see what I just saw right now mate?"
"I did and no doctor can help her."
"What do you mean by that," Luke asked. 
"We're different, and as soon as the doctors grab hold of us they're not going to let us go. Now let me get her to the car so we can go to the house."
"We're not letting you go through this alone," said Ash who was walking next to me. 
So all of us got into the SUV and drove into the direction of the house. The drive was silent. I could feel all eyes on us. But my gaze was straight ahead just watching the road until we got to the house. 
I laid her out on the couch and started to strip her of the clothes she had on. Well mainly just the jacket came off before I saw what had happened. She was shot in the gut with a bullet laced with what looks like silver. Which is strange because silver should not have had this kind of effect of her. But I saw that the veins that protruded from her skin began to glisten in silver. 
"What the hell," they all said in unison. 
Her breathing was shallow. I could see the beads of sweat starting to drip from her face. Her eyes started to slowly open. The contacts had deteriorated completely. They were glowing a deep blood red. 
Fuck, she hasn't fed in a while.
"Holy fuck," they all said in unison, once again.
"What happened," I asked her.
"I was waiting for the theatre to clear out and I guess I didn't realize someone had shot me with anything until I felt the pain in your dressing room. And then, well everything went black. Well up until now."
"How long has it been?"
"Suddenly so concerned with my well being."
"Well we all are," said Ash stepping up to the scene. His eyes grew when she laid her eyes on him. I could tell he was frightened. I mean who wouldn't be? Seeing blood red eyes staring back at them? I honestly give him props just for not pissing himself in front of her.
"Not going to introduce me to your friends Cal? That's a bit rude don't you think," she said weakly.
"I think you already know who they are," I retorted.
"But I doubt they have any idea as to who I am. I mean all they know is that I'm your long lost sister who was apparently shot and in bad health," she laughed. As always she tried to lighten the mood but she began to cough out blood yet again then she blacked out once more.
"Mate, I really think we should take her to the hospital. She's losing quite a lot of blood," said Luke.
"Don't worry about it. She'll be good as new by tomorrow morning. She just needs to rest."
"What about her wounds," asked Michael.
"I'll tend to them, where are the bandages and alcohol?"
Ash came back with some bandages and a bottle of vodka. "This was the only thing I could find. For some reason this house doesn't have medical alcohol."
"It's ok, it'll work. Here's hoping she doesn't wake up."
With that I tore open her shirt and poured the alcohol on the gunshot. Her eyes blazed open as she screamed in pain. Ash and Luke had to hold her down while I started to clean her wound. Michael handed me the bandages and I began to wrap her. She finally fainted from the pain and we all let her be on the couch. 
Her coughing blood and screaming in pain is a new one. She doesn't normally do that. What the fuck happened to her?
- Ashton's POV -
The following morning after that entire scandal I woke up to the smell of cigarette smoke coming from outside the balcony in my room. I looked over at my phone and saw that it was only five in the morning. The cool morning breeze revealed a girl in a torn shirt with bandages peeping out and skinny jeans and a pair of boots smoking outside. She turned her head slightly, "A bit early for you to be awake isn't it?"
I blinked. The words couldn't come to my mouth. She let out a small laugh, "Why don't you go back to sleep Ashton. You're going to need all the energy you can get."
"Y-you shouldn't be smoking," I finally said. 
She laughed again, "I didn't live this long only to be killed by cigarettes."
"But you were shot. You should be resting on the couch."
She took another drag of her cigarette and looked down at her arm. I could see something glistening on her arm. 
"Weren't you listening to Calum? He said that I'll be good as new by tomorrow morning. And clearly it's tomorrow morning. And well I am good as new."
"Y/N," I heard Cal start yelling around the house. 
He burst in through my door, "Y/N! What the hell? What are you doing here? We need to talk."
"Calm down brother dear. I was just having a lovely talk with Ashton."
She looked over at me and smiled. But her eyes. They were still the same glowing, deep red as last night. 
"Don't you dare," he said to her. 
"Relax mate she just wanted to have a smoke is all," I said trying to defend her. 
"Right a smoke. Well come on. We need to talk."
And with that the both of them left my room. I tried going back to sleep but it wouldn't come. 
I could hear harsh whispers coming from outside. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Like Ashton said I was just having a smoke," she replied calmly. 
"In the condition you're in!? You lost I don't even know how much blood last night. Not to mention it looks as if you haven't fed in what months? What the hell are you doing to yourself?"
After a long pause, "He found me."
"That's why I'm here. I had to make sure you were still ok."
"He hasn't come after us in so long, why is he doing this now?"
"I don't know. He wouldn't say. He just said that we will get what we are due. And it seems that his plan is starting."
"What do you mean?"
"When we were talking, I was in the middle of feeding and he asked me if I was still feeding like normal. Then he went on to say that for the past few times I've been feeding he managed to replace my fresh batches with that of the deceased."
"And what's that supposed to mean," I heard him ask.
"It means," she let out a sigh, "that my mortality has come back for a while."
"What? Wait.. Does this mean.." he trailed. Then I heard him gasp, "You're not healing."
"Cal, look my main concern is you. Don't worry so much about me."
"You need to feed."
"I can't. I need to flush this out of my system before I can consume live blood."
My eyes immediately widened when I heard here say ‘blood’. 
"But your eyes. They're a blood red. You're going to frighten everyone you come into contact with. I mean Ash nearly pissed himself when he looked into your eyes."
"And I can’t wear contacts because they will just deteriorate. Besides, Cal, I've lived 700 years. I think it's about time I call it a life and finally die already," she groaned. 
700 years? What the hell?
"Y/N, keep your mouth shut or else someone will hear you!"
"Too late for that."
Oh crap.
Suddenly she was on my balcony again, her eyes piercing into mine, "Hello Ashton."
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Pls update your Roomates Fanfiction, it's really good. Also I hope you're doing well, I love your blog.
Thanks anon :) Sorry I haven’t been updating this week, been super hectic. Anyways! I’ll try and update this one hopefully by the end of the week :) 
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Do you have a masterlist?
Yes I do, here’s the link :) 
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