vinghen-tmblr · 4 months
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I love this game 😍
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vinghen-tmblr · 4 months
Wrrrr I'm trying to add a vid here and it keeps notyfing me that oops smthg went wrong, try again.
Ffs, lol, spent an hour to get it and nope, still nothing.
So.. maybe I'll post the text and vid separately lol haha.
EDIT: Nope. Well, here's a link I suppose eh, hopefully will do :(
Long story short, I was away, I'm slowly getting back, bg3 is on a break, cyberpunk 2077 is on the table rn xD
I hope everyone have a good time!
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vinghen-tmblr · 7 months
This is nice #2
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Random post-game scene in not ascended scenario. Maybe in a break in between another, new mission? No spoilers, only fluff 😊
In the quiet moments between their adventures, Astarion and Elowen found a semblance of peace beneath the shade of ancient trees. The campfire crackled softly, casting a warm glow that painted the night in hues of amber and gold. Surrounded by the comforting rustle of leaves, they shared a stolen moment away from the prying eyes of their companions.
Seated on a fallen log, Astarion absently traced patterns on the ground with a slender twig, his crimson eyes catching the flickering flames. Elowen, nestled beside him, hummed a gentle tune—a melody that echoed the quiet joy they discovered in each other.
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Astarion turned toward her. "You know, for an undead creature, I've become surprisingly fond of these serene moments."
Elowen chuckled, a sound that danced in the tranquil air. "Surprising indeed. Who would've thought the chaotic vampire spawn would appreciate a quiet night?"
His fingers, cool but gentle, entwined with hers. "Well, it's not every day you find someone who can make even eternity seem less daunting."
The lighthearted banter gave way to a comfortable silence. The moon above, a silent witness, cast its ethereal glow upon them. Astarion leaned in, his lips brushing against the crown of Elowen's head, a gesture so tender it spoke volumes.
She leaned into his embrace, relishing the warmth that radiated from his cool touch. "Do you miss the sun?" she asked, her gentle voice a soft murmur.
Astarion considered the question, his gaze fixed on the distant stars. "Sometimes. But... then I realize that the moonlight has its own kind of magic. And besides, the night has its perks."
Elowen tilted her head, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Oh? Like what?"
Astarion's response was a light kiss on her forehead. "Like the fact that I can steal kisses from you without worrying about getting sunburned."
Laughter bubbled between them, a melody that blended seamlessly with the rustling leaves and the crackling fire. In the quiet heart of the night, under the celestial tapestry of stars, they found solace in the simplicity of each other's company—a love story unfolding in the hush of a moonlit night.
...this was nice.
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vinghen-tmblr · 7 months
This is nice
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Random fluff scene, probably act 3, no spoilers, The Game no more
In a quiet moment after their travels led them to a peaceful glade, Astarion and Elowen found themselves enjoying a rare respite. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the gentle rustle of leaves overhead created a soothing melody.
Seated on a soft blanket spread beneath a sprawling tree, Astarion leaned back, propped up on his elbows, and observed the serene surroundings. Elowen, beside him, was engrossed in her leather-bound journal, her quill dancing across the pages as she recorded their recent adventures.
Astarion couldn't help but feel a warmth in his chest as he watched her. The glint of the sunlight catching the strands of her hair, the soft curve of her smile when something amusing caught her eye—it all fascinated him. For someone who had spent centuries detached and cynical, he found a strange sense of joy in these moments.
Setting aside her journal, Elowen looked at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "What's on your mind, Astarion?"
He smirked, a mischievous spark in his crimson eyes. "Just contemplating the mysteries of the universe, my dear."
Elowen chuckled, playfully nudging him. "I highly doubt that. Care to share these mysteries with me?"
Astarion's smirk softened into a genuine smile. "Perhaps the greatest mystery is how I find myself enjoying these peaceful moments with you. I never thought I'd appreciate the simple beauty of a quiet glade."
Elowen's expression shifted to a warm smile. "People change, Astarion. Even vampires, it seems."
He feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Are you implying I was insufferable before?"
She laughed, a melodious sound that seemed to harmonize with the rustling leaves. "Maybe just a little. But you've grown on me."
Astarion pretended to be wounded. "Grown on you? I'll have you know I am an acquired taste, much like fine wine."
She rolled her eyes, but the affectionate glint remained. "Well, lucky for you, I happen to have a taste for the unconventional."
The banter continued, punctuated by shared laughter and stolen glances. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the glade,
Astarion found himself embracing the simplicity of the moment, grateful for the company of someone who had become more than just a fellow traveler—a confidant, a friend and someone he deeply cared about.
...this was nice.
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vinghen-tmblr · 7 months
The Thread - Astarion POV bonus
Bonus for Chapter 9 of the Note of Violence
As Elowen inched closer, her trembling form found refuge within the circle of my arms. The unexpectedness of the gesture left me momentarily stunned, and my usual arsenal of wit and sarcasm deserted me. I watched in silence as she nestled against me, the embodiment of vulnerability.
A shiver of vulnerability coursed through me as well, for I was unaccustomed to the real, raw emotions that seemed to surge between us. I had spent centuries building walls around my feelings, ensuring they remained safely detached from the world. But now, with her so close, I felt those defenses slowly crumbling.
Her warmth seeped into me, and I tentatively wrapped my arms around her, my touch careful and almost unsteady. I could sense her rapid heartbeat, the tremors that coursed through her, and I, too, felt a strange sense of exposure. The finely crafted facade of indifference and calculated manipulation had no place here. It was just Astarion, a vampire's spawn who had become all too familiar with pain.
As the seconds ticked by, something shifted within me. I couldn't help but resonate with the pain and fears that had so deeply scarred her. In this unguarded moment, I understood her suffering to the very core of my being. The notion of Elowen as merely a pawn in my survival plan began to blur, and the plan itself felt like a fragile construct on the brink of collapse.
My unspoken question lingered in the air: Was I offering her comfort, or was I, in some convoluted way, trying to comfort myself? The line between the two was blurring, and it was a disconcerting sensation. I realized that I was no longer detached, no longer aloof. I was resonating with her pain and fears, for they mirrored my own.
In that moment, the awkward embrace wasn't just a shield for Elowen; it was a sanctuary for us both. It was a shared refuge from the demons of our pasts and the uncertainties of our futures. And now... in this very moment I decided not to calculate or manipulate but simply to be present—Astarion, a vampire who had, for the first time in centuries, found a connection that transcended survival. It was a small crack in the armor I had forged, but it allowed a sliver of humanity to seep in.
And I knew that this...
This was... nice.
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vinghen-tmblr · 7 months
Chapter 9: The Thread
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New chapter of The Note of Violence is up!
"Elle, breathe," Astarion interjected, his words delivered with a touch of cynical humor, but a glint of something else, perhaps sympathy, appeared in his eyes. Her panic spiked. If even Astarion was showing her sympathy... Oh, Gods.
"How... how much do you know? What have you seen?" Elowen's words tumbled out in a torrent, her mind racing to catch up with the reality that her darkest secrets were exposed to the vampire's penetrating gaze. Her thoughts churned, caught in the riptide of her fear and vulnerability.
Astarion's reaction was surprisingly composed. His hands rose in a soothing gesture, an attempt to quell the tumult of her emotions.
"Your memories," he replied calmly. "One is more coherent, while the rest are... fragmented. Severely so. If the others received a similar, hmm, package of your past, I doubt they'd be able to decipher it. Scattered pieces, scenes... things that made me realize we have more in common than I could have imagined."
As Astarion paused, he seemed to slip into his own recollections, and Elowen observed him, seeing that he was battling his own ghosts. But when he sensed her fear spiraling, he gently added:
"Elle, I won't harm you. Breathe."
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
New chapter is up! 😶‍🌫️🥺
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
VIII chapter of Note of Violence is up
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
The Game
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Near the end act 1 I suppose? Maybe in act 2. They still thinks they are playing a "game" of manipulation and stuff... Until he's not sure anymore.
Spoiler-free, random stuff.
With a playful grin, Astarion whispered in Elowen's ear, "I must admit, my dear, I never imagined our banter would lead to this."
Elowen smirked.
He was lying and she knew it, that was The Game. Her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. "Life is full of surprises, Astarion. Sometimes the most unexpected paths are the most exciting."
He kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "Ah, and speaking of paths, I believe we've taken a rather adventurous one tonight."
Elowen needed that distraction. "True, but I wouldn't have it any other way."
Astarion's lips met Elowen's in a fervent kiss, igniting a fire within them that had long smoldered beneath the surface. It was a Game. Always a Game. Elowen moaned softly, her fingers tangling in his white hair as their bodies pressed closer. Astarion's cool touch sent shivers of desire coursing through her veins.
He whispered against her lips, "You're like a sweet melody I can't resist."
Elowen's breath hitched as he traced a path of kisses down her neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. "And you're the most tempting of verses."
Their hands explored each other's bodies with a hunger born of intimacy. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the intoxicating dance of their desires.
Perfect distraction.
The sun's first rays began to creep over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow.
Astarion stirred awake from his trance, his eyes fluttering open. He found himself still wrapped in Elowen's embrace, her peaceful expression telling him that she was still lost in the realm of elvish trance.
Her touch was... it felt differently somehow.
He couldn't help but smile, brushing a lock of her hair away from her face. She looked so serene, so unlike the fierce bard he had come to know. Suddenly his heart swelled with a mixture of emotions he had never experienced before.. and it terrified him for some unspoken reason.
That... that was NOT the Plan.
So he kind of panicked.
This time, when she woke up, she was all alone left wondering, why he had left her.
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
Random banter Amidst Chaos:
A Flirtatious Battle
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Probably somewhere on start of 2act, but there's no specifics or spoilers. They still thinks that they are playing their Game.
The battlefield was a chaotic symphony of clashing weapons and roars of combat, yet amidst the chaos, Astarion couldn't resist the allure of their usual banter.
"Well, Elowen, it seems our enemies are dropping faster than your excuses."
Elowen, her focus divided between foes and flirtation, raised an eyebrow. Without missing a beat, she changed the tune of her enchanted songs. Her voice carried a playful tone as she responded:
"Oh, Astarion, my dear undead friend,
Your biting wit won't be the end.
For in this fight, we stand so strong,
While you're just singing the same old song."
The other companions chuckled at the exchange, entertained by the verbal duel amidst the physical one. As blades clashed and spells were cast, Astarion continued, "You know, Elowen, your singing is almost as deadly as your flirting."
She grinned, accepting the challenge. Astarion had asked for it. She was a charismatic bard and an adept player of their manipulative game. She replied with another verse, mischief dancing in her eyes:
"Astarion, darling, don't you see,
My charm's as sharp as it can be.
You might evade the morning sun's light,
But my words will pierce your heart tonight."
Astarion, his eyes smoldering, leaned in closer to her amidst the turmoil, his voice low and suggestive:
"My darling, it's a shame we're so busy right now. I had other plans for those lips of yours."
She leaned in as well, their faces dangerously close, her lips almost grazing his ear as she whispered, "Do you now..?" But before he could react, she leaned back and sang:
"Oh, Astarion, you flirt with such style,
But you'll have to wait, just a little while.
In the heat of this battle, our desires must wait,
But, darling, you'll find I'm well worth the date."
Their companions watched in amusement, with Karlach giggling and Shadowheart rolling her eyes. Lae'zel grunted in disapproval. Gale couldn't help but smile at the exchange.
Astarion smirked, "Elowen, you're playing a dangerous game. One of these days, I might not resist."
Elowen, her voice dripping with sensuality, teased back:
"Astarion, darling, danger's my thrill,
But patience is key, and I have the skill.
When the time is right, our passions will ignite,
And we'll set the night on fire, just right."
Astarion couldn't resist the playful challenge in Elowen's verse. His lips curled into a seductive grin as he leaned in closer, their faces inches apart, the tension between them palpable:
"Well, Elowen, it seems you think you've mastered the art of teasing. But remember, darling, patience isn't the only key to unlock a fire."
He brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch lingering for a tantalizing moment. "And as for danger, well, we're quite the match in that regard, aren't we? But setting the night on fire? I look forward to seeing if you can keep up, my dear."
With a wicked glint in his crimson eyes, he pulled away, leaving Elowen with a knowing smirk and a promise of fiery encounters yet to come.
Elowen, unwilling to back down, sang in response:
"Astarion, darling, you're quite the bold one,
But patience is key; let's have some more fun.
As we dance in the shadows, our secrets take flight,
Our desires unspoken, burning hotter than night."
Their exchange of words was interwoven with parries, dodges, and spells cast in the midst of battle. As they continued their flirtatious banter, Gale finally chimed in, attempting to refocus their attention on the battle at hand.
"Perhaps, my friends," he said, "we should concentrate on our current predicament and save the amorous exchanges for a more suitable time?"
Wyll, with a smirk, added, "Or perhaps you two should find a room if you're so eager to continue."
Elowen and Astarion, despite the interruptions, couldn't help but share a mischievous grin.
Oh, they loved that game of theirs so much.
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
"Echoes of the Unseen"
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Chapter VII of The Note of Violence is up!
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
Ohh I agree 100%!
And that's my Tav Elowen and DU Limuen to prove it:
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You know what I love about the companion's designs? Their scars.
Karlach's rippling burns and her broken horn. The thin line that darts across Shadowheart's pale cheek. Astarion's back, cruelly marked up forever. Gale's chest (while not quite a scar) is still a physical consequence of his ambition. The veins that drag along the side of his face because of it. Wyll's missing eye and the numerous scars along his face each with their own story. Much like Lae'zel's own facial scars. The tell tale sign of a brave soldier.
They're all victims of something. Of people. Of ideas. Of the world. Of themselves. And their scars show this. And they look all the more attractive for it. Which is why I personally think your Tav/Durge should also harbour scars to fit in with this.
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
Wait, are you telling me that after 400h I learnt just now that YOU CAN WASH ALL THE BLOOD AND DIRT without the sleep/quick rest???
Only thing u need is a bottle of water destroyed near you and/or the companions?
Is it legit?
I feel so stupid rn haha. I mean.. It sounds logic lol, WASHING WITH WATER. I'm stupid hahah
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
After "Nightingale" - bonus
Astarion POV, right after the VI chapter of "Note of Violence"
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In the midst of our hurried journey through the dark woods, Elowen's unconscious body lay cradled in Wyll's careful embrace. The forest seemed to close in around us, murmuring its ancient secrets and casting long, eerie shadows that swayed beneath the moonlight. Despite the urgency that pressed upon us, a thick silence clung to our group, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves or the distant hoot of an owl.
My thoughts were a tempestuous sea, raging with conflicting emotions. It was undeniable that I had taken dark pleasure in Elowen's deception, but beneath that amusement, a deeper disquiet gnawed at me. Her actions had exposed a vulnerability I could not easily dismiss, a fragility that lurked beneath her charismatic facade.
As we continued our march, my gaze would occasionally drift towards Elowen's pallid visage, her expression etched with the enduring torment she had endured. I couldn't ignore the flickering fragments of her past that had invaded my consciousness during that harrowing moment within Ethel's abode.
Her fear... her pain, it had left an indelible mark, and despite my predilection for chaos and deceit, I found myself forging an unexpected connection with her through that shared agony.
Shadowheart voice broke the heavy silence, her words tinged with uncertainty. "Are we truly going to place our trust in her after all that has transpired?"
Gale, his voice surprisingly gentle, responded, "We may not place complete trust in her, but we cannot simply abandon her either. We felt her torment, witnessed her past, and it was... unbearable."
Wyll nodded thoughtfully, his brow creased as he grappled with his own reservations. "I just hope we can find answers and offer her aid. Whatever this 'Note' may be, it is evidently a curse that demands our understanding."
I remained silent, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting sentiments. Trust had always been a precarious tightrope to traverse, and Elowen had tested its limits. I couldn't deny her usefulness, for I had chosen my target wisely. I had relished our intricate dance of wit and innuendo, and...
It was true that she had been a target, but somewhere along the way, I had begun to develop a peculiar... fondness for her. Her deception didn't irk me as it seemed to with the others. Trust was something I extended to no one, so she had not truly shattered it.
The journey continued through the sinister woods, each step fraught with an unspoken tension that hung heavy in the air. Elowen remained unconscious, her face a canvas of pain and torment. It was impossible to forget the visions of her past that had briefly consumed me back in Ethel's cottage, the horrors that had haunted her.
A chill ran down my spine as I thought of the terror I had seen in her eyes when I had lost control the night before, a memory I couldn't easily dismiss now.
I understood.
I didn't know how to... feel about it.
This part I dedicate to @weaponizedvirtue as a big thank you for all you support and kind words! I appreciate it greatly! :)
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
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So... I dig up some screenshots of my first Tav, Elowen ❤️
She's a bard with not very cheerful back story, and with heavy trust issues. At first she's kind of manipulative, especially when she realised Astarion is trying to use her for his own agenda.. so her relationship with him were bumpy at times, as you can imagine.
But they managed to heal themselves and each other somehow ❤️
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vinghen-tmblr · 8 months
The Note of Violence chapter VI is up! :) Nightingale
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