viridian-courier · 10 years
On Magic
Just a write-up of the workings of how Monty's magic works!  More canon goodies from my book of plottings:
Monty's magic is focused on blood, which is a rarity and a bit frowned upon in the magic community (as it's usually linked with necromancy, and the dark arts).  The freedom and capabilities that comes with his own personal brand is also even rarer, and those who know him are rather glad he has things under control.
Fresh blood is needed, and the amount is in relation to the power of each spell.  Minor spells need just a small cut of the finger; larger ones require much more.
His fingers are covered in small, pale scars, though none of them are raised.  Most of the time he just needs a small amount to cast his spells, so his fingers get the brunt of the cuts.
It's important to also note that that's how Monty ended up with a limp.  The most important spell of his life required him to slice into his muscle and arteries; the spell worked, but he nearly died and forever since has had trouble with his leg.  (Kneeling and crouching give him a great deal of pain, and he has a bit more trouble when it's raining.)
Monty is free to do just about anything with his magic, though there are exceptions.  While he can heal minor wounds, broken bones pretty much knock him out, and he's unable to raise the dead.  And when dealing with enchanted objects, the blood and power needed rises with the power of the enchantment.
His spells are activated by the power of words, usually written into the air where they hover for a few moments, then fade.
'Open' opens doors, 'mend' closes wounds, 'take' summons obects, etc.
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viridian-courier · 10 years
NIER OST - Ashes of Dreams ~ Nouveau
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viridian-courier · 10 years
While that may be true, war is even messier when you do 'ave an opinion.  But, you 'ave a point there.  I won't be able to approach an opinion until I've seen both sides of the playing field.  As they say, the only way to win is not to play....is this a game worth playing?  Or does one even 'ave a choice?
Well, it seems you are just the man you think you are!  Spy?  Non, I am no spy.  I ‘ave no recollection of who this ‘Andrew Ryan’ figure is, though it is rather worrisome to be ousted as one.  Tell me, Irishman…who’s side is it better to be on?  Yours, or ‘is?
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viridian-courier · 10 years
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The Ultimate Dandies by Karl Lagerfeld for Numero Homme
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viridian-courier · 10 years
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viridian-courier · 10 years
"Transylvania?  Ah, I 'ave been there many a time to settle a number of...disturbances.  Lovely place, lots of 'istory there...once you ignore the, ah...nevermind."
Delmont shifted on his feet, looking a bit frustrated with the answer to her question.  "I don't quite know, to be 'onest.  I was with my partner, on a...trip.  And then the next thing I know, I'm 'ere.  I wish I knew what 'ere was, to be honest.  I don't remember a place like this on the map."
"I visited Transylvania with the mistress at one point. I’m not sure how long ago that was, however." She chuckled a bit. "It’s been a while since we’ve gone outside Gensokyo."
"How did you come to be here? Most of the people I’ve met seem to have made some kind of deal… I can’t exactly remember how I got here, though…"
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viridian-courier · 10 years
Delmont wasn't much of one to smile, but a small twinge at the side of his face showed that he found this exchange rather humorous.  Gripping his cane firmly in his grasp, he popped the handle up till there was a flash of steel, just barely glinting in the sun.  All it took was a small nick of his figure across the blade, and as he held out his palm, the droplets of blood began to float above his hand, swirling around.
"Tch, inexperienced, very much so!  I 'ave not seen such lack of control on a whippet like yourself in many a year!  Still, I expected better of someone who is not as young as they would like me to believe!"
"My parents are dead!” she scowled, balling her fists. “And what would you know of magick?  I’m hardly inexperienced!”
She just had poor self control when it came to people acting snobbish.  If it didn’t manifest that way, she was sure she’d try to slap him.  The only trouble with that was how small she was to most people. "Furthermore, I’m not as young as you seem to think I am!"
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viridian-courier · 10 years
Well, it seems you are just the man you think you are!  Spy?  Non, I am no spy.  I 'ave no recollection of who this 'Andrew Ryan' figure is, though it is rather worrisome to be ousted as one.  Tell me, Irishman...who's side is it better to be on?  Yours, or 'is?
viridian-courier started following you
Now I ‘ate to be the sort of man who would judge another by ‘is looks.. But you look t’be the sort who would be a spy for Andrew Ryan. O’ course, I hope I’m wrong..
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viridian-courier · 10 years
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Wanted to draw some Monty and work on faces and everything but then it just turned into some kind of crummy bust and I don't wanna put it on my art blog.  huurgghhh
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viridian-courier · 10 years
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Shotgun and Sword Cane by St. Etienne
Dated: circa 1880
Culture: French
Measurements: Cane: 35 7/8” length. Blade: 24” length 
This incredibly rare French weapon cane by St. Etienne conceals both a shotgun and a large blade. The ultimate tool in discreet self-defense, this fascinating walking stick reveals a two-foot blade with a pull of the L-form handle. Remove the blade attachment and the cane turns into a shotgun, complete with a cartridge extractor attached to the ferrule.
Source: Copyright © 2014 M.S. Rau Antiques
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viridian-courier · 10 years
((Monty would totally open his sham-pagan bottles this way.  Yes.  He would.))
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viridian-courier · 10 years
"Gensokyo?  'akurei Border?"  Delmont's brows knit together in confusion.  "Madame, I 'ave studied 'istory, especially that of lost cities and civilizations, and I 'ave never heard even a snippet of those.  But...I suppose it's to be expected.  You can't accept one and not accept the possibility of another..."
The man's long fingers went to straighten out his tie, before replying.  "I am from Paris, madame, but 'ave resided in London for a long while, sadly."
"I come from Gensokyo, where I served under lady Remilia." The woman replied, smiling for a moment as he bowed for her. What a polite gentleman."I suppose you haven’t heard of it. It lies beyond the Hakurei Border, not too many people know of it’s existence." 
"And what about you, Mr. Courier?" She asked amiably, pleased at the rather refined tastes this man exuded. 
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viridian-courier · 10 years
(Wooooow this guy needs some lessons in manners XD)
((Oh golly, Monty knows his manners!  ;o  Working with his partner though has just sullied him of anyone who's not quite a model representation of the human race.))
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viridian-courier · 10 years
"Delmont Courier, ma'am.  And a pleasure to meet you as well, madame Izayoi."  The tall man held his hand up to his chest and gave a slight bow, it was only proper of him when in the company of a woman who wasn't a mark on humanity.  
"If you don't mind me asking madame, where have you come from?  It would be rude of me to say you look out of place with your appearance, but....as I said, that's terribly rude of me."
Sakuya smiled mildly. She had only meant ot ask for a name- though she supposed both title and name had the same meaning. “I am Sakuya Izayoi, a pleasure to meet you.” She gave a slight curtsy bow, looking back up at him with her stormy gray irises trained on the man. Was he hiding something? He seemed a little too hostile to a ‘mere servant’ to be simply an aristocrat. Though perhaps she was over analyzing things. “Your name, sir?”
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viridian-courier · 10 years
Delmont reeled back, luckily able to stabilize himself with his cane before he fell over backwards.  With a look of disgust he rubbed at his face and chin; there would probably be a good red mark left over in due time.  
"Rude?  Words are nothing, compared to the antics of an inexperienced magic user!  'ave your parents taught you nothing, little girl?  Tch!  No restraint, it seems.  No restraint at all!  A few personal remarks would do you good!"
"…why are you so rude?!” It was the best Wiebke could come up with under the weight of her own fluster.  She squeezed her fists, digging her nails into her palms.  ”I was just being friendly and greeting a new person, and now I have to put up with personal remarks?!”
The girl was flailing her arms about as she spoke, as if it would make him understand how ridiculous he was being at that moment.  Before she’d realised what she’d done, she’d released her negative energies at her arms swung down causing a strong, sharp gust of wind to slap him hard in the face.
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viridian-courier · 10 years
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viridian-courier · 10 years
"Oh, non, non!  You see, petite girl, it is much less a thing.  You can tell from a person's brow, by their demeanor, their stance!"  Delmont smirked, just a small amount.  Perhaps this is how his partner felt whenever she deemed it an appropriate time to chat his ear off.  Annoyance, and yet the murmur of power.
"I see you, stomping your little foot about, like a child who didn't get their dessert.  Besides, I feel that even if you were granted with the powers of mind reading....I doubt you'd be able to 'arness its full potential."
She realised a few things about this man in that moment; he either took things very literally, or he was a bit dull.
Either way, she felt herself begin to fume. “Oh, so nobody can approach you or start conversation unless you intend to speak to them first?  And how do you supposed that happen?  Perhaps I’m the only person in the world who lacks mind-reading capabilities!” Wiebke stomped her foot out of frustration.  Why did he have to be like this?
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