weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
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I feel you sailor moon
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weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
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So last night I decided to take my measurements and stuck them up on the fridge for encouragement, it was eye opening to say the least I feel so much more determined than I ever have to finally reduce these numbers and start being a healthier happier person so each time I reach into the fridge now I will be reminded of where I started and hopefully it will encourage me to reach for the fruit and veg drawers rather than the chocolate 😅
Add me as a friend on my fitnesspal: www.myfitnesspal.com/weightloss_bunnii
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weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
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weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
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So today I rolled out of bed at 8o’clock to get to the gym for my very first spin class. Going in I was very nervous and had no idea what to expect. At this point, I still don't know if I did well or not and I have quite mixed feelings. I feel proud because I finally did it without talking myself out of it but I also feel sore tired and like I don't want to do anything else for the rest of the day. 
I made the mistake of not eating before going with how early it was to and am feeling the consequences now, so that's something of note for next week.
 I’m tired but not defeated and have a full on plan I will be going forward with until I start to feel more comfortable.
My current gym days and plan is as follows:
Attend “burn it” a 30-minute session that focusses on using only your bodyweight in varying styles of High-Intensity Interval Training.
Go to the gym and get comfortable with the equipment (try out some different things and see what feels best)
Attend “cycle” in this you basically cycle your way through multiple terrains designed to improve cardio endurance, lose weight and strengthen your legs and core. 
Add me as a friend on my fitnesspal:  
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weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
I wrote this down a few months ago on my half-assed random shit blog and it will never not be true 
This thick thighs save lives stuff is cute and all but no one ever talks about how thick thighs are expensive because my chub is forever rubbing holes in my trousers 🤦🏻‍♀️
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weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
Gym tonight I have a consultation to find out my body fat percentage, then the plot twist... My true form will be realised I am 100% fat 😂
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weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
I think it's good to set goals and find inspiration from others Linda Hamilton is probably one of my biggest body goals. Got to love and look up to beautiful bad asses
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terminator 2: judgement day
no fate.
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weightloss-bunnii · 5 years
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Hello, my name is Rachael, I’m a 22-year-old who has always struggled with weight and body confidence. 
About a year ago I was told by my doctor that I have a binge eating disorder. Regardless of my emotion, I tend to eat disgusting amounts in one sitting and can sometimes gorge without even realising. As a result, my weight has fluctuated a lot.  I have always struggled with forming a healthy relationship with food and over that last few months have been using Instagram to log a visual diary of my meals. This has helped me extremely to be more conscious of my eating habits and has encouraged me to think more about what I am eating and what goes into my body, but I can't really write a lot about how I feel there. So    I decided that I would make this blog. I want to use this space as my virtual diary to talk about how I feel and how I am getting on.
Currently, I am 14st 8lbs, standing at 5ft11 that makes me overweight.  
I have dabbled in veganism before but unfortunately about three years ago after a year of following the diet, I became very ill. This was down to my own foolish choices and I didn't give my body the correct nutrients it needed causing me to be very sick. I re-commenced my vegan diet on the 19th of November this year. I made this decision as I am now making smarter choices when it comes to food and feel like I could really get some proper value from following this lifestyle again. 
As of the 21st of November, I signed up for the gym and attended for the first time in about 2 years. I am going to a consultation there tomorrow to get information on my fat percentage and what I can really work on to improve my health and fitness. 
Though I will most likely lose weight during this journey my main goal is to be happier, fitter and healthier, I want to be stronger and hope this can help me gain some more confidence. In the past, I have done some very irrational things to lose weight like stints of not eating which caused my weight to decrease very rapidly but as a result, I was very ill and as soon as I started to eat again the weight piled straight back on. I have tried every fad I can think of and now I hope with my willpower and determination alone that I will finally start to become the person I dream of being. 
I am currently writing this on  22nd of November 2018, I hope in a few years when looking back on this I will do so knowing that I achieved the goals I set for myself on this day 
My goals are: 
To get to a healthy weight,
to become comfortable in my own skin,
and to be strong.
Add me as a friend on my fitnesspal:  
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