Hydrating as it may be, the tap itself never gets thirsty or becomes wet
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I told my sister that minecraft without mods is called vanilla minecraft and now whenever she plays modded she tells me she's playing chocolate minecraft
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Y'know, I noticed that Lancer calls Rouxls Kaard his "lesser dad" and Rouxls Kaard calls Lancer his strange son/darling. Also King has Rouxls take care of Lancer at times so I guess Lancer is Rouxls' son, which has some pretty wholesome and some not so wholesome implications... Like the fact that Lancer is being neglected. But also...
Rouxls Kaard x King
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Thinking about how Ralsei is sort of just a nicer Flowey
*First most obvious reason is that they are both Sort of, but not quite Asriel.
*You meet both at the start of the game
*They both give you a tutorial
*Both try to be your friend
*Both have powers not possessed by other monsters/darkners (Flowey has determination, and Ralsei seems to be the only darkner who doesn't turn to stone in other dark worlds)
*Both have knowledge not known by many other people (Ralsei's knowledge of the roaring and Flowey breaking the fourth wall)
*Both can teleport(Flowey pops up out of nowhere at times and Ralsei just... Showed up? At the cyberworld, Kris doesn't carry Ralsei in their pocket like they do Lancer)
I can't remember all the reasons which I initially thought of, I will add them once I do
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Y'know I think that the final boss of deltarune is Kris and I think that the vessel which we created at the start of the game is how we'll fight them.
Like, if you consider all the times when Kris removed their soul from their body to idk exercise free will, they did something rude/evil.
Like, first they ate Toriel's pie, then they slashed her car tyres and finally they created that dark fountain and I think that Kris is evil and that our control over them is what keeps them in check.
And at the end I think that they'll rip the soul out of us in an effort to kill us but due to determination n stuff we survived and the vessel which we made will just materialize around the soul and we'll fight Kris in an epic battle to the death.
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Hi um I'm new to the Dsaf fandom but can someone please give me a short but lore accurate condensation of the three games
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