wofuru · 4 years
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Hello everyone :) !
The reverse bang is here ! Me and Ailurea have been working hard to give you something sweet to celebrate Shiro’s and Keith’s wedding anniversary <3 You can find the lovely fic here : https://archiveofourown.org/works/21814777 and Ailurea twitter here : https://twitter.com/ailurea   =3 <3 
I will be posting each and all drawings separately to explain in details in the upcoming days. But basically our lovebirds are part of a photoshoot in the 1st few pictures (queue: when Keith has a ponytail) and the other ones ... well is the real thing !
This was an amazing experience, I hope you’ll love our works !! 
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wofuru · 5 years
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It’s been a while folks. I am not dead but just taking time to myself for a break and should be coming back and be more present in the future. Expect livestreams and all sorts of projects hopefully starting by the end of the year.
In the meantime, some update and new products were added to my redbubble online store. Come take a look !! https://www.redbubble.com/people/Rem8/shop
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wofuru · 5 years
I can’t yell SHIRO AND KEITH loud enough. 
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wofuru · 5 years
Legendarily Defensive: Editing the Gay Away in VLD
Disclaimer: This meta is a collaboration of the entirety of #TeamPurpleLion.  We understand while we do touch on narrative romance, we are intentionally trying to be as ship-neutral as possible, and provide that which we only have evidence for.  We encourage the experts in their respective ship-fandoms to meta as they do best on these topics, and we hope this can be a factual basis to springboard from.
In the most recent AfterBuzz interview March 4, 2019, Executive Producers Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim dos Santos revealed in no uncertain terms who, precisely, is responsible for the editing fiasco that resulted in the version of Season 8 presented to the fandom, including explaining to their viewers when the changes were called for, and a heretofore unknown why: the removal of a mlm relationship between two of the male Paladins.
Let’s break it down.
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wofuru · 5 years
The Wolf, the Atlas and the Bayard
Or an Analysis of what Season Seven was Meant to be before They Rewrote it to Accommodate Black Paladin Keith 
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At one point, the EPs mentioned a version of s7 where Shiro went back to being Black Paladin. I hypothesize that was the original version. When they got the go ahead to make Keith Black Paladin, rather than rewrite the entire story, they rewrote parts of the script they already had to fit that. 
This would explain why there’s no mention in the script as to why Shiro isn’t Black Paladin anymore. Because in the original script, he was. 
So, here’s a few things I think ended up being changed, added, moved around or cut from the original to make this new vision “work.”
First Start by Realizing the Truth: There was no Wolf
Let’s go back to s6 and assume everything happened exactly the same way it did… only minus the wolf. Does this change anything in the plot? No. The wolf appears in s6, but does nothing but stand around in the background and presumably provide extra moral support for Keith during their long journey. You could remove the wolf entirely and it would change nothing. 
Kind of like Shiro in the first half of s7. 
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wofuru · 5 years
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wofuru · 5 years
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Hi wtf even is s8? I’m just going to put my opinion out there: season 8 was a whole MESS. The characters were OOC, Allura, Lance, and Shiro were done dirty 💔 All of our nightmares came true. Shiro was so distant with Keith and didn’t reciprocate putting his life on the line saving Keith (he just stood there,,like really?) Yeah so Cannon VLD ends s7 for me. Just… what were they thinking? Not only did they ruin their cannon allurance romance and rushed Shiro’s “romance”, but they also ruined the potential to present the best m|m relationship (platonic or not) in American anime HISTORY. Yeah I’m salty and I’m sad and tired. What was the wait even for?
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wofuru · 5 years
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Someone is going to regret bothering the boss after a long day of work, because his bodyguard had decided to take care of him the proper way and melt that stress all away. The new guy should have asked around before just getting in. 
Here’s a gift for @living-the-gay-way for the @sheithlentines gift exchange !! This was an amazing new experience. The themes and ideas in your wishlist were really inspiring. And now sign me up for this yakuza au XD !
Concept here is that Shiro is a yakuza boss and Keith his bodyguard mainly as you can surely deduce. 
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wofuru · 5 years
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Someone is going to regret bothering the boss after a long day of work, because his bodyguard had decided to take care of him the proper way and melt that stress all away. The new guy should have asked around before just getting in. 
Here’s a gift for @living-the-gay-way for the @sheithlentines gift exchange !! This was an amazing new experience. The themes and ideas in your wishlist were really inspiring. And now sign me up for this yakuza au XD !
Concept here is that Shiro is a yakuza boss and Keith his bodyguard mainly as you can surely deduce. 
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wofuru · 5 years
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Let see if tumblr blocks exterior links to nsfw drawings (behind some sort of lock still). 
BottomShiroWeek ! I know, I am late. Here’s day 4. (will post day 1-2-3 if this works)
Here : https://privatter.net/i/3359511
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wofuru · 5 years
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wofuru · 5 years
On average, you have a 1 in 18,989 chance of being murdered
A trans person has a 1 in 12 chance of being murdered
The average life span of a cis person is about 75-90 
The average life expectancy of a trans person is 23-30 years old
75% of people killed in anti LGBT hate crimes are poc
Think about this the next time you go crying over “cisphobia” and “reverse racism”
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wofuru · 5 years
A second chapter because Reasons.  :)  Yay for #bottomshiroweek2019  
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wofuru · 5 years
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wofuru · 5 years
Red exorcist chap 8 / ?
And another chapter you guys, I hope you like it =D
This one is a little shorter, but I tried to cut where it made sense. 
link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/17101469/chapters/41133266
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wofuru · 5 years
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wofuru · 5 years
Was Season 8 of Voltron changed?
This masterpost gathers all the evidence indicating the technical weird aspects of Season 8, disregarding possible animation errors. It is not a post about theories of what happened or what’s the truth. By the end of this post, the goal is for you to form your own opinion.
The information gathered here was a collective work of many fans. If you know or found something relevant to this topic, please feel free to message us. We promise to respect the anonymity of those who give us more information. If by the end of this post, you believe something is wrong with Season 8, please consider signing this petition. Disclaimer: This blog condemns any hate towards the staff and creators of the show. Please channel your frustration to Dreamworks or Netflix.
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