xlightless · 2 years
chef de cuisine 3/?
Pairing(s): Kim Himchan/Yoo Youngjae Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: None Tags: Alternate Universe - Chef, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Summary: In Yoo Youngjae’s kitchen, he reigns over all, from the shining chrome countertops to the massive walk-in refrigerator. So, when he has to take leave for a family emergency, he’s surprised to find a new chef as his substitute. He doesn’t like this Kim Himchan and his impossibly friendly demeanor, his magnetic smile, his loud laughter—
Youngjae wants him out.
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xlightless · 4 years
“If someday the moon calls you by your name don’t be surprised, because every night I tell her about you.”
Shahrazad al-Khalij
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xlightless · 4 years
“Please, let him be soft. I know you made him with gunmetal bones and wolf’s teeth. I know you made him to be a warrior a soldier a hero. But even gunmetal can warp and even wolf’s teeth can dull and I do not want to see him break the way old and worn and overused things do. I do not want to see him go up in flames the way all heroes end up martyrs. I know that you will tell me that the world needs him. The world needs his heart and his faith and his courage and his strength and his bones and his teeth and his blood and his voice and his– The world needs anything he will give them. Damn the world, and damn you too. Damn anyone that ever asked anything of him, damn anyone that ever took anything from him, damn anyone that ever prayed to his name. You know that he will give them everything until there is nothing left of him but the imprint of dust where his feet once trod. You know that he will bear the world like Atlas until his shoulders collapse and his knees buckle and he is crushed by all he used to carry. Dear God, you have already made an Atlas. You have already made an Achilles and an Icarus and a Hercules. You have already made so many heroes, and you can make another again. You can have your pick of heroes. So please, I beg you– he is all that I have, and you have so many heroes and the world has so many more. Let him be soft, and let him be mine.”
— Please, let him be happy ( j.p. )
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xlightless · 5 years
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xlightless · 5 years
Different Types of Conflict in Stories
1) Person v Person: the classic antagonist vs protagonist or the betrayal from a friend or lover. This conflict occurs when people are the root of the problem and can have many different thematic meanings.
2) Person v Nature: this can be seen in movies like San Andreas with the earthquakes or at the end of the novel The Tortilla Curtain with the mudslides, the characters in the story have to find a way to survive the power of nature and are ultimately rendered small and humbled by the experience.
3) Person v Self: this is seen through inner conflict most often from the protagonist. Hamlet has loads of inner conflict as Hamlet spirals through dozens of emotions. You can see inner conflict in plenty of superhero movies as well from Tony Stark to Spider-Man to really any other superhero. When our protagonist is struggling to overcome fear or doubt or greed or anything else internalized, it becomes a conflict with the self. It is one of the most crucial conflicts in stories because it is what makes us human.
4) Person v Society: seen when a person comes to grips with how a society dictates everyday items. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a great example of this as well as Monster Inc. in which we see Sully trying to figure out how Boo could be considered so dangerous causing him to question how his morals stacked up against societies. This conflict is meant to ask the question about when does losing our individuality create greater harm than good, and where can we draw this line when humans distinctly need to live in groups to survive?
5)Person v Supernatural: often seen in horrors and thrillers this is when the protagonist fights an otherworldly entity. Frankenstein is a great example with a creature following the protagonist throughout the story. This type of conflict is meant to hyperbolize and juxtapose sin and virtue to a larger extent contrasting our fears and hopes, forcing their reality on to the protagonist.
6) Person v Technology: when a scientific discovery gets out of hand. Jurassic Park: great example, people use science to the extreme and dinosaurs run loose. This type of conflict is meant to question just because we can do it, does it mean we should? And what are the repercussions of using technology we can’t reverse.
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xlightless · 5 years
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DEAR EX | 誰先愛上他的 (2018) dir. Mag Hsu & Hsu Chih-yen
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xlightless · 5 years
i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 
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xlightless · 5 years
i talk a big game about enemies-to-lovers but i’ve only just now begun considering the possibilities of friends-to-enemies-to-lovers. they were friends. there was a BETRAYAL. now they’re enemies. but then… they fall in love… maximum potential for pining… achieved
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xlightless · 5 years
i’ve kissed you before (but i didn’t do it right)
Pairing(s): Jung Daehyun/Kim Himchan
 Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
 Tags: Past Relationship(s), Angst with a Happy Ending, Reconciliation, Alternate Universe Summary: On the first sunny day in months, Himchan’s heart shatters into a million pieces. Except, it doesn’t feel like a shattering. Certainly not like a clean break, but more like a swift blow to the chest, knocking him senseless and straight into shock.
part 3 of the fear of falling apart series
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xlightless · 5 years
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Alaçatı, Çeşme by Olay Seven
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xlightless · 5 years
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A Blanket Of Blue And Yellow (Cambridgeshire Canola Fields) by  Adam Marshall
instagram / website
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xlightless · 5 years
Literally none of my story ideas come with a plot, ever. WITHOUT FAIL, it’s always just an Aesthetic, like two and a half characters, some very, very vivid settings, and a weird concept. Never plot. Not even an inkling of a plot. My brain tosses me this cool stuff and is like welp i’ll be back in 4-5 business months 
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xlightless · 5 years
Date a cute witch boy!
A witch boy who traces love & protection sigils on your thighs with his fingertips while he kisses your shoulders.
A witch boy with freckled kissed cheeks and sun in his hair. He paints you with his favourite watercolor set and dips his brush is warm sun water.
A witch boy who takes you on dates to the ocean and he tells you the name of every sea creature that crosses your path with excitement in his eyes.
A witch boy that makes enchanted soup that warms your soul and makes you curl your toes.
A witch boy who babbles to his deities all about you, and constantly asks them for your protection and safety.
A witch boy who not only does his own daily tarot reading first thing in the morning, but he does yours too.
A witch boy who writes your name and doodles hearts in his book of shadows.
A witch boy who reads you sections of his dream journal, and asks your thoughts , feelings, and opinions about it.
A witch boy who blesses your necklace with confidence spells because he loves you much, and you deserve the world.
A witch boy who whispers to his spirit guides late at night while you’re asleep. His pendulum swinging wildly in the moonlight.
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xlightless · 5 years
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xlightless · 5 years
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Fire, Anais Nin
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xlightless · 5 years
paint me into a corner 12/?
Pairing(s): Choi Junhong | Zelo/Moon Jongup, Bang Yongguk/Kim Himchan, Jung Daehyun/Yoo Youngjae
 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
 Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Magical Tattoos, Family, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor Summary: Junhong flies into the city on a homemade broomstick and begins an apprenticeship in a magic tattoo parlor. Or the year in which Junhong finds a family in an apartment between a tattoo parlor and apothecary herbal shop.
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xlightless · 5 years
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 Last dance by  Muna Abdirahman
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