xxgracieghostxx · 6 months
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Christmas tree!
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xxgracieghostxx · 6 months
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Snowy morning!
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xxgracieghostxx · 7 months
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The views from my desk while doing school!
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xxgracieghostxx · 7 months
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Photos from awhile back that I still love
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xxgracieghostxx · 7 months
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xxgracieghostxx · 7 months
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The woods welcome the winter, and the trees begin their slumber.
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xxgracieghostxx · 7 months
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Salem seas! 🌊⛵
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
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The road to adventure!
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
I am rediscovering the early 2000s and 2010s and needless to say I am terrified.
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
I still think about this dream a lot
When I was taking a human anatomy course in college, I had to watch a lot of "Crash Course To Human Anatomy" (at least one to three videos every week for a good grade), which was a YouTube series where Hank Green would explain the concepts of anatomy and physiology in a very fast and humorous way. One night I had this dream where I was in a room that was completely dark except for a lit up corner that had a ticking time bomb which I had to diffuse, but as soon as I began to star diffusing it, the intro music to Crash Course began to play. I then noticed a previously dark corner of the room was lit up to reveal the set to Crash Course, which consisted of a couple of odds and ends but was mostly taken up by a large desk that Hank Green sat behind to do his educational bit. Anyways, Hank then starts to talk about bones and muscles in his usual fast paced teaching style, which was stressing me out greatly because I had to diffuse a bomb. Suddenly, I had a great idea. Since Hank knows a lot about sciency things and what not, maybe he can diffuse this bomb. So I call out to him. "Hey genius! Can you shut up and walk over here to diffuse this bomb?" Hank then stops and looks me dead in the eye, which had an evil sort of glint and says "Bold of you to assume I have LEGS!" And with that, he somehow pushes the entire desk aside to reveal that he is only a torso on one of those mannequin stands that is propped up in his chair. And then without skipping a beat, he resumed talking about bones and muscles.
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
Sperm whales imply the existence of an egg whale.
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
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Despite the overcast weather, the flowers still looked pretty.
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
Idk why, but there is something different about eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Like, there are very few times I crave this childhood classic, but once I have indulged in its sticky, gooey, clothes-staining goodness, I begin to feel so alive. I feel like everything is good for once in my life and that everything is wholesome and pure. That is, until I get the suffocating feeling of peanut butter gluing my esophagus shut, which has the feeling of oxygen deprivation while being able to breath, merely extending my suffering.
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xxgracieghostxx · 2 years
I did it...
After hearing about the legend of Tumblr for almost all of my life (and finding its content floating around Pinterest), I have finally joined the website. If I do not make it out alive, tell my story. I want my legacy to live on.
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