Good/bad news
My sister is fileing charges against her abuser and imma be out for a bit. My sister needs me right now, I'll be gone at least 48 hours. I promise I'll be back.
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Hmmm what happens after diavolo regains control and calls lucifer in your “how the undateables react to the omega purr” 👀👀👀
Not me wanting more abo obey me head cannons (esp diavolo) haha what??
Heheheehehehheheheeh this is gonna be funnnnnnnnnn!
Even after Y/n was escorted out Diavolo's office still smelled thick and sweet. The your scent still clung to his clothes and breathing through his mouth was doing little to help. He growled and banged his fist on his desk the wood splitting with a deep crack. He's trying to clam down, he really is but after he growls at an alpha who was just passing by his office he sighs.
"Barbatos," His butler looks up from across the office. "Dismiss the student body and faculty for the week, in light of the current state of things I think a long weekend is in order." Barbatos nodded.
"Yes my prince." When Barbatos walked out of the office the poor alpha Diavolo growled at was curled up on the floor shaking and crying, their scent of distress smothered by Diavolo's agitation. Using his D.D.D Barbatos sent a text to the faculty about the early dismissal and to notify the students to avoid Diavolo's office. "Its alright." Barbatos spoke as he approached the alpha. " I need your D.D.D." The alpha couldn't move as Barbatos reached into their chest pocket and took the D.D.D. The alpha whimpered eyes wide. Barbatos sat down and started to pet the alphas head. "I'm just calling someone from your pack to come collect you, can you tell me which one is a bata? The alpha pointed at a number and Barbatos called it. He explaind the situation and the bata was on their way. When the bata came and got the alpha Barbatos made a not to have Diavolo send a personal apology to them. Barbatos was going to walk into the office when a stronger scent his his nose. He sighed and walked away, "This whole school will need aired out."
- Safe to say having an omega purr on your lap and start heat right infront of you would push ANY alpha's limit and Diavolo is no exception.
- Diavolo goes into an early rut, nomaly he takes a strong suppressant and has a few rut buddies on stand by to help him through it. Unfortunately, this time none of that happens.
- He's stuck in his office with nothing but his hand to help him. Yeah this is not gonna be a fun time, if anything its gonna be PAINFUL.
- After a few hours of knotting his hand for a few hours and destroying his office and shredding the curtains to make a makeshift nest. Barbatos is finally able to teleport his prince to his room.
- Diavolo is feral at this point and to far in his rut for a suppressant making it unsafe for any kind of rut help. For the first time in centuries he has to handle this one on his own.
- Safe to say he is pissed and tries to break down the door because ~alpha hormones~ he wants someone, ANYONE in his nest to take all he has to give.
- He's about to roar when he smells it, that thick scent again the smell of an omega in heat. Rummiging around his room he find his school pants and smells. Some of your slick got on his pants when you were sitting on him.
- The smell clams him and he's able to rub a few more out and knottes one of his fleshlights this time. During this moment of clarity he calls you and just hopes you pick up.
- To his surprise you do, at first there's just lots of heavy breathing and light moaning on both sides. Should he do this? You're one of the exchange students what was he thinking, he goes to hang up when you start to purr again.
- That damn purr that started this whole mess, that purr that made him like this, that purr he couldn't get enough of, the purr that had him hooked like the finest drugs. To heaven with it, he'll extend an apology later.
- "Purr for me omega and don't stop until I tell you." You two spent the next few days calling each other and helping each other out. When the brothers found out their was little they could do. Barbatos knew but nothing he could do so he let it be.
- When you both came out of it there was an awkward tension. You both had heard and seen parts of each other that could not be taken back. Diavolo extended a very formal apology to you and kept his distance for a while. And you did the same. (I'll leave it up to you if you accept his apology or not)
(Mabey not the ending you expected but I feel if this happened it would be awkward for a bit. Side note: The alpha mention in the beginning is nonbinary and is mates with the bata Barbatos called. Just wanted to share that information with you lovelies.)
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It's time to D-d-d-duel!
Basically how I felt when I beat Lesson 40-23 in a breeze.
If you haven't got to beat this hard lesson yet, don't give up! You'll get there! 😘
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Tell me more aboit the mafia bros!
Okay this is like a rough list I have rn!
- So first off they are not demons in this.
- I'm torn between Lucifer being Diavolo's right hand or him running his own mafia and Diavolo is a rival mafia.
- Mammon runs the casinos, I know basic but he does a great job at keeping money in the house. He's also a sniper, and a fucking good one.
- Leviathan runs a computer cafe in the day time, everyone thinks he just a Weeb nerd but that's just a cover for being a hacker. He's also in charge of over seas runs, like with ships or submarines...He also has a pet shark named Lotan.
- Satan passes as the gentleman librarian, but in the underground he's known for his torcher and getting information. You have a tight lipped trader? Send them to him he'll have them talking in a hour or your money back.
- Asmodeus runs the sex clubs and is a pimp but, he takes care of his workers. Most of his workers are paying off money to the mafia. (The workers are all 20+, 19 and younger work at Levi's computer cafe they mostly dust off computers and clean them.)
- Beelzebub is the muscle and goes with Lucifer to meetings, he's also a hit man. Can be seen visiting cafes all day and is know to have a soft spot for children.
- Belphegor is know for his work with poisons dosen't like putting much work in his job. If he's not asleep his working on making stronger poisons.
- Diavolo is a king pin in the mafia world, he works with charities, he donates, and even supports small businesses. Don't let his smile fool you his hands are caked in blood, betray him and I will be the last thing you do.
- Barbatos is Diavolo's right hand and has a tabs on all information, he seems to know what's going to happen before it does. He's extremely hard to fool so don't try it. Also is an assassin for Diavolo.
- Simeon, an up and coming detective in the force, very sweet and kind. He's come close multiple times to cracking cases wide open on Diavolo and others.
- Solomon, a corrupt sienor detective. He's known in the underground for working with Asmodeus and Barbatos. He's covered for Diavolo and prevented Simeon from getting ANYWHERE with his current cases.
- Luke, Simeon's adopted son. Not much is known on him but, he does social media reviews on bakeries in his area.
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So, I know I have lots of stuff on my mind but
Mafia Au...
It's been on my mind anyone wanna hear about it??
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Are you into demonolatry? Because I personally am and I find your interactions with Beelzebub to be quite interesting- Obey Me is actually what made me discover demonolatry (which has led to a lot of positives in my life.) It's insane how even the tiniest of things can end up impacting you (although I am still worried about working with Mammon because I feel like the game has impacted my view on him, seeing as he is my favorite character in-game. I just feel like it could be considered unfair and rude to have preconceived opinions based off of an otome. Which is partially why I don't work with any of the in game versions.
Welp, I actually also work with Mammon, from personal experience he is CHAOTIC. His energy makes you feel like you can fight God and WIN.
To compare, his personality is a bit like Obey me Mammon but, a lot smarter. Yes he's a genius at math, he's cunning, and a bit manipulative if you're not careful. He makes you think you can win it all but when you lose it all he laughs.
And yes I'm into demonology, I study it because I work with three demons and it's a good idea to learn about them before you work with them. I have learned tons about Beelzebub and Lilith, but it's hard to find stuff on Mammon.
All admit I had the same concerns about working with Beelzebub after playing the game. But he was patient with me and answered my questions and helped me figure out stereotype (from obey me) and the truth.
If you have anymore questions about this don't hesitate to ask, I'll answer if I can.
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Lmao super understandable, but would you mind telling a couple more (just in response to this, it doesnt need to be seperate posts lol) if not thats totally fine too of course!
Sure! I don't mind!😁😁😁
*Me asks if I can refer to Og!Beelzebub as Og!Beelzebub*
Og!Beelzebub: sure sure you funky little human.
Me: Yeeee!
- Og!Beelzebub really likes how obey me Beelzebub looks! He thinks it's nice that they see him more than an obese thing that he's commonly portrayed as.
- Og!Beelzebub has commented that he dosen't like how obey me Beelzebub eats so much sweets. Og!Beelzebub "his teeth must be horrendous."
- Og!Beelzebub HATES how popular Obey me Lucifer is! He will go on tangents about this! He will also do this with supernatural shows. Og!Beelzebub: "Its always Lucifer and Satan! What about me I'm strong to!" "Those are just Tricksters name dropping for fucks sake! I thought you were an "expert!" 😡 He hates shows like Ghost adventures with a passion.
Me: what do you think of the new outfits in obey me? The onesies?
Og!Beelzebub: Fcuking hilarious!
Me: would you where obey me Beelzebub's?
Og!Beelzebub: Fuck no and don't ask again.
Me: Would you where any of the outfits he has?
Og!Beelzebub: The demon form and human realm one are pretty nice. But only if I HAD to.
Me: got any knowledge you want to share with my followers?
Og!Beelzebub: Be smart, don't take shit and the real Solomon was an asshole.
Edit he had one last thing to say:
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I'm v slowly starting to get (back) into like, witchcraft, paganism n stuff. And reading your 'pagan obey me fan problems' is sending me LMAO help.
Honestly I could dedicate a blog to everything Beelzebub has said about obey me really I could. But if I do that it'll take up so much room on the blog.
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Hi question, do you have a masterlist for your writing? I couldnt find any, and I really wanna read your stuff.
Oh um, no I dont have a master list, i try my best to tag things tho. I'm really sorry about that...
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Glad to see you posting again, glad to hear you're doing okay! Hope everything stays positive!
Trust me its good to be back!!!! I'm hoping to Bookkeeper
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Idk if you have done this or are working on something like this, but if not could you consider doing like yandere hc for the boys + Diavolo/Barbatos? (If you are comfortable with that)
Currently working on an ask similar to this, its just taking forever because I  HATE half assing my work trust me its gonna be good anon!  Its so fucking long and I’m not done with the brothers.
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Okay alpha omega heacannons just because I fucking die for cute shit.
Mc is an omega and I mean with one alpha they can kind of control their urges but with 7 maybe even more? Yeah no, they end up just saying fuck it and diving right into their instincts because no one has the level of self control necessary.
Now what urges are taking over exactly? Hugs, cuddles, purrs, just any type of affection PLEASE!
This MC is refusing to sleep by themselves come week 2 of the program and honestly? None of the brothers are all that bothered by it because hey they sleep comfortably with the human. This is until one alpha isn’t enough anymore.
Oh this MC starts trying to get 2, maybe even 3, brothers to just form a cuddle pile and is living life while the brothers are all just fucking confused on why they’ve been convinced to do this. They try and leave though and welp the MC is whining and begging for them to stay.
Also their heats hit like damn trucks but the MC is just interested in cuddles and soft love and all the boys are just like “please...please Becky let me smash” though they wouldn’t do anything without their consent obviously.
Also! The MC becomes weirdly protective of the brothers? They’ll step in if any of the brothers start fighting and will refuse to move until they either compromise or just walk away from each other. They also don’t put up with people saying negative things about any of the brothers, this has resulted in more than one fight breaking out between the MC and some random demon. Brothers are impressed that they can hold their own and also flattered that the MC would want to protect them in their own way.
Gifts! I like to think that since humans have such an awful sense of smell that the MC would instead start trying to leave little trinkets all around the house and in the brothers rooms as if to say “I was here thinking about you and this space is important to me!”
Lucifer would probably find various new pens. Mammon would come across little glass nick knacks. Leviathan would find those little paper origami stars. Satan would have a plethora of new book marks. Asmodeous would find new scarves and hats. Beel would see more of those tiny trophies after his games. Belphegors pillow collection seems to be increasing at a rapid rate, not that he minds.
The MC is always happy when they see the brothers looking at or even using the gifts! Lots of cute purring and chirping noises when that happens.
I love this so much!!!!
I lost it a lemme smash!! But damn do I love this!!! All the yes to this! I'm in fucking LOVE HERE!
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I love the post where Solomon saved MC from the demon brothers' fight? Can you write a follow-up? It can just be Solomon x MC fluff and comfort moments or anything else.💞💞
Okay I have two of these fics, one that’s abo au and normal.  Which one lovely?  because both have different answers.
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Sudden thought about your ABO au.
I assume children are allowed in their parent's nests? Is there a general cutoff age, or are offspring always welcome?
Always welcome, no matter what.  Its common for families or pacts to make nests and have a cuddle puddle.
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