yorkesteins · 4 minutes
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yorkesteins · 6 hours
ok but just. thinking abt jack telling cas in 15x15 that sacrificing himself to save the world and becoming a bomb is his choice. like this is team free will, and jack has the autonomy and will to choose. he's making this choice, even if no one else is on board, because they're not. cas certainly is not, and he immediately leaves to find another way. sam isn't either when he finds out. and then there's dean.
dean, who has been struggling the entire seasons with the reality that chuck has been keeping them in a rat-maze their whole lives. dean's arc this season has been showing him slipping into utter desperation to break out of chuck's story. he tells billie he needs chuck gone, and he doesn't have to like every part of the plan. and this part of the plan? jack's sacrifice? yeah, he doesn't like it. despite what billie implies, that jack's sacrifice is the only way dean will forgive jack, dean doesn't want this. he doesn't want jack dead. he's been working through his feelings of grief and anger post-mary and working toward forgiveness and repairing his relationship with jack. that's the core thesis of Last Holiday. he wants them to be a family again, it's the chuck desperation that gets to him and twists things. but at his core, no he doesn't want jack to die, but he feels like they have no other options and he needs chuck gone. he can't live like this anymore! that's why he explodes in the car with sam at the end of 15x16, because dean does not want this anymore than sam does, but he feels like they have no choice. and this is also indicative of how much dean is slipping, which will come to a head in the next ep, 15x17. because their core mission and belief is there is always a choice. team free will !!!!
it's a big clanging warning bell and red flag that dean feels so hopeless here, that he feels they have no other choice than to let jack go through with this sacrifice. but it's also very in-line with dean's own personal actions and beliefs that when the world is on the line he is always willing to put himself on the line to save it. dean will always self-sacrifice to save the ones he loves and the world at large. it's his MO.
so, part of him also understands exactly why jack has made this choice. he might not like it, and if he weren't so desperate right now he'd be on the same page with cas and sam wanting to find another way, but he does understand jack's choice, because it's the exact same choice dean would make if he were in jack's shoes. in fact, it's a choice dean DID make back in s11 when he was going to literally turn himself into a bomb to take out amara and save the world !!!!! he gets it!!!
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yorkesteins · 8 hours
cas poll
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yorkesteins · 8 hours
dean poll
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yorkesteins · 9 hours
hyperfixations are so embarrassing like nooo don’t look I have a crush. on this tv show
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yorkesteins · 12 hours
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I have that dream every couple of months. It's kind of comforting actually.
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yorkesteins · 1 day
“You gotta make a decision leave tonight or live and die this way” is such a raw line you’d think it was from Tracy Chapman’s fast car. And it is in fact from Tracy Chapman’s fast car.
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yorkesteins · 1 day
don’t get me wrong, I am and will be a destiel truther til the day i die. however, let us not forget to acknowledge the fact that Dean and Cas are best friends. like, they have meaningful, homoerotic conversations obviously, but they also talk about whatever stupid shit they want. they watch scooby doo and cowboy movies together. they go get food together even though Cas can’t eat. Dean calls Cas buddy, and partner and brother. they consider each other family. they know each other better than anyone else and not just because they’re gay, but because they’re best friends and care for each other and love each other platonically and romantically.
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yorkesteins · 1 day
genuinely, i think watching live theatre can improve your media literacy so much
like people who look at doctor who and are like 'lol the effects are so rubbish'
maybe watch a stage play where there's no backdrops and half the characters are played by the same three guys in different hats and maybe you will calm down
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yorkesteins · 2 days
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14.04 - Mint Condition
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yorkesteins · 2 days
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Jensen Ackles | Paris Convention, June 1st, 2024 [x]
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yorkesteins · 2 days
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Jensen Ackles is set to headline Amazon's new drama series, Countdown (x)
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yorkesteins · 2 days
“Ultimately, [Dean and Sam] are pathologically dishonest with each other because John Winchester was pathalogically elusive to them. They learned that the truth is this dangerous thing, and that you shouldn’t speak it. He even taught them to keep secrets from each other for strategic purposes.”
— Ben Edlund [X] (via boazpriestly)
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yorkesteins · 3 days
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yorkesteins · 3 days
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scenes that make me extremely hysterical 1/-
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yorkesteins · 3 days
dean reacting to dr sexy is textually gay. I’m not joking there’s even a gay little sound effect when he sees him
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yorkesteins · 4 days
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blackbird fly, blackbird fly, into the light of the dark black night.
⋙ for @mishha, happy birthday sila! ♥
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