0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Never, Never, Never Quit!
Winston Churchill (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 60 - 11  January 2020
My 4th Weigh in Cycle 4
I weigh 88.8 Kg
You never quit. There is always home of improvement. Once I quit it means that I do not care. Then bad things happen. With all my effort to the program i have managed to stabilize on 88.8 Kg.
What I am hopping no at least for a positive result of 0.5 Kg at the end of this cycle.
Being continually sick does not help. I will become healthier and lose that weight
Day 60 - 15 July 2019
My 4th weigh in
I weigh 87.0 Kg
One month to go and my weight has been stabilised at 87.0 Kg.
I am now a bit skeptical whether I will make my target of 83.9Kg by the 15 August. That is 3 Kg in 4 weeks. It is possible. I will see how I go.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 60 - 13 October 2019
My 4th Weigh in Cycle 3
I weigh 87.5 Kg
Unfortunately I did not lose weight since the last weigh in. The good news is that I did not gain any weight either. My weight seems to be around 87 to 88 kg in recent times. I am not sure what I can do to lose more weight. I definitely move my body. I have been consistently be doing over 10,000 steps each day since I started wearing my waist pedometer (All except one reading). The previous minimum daily steps will now be increased to 11,000 steps. That way maybe I can lose some weight in the next weigh in.
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I noticed since using a hydration reminder app. I am not hydrating myself well. Maybe that is the reason that I have not lost further weight. According to the app I meant to drink 2.9 Litres of liquid each day. My average so far is only 1.9 litres per day. That is 1 litre short of what I should be drinking. I am at 67% hydration level) I drink on average 9 times a day.
I will make a serious effort to drink more water and see what happens At the nextweigh in I will report in my hydration levels. I am aiming at my next weigh in to be drinking over 2 Litres per day and my hydration levels over 70%
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(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not upon your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
Charles Dickens (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 59 - 14 July 2019
Review and Renew time again
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 59 - 12 October 2019
Review and Renew Time again
As I am approaching the final leg of Cycle 3 it is Review and Renew time again. I noticed that in cycle 2 I did not do a review. It was the time that i briefly stopped blogging.
The best things that happened this week were
I reached my highest tally of steps in my pedometer early in the week and I beat that score again yesterday. Wow ! 2 high scores within the week. My highest tally score now stands 17,156 steps.
I started using my voice recorder app to take notes during the day
i downloaded a health log app.
Christine brought a letter from the letter box without any prompting
It was my brother’s wedding anniversary. 19 years of marriage
Christine , the carers and I celebrated Moi Day; a Kenyan holiday
Alexandra Replied to my email regarding her art work
I bought Halloween decorations for Christine
I fixed my One Note Sync problems
My biggest challenges this week were
Trying to finish my big rocks for the week and completing the things in my calendar
Being sick and still be able to do things
Getting carers to do what they meant to do
Dealing with an One Note syncing problem
I did these things for the first time
There was nothing brand new, but i have done these things after a long time
Started using the voice recorder to do daily notes. Actually daily notes I think is a new thing.
Started wearing my Star Trek hat, This is the hat I got when I went to American in 1993.
Downloaded a health log app
Celebrated a Kenyan Holiday
What I learned was
Big rocks are wildly important goals that can be done in a week. If the Big Rock is too big it would not fit within the container.
You need to listen to what your body is saying to you. Regular breaks through out the day when you are not well will help you get things done.
Voice recordings a fast and easy way to record things so that you do not forget
My top 3 priorities for the week ahead
Finish Christine’s Skill Matrix.
Change my Financial Spreadsheet to reflect passive income indicators.
Create a health log
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as bright as possible before handing it onto future generations.
George Bernard Shaw (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 58 - 13 July 2019
The message for today is “ overcoming boredom “
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 58 - 11 October 2019
Paul says that that if you ever find your self bored , do not use food as a cure. Find something to do rather than eating unnecessary. food to not be bored.
I have been so lucky that I do not get bored easily. I seem that I always have something to do. As far as I remember I had no need to eat food when I was actually bored. Very Lucky. But I have suffered emotional eating from too much to do ! Haha.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 58 - 9 January 2020
The message for today is “ overcoming boredom “
Boredom is not one of my problem. But my autistic daughter is morbid obese and uses food as a fixation. It is not boredom but rather fixations to drive her in eating too much food. Also with little exercise no wonder she she is so fat.
I will try to use some of the principles of this program for her to lose weight.
It is going to be a challenge as she is stubborn and autistic. But at least I would not be bored !!
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Fortune and love befriend the bold.
Ovid (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 57 - 12 July 2019
The message for today from Paul is “ Break the routine “
Paul says it is a good idea to keep changing the routine and environment when you eat. That will make you more conscious on what you are actually eating. When you eat in a routine way your mind goes on auto pilot and you are really not noticing what you eat.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 57 - 10 October 2019
I have changed my location where I eat several times. With or without watching something on the TV screen. I did notice that I was more aware of my food.
I will make it a habit to continually change where I eat on a monthly cycle.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
It comes as a great shock to people that they can socialise without shoving food in their mouths.
Dave Barry (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 56 - 11 July 2019
The message from Paul today is social mindfulness
Paul says it is very difficult to be conscious and mindful when you eat and socialise. So one must be careful not to overeat in social gatherings.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 56 - 9 October 2019
Celebrations and parties have been associated with food since the ancient times. People consider sharing food with others as a necessary social need.
It is nice to socialise and celebrate with others but food is not necessary all the time. If you do eat food you need to be disciplined and mindful to stop when you are full. Some people have the habit and idea that they must over eat. It is a happy occasion and they need to be happy. If they do not eat other people  pressure them by saying “ come on eat don’t be shy” Or “why you are not eating?” Discipline and the integrity of the moment is a must and one must say to others and themselves I am full I do not need to eat. I can socialise in other ways.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Tell me what you eat and I tell what you are.
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 55 - 10 July 2019
The message for today from Paul is Write it down
Paul suggests to increase our mindfulness is to write down everything we eat.
I think that is a good idea and I will start doing it.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 55 - 8 October 2019
Unfortunately i did not make it happen and did not form a habit. I will have a serious effort this time. I will use my audio note taking system that I have recently created to start recording what I eat. My fluid intake is recorded by my “drink water app”
It would be interesting to see what I eat. I can then make some conscious decisions.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains; another, a moonlit beach; a third a family dinner of post roast and sweet potatoes during a myrtle-mad August in a Midwestern town.
Diane Ackerman (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 54 - 9 July 2019
Today’s message from Paul is “ Smell yourself slim”
Paul says that by smelling your food before you eat it, helps you digested better. You will enjoy your food better and you will feel nice afterwards.
I haven’t form of habit of smelling my food, but I will start smelling it from now on.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 54 - 7 October 2019
I still have not form the habit but I occasionally remember and smell my food before i eat it.
That is why I am doing this program continually, that is continual cycles so that I can form this great habits and become slim and stay slim.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Mindfulness can be summed up in two words: pay attention. Once you notice what you are doing, you have the power to change it.
Michelle Burford (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 53 - 8 July 2019
Message for today is “The Breeze from the refrigerator door”
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 53 - 6 October 2019
Paul asks to be more mindful and notice things in our environment. This especially important when you preparing your meal and sitting down to eat it.
He encourages us to pay attention to our environment regularly and notice 3 things we can see, feel and hear.
When I have my 10 minute break through out the day, I will pay attention and notice things around me as I relax.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 53 - 4 January 2020
Message for today is “The Breeze from the refrigerator door”
I become more self aware as I am having regular mental breaks through out the day and I listen to subliminal audio.
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
To God, there is nothing small.
Mother Theresa (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 52 - 7 July 2019
Review and Renew time
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 52 - 5 October 2019
Review and Renew time
Well last time I did not fill in the review and Renew. It was the time where in a few weeks I stop doing the blog. Not to worry! I am doing it now that is all that matters.
Lets review on what I wrote last week.
The best things that happen to me this week were:
I ordered a long hair wig for Christine and she was excited we are just waiting to come. {it came and Christine is happy]
I received and replied an email from Cousin Maria { I received another reply today]
I started watching the Star Trek Movies on VHS [ I have now watched the first 5 movies]
I Finished the carer checklist [The carers are using it and they are more focused in their job]
Christine got her first star in the reward program. She flushed the toilet and washed her hand {Christine got 4 stars now and on her way to 10 stars - Rewards we are going to McDonalds]
I am starting to plan weekly using the Steven R. Covey Big Rocks system. I coincide my weekly planning with Review and Renew with my weight loss program.[ I am doing my weekly planning on Friday. It appears it doesn’t always coincide with the programs Review and renew]
I reached my highest pedometer reading of 15,844 steps. {I havent reached any higher I am averaging around 12,000 steps}
I listened to the workshop of 4 disciplines of execution and I enjoyed in immensely. I am beginning to implement the learning in my life. [ I am well on my way implementing the things I have now relearned. I listen to Steven Covey audios every day when I walk}
My Biggest Challenges for the week were
The carers and Christine continue to be a big challenge for me. Maybe working from home is not ideal and I may need to slowly move out to do my work. [ Yes I am continually having that problem. I am using my surface computer to go to the garage when it is getting too noisy or distracting]
I did these things for the first time
Set my self WIGS (Wildly Important Goals for my life) 1. My health 2, my finances and means to survive 3. Helping Christine. There are the 3 things that really matter in my life. A plan will be made and tasks will be broken down to weekly Big Rocks
What I learned was
We can do one thing at a time with excellence. Our brain is wired to do so. You may have many important goals to achieve but only 3 will be wildly important
My top 3 priorities for the week ahead are
Now I know why Paul only asks you to pick only 3 top priorities. They are the WIGS for the week
Complete my thinking on my Health WIG goal [Still working on it}
Complete the thinking on my Financial WIG Goal [Still working on it]
Complete the thinking on my Christine WIG goal [Still working on it]
The best things that happen to me this week were:
We saw the AFL Grand Final at my mum and Dad’s place and my brothers team won!
The Praying Mantis is still alive and I fixed its home
I lost some weight in my last weigh in
I downloaded a water drinking reminder app to keep my self better hydrated
I have refocused in writing my Book “ Hello I am Human”
Christine’s wig came and she was very happy
I received a commemorative pin from Engineers Australia
An old colleague visited me to get some advice
I enjoy waking up early at 6am with my alarm clock
My Biggest Challenges for the week were
The NDIS system and how uncaring and insensitive they are.
Try to get the carers to follow the new check list I created for them
HCA and how they are not organised and caring. Allowing workers to come overworked and sleepy. Not being good with their accounts and not keeping proper records.
I did these things for the first time
Seriously looking after a praying Mantis as a pet.
Receive a commemorative pin from Engineers Australia
Using a water drinking app to remind me to be hydrated
Used a wall monthly calendar to help Christine
What I learned was
I learned that persistence and commitment is the key to success. If you keep focused on what is truly most important to you and you commit with all your heart success in inevitable.
My top 3 priorities for the week ahead are
Complete my thinking on my Health WIG goal [From last week} Complete the thinking on my Financial WIG Goal [From Last week] Complete the thinking on my Christine WIG goal [From Last week]
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 52 - 3 January 2020
Review and Renew time
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Confront the difficult when it is still easy; accomplish the great task by a series of small acts
Tao Te Ching (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Week 7 - Starting 1st of July 2019
The message for the week is “ Little things mean a lot”
Into the second half of the second cycle. To reach my target of 83.9 Kg , i have to lose 3.1 kg in 45 days. That is 0.5 Kg per week. I think I can do this!
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Week 7 - Starting  28 December 2019
The message for the week is “ Little things mean a lot”
I forgot to post this weekly post when it was due. But it is better late than never.
Little things mean a lot. Small stepping stones or baby steps are needed to achieve great things. This small steps become habit , when they do success is inevitable as you are following principles to achieve your mission statement.
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
Success is how you collect your minutes…If you don’t have those zillions of Tiny Successes, the big ones don’t mean anything.
Norman Lear (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 51 - 6 July 2019
Message for today is Moment by Moment
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 51 - 4 October 2019
Paul encourages to collect moments that have evoked a strong and positive emotion in you. That way we get to notice and relive positive experiences in our lives. After all what is life if it is not to be enjoyed.
I will be start noticing them more and capture them in my gratitude journal at the end of the day.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 51 - 6 July 2019
Message for today is Moment by Moment
It is so important to reflect on nice things that have happened to you. These are the moments that count in life. If you do not have these moments nothing in life really matters.
I do my gratitude journal most night. Sometimes I forget or too tired to write but I collect at least 5 great things that have happened to me in a day.
I will start also posting in Tumblr some of the really great and positive things that have happened to me and also with photos and videos if possible.
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
All great things have small beginnings.
Peter Senge (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 50 - 5 July 2019
The message from Paul is Picture by picture
It is very important to see your self in your mind’s eye your self slim.
You can do this by progressively slimming your self until you see your ultimate and radiant self. By doing this visualisation every day you are programming your unconscious mind to make you slim.
I do this exercise. It is very powerful so much so I see my self slim and act as a slim person. Having this unconscious desire to be slim and if you actually see your self slim, then the unconscious mind will find a way to make you slim. The mind is so power so let it work for you as it does for me.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 50 - 3 October 2019
I still do this visualisation exercise, but not every day. I will get back to the habit again.
As Paul said Imagination is more powerful than will power. Visualising your self is a powerful exercise that will bring great results.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 50 - 1 January 2020
The message from Paul is Picture by picture
Well it is the start of the year and I hope it is a great one! I am hoping to lose more weight this year.
I still practice seeing my self thin as part of my mirror exercise. Visualisation is very powerful. I also downloaded a slimming app that is meant to look slimmer. That will aid me in my visualisation of becoming thinner.
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction over night.
Jim Rohn (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 49 - 31 December 2019
Today’s message from Paul McKenna is one by one
It is sad that I have not yet established any of the small changes that I said I would.
My sleeping patterns are not stable. I tend to go to sleep late because Christine does not sleep during the night.
Some times I do remember to take big breaths before meal. Also part of my anxiety reduction routine, I do 3 big breaths with imagery. I do that when I need to.
I stopped reading one page of Highly effective people book, but I have been reading and blogging consistently from my calendar Mottoes for Success.
With the new year I will be doings some Yoga. That will help me with my flexibility and anxiety as well.
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Day 49 - 4 July 2019
Today’s message from Paul McKenna is one by one
There are safety mechanisms in our brain to keep us safe if we try to many changes too quickly. We can fool our natural defense by making small changes every day. By doing this often we can make significant changes to our lives in the long term.
Paul asks us today to list some of the small changes in our lives that we are prepared to make, so we can significant impact in the future.
My list of small changes include
Set my alarm at 6am so that I can start the day early before Christine wakes up [I have not set an alarm- I naturally wake up early about 6:30am]
Drink one glass of water before I eat a meal [I do this most of the time. I hydrate my self more and I have an app on my phone to remind me]
Take 3 big breaths before I take a meal [I haven’t done that]
Read one page of my book 7 habits of highly effective people [I have not done that]
Start doing one new Yoga position each week [I have not done that]
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 49 - 2 October 2019
Looking what I written in the previous cycle, it appears that I have not done the many small changes that I have planned. In some cases i did some other small changed instead. In this cycle I plan to do only 3 small changes so that it can become a habit.
Set my alarm at 6am. I can set my night clock to wake me up with music
Take 3 big breaths before I take a meal.
Read one page {quote} from the book - Daily reflections for highly effective people.
I am hoping that when I revisit this day in the next cycle I have established a habit for the above 3 small changes. I am hoping for each cycle I can add 3 small positive changes to my life.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
If you keep just moving, sooner or later the finish line will show up.
Stu Mittleman (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 48 - 30 December 2019
The message from Paul for today is “Bit by Bit”
I am persistent to lose my weight. I do not know how long it will take but I will get there in the end. Persistence = Success
Day 48 - 3 July 2019
The message from Paul for today is “Bit by Bit”
Paul says that if you have to run 1,000 miles you break it down to small goals of say running a mile. Then another and another and so on. Stu Mittleman a 1000 mile champion runner, ran the 1,000 miles a mile at a time.
So if you want to lose 5 kg like I do , you want to loose 0,5kg per week. Focus on doing what is right for the week and you will lose that 0.5 kg. Do the same thing next week and the week after. In no time you will see the finish line and you have lost 5 Kg !!!
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 48 - 1 October 2019
If you know the way to the finish line if you keep moving towards it you will eventually reach it. Persistence = success. The longer you stay at your goal or target you will succeed. It is just a matter of time.
I am committed in reaching my target. I am doing everything that I can and follow natural laws to reach it. I just have to each day align my self with the principles of the human body and bit by bit edge towards my target.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Lao Tzu (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
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Day 47 - 29 December 2019
The message for the day from Paul is “Step by Step”
I am consistently doing over 10,000 steps and that is a very positive thing for my weight loss. I just increase my minimum target to 12,000 steps. So far in December 2019 i am averaging over 12,000 steps. November was a bad month for me. My walking steps were greatly reduced to just over 8,000 daily steps as I was sick a lot during November.
Day 47 - 2 July 2019
The message for the day from Paul is “Step by Step”
Paul said that Dr James Hill discovered the difference of being thin or overweight is only about 2000 steps.
My GP and others told me to lose weight I need to do about 20 to 30 min walking. I started walking consistently since April 2019 and guess what I started to see a difference in fitness and weight.
Now I am doing over 3,000 steps a day about 30 to 35 minutes. I am hoping that I keep burning that fuel and feel happy and lighter.
Paul asks us to think of creative ways to do additional steps each day. I made a list on the first cycle which I have form a habit.
Park my car further away from the destination I am heading
Walking up the escalator rather than sitting still
Walk at least 2,000 steps
All of the above from the 1st cycle have been established. Now I am walking at least 3,000 steps. An additional habit that I have formed is I regularly get up from my computer work station and do some house chores so that I do not stay more than 30 min glued to the screen.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 47 - 30 September 2019
Now that I am using my waist pedometer, I have been able to count my total steps for the day. I have a target of 10,500 per day. From past records I am achieving it comfortably.
I still park my car further away and look for opportunities to do extra steps. If my pedometer does not reach my 10,500 step target by dinner, I will do extra walking after dinner to ensure that the target is met.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
continual improvement is an unending journey.
Lloyd Dobens (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 46 - 28 December 2019
The Message for Today is Little by Little
I am always trying to improve. It is in my nature. I have problem doing all the things I am meant to when I fall sick. I am encouraged by the recent weight loss to start enjoying doing all the things that are important for the program.
Stopping the Cymbalta medication has made me more anxious and I am trying to manage my anxiety while I am losing weight. The risk is emotional eating.
Things to maintain and improve
Drink more water - Hydrate myself more. This is especially true to quench any false hunger with water
Sleep better - I have not been sleeping well. Christine’s sleeping patterns are not so well either. I am trying to go to bed early and use lavender oil in Christine’s room to make her sleep better. I am thinking in making a lavender perfume with our lavender in our backyard and spray her room at night as well.
Start doing yoga
Continue with my walking - Raise limit to 12,000 steps
Sharpen the saw- continue with book writing and start doing some art
Keep searching for a partner
Mediate more, listen to subliminal audio recordings. Practice my anxiety calming techniques.
Day 46 - 1st of July 2019
The message for today from Paul is “Little by Little”
Continual improvement is the key to success. The Japanese have a word called “Kaizen” . It is a philosophy of constant improvement, where little changes done today make major lasting changes in the future.
Paul asks us to list 3 small changes that we can do today which will have major success in the program.
Drink more water
Get better sleeping patterns
Start doing Yoga
I will start implementing these changes tomorrow !!
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 46 - 29 September 2019
Revisiting what I have written in the last cycle, I believe that I am hydrating my self better. I am developing the habit that If I think I am hungry, it may be that I am thirsty. I will start recording how much I drink.
I am definitely sleeping better. I put myself by thinking better thoughts and positive visualisations for my future. I have more focus and I do less worry especially at night before I go to sleep.
I did not start Yoga but what I did I started to concentrate in my walking. I have been re-using my old waist pedometer and ensuring that I do at least 10,000 steps. My current target as of my last weigh in is 10,500 steps. I have a habit in looking at my pedometer constantly. If after dinner, I have not reached my target I will continue walking until I reach it.
For this cycle, I will continue working on and improve the 3 things above. But I will also like to improve on
Sharpening the saw. Get more alone and relaxed time. That way I will be more relaxed and fulfilled so I can further minimise my emotional eating
Slowly continue searching for a positive and lasting relationship with a lady. In the process maybe I can find at least some friends on the way. What I am saying don’t be as alone as I am now
meditate more and listen to hypnosis and meditation audio more regularly. Listen to learning programs while I am walking. Also interesting podcasts
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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0my0weight0loss · 4 years
I eat pretty healthy but I am not going to not eat a cookie if I want to. I think the more you think about it the more you are going to gain weight - like, ‘Oh, I am depriving my self, so I have to have it !’
Kirsten Dunst (via 0words0with0some0meaning)
Day 45 - 27 December 2019
My 3rd weigh in for Cycle 4
Today I weigh 88.8 Kg
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I lost some weight since last weigh in and that is so encouraging. I am hoping to end this cycle with some weight loss. If I get my target I will be ecstatic!
Day 45 - 30 June 2019
My third weigh in
Today I weigh 87.0 Kg
Unfortunately I am up by 0.5 Kg from last weigh in. But overall I have lost weight in cycle 2.
I still have lost 1.9 kg since the start of the 2nd cycle of the program. Paul says you will lose weight as slowly as your body will allow you. This is provided you follow the principles of the program. I will look now how I am following the principles and make sure that I follow accurately the teaching of the program. I will increase the minimum steps for the walking exercise from 2,500 to 3,000 steps.
My 30 day average of my walking app shows 2874 steps. I started in April to seriously and consistently go for my walking exercise.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
Day 45 - 28 September 2019
My third weigh in in Cycle 3
Today I weigh 87.5 Kg
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I am up by 0.5 Kg from last cycle But I have lost weight since last Cycle.
My target for this cycle is 85 Kg and I am exactly half way through the cycle. I think it is doable to lose 2.5 Kg in 45 days.
Eversince I am wearing my old waist pedometer I have been tracking my total steps (wearing the pedometer) done in a day. I have been consistently doing over 10,000 steps. Now since I am very determined to lose that 2.5 kg I am going to raise my target steps on my pedometer from 10,000 to 10,500. I am hoping doing at least extra 500 steps each day will make a difference in my next weigh in , in 15 days.
(via 0my0weight0loss)
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