1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
package deal 2 by lirryakalife
There have been many moments in Harry’s life in which he has thought the world was falling down and nothing was going to be better again.
All of them pale in comparison to getting a phone call when he’s at lunch with Zayn telling him that his son has collapsed and they’re going to take him to hospital. His heart lurches, his head feels woozy, like he’s going to join Liam and collapse. That’s how he feels.
Part 2 of our little family
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
package deal by lirryakalife
“Which teddy is the one he sleeps with?” Louis turns and asks after he’s placed Liam into his bed gently. “Still Po, or has he taken to the doggy one Niall got him for his birthday?”
“Still Po,” Harry passes Louis a ratty old bear that’s been chewed and dropped into the mud more times than Harry dares to count. It’s the first toy he ever got for Liam and Liam has been attached to it from day one: he can’t sleep without it.
“Don’t lost hope,” Louis says softly. “You’re going to find someone one day, Harry. Someone who loves you both. I promise.”
Part 1 of our little family
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
the beauty of this mess by jmcats
He won’t admit how cold his sheets are when he’s alone or how his spine aches for Liam pressed to it or the way his fingers shove unforgivingly into his stack of pillows when he thinks about Jackson drowsy on his chest or Annabelle’s soft face under the moonlight or how that one-story bungalow was the closest he’s felt to home since leaving Bradford.
(Re: Zayn loves this city, loves his boys, loves the salty taste of the surf on his tongue even though he hates the ocean... but he's not expecting to fall in love with Liam and all of his little secrets, too. Not enough to stick around in this sandy city of teenage dreams)
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
yes, you make my life worthwhile by tomorrows
Harry whispers to him that this feels like every dream he’s had for the last three years and Louis kisses his temple, behind his ear, across his cheeks and by the edge of his jaw. He runs the back of his finger across Winnie’s sleep-warm cheeks and sighs, the weight of the world finally off his shoulder.
  Louis' a pediatrician, Harry's a preschooler teacher, and they're having a baby.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Sinking Like Sand In Your Sea - AO3, One shot (36.2k), fluff, smut, fave
After a minute of silent communication with their eyes and body language and soft caresses, Louis can feel the air around them thicken like they’re in a bubble, their own little world. He doesn’t think about the camera. He doesn’t think about the twenty students watching Harry and him. He just knows that he wants to close the very short distance between him and Harry. He wants to mold them together, so that every inch of them is touching. Two half souls becoming one with two hearts, two brains, two lips touching and a connection no one else could ever have. And if that’s not sappy Louis doesn’t know what is. Softly their noses brush and his eyes slip shut and their lips press together. It’s gentle. It’s effortless. It’s definitely something. Their lips fit together like they’d known each other for years and not minutes.
And that’s how Louis knows he’s fucked.
or the one where Louis is the wedding planner who has never had a wedding of his own and Harry is always the groomsmen but never the groom.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
A Different Light by LeeBarnes 
Louis is a twenty-two years old teacher with a tiny obsession for a mysterious baker working in a café conveniently placed between his daughter's daycare centre and the school he works at.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Call Me Baby by stilesgame
Louis moves to Holmes-Chapel after his parents die in a car crash. He has custody of his five sisters, and it is through the youngest he meets Harry Styles, a preschool teacher. Life just got a lot more complicated for Louis.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
you're my life my love my only by runningawayinmydreams
It's Mia Tomlinson-Styles' first time at the doctor.
Otherwise known as Louis and Harry worrying their heads off about their baby girl getting her first ever vaccination.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Ours by euphoric_vibes
Louis had always known that he wanted children. Growing up with four little sisters some people might’ve thought he wouldn’t want his own. Absolutely not the case with Louis, he loved kids, he was good with kids, it was something that just came natural to him. He’d always thought he’d end up being the parent that loved his kids more, spoiled them the most, let them get their way the most. Then he met Liam, Liam was almost like a big kid himself, who loved kids just as much as he did. It didn’t take Louis long at all, he was absolutely certain within the first four months of dating Liam that he wanted to marry him, that he wanted his kids with Liam.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
no place quite like here (stay ready) by pirata
Gordon rings him in the middle of a recording session. He excuses himself and rushes out into the empty hallway to take the call. “Congratulations, Zayn. It’s a girl.”
In which Zayn inherits a daughter and juggles his newfound fatherhood with life on tour, with a little help along the way.
Part 1 of a father's first spring
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Higher Than the Truth by jmcats
Maybe Liam’s starting to realize he’s spent just a little too much time daydreaming about a gorgeous guy with dark hair, interesting tattoos, and eyes that are six different shades of brown? Or maybe his an idiot for letting Louis set up this silly double date. Maybe he needs to pick better best mates. Maybe he’s just overthinking everything.
Or maybe this is a story where Louis loves his coffee, Niall loves changing his mind, Liam loves the thought of falling in love, Harry loves Instagram (and selfies and weed and Louis), and Zayn loves dorky boys who never make the first move.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Ridiculous by scottmcniceass
They are every cliched high school story. The jock and the rebel. The popular boy and the outsider. They shouldn't fit, and they definitely shouldn't work, but they sort of do anyways.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Lego House by danceinstylinson
Louis Tomlinson was just about at the end of his rope, caught up in the mess he’d created for himself, stranded at the center of a maze. Harry Styles was doing just fine the way thing were. He worked at night and slept through the day. He made enough money to just get by. Everything was fine. But one night seemed to change everything. Coming from very opposite sides of town, the two boys meet. One saves the other in more ways than one, and though neither expect a future extended past sunrise, fate seems to have other plans….
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Only Place I Call Home by scottmcniceass
Liam works at a coffee shop; Zayn is a homeless street performer who plays just outside the shop. Sometimes Liam brings Zayn coffee and donuts and in exchange Zayn sings for him.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
My Eternity (begins with you) by unfortunate17
in which zayn and liam lose a child (and their whole lives too).
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
Sky has fallen by Blindfolded
When they say that you stumble upon love when you least expect it, they're not joking. I can vouch for that. In a coffee shop? Sure. In a library? Yes. On the streets? A good possibility. At school? Definitely. At your work-place? Not unlikely. In the waiting room of a hospital while waiting for information about your father who may or may not be alive? That one's a bit more awkward and problematic. That it was awkward and problematic doesn't mean it didn't happen, though.
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1dfanfic-recs · 10 years
High For This by unfortunate17
Zayn is a drug dealer. Liam is his number one customer - and boyfriend. 
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