You Weren’t What I Expected | A TMNT Fanfiction
This is a fan-fiction about four friends, Nadine, Beth, Krista and Chloe, who meet the Turtles and befriend them. As they grow closer together in friendship, and love, secrets about the girls start to emerge. Can everyone be trusted? 
Chapter One
Nadine POV:
For the first time in a long time, it was a calm night here in New York City. There was the usual sound of cars passing by and honking every now and then but there weren’t that many people on the streets walking to and from places. How would I know though, I’m in my apartment watching TV shows again while doing my homework. Typical high school night for me as usual.
“Nadine,it’s time for bed are you finished with your work yet?”a voice yelled from across the hall. My mom was about to come into my room but stopped herself as she got to my door.
“Not yet, let me finish this real quick and I’ll go to bed.” I said as I turn the volume on the TV down a bit. I hear her start to leave as she as she says something to my younger brother. I finish my homework, put everything away and head for bed. Then my phone starts to buzz.
I pick it up and see that I got a text message from Beth, my best friend, who is wondering if I can sneak out for a bit to talk. I text her back that I can’t and put my phone on the charger next to my bed. As I go to turn off the lights, I turn around and see a figure in my window. Before doing anything else, the figure opens the window and sticks her head in.
“You can’t huh?” Beth says quietly as she looks at her phone.
“What is it you need now? Boy drama again?” I sarcastically say a trying not to alert my mom that she’s here. Beth points her finger upwards as if to signal me to go to the roof with her. I roll my eyes and reluctantly grab my slippers and a jacket and head up the fire escape after her. I close my window slightly and head upwards.
“It’s not boy drama but it’s something really cool.” Beth says as she practically runs up the escape. As I get to the top and onto the roof of the building, Beth pulls out her phone and puts it in my face. I focus on it and it’s a picture of a dimly lit alley way with a huge figure standing just near the light.
 “Whoa what is that?” I say as I take the phone from her hand and zoom in on the image. You can’t make out what or who it might be, but it is huge.
“No clue but it doesn’t look like a normal person does it?” Beth asked as she pulled the phone closer to her to look at it as well. “I can make out what looks like a shell colored backpack and from what I can tell, three fingers.”
“Yeah but anyone could have three fingers from birth or like an accident.” I say to her as she gives me a look. “Your still hell bent on finding weird creatures for that contest, aren’t you?” I asked her after a moments silence. At our school, there is a contest to find the most abnormal thing in your neighborhood and the winner would get a cash money prize of 1,000 dollars.
“Yeah but I’m going to need a better photo of this person or thing and I want you to come and help me.” Beth says with her smile that could win awards. Literally, her smile sends shivers down my spine sometimes.
“Like right now?” I say to her almost panicking a bit.
“Yes tonight,” Beth starts to say “No not tonight, silly. You can spend the night at my house tomorrow and then we can go ‘monster hunting’ “She say as she puts it in air quotes.
“I’ll have to ask tomorrow but yeah fine I’ll help you.” I say to her as she pulls me into a hug. We head down the fire escape and I quietly enter my room and shut the window. I see Beth make it to the ally below and she waves behind her head before disappearing into the streets nearby. I take off my jacket and shoes and crawl into bed and fall asleep.
-Next Day-
“Nadine, wake up, you’re going to be late for school!” my mother shouted from the hallway. I opened my eyes and bolted out of bed. I looked at my phone and realized that I had slept through my alarm clock. Crap. I quickly get dressed for school and put my hair in a pony tail and grab my backpack.
“Morning!” I said as I quickly head into the kitchen where my mom and my little brother are already sitting down for breakfast. I put my stuff down and grab a plate of breakfast my mom had just finished making, eggs and toast with bacon.
“Stay up late last night?” my mom said as she gave me a look. I could tell she already knew that Beth popped by for a visit last night and I couldn’t deny it to her. I couldn’t tell her that Beth wanted to find some weird, possibly not real, creature in new York on a Friday night.
“Um well, Beth wanted to know if it’s alright if I spent the night at her house so that we can work on a project for science. We’re partners, and she needs all the help she can get.” I fib a bit to her. My mom knows that Beth is my friend but doesn’t like her actions. I don’t know why though because we never get into trouble.
“Well I have no problem with it, but I want you to text me when you get there and when you’re coming home in the morning. We have things to do tomorrow.” My mom says as we both sit down and eat our breakfast. There’s a long silent moment before my brother chimes in with putting his bacon on his lips like a mustache. My mom starts to smile at him and laugh a little. I chuckle a bit as I finish my breakfast, kiss my mom and brother goodbye, and head out the door.
“Yay this is going to be so much fun! I’m defiantly going to give you guys some credit when I win this photo contest!” Beth explains as we walk through the halls to our class.
“Guys? I thought it was just me and you?” I asked a bit baffled by what she said. Beth looks at me and does her awkward pose where she intertwines her fingers together and bites her lower lip. She does this when she wants to surprise someone or she’s embarrassed.
“I had asked Chloe and Krista if they wanted to tag along and Chloe said yes, haven’t heard from Krista.” Beth said as she looked at me. Chloe is our other friend who’s normally not into night adventures, but I guess Beth convinced her in some way. Krista, on the other hand, is more of a school mate who we used to hang out with in middle school, but don’t anymore for no reason at all.
“What makes you think that Krista is going to want to come over tonight if everything else we’ve done hasn’t worked out before?” I asked Beth as we enter our class and take our seats.
“I thought I’d give it a shot.” Beth explained, putting her backpack down and sitting in her seat. As the class started for the day, all I could think of was about my mother and why we had to be somewhere tomorrow. She could have easily just said that it involved my father and not this beat-around-the-bush gig. Before I knew it, it was already the next class period. I spent the rest of the day focusing on the school work at hand.
It finally got to the end of the day. Beth had texted Chloe and Krista that we would either meet at the train station or at her apartment, and gave them the address. Me and Beth on the other hand were ready to head out to her apartment. We started gossiping on our way to the train station about all the people would be shocked to see her photo be the winner of this contest. 
“Hey, Beth, Nadine, wait up!” shouted a voice behind us as we were about to board a train. It was Chloe and she was running to catch up to us. When she did, the train doors had closed, and she had barely made it.
“You know you could have texted me but it’s fine you’re here now.” Beth says excited as Chloe finally caught her breath. It took us about 30 minutes, from the train to walking, to get to Beth’s apartment. When we got there, it had looked like she spent most of last night making a giant blanket fort for us to stay in.
“Wow how long did it take for you to do this?” Chloe asked as she put her stuff down and took off her shoes at the door.
“Almost all night. By the way, my parents aren’t going to be home for the weekend so if you want and your parents allow, you can stay for a couple nights.” Beth added in as she went to the kitchen to grab our snacks she kept mentioning on the train ride up here. I put my stuff down and took my shoes off as well and crawled into the fort, with Chloe right behind.
“Wow there are fairy lights in here too!” Chloe said as she was more amazed than I was about the whole thing. Beth comes in and puts all sorts of snacks down and we spend the next half an hour talking and eating, mostly gossip though.
“From what I heard Angie hates me just because I happened to be partners with her boyfriend for biology, but she’s lucking out cause he’s really stupid.” Chloe said as she was laying down sideways. Me and Beth both chuckled at that fact.
“Yeah but at least you’re not Angie’s partner.” Beth added in as she took a bite of a chip. “I heard he’s planning on skipping class on presentation day because she’s so uptight.” Chloe and me both laughed a bit and then Beth pulled out her camera. “Smile you two!” she said.
“Really, you’re going to take our picture now.” I say as a smile forms on the corner of my mouth. Beth motions for me and Chloe to get closer and to strike a pose. We do so as the camera flashes into our eyes. She shows us on the camera and it’s good with the sheets and lights in the background and the two of us posing the same pose.
“Now that the warm-up is done, it’s time we head out and find this thing.” Beth says as she pulls up the photo from her phone to remind us of why we were here in the first place.
“Wait you were serious about that?!” Chloe said as she was panicking a bit.
“Of course, I was, do you honestly even know me to not be serious about a good shot?” Beth asked rhetorically to Chloe, who was now a little terrified of the situation. Just as I was about to chime in, I heard a noise come from outside. I crawl out of the tent and head towards the window where the sound was, and I see a bunch of thugs down below, knocking over trash cans and being loud in the alleyway below. Beth and Chloe heard the noise finally and came to the window as well.
“Purple Dragons, they always cause problems down here.” Beth says as she leans on the window seal with her right arm.
“Yeah well at least your dad isn’t one of them so count your blessings.” I mutter under my breath. I could tell Chloe was about to ask what I meant by that, but then we were interrupted by a woman’s scream in the alley below. From the angle we looked down, the thugs had found someone to harass.
“What should we do?” Chloe said as she stepped away from the window. Beth slowly pulled the window up without making a sound and stuck her head and her camera out with her. I quietly tried to signal her to come back in, but it was too late. She had turned off the flash and took their picture of their activity and came back inside. We viewed the photo and saw that the girl that was being harassed was Krista.
“We have to get her up here!” Beth said as she bolted for the door to go confront the guys. Me and Chloe followed behind, yelling at Beth that it’s not a clever idea and to call the cops instead. By the time we got down to the alleyway, the thugs were either unconscious or ran away, with Krista on the ground as well.
“Hey Krista, are you ok?” Chloe said as Krista was trying to stand.
“Yeah, I’m fine, stupid thugs.” Krista said as she stood up with Chloe’s help. “Did you see the size of those guys though?”
“You mean the thugs, yeah average height and there were a lot of them.” Beth said as she was about to usher us all inside in case they woke up or came back for more.
“No, not those wimps, I mean they guys that took them out.” Krista said. All of us stood there in shock and disbelief at what she said. There weren’t any other people in alley but the Purple Dragons and Krista. She rolled her eyes held out her hand for Beth’s phone. She pulled the phone from her pocket and Krista snatched it and pulled up the photo of the creature. “They looked like this but there was more than what is shown here.”
“Krista are you 100 percent sure you saw this tonight.” Beth asked, walking up to Krista and looking her in the eyes. Me and Chloe both held our breaths and looked at each other. As much as I love Beth, she can become a bit obsessive over certain things. Krista nodded her head and I could tell that a huge smile came onto Beth’s face. Beth took her phone from Krista and turned to me and Chloe.
“Let’s go find them.” She said holding her camera that was strapped around her neck in the sweetest and most sinister voice I’ve heard from her.
Note: this is just the first chapter so i wanted to introduce everyone before they meet the turtles and vice versa. The turtles will be in the next chapter so don’t freak out. I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will be out soon.
Also here is a link to what they look like if you’re curious [x]
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Hello All
This is a new blog that i’m dedicating to TMNT (i may add different fandoms later down the line but for right now, it’s just TMNT)
my blog will have a custom story involving my 4 characters, Beth, Nadine, Krista and Chloe. They are friends, Beth and Nadine are best friends for example, and have history together in some way (i can’t spoil that for you guys yet ;P) 
The story that i am making is based around the 2014/2016 movies with a bit of 2003 as well (in terms of Purple Dragons and Foot Clan at least). Each one of my characters has their own story while having a combined story together, so it’s pretty long. I unfortunately only have 3 1/2 chapters done, all in POV btw so if that doesn’t suit your style, i’m sorry, it’s just how i write fan fiction.
If you are interested, please follow my blog, and i will do my hardest to post weekly and if you want to get info on my characters, feel free to ask me in depth questions or check out my characters page on my blog. 
Also if you want to know i am willing to RP with any blogs, just tell me which one you want to RP with and i’ll be glad to RP with y’all.  
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