aftertheradar · 2 months
just finished reading a darkling plain!!! super good and i haven't cried like that in a while :'3
anyway this is what pennyroyal looks like in my head how about you people?:
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aftertheradar · 2 months
So I'm new to tumblr and i don't expect many people to see this, but i've had so many thoughts about it that i want to try to write down.
I'm almost finished listening to the audiobook of A Darkling Plain, and i have to say that this series really surprised me. I tried reading Mortal Engines right after the movie came about but it didn't seem that interesting to me. But having listened to all of them (sans the last 3 chapters of DP) I think this might be one of my favorite book series.
Anyway something that really stuck out to me that I wanted to talk about is how similar in a lot of ways it is to one of my other favorite book series, the Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld. In a good way. I've started listening to the audiobook for those ones again too and it's also really good. Both series are ya adventure books about a pair of orphans from opposite sides of a fantastical ideological war meeting and going on an adventure in a setting based on early 20th century europe but biopunk and steam/diesel punk.
Someone else who's read and liked them both has probably already pointed this out, but in case anyone who has read either sees this and is looking for something along the same lines, read them both they are amazing. The audiobooks are also amazing.
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aftertheradar · 2 months
I just started rereading it before restarting and switching to the audiobooks. And even the first chapter hits different as an adult, fully understanding that the adults are trying to stay calm and sneak Alek out under the pretenses of late night riding lessons so that they don't scare him before he's safely away from the palace.
Also yeah Alan Cumming is really bringing the story to life, super excited to listen to the rest of it
I'm listening to the audio book of Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. I read it when I was 13-14 but thought I'd revisit.
It's amazing to me that now that I'm double the age when I first read it, I'm picking up things that I must have missed the first time. Particularly understanding why the adults did what they did.
And how unbearably young these kids actually are.
I say this because I realized the reason why they let Alek run the clanker machine is because if any of the adults were to die or be severely injured, he'll know how to get away.
And that Dylan/Deryn has a very incomplete view of how the world works, especially when it comes to politics. But that's okay because Alek has a very monarch (elitist) view of his people and the way they live, at least in the beginning, and that kind of logic is way worse than Deryn's. Lol.
Also, I'm like leaving a lot of things out and simplifying some things, but that's because I'm nearly in the middle of the book, and my memory of the details is fuzzy.
Anyway, Alan Cummings is a great narrator. Truly enjoying it.
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