LOOR - The Streamers Have Let us Down (teaser)
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Laura Klassen got locked out of Twitter for this tweet
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Babies Are Still Murdered Here
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Part 1
Part 2
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I believe this is in Texas
Before he died Jeremiah Thomas asked Make A Wish for the opportunity to talk to prolife representative Jeff Leach. He asked Leach to abolish abortion in Texas, which he promised to do. Last year he voted against a bill which would have abolished abortion in Texas.
Babes Are Murdered Here
Babies Are Still Murdered Here
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Hey guys if you watched Cuties, let me know with your exact address. Leave your door unlocked so we can meet up easily :) in fact fall asleep with your body in a vulnerable easily attacked position with your windows and doors open it will be even better :)) that would be so cool guys :)))
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oh my god i just watched a few scenes from Cuties and... you know, I will be one of the first people to support a project created by a muslim woman of color but... those dance scenes just should not exist. i thought Electricity, FANtastic, and The Last Dance from Dance Moms were bad... this was seriously repulsive. i understand and appreciate the message, but these girls were literally filmed rubbing on eachother, touching themselves in almost bikini-sized dancewear - not to mention the scene where the main character takes her pants off and photographs her own genitals. that scene could have been shot differently to avoid having her actually strip down on camera in front of multiple directors. you don't have to show every nitty gritty little detail in order to get your message across.
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'Cuties' is softcore CP,idfc if its supposed to "make you feel uncomfortable" its still ped0philia
I get that the message is "stop sexualizing kids" but the movie is exactly doing it,its like doing a movie with the message being "stop racism" and having constant n words and poc getting murdered or fucking trying to put out fire with gasoline,Netflix's cover of the movie made it even worse
The actors are real kids you fucks stop defending this garbage
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PSA for people who might not be in the know by now: I do not recommend watching Cuties. I know the movie was subject to discussion on Tumblr for being “wrongly-marketed” as a movie that encourages child sexualisation and exploitation when the point of the movie is to criticise those things, but whatever the director’s intentions were it doesn’t matter. It’s a deeply uncomfortable movie filled with gratuitous and inexplicable close-ups of children’s private areas and lingering camera shots that are AT BEST cringe-y. Do not watch it if any of that makes you uncomfortable or if it any way triggers you, particularly since the actors portraying the children are all actual children.
I DO NOT recommend. Hands down.
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Copied and pasted from a Facebook post:
So.... I'm half way through "Cuties" on Netflix. I decided to watch it to argue that people were overreacting... I cant. I've seen 11 year old girls in crop tops, heels, tight fitting bottoms. Intentional angles to show these girls butts and chest. I've heard 11 year old girls talk about oral sex. I've watched 11 year old girls tell their friend to go get a picture of a boys penis as he uses the restroom. I've watched little girls teaching eachother to look more "sexy" as they dance by twerking and putting their fingers in their mouth. 11 year old girls lying about their age to boys. THEN THIS 11 YEAR OLD DANCES FOR A GROWN MAN TO GET OUT OF TROUBLE AND HE IS ABSOLUTELY LOVING IT HE LICKS HIS LIPS AS HE WATCHES HER!! The camera is angled at her butt and midriff as she dances for him. The main character gets caught with a stolen phone and tried stripping to get herself out of the situation (cool thing is I'm pretty sure this adult male is her cousin). An 11 year old girl posts a picture of her crotch on social media to gain popularity. These are babies being sexualized. If you say this movie is meant to empower girls to follow their dreams..... You're so full of it. Its rated TV-MA its not even intended for children. This movie is meant to entertain pedophiles and nothing less. It's absolutely repulsive and I hope every single adult that had any part in the making of this movie is ruined by it. #SaveOurChildren
Note: If y'all defend this do not follow any of my blogs. This is disgusting and wrong and you will be reported for defending pedophilia and blocked.
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While the message and intent of Cuties (and even a good portion of the movie) hit the nail on head of the very important issue they are tackling, there is a fucking line and they over-stepped it SEVERAL times. Like he's, it's filmed in a way to make you uncomfortable, but you are distinctly aware that these actors are barely teenagers if even. Like this movie could have been EASILY done this with 18 year olds playing 15/16 y/o and still gotten the message across. Or, just not shown the more inappropriate stuff on camera. Why did they need to zoom in on that?! We know what's going on, we're stupid IMPLYING IT IS ENOUGH
The message of the movie is totally ruined by explicitness of the cinematography and the absurdly young age of the actors.
Fucking remove this gross film, Netflix.
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“We must own that we are powerless in this business. Salvation is of the Lord and we cannot save a single soul.”
— Charles Spurgeon (via alistairradley)
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gotta say, I really dont like that covid has given weight to the narrative that getting sick is a matter of being someone's individual fault, and that spreading illness is someone's individual fault, rather than, idk, a thing that happens sometimes, no matter how careful you are?
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Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor’s headquarters, and they gathered the whole battalion before him. And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And they spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the head. And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him.
Matthew 27:27‭-‬31 ESV
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What I’ve seen at an abortion clinic
Abortion supports sex trafficking. I have protested at a clinic in a minority area (largely Hispanic) and have seen rich men and young girls enter the clinic. The clinic DOES NOT report the crime. 
One time a woman entering the clinic grabbed unto one of our people and refused to let go while the CLINIC VOLUNTEERS tried to drag her out of the woman’s arms. Then the volunteer started to strike the other protesters who held up their signs as a shield for the woman who was hiding. 
My father speaks at a clinic where he has seen sex traffickers. He recently talked to a nurse who quit and she said that sometimes the girl would say she didn’t want the abortion. Then the rich man would come in and tell them that he was paying for it, therefore they had to do it. And they would. 
Abortion covers up sex crimes. 
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