amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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Everyone is a special bond of molecules. Don’t give up hope.
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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Vincent Van Gogh;  Wheatfield With a Reaper.
Van Gogh
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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amarilloandres · 7 years
Beyond the Surface || Self
Location:  Boston Massachusetts, unknown urban neighborhood  Time: 1:15 pm
Andres was always one to find the beauty in rather unorthodox places, and given his rather nontraditional upbringing that’s not very surprising. What was surprising was the lengths at which he’d go to satiate that artistic craving for the perfect composition, the serendipitous moment at which the lighting and scene all mesh together for one beautiful once in a lifetime photo. Or, at least, that’s the words he used to justify to himself why he was casually using his gymnastic skills to trespass and hop a fence onto a rather old and particularly unsafe property. What was art without a little risk, right? This place was worth it, anyways. What most would see as a skeleton, a shell, holding the scarce remains of something that used to be great -- he saw as a treasure trove of a special sort of aesthetic that was beautiful in its own right.
After making it past the fence, the boy is sure to keep his camera gripped tightly and his eyes peeled, just in case he needed to run, but it’s also good to be prepared for the next shot. The grounds of this place were super quiet and empty, most likely the aftermath of the company not having enough funds to complete the project -- which was good news for Andres. He’d be left undisturbed while he turned this empty canvas into a masterpiece. And so the exploration began. 
There was something so peaceful about being left to your own devices in this giant space that had been scarred and weathered throughout time, each broken window and graffiti tag adding a piece to the story of it’s eventual demise. A small part of Andres felt more at home in these abandoned buildings than anywhere else honestly, that’s why most of his photos had that recurring theme. As he traipsed through the dusty rooms and balanced himself on the rusting beams that were once floors, the only noise that could be heard was the faint click of his shutter. With each photograph taken, the more his curiosity grew. 
Before long, Andres had spent almost 2 hours in this old place -- navigating the ravaged environment much like a child on a playground. He’d managed to find some pretty cool spaces that wreaked of urban grunge aesthetic and capture just about every angle his camera was capable of, one was never enough. With a small layer of sweat building on his forehead and his legs growing tired, he finally decided it was time for a break. So, after locating a decent patch of concrete that didn’t have too many glass shards or rubble, he plants himself down. The broken window behind him provides a nice breeze as a small white joint is pulled out from the front pocket of his shirt, a nice long inhale is taken as a review is conducted of the images he’d captured so far. 
While clicking through the progression of photos, his mind wanders to the memories that he had associated to places much like this one. The most prevalent of those memories being back when he was in junior high, at the time his older sister Mariana resented their mothers for forcing her to undergo the humiliation of having a weird family. Needless to say, two mothers who worked hard to have the life they did and raise good children were not about to sit back and take that from a moody teenage girl, so every day after being dropped off from gymnastics he’d come home to a household full of screaming angry Latina women. At first Andres would try to mediate and calm everyone down, but once he learned how useless that was he knew better than to even try. Instead, he’d get home only long enough to change clothes and then once the inevitable yelling began he’d leave and say he was going to the arcade -- when in actuality he was just wandering around wanting to be anywhere but in that house. That’s when he found solace. 
That solace came in the form of an old gym, which had an empty pool that was tagged up and used as a makeshift skate park. Even that had been left abandoned at this point. He himself was unsure as to quite what it was, but something just drew Andres to that place -- it spoke to him. So, whenever he could spare the time, the boy found himself there exploring, practicing his routines on the old gym equipment, playing pretend.  This broken down remnant of a place full of life was a nice escape from his “perfect” little home. In a sense, both Andres and this lonely location left their marks on each other through the years. This time of reminiscing was cut short when something dd caught his eye. 
From seemingly nowhere the boy thought he saw a yellow glow of some sort. Being the opportunistic fine arts major he was, Andres immediately bought his camera up to his face and looked through the viewfinder to see if he could capture it. But as soon as the shutter released, it was nowhere to be found within the image. Thinking to himself that he was just stoned and saw some weird reflection, he turned the camera off and stood up. He needed to head back to campus soon anyway. So, it was back to business as usual as the boy made his way out of that particular room and went to navigating his way out of this fractured building when the yellow light returned -- this time in a dark area, so that there was no denying it wasn’t a strange coincidence of some sort. 
This was the time when Andres had a decision to make, for half of him wanted to shrug off the strange happening and carry on with his life and the other half was too curious to let it go and sleep at night without wondering. He would be the one to follow a mysterious light and end up being abducted by aliens. Nevertheless, Andres chose to explore further and see just what this strange thing was after all. It was then that the small floating light seemed to respond to his presence. There was a sort of familiarity to it, a welcoming vibe almost like an old friend. By the time he’d gotten close, the thing.. orb... wisp? began to move. It swayed side to side slowly almost akin to a slither, urging him to follow suit. So, he did. 
Almost as if it knew precisely where it was going, the wisp navigated the weathered remains of the building until the two exited through what was once a back door. Through the door was an open area covered by empty remnants of a parking garage filled with rubble and garbage. Continuing to follow, Andres wondered what this thing wanted and where it came from -- if only he could sneak a photo. At least if this was some weird alien angler-fish seeking to steal his body, there’d be some evidence of the event. Finally the glowing entity stopped. It was right in front of a particular pile of rubble when the glowing seemed to get brighter and warmer, this was the destination. The boy couldn’t help but to wonder what sort of surprise lay buried within the pile that his new extraterrestrial guide wanted him to find. After placing his camera safely on the ground, Andres did what he assumed the wisp wanted of him and began lifting what he could to dig through the large hill of various building parts.
After what felt like an hour but was in reality like five minutes, he’d managed to pull a decent amount of wreckage out of the pile to reveal an interesting object. Within the rubble there appeared to be what looked like a crystal, that’s when the wisp really grew reactive. It practically leaped from the spot it was in to begin gravitating around the edge of the stone he saw. Upon further digging, Andres was able to reveal the entire crystal, it was a beautiful shade of yellow. Before he had time to question how it got there (or how much money it could be worth), the sound of a murmured voice in a radio caught his ear. Looking in the direction that the noise came from, he saw the light from a flashlight bouncing around nearby -- too close for comfort.
“Yeah, Officer Merryweather here following up on a call for potential B&E. I’m checking the perimeter now, I believe I may have a visual on the perp in the rear parking facility. Standby for further reports. Over.”
“Oh shit.” Andres whispered to himself, heart beating as he tried to think of an escape that didn’t involve his murder ending up on the evening news. But there was no time. By now, the wisp was pulsating and wrapping around his hand as if it was making him grab the crystal. He wasn’t quite sure how he’d manage to win in this situation but all he could do right now is have some faith in anything. Wasting no more time pondering , the boy checks behind him to see where the officer was. Now the flashlight was pointed in his direction. Out of time. In a desperate attempt to finish what he started , Andres yanks the crystal out of the pile and attempts to run away when suddenly everything goes white. 
Was that a crocodile.....?
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amarilloandres · 7 years
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power scammers™: rainbow squad
red ranger : klara kaminski  orange ranger : minh-duc vu  yellow ranger : andres oliveira-delarosa  green ranger : gormlaith killough  blue ranger : arlette mehta  mentor/purple ranger : kimberly hart 
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