amici-corp · 8 years
Understand relation between Search Query and Search Intent
Internet researchers these days are focused on finding relations between search query and search intent. After years of data based analysis and interviewing frequent internet users, it’s concluded by the researchers that on an average there are a marked difference between what the users put for searching and what they actually intend to search. 
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Traditionally, search queries are based on using keyword-focused processes, which still prevails in all popular search engines. However, search engines are getting more efficient these days – higher level of artificial intelligence letting them better understand the actual intent of an internet searcher. Search engines like Google and MSN specifically show results both key words oriented as well as intended search results that have higher probabilities to meet the expectations of the users. Search engines with their higher level of efficiencies try to grasp the inherent meaning of a search query, and then tries to return what they feel are the most suitable search results to help answer the query. 
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Theoretically this process seems very simple, but there are many complicated issues are involved throughout the process before the search engine can fully understand the “search intent”. There are undoubtedly plenty of different situations when search engines like Google needs to evaluate the actual intention behind a search query before deciding on all the results to show, and it is sometimes seem difficult for a search engine to resolve what the user is actually searching.
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Search engines primarily classify the queries to understand the intent more aptly. It’s true that over the years the internet users also have evolved from mere information gatherer to service seeker. Previously searching results were text based only, but now it has become multi-dimensional including texts, images and multimedia. Experts classify internet users’ queries into three heads:
Queries that look for various information only.
Queries that are intended to undergo transactions.
Queries those are navigational.
Factors that are primarily considered by the search engines in this context are as follows:
Search history of the user
Location of the user
Device from which the query is made
The characteristics of the key words are used for searching that includes spelling, grammar and abbreviations applied.
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There is a clear tendency of search engines like Google and MSN to move towards intent based searching from mere query based. This type of searching models giving more fruitful results to the users, hence the popular search engines have been able to grow their user base more rapidly than the others.
About us:  Amici as supreme digital marketing services provider, analyse user behavior on website using search query and search intent to improve service factor. It deliver better performance and higher yield.
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amici-corp · 8 years
Steps for Instant Content Creation
Creating content does not just deal with the aspect of choosing right set of words and making elaborative sentences but it extends to conveying a meaningful message to audience. More so, the entire activity aims at delivering elevation pitch, along with selecting the right set of synonyms and give calls to action. Below listed are certain steps that lead to powerful content creation. This step by step guide makes it quite simple and interesting. Let’s take a look:
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Content is the backbone of any online marketing campaign. There are a number of factors that play an important in making it successful. Since content framing is a subjective area, not everyone is trained in creating content. Here one needs the expertise and guidance of expert writers, who can help in instant content development.
Understand the Brand: Before beginning with the process of content formulation, one must observe the potential audience, and think smartly to understand the entire process better. Content creation must reflect the brand objective and connect & engage the readers.
Structuring the Content: It is advised to structure the content in a way that it appeals the audience and motivate them to read on. It should be framed in a way to get easily transitioned in the reader’s mind.
Choose the Topic of Interest: Choice of topic is yet another important thing to consider. One needs to brainstorm and choose a trending topic which can generate interest amongst the readers.
Avoiding too Length Content: Writing briefly and to-the-point with creativity is a success mantra. The content must convey a strong impact on the reader and ideally be segregated in short paragraphs and bullet points.
Catchy Headline: Attracting the audience greatly depends on the choice of headline. It is something that encourages the readers to read on. The headline must bind them, and make them curious to read the entire post till the end.
Take help from visuals: What one writes, if gets attached to a visual, tends to make a better impact. One can add a photo, video, or an infographic to make articles catch eyes and increase visitors’ attention.
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About Content Services: Amici GSPL is domain leader in content marketing. We provide professional content writing services for every need. These original contents are useful for any campaign- newsletter, press release, blogs,ad copy  or academic purpose. 
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amici-corp · 8 years
Different Types of Search Operators and Usages
Google search operators also referred to as search parameters, are characters or string of characters which are used in Search Engine Query in order to zero in to relevant searches. Operators in the field of mathematics and computer science, are referred to a character that personify an action that needs to be performed. Supporting example can be And or NOT which are usually placed along with query word or phrase minimizing the intervening space. Apart from these, there are multiple operators that can be combined to form a query in order to run a more specific search. Precisely, these search operators are combined in a search query in order to make the ultimate search more refined and fine-tuned.
Talking specifically about the Google search operators, it has multiple operators signifying exclusive meanings such as:
Site: This operator when gets followed without a space by any website or domain is prone to return files located there.
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Filetype: This is another crucial search operator which when gets followed by a distinct file extension is prone to return files having a specified type; for example PDF, DOC, XLS and INI and others
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inurl: This operator when gets followed by a particular string throws back results that come as sequence of characters in URL itself.
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intext: On using this operator, users get files with the string that exists anywhere within the text. 
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Synonyms- This operator runs its searches for a specified keyword or word that is quite similar to the word itself. However, if it is entered with a plus sign before a word, it is prone to disable the synonyms.
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allintext: As the name hints, this operator searches for a number of words that exist in the body of entire search result.
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allintitle: This operator searches for multiple words that are given in the title of search result.
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allinurl: This operator runs search for multiple words across the url in the search result.
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Define: As the name indicates, this operator runs searches for definitions of words listed across a number of web sources. Users have the option to use it with or without the colon.
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About Author :
Hi this is Nancy. Using these search operators ,you can find results quicker,better and refined. Efficient searching is a skill. With Our SEO Training , get expertise for search dependent business.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Web Page Optimization Factors
Contemporary businesses are never fully satisfied with their website performance. As a matter of fact, they remain on a continuous hunt to search for factors that can uplift the overall functioning of their website to a greater level. There are a number of factors that help in web page optimization. Employing these in the right measure is all the gaming that one needs to learn.
Listed below are some key factors that will help any website to gain a strong foundation on World Wide Web:
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Keyword Research: This is a pre-requisite to ensure a sure shot success of any website performance. Every new web page designed must be backed by proper keyword research in order to stay high on the bar of competition. Further, it is important to place highly competitive set of keywords on each of these web pages. Hummingbird update is a new launch by Google that focus on getting answers regarding inaptly optimized web pages. Google Adwords can also be searched to fetch some great ideas on fixing the keywords. 
Good Quality Content:  High-quality content is the answer to any web page optimization goal. It is also a crucial requirement for ranking high on search engines. Any website with well-written content can get the ranking it deserves.
Non-obligatory Keyword Usage: The keyword should be smooth and in flow with the content. These should sound natural to the reader in order to make a website rank better on search engines.
Page Titles: It is advised to keep a competitive keyword phrase on the Page Title to make it descriptive for the reader. It shouldn’t exceed 70 characters in order to be accessible for Google crawlers. 
Header Tags: Including header tags containing a keyword phrase in an occasional header is a great idea. 
Optimized URLs: Keywords when put in URLs also help in fetching better ranking on search engines. 
Page Load Time: For successful Web Page Optimization, it is important to fix page load and speed problems. It makes an overall positive difference to the website performance. 
Internal Linking: It is a highly tested and proven method to upscale the web optimization levels. Linking the web page content with internal pages always proves to be beneficial for the readers.
About the Company: Amici  has earned an esteemed name in the domain of offering website optimization services to its prestigious set of clients.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Real Time Data Validation with Google Tag Assistant Recordings
What would it be like if you could instantaneously validate your Google Analytics! Well, it is possible now. In continuation with their line of exceptional features like automated data diagnostics, Google now introduces Google Tag Assistant Recordings, a feature that enables Real Time Data Validation, identifies poor quality data and fixes the problem instantly after rechecking them. Obtainable as a component of Google Tag Assistant Chrome extension, now enjoy great data, better analytics and real time data validation with Google Tag Assistant Recordings.
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How to use it?
Tag Assistant Recordings is quickly emerging as a preferred instrument for correcting Google Analytics configuration. To install it, you need to first download the Google Tag Assistant Chrome extension. Now open the Google Tag Assistant, and start recording the user flow that you wish to check. The complete report can be viewed in Tag Assistant (and even view Google Analytics) so you can check the desired tags. Google Analytics is accessible only if you have the correct view or property.
A smart benefit is in store for you; you discovered a flaw and corrected it by modifying settings from inside the Google Analytics. Now simply go back to Google Analytics tab and hit ‘Update’. You can immediately see how changes in the configurations influenced the recordings.
How is it helpful to you?
Tag Assistant Recordings can help with any sort of data incidents like online purchases, logins, etc. They are mainly helpful when:
Implementation of Google Analytics is in process
Your site has been updated recently
Making alterations in Google Analytics configuration
Reconfiguring Google Analytics for better reflection of your business
Even when your latest site or updates are not visible openly, Tag Assistant Recordings works just fine so you are absolutely positive about going online.
With Tag Assistant Recordings, you can instantly record the intended user flow, analyze it and review if the flow was captured accurately. In case an issue is spotted you can make the changes in real time and review it once again. Tag Assistant Recordings provides you the benefit of recording all the data that is crucial for your business. Moreover, by reconfiguring.
Google Analytics with any desirable functionality, Tag Assistant Recordings allows you to test it instantly and check if is functioning as expected.  Precisely, it saves you time and money needed to find and fix a problem and all this happens in real-time.
AMICI  endeavors to bring the most revolutionary Digital marketing services for enhancing businesses across the globe. With its dedicated catalog of services, AMICI has fast emerged as the leading enterprise on the digital media platform.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Beneficial Ways to Use Social Media
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Social Media is a platform for various business organisations, profit governmental and non- governmental organisations by Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Google+, You Tube etc. It is beneficial in almost all the activities of human beings, from opening a business to promoting a service. Using a social media account can help us in various ways whether it is for fund raising for an NGO, community growth of a minority community or promotions of a products or services.
Social media helps in the following ways:
Create campaigns, once the campaigns have been planned out try to do actions according to the hype that is required to create to gain publicity.
It’s always good to include all the initials of the participants and be certain of how many people are to be involved in the campaigns and include them. If you are not aware of the strength of people in campaign it will be impossible to assume the reach and plan out the action fluently.
If we include reputed leaders with whom people relate themselves then our campaigns can further gain publicity along with better reach if the message.
Tell your friends and families to share and tweet your messages to gain positive messages and interest. Sharing positive experiences can provide as an example for others to act according to the leaders and more inspirational people. Produce gestures and thank all the communities and groups, show them that it matters to you and every user is important.
Promote your events and try to attract a large amount of populations to your cause.  If they show interest then engage in activities with them also increase communication and try to maintain friendly relations with them.
Amici Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. - This is an organisation which provides social media optimization and search engine optimization services and courses. Along with web development and content writing services. We understand the customer’s concerns better as we have been dealing with them from a very long time. We believe in building trust and creating something insanely great. To open the building blocks of our mind and working above all problems.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Ways to Increase The Engagement Of Gen X
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Generation X is a smarter set of people who wish to invest their time and money in something fruitful. The marketing dynamics are changing at a faster pace; so, taking into account revised outlook this generation carries, it is important to optimize digital marketing. Content plays the primary role in this context. Having well written and meaningful content solves plentiful of issues and engage more and more audiences to a business page.
By Gex X, we here are referring to adults who are seen spending their paychecks on luxury items in short they belong to the MTV generation. Unlike their parents and other generations, they do not hesitate in investing what they find alluring, new or impressive and mobile phone have made their shopping and need fulfillment further easier. They are mapped to spend 18% in buying multiple high-end products and record a higher consumption level. Thanks to media and now internet which makes sense to them, making business grow online by posting certain links that can grab their attention in the quickest possible time.
Appropriate social media management leads to increased social media engagement. Any article that goes around stating the way to capture more number of Gen X viewers, would post a tip on regularly posting useful content which can capture the interests of the relevant audience. This task has turned out to be simpler than even before since businesses have known to survey and capture their topics of internet and frame content that can be engaging at the same time useful to be read. Talking about this generation, the Digital Marketing tools and techniques which are derived basis extensive research have helped connect business with youth at a larger scale.
Gen Xers spend most of their time on high tech gadgets and businesses have discovered a way to reach them there. They remain consumed in taking a stroll on internet varying one much social media network to another. Hence grabbing their attention through one of these platforms is easier and delivers optimized marketing results.
The new search engine marketing solutions are designed taking into account their social media presence. The generation can be stalked on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other such platforms since they are motivated with the idea of reconnecting with old friends or finding new ones sitting behind their laptops. Here we have certain ideas on creating your own digital marketing services and strategy or multi-social media strategy describing social media channels:
Facebook: Access this website and post useful information and resources often which they can use in their day to day lives. Post photos to grab their eye balls and plan your placement where they should stop to see what you have to offer.
Pinterest: Pinterest has helped bring up their fun side since it presents them with tips to cross things what do or don’t want to do. It is a good medium to explore for business opportunities.
Instagram: Gen X is extremely mobile friendly and even friendlier with Instagram. Their consistent online presence will help you plan something such as online contest where they can share what they best have; best way to initiate a business deal in disguise!
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amici-corp · 9 years
Culture of Social Media
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Relationship and society are two key words full of essence and meaning for humans. Since the time, civilization has come into existence; humans have lived together in a close-knit group named as family and multiple families lived in one place forming a society. The main reasons behind living in a society were to overcome loneliness, get a sense of security and share the good and bad things with people living around.
Before the internet and social media boom took over the world, people would not know many beyond their group of coteries. The relationship was limited to near and dear ones within own community or society. They would hardly see people outside the vicinity, let alone meeting people outside society or geography. However, the evolution of internet and computer changed the dynamics of communication and so did social media or social networking websites to build relations.
Social networking sites like facebook, twitter, linkedin have shrunk the world on a small computer. They have proved powerful platforms to let people go cosmopolitan and cross cultured. They help us see foreign people and learn their culture. Social media helps build a strong bondage among people from different background, communities, culture and nations. This is how social media tools create a comfort level for citizens to get mingled easily and build relations.
Having said that social media is not just a tool to make new friends and find old buddies but it also makes an excellent marketing platform for companies and entrepreneurs. The era of e-commerce has taken the online shopping to a new height and companies are on their toes to attract more and more buyers.
Social networking websites offer companies a great platform to connect with millions of potential buyers and showcase their products and services. Users can not only check out the new offerings but can also share their reviews.
In a nutshell, culture of social media has amalgamated all cultures prevailing world-wide. This new culture has all races, breeds, societies and communities in its fold with no discrimination. Moreover, social media has proved a boon for buyer-hungry companies to add more customers and flourish their businesses.
AMICI Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an expert in Digital Marketing and social media optimization. Our team of experts make sure your website is well recognized on social platforms. We can surely help your company and business website shine on all possible social media platforms.
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amici-corp · 9 years
The Tech Savvy Gen Y In The Era Of Social Media Revolution
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This year’s theme is “Youth skills for work and life in the post-2015 agenda”. World over governments and international organisations are acknowledging the fact that it is the youth that will take the reins over and lead their respective nation to the path of glory.
And the generation Y is no ordinary race. They are now regarded as tech savvy and intelligent breed with Social media giving them the much needed power to change. This is perhaps an interesting time to understand the dynamics of youth and their changing lifestyles along with their use of social media platform to voice opinions and views.
Like studies conducted to understand youth behaviour in today’s technological driven times hint that more than 65 per cent of youth are possessive about their mobiles, computers and tablets over other materialistic stuff. The loss or theft of any of these electronic gadgets can have a huge impact on Generation Tech.
Let us looks at some of the changes on spots in Gen Y over previous generation. Here are some comparative points to ponder:
Touted as ‘digital natives’ owing to use of social media, this generation attached to its gadgets and just cannot think of life without it
The previous generation (a few decades back) was beginning to see the technological revolution and it was a time when things were just building up. The craze for mobiles and use of social media had not even begun to show on surface. 
This generation is armed with a strong social media channels and has a large online community it is connected with. Today the youth don’t fear expressing their views and opinions, in fact their voice is lot firmer and louder compared to the generation behind them. 
Even marketers have to change their advertising and marketing tactics. The traditional television and print advertisements do not prove to be fully useful. Marketers have to use social media platform to reach the audience as now all product and brand search takes places online.
The Gen Y buys products online using their smartphones. Instead of relying on the advertisement, today the youth checks product reviews on social network, reads blogs based on customer feedback and only then goes ahead to make a purchase.
The youth today is well informed and known what it wants and the best ways to buy it online. One can say that the tech savvy and smart youth is a tough buyer to please. So it is not just important to have the brand on social media, but it should create some noise to be heard by millions of youth tuned to the virtual world.
The most defining feature of Gen Tech is that they can uproot governments and create revolution using the power of social media.
AMICI Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the best way to enhance the skillz of gen X, by which they can generate engagement through Social Media by understanding audience.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Online Marketing Affiliate Program – Best Four Networks
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Affiliate marketing has gone viral for professionals who are engaged in digital marketing. Under this time of marketing a company can sell products such as airline tickets, electronics, clothing or car parts. The advertiser can also be someone who is perhaps selling insurance company policies. This is one aspect where most of the companies come forward to pay any amount possible for an affiliate marketer who can advertise the products well to promote the business.
If you are among those who are considering to take up an affiliate-marketing program, we have a number of options lined up. This course opens a range of options that become a means to monetize the blog or include another income stream to the e-commerce site. An important question in this direction relates to which network can be selected to offer highest-quality products or endow best revenue opportunities.
Top most 4 networks that are recommended are as follows:
Amazon Associates - This is the brightest affiliate program which involves studying Amazon. It sells a collection of products ranging from music, books, electronics, toys, and lots more. The affiliate program in this domain is a natural choice which relates to any niche. For practical people, the payout in this program in quite generous too. Getting into this course, can fetch high commission that starts from 4 percent and can vary up to 15 percent for a number of products.
Link Share — Link Share is another option that provides access to affiliate-marketing opportunities hailing from a range of companies, encompassing Buy.com. The site features easy-to-read publisher dashboard which keeps the affiliate professional to apprise of latest offers. In this website, commission rates can vary up to 20 percent.
Commission Junction – This is yet another important site that serves as a clearinghouse for a number of companies and small businesses. The site offers a range of myriad affiliate programs, but it is required for one to apply separately to each of these. In this, payout differs from 50 percent, which include a number of commissions that is based on leads or clicks vs. sales.
Share A Sale — Share A Sale is another alluring option that provides access to several merchant affiliate programs across a range of vertical markets namely apparel, food, and home and garden. This network is linked to a number of smaller brands but the payouts for affiliate partners is quite high.
It is wise to think about the needs as well as desire of the existing audience before selecting any Affiliate Program Network.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Use Google Adwords to foster Business growth and profitability
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When Google comes out with a product, the opportunities that consumers’ users can capitalise are always high. And thankfully Google continues to offer best products that have had successful run on the virtual space. From the kitty of their amazing product basket is Google Ads.
With this product it aims to answer that one basic question that occupies the mind – how best can one increase visitors to the booming business portal or how can one make money from the beloved blog space?
What are Google Ads?
Google ads are the advertisements that are exhibited on the Google’s page whenever you search the engine with keywords with the use of AdWords, or advertisements that appear on websites with the use of AdSense feature. Amici Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd has mastered the art of using Google Ads to get maximum advantage for clients.
On Google AdSense:
People use Google AdSense to earn money by displaying targeted ads next to their online content. The fact that these ads are based on the relevance of the content and are customised as per specific look and feel, therefore they are preferable. All that is required is to sign up for AdSense, get the code and paste it according to the place you want it to appear on your website.
Here are a set of tips that can be used while employing Google Ads campaign:
Foremost thing is to plan the Ad campaign based on the needs of the business. It is important to set a plan and purpose for using this online ad tool. Keep in mind things like what the business offers, which market it caters too, what is the target audience, budget in mind and check what the competitors are using.
Once the plan is ready, stick to the core goal that you wish to accomplish with Google Ads – it can be either to increase sales or explore new markets or lure potential customers. This will give you a vision to follow, don’t fall in the trap of accomplishing multiple goals since the efforts might just fall flat.
Divide the entire campaign plan into various Ad groups this will help in gaining more focus and make the process simplified.
The most essential aspect and way to succeed using Google Ads is to pick the appropriate keywords. Like it is said the heart of the campaign lies in the keywords so get it right when starting the marketing stint online.
Create an ad that will attract and compel customers (potential and target) to click on the ad relating to the product, service or brand. Ads which are clicked are the ones that have the potential to convert the click into sales.
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amici-corp · 9 years
The Biggest Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
The world’s greatest digital revolution is happening just a click away. Enormous changes are being brought by technologies that are in the core of Digital Revolution, changing your business at this very moment. The impact of digitisation cannot be ignored. Digitization is entering very expect of business and social life. Entire industries and economies are transforming.
To benefit for digital market you need to be aware of the biggest obstacles to digital marketing success. We must first overcome the barriers to actualise are full digital potential.
Marketers feel that if one is deficient in making proficient strategy, it is considered as the biggest obstacle to achievement of the digital marketing.
Strategy was the key issue that marketers pinpointed out that is stopping from gaining success in attaining the digital goals in marketing. Almost 51 per cent confided that they had to have stronger plans in hand.
Constraints pertaining to budget were the second most reason shared by marketers.
Even inadequate or no training lead to non-accomplishment of marketing goals in digital arena.
This lead to no attaining the set ROI by the company
Even usage of unnecessary analysis or metrics lead to failure in achieving the plan.
A Broader Look:
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Lack of effective strategy: Until you plan out a proper to the point strategy of how and what are you going to provide the customers, the digital success will always remain elusive. An essential step could be to create a blog on your website and put up legitimate content that makes a contribution to your field.
Inadequate budget: Plan out all the money that costs your business one-time or recurrent and execute them to gain maximum profit without /compromising the business quality. Work harder and longer if you have to, that will make up for any lack of money.
Lack of training/experience: Look for a mentor if possible whom you can trust and learn how to do it right. In case of lack of a mentor hire a person well knowledgeable in the field.
Inability to prove ROI: ROI can be calculated. You just need to know what you want to know.
Useless metrics/analytics: Look for organic search results, landing pages, target achieved with the help of Google Analytics.
Increasing competition: Welcome the competition, it is good. It will give you more visibility.
Lack of innovation/creativity: It not about new things but ways to do them differently that matters.
Lack of marketing software: Take the help of Content Management System. It will speed up the process without letting go of quality and security.
Note: Choose AMICI Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. for outstanding digital marketing services within your budget.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Online SEO Training Institute in Dwarka
It is no more a secret that internet is a one-stop solution to all your communication needs, information needs and shopping needs apart from letting you do many more things. These days, people are highly dependent on internet and websites for anything they need to look up. The beginning of e-commerce era has only intensified the online presence among companies to attract more visitor and prospective buyers. In today’s digital age, people are equipped with hi-tech gizmos especially smart phones with internet round the clock.
They spend good number of hours surfing internet; sometimes driven by need and sometimes just for time pass. Companies from small enterprise to big multinationals have realized this and want to cash on it by being on top and readily viewable on search engine results. Getting a website designed is easy but making it sit atop on search results all the time is an arduous task. But, techniques like SEO have made it possible for you.
What is SEO?
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Search Engine Optimization is the way to improve the ranking and traffic of a site on popular search engine like: Google,Yahoo,Bing.The top ranking ensures more visits and thicker traffic. It ultimately results into sales growth and greater revenue for your business.
How does SEO work?
SEO mainly plays around key words used in website content. The algorithm of popular search engines continuously scour the whole World Wide Web and track websites based on key words provided by the user.Any website that meets the SEO guidelines comes on top of the search results letting user access it spontaneously without drilling down further. 
Who performs SMO work?
SEO is a very complicated job that necessitates thorough knowledge and understanding of tools and concepts. Only, nicely trained and experienced people can perform SEO job. The performance of your website depends on the talent of SEO person so choose wisely.
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How lucrative is SEO career?
Companies have understood the significance of SEO and so want to hire SEO personnel on full time basis. SEO job is a hot career these days due ever increasing demand of such professionals. Companies are willing to pay hefty salary packages to attract the best talent.
Online SEO Training Institute in Dwarka
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Although, class room training is the best mode of learning yet you do have an option to learn SEO online. This is a good option for those who don’t have spare time to spend in classes or living in remote areas. Dwarka has many reputed institutes which provide online training and Amicicorp.net is one of them.
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amici-corp · 9 years
It’s a fact: Too much data dump your website in SEO!
It is a subject to ponder upon as to why some websites are an instant hit while others can’t even grab a respectable spot on the search engines. There are websites that allure the audiences and others that still do not appear on the search results, leave alone the rankings. The websites may be promoting a similar product individually but only a few make it to the top positions. The difference lies in the content and only the content of the web pages. It is a plain fact and putting it in an uncomplicated way - Too much data dump your site in SEO, actually.
Too much data dump your website in SEO - How?
A company promotes its brand or product by floating a website on internet. Needless to say, the site offers all the information pertaining to the product. But one needs to be careful of what to put out on the site and what to obscure from the public glare. Following are some of the commonly made mistakes that push down SEO rankings of a website:
Clogging the landing page - The websites’ landing page must talk about the benefits or the offers attached with the product. Instead of talking about the promotion, writing all sorts of introductory and irrelevant data will choke the web page. It will exhibit imperfection and has a negative impact on the ratings.
Misleading- Placing too much data on the on the website may misinform the users and end up distracted. Too many instructions and knowledge may lead the visitors nowhere and eventually they log out citing dissatisfaction and confusion.
Too much to handle- In order to project the site as efficient and informative, many external links are forced on to the pages. Use of poor quality images, unreadable text, and ostentatious color use can damage the interest of the reader. The web page is not supposed to turn off the user and leave them delirious.
Loading time- A simple yet interesting site catches the fancy of readers and keeps them hooked. If the designer has placed huge amount of data on the page then it is possible that the page will not get uploaded at all leave aside chance of a customer reading it. Navigation and affinity can be hapless for a site and consequently not many positive responses can be expected.
This is briefly how data placement affects the fate of a website. Ignoring the aesthetics of information input and bombarding the customers with all kinds of distractions will doom the site. The sites are meant to benefit the customers and eluding them of the crucial data is a sin.
Displaying maturity with the content sharing is the key to climb up the ranking ladder in the search results. One must comply with prudence and rationality while delivering vital facts so the users can be entertained. Restrain from showing obscure information and keep your site as decipherable and motivating as possible.
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amici-corp · 9 years
Realize the importance of #tag keywords for SEO
SEO or the search engine optimization basically means the preeminent use of search engines to direct traffic to a desirable website. It essentially orbits around practice of acquiring elevated ranks in search engine directories. This is achieved by creating changes in the website so that becomes attuned with the search mechanism. Today SEO has advanced as inevitability for every business and allows the companies to build a foothold. More and more corporate are banking on internet to attain accomplishment of their respective business ambition. SEO has apparently become a measure of success of an enterprise so it would be foolish to ignore its worth.
How this works?
Search engine optimization works on the scrutiny of consumer or user’s actions. Whenever you want to search information on a specific product or service you simply start by typing the search words with relation to that product in the search engine bar. The search engine will simply hunt for the matching results and links that coincide with the entered ‘keywords’. Here comes the importance of #tag keywords for SEO. The search engine will publish only those results or sites that correspond with your keywords respectively. The links are displayed in the order of the matching. Thus the link that matches most accurately with your keywords is ranked at the top followed by the other links depending upon their reference to the keywords. The above said justification is sufficient to explain the importance of #tag keywords for SEO. By any regard, keywords become the prime element to conquer the ranking on the search engines. As we can infer that keyword is a principal component for SEO, efficient keyword analysis and study is indispensable to uphold your site ranks.
Definition of a keyword/s
A keyword/s can easily be termed as word/s that is used by search engines to locate a pertinent linking website. As a consequence, keyword tags are crucial constituents in all the web pages. They are the best technique to optimize the internet traffic and pursue them to a favorable site. A web page is measured to be a superior and idyllic one if it includes all the germane information that is desirous for a visitor. During the accreditation of the content for the website, it is appropriate to insert all the important keywords. You can follow these three simple steps before you seal the final contents of your web page: 1. Keyword research and analysis: It is beyond doubt an exhausting process but if done to perfection can generate lucrative results. 2. Inclusion of all the important keywords: Once you have the desired keywords, you must include them wisely in your content so that the search engine can identify them and match them to the search results. 3. Accurate placement of the keywords: The frequency and the positioning of the keywords can tell volumes about the importance of #tag keywords for SEO. 4. Scan the content with relevant keywords: It would be justified to check the contents of the webpage with all the necessary keywords included before uploading it on the internet.
We can simply state it as, ‘Choose them wisely, and place them intelligently’. After all, the search engines whether it is Google, Yahoo or any other engine, adheres to the quality of the webpage content to deliver maximum results to the users. In order to depict the best results from the search process, optimization of the content with impeccable keywords is fundamental. If the article fails to manifest the precise keywords chances are there that you might not even rank in the search process.
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amici-corp · 9 years
How do Social Media sites make money?
Before the social media juggernaut started rolling onto worldwide consumers as a 24*7phenomenon, social interaction of users was purely limited to an experiencewith traditional media, print, television and radio to quote. Advertisers had a simple objective: insert repetitive commercials spread across industries during various programs either on the radio or television. Print media has snow-balled various innovations related to insertion of commercial ads or advertorials with mainstream creative’s being printed on the first or last page of newspapers. With the rise in the power of internet accompanied with more and more global users taking onto the web for recreation and social interaction purposes in addition to resorting to the whole knowledge pool available online for pure academic or professional reasons, advertisers have benefited largely from the growth in the status and cult of social media. Social media has captured the imagination of the youth in developing countries as much as giving an essential fodder of information and entertainment to those in the developed part of the world.
From creating a personal account to getting insights into dating on the virtual world to exploring an incessantly large world of varied brands and services, social media sites have become an extension of our personalities on the dot com world. But there is a huge commercial angle involved here in order for social media sites to replenish the financial sums that they pump in, in order to get going.
To begin with, venture capitalism is the first and foremost conventional means to make money. Investors generally bet that the website they are investing in will soar in popularity and user base and the prevailing wisdom of investors is that getting in early into the picture reaps a huge pile of benefits in the long run. Investors are always willing to monetize on a website’s success. Twitter is an important example of a site giving back able sums of money having found its footing thanks to venture capitalism. Next is advertising on web. Advertising on web augments interaction between consumers with brands and sets the ball rolling for the advertisers. Marketing experts have to constantly find best ways of inserting ads onto social media sites that trap attention of billions of users. Twitter generates 85% of its online revenue through advertising. It charges money from advertisers in two simple ways: the users are required to promote a tweet to the extent that it appears in another person’s timeline and then apply similar skills to promoting a twitter trend. Typically, how business functions on the online media is that the more popular a social media site, the bigger chances of it funneling revenue for advertisers. Facebook is the highest revenue generator for online advertisers ahead of Twitter and Linkdn. Getting access to a giant user base present on a popular social media has its own advantages.
Advertisers do not mind bearing a slightly higher cost of ad insertion on popular social media as compared to posting similar ad on a slightly less popular or less fancied social media site. The more amount pumped in by an advertiser, the more chances of revenue generation, provided the social media platform is a hot favorite among growing number of users. Few social media sites charge a certain amount as a membership fee in order to provide full array of services to its users.
Prominent matrimonial and dating sites charge nominal sums from users before they can avail various services of that platform. Twitter founders are even deliberating commencement of a revenue model where companies that aim at holding a professional company account on Twitter will be required to pay verification fees. On Facebook, in stream ads are also peppered into real time feeds to generate revenue from users.
AmiciCorp is one of the best Smo training institutes in Dwarka. Here you can learn smo course in affordable prices.
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amici-corp · 9 years
How to reinvent your career through Digital Marketing
Marketing is an ever evolving trade. Over the last decade and a half, brands have made new inroads toward creating their marketing presence, over and above the traditional mediums like print and television. Digital Marketing undoubtedly seems to be the melting pot of creativity and multi fold opportunities.The vast ambit of creating vivid online content gives brands the synergy and space to make constant improvement in an interactive and engaging platform.
Digital marketing professionals have the advantage of operating in a medium that beckons tremendous interaction, response generation, thus implying engagement between brands and consumers unlike the print medium. Today's ad in a newspaper becomes tomorrow's junk, while in digital media- 5 blog entries on a creative platform that generate 20 responses, can be further improved to get double responses on account of editing online posts.
Increasingly, professionals dealing in Marketing Communications world-over are finding their feet in the commercially rewarding and highly scalable landscape of digital marketing. It is an established fact that digital marketing pays well over conventional marketing jobs, a well defined skill set being central to a professional's success.
Unlike conventional communication forte like advertising, where a professional has to wait for a breakthrough for an internship opportunity from a renowned brand or service in order to bite teeth into the competitive trade for him to get a real slice of reality, digital marketing is more welcoming a profession and fairly simple. If you are adept at creating buzz by leveraging benefits of various social media platform like Twitter, Facebook, Google + and Pinterest, to quote a few- you can find your voice under the sun over digital media.
What is most encouraging for most digital media professionals is the statistic that entails that by 2020 there would be as many as 1,50,000 jobs in digital marketing and the dearth of experienced professionals. Bridging the gap here means more opportunities toward expanding one's creative portfolio online and access to better pay scale.
It is heartening to note that readership and exposure to marketing in today's era isn't merely limited to viewing repetitive ads on the idiot box or draining oneself in the classifieds section! Blogs, re-blogging, tweeting and exposure to a plethora of online communication like E mail marketing and banner ads has become the order of the day and manner in which today's net savvy audiences access information online.
Marketing has been walking the digital road for long. There are numerous techniques through which brands manage to draw consumer eye balls by edging out rivals on the online space. Where else can you avail benefits of search engine optimization? In the confusing trajectory of advertising on television where brands scream from the top of their lungs for attention, digital marketing gives you ease of access and convenience of indulging in research before you put your buck on a particular product. Where there is no haste, there won't be any waste.Digital marketing is the path laden with bright opportunities for marketing professionals.
If you are looking to give a bounce to your career through a cost efficient effective Digital Marketing Course in Dwarka, AMICI Gspl is definitely the best institute to join yourself now. Here, experienced trainers are at your service to teach the best tips of digital marketing to you.
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