anthro-poverty · 1 year
Thanks for your correction.
I'll say that I didn't mean to start any deep discussion about school or mass shootings with my post - obviously. It was mostly intended as a way to ridicule one point of criticism about Worm that I've seen more than once. And, of course, also to express outrage regarding what happened in Texas last week - not a school shooting, but again, it was a joke. I would've said disbelief too, but given the news here in Europe events like that happening in the US are sadly far too believable.
I don't think it's insane to be in favor of shooter drills. I think it's a very human thing - which is not to say that they don't have traumatic consequences. Just that human beings generally dislike feeling disempowered, so people keep subjecting their kids to these drills because they give the impression of power; that they could do something should the worst happen. For the same reason a person might prefer driving somewhere rather than flying: even though the latter is statistically much safer than the former, the feeling of handing over your safety to someone else can be jarring.
Insanity might simply be the lack of a shared frame of reference.
And I think we focus so much on school shootings despite their rarity because they're so personal, in a sense. Since another person is responsible in such a direct way we can't help but think how it could've been avoided; what could've been done; etc, compared to the narrative that surrounds other kinds of tragedies.
Though as I said, I'm European, so this is just me voicing my opinion on something I admittedly don't know much about, it being so alien. Mostly based on impressions I got by talking with friends and relatives living in the US. If you could possibily share your sources to look up some statistics, I'd be really interested.
Man, the whole concept around the "Wards" is absurd. There's no way an entire culture would be ok with exposing underaged kids to the possibility of lethal violence just to preserve the current status qu-
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anthro-poverty · 1 year
Man, the whole concept around the "Wards" is absurd. There's no way an entire culture would be ok with exposing underaged kids to the possibility of lethal violence just to preserve the current status qu-
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anthro-poverty · 1 year
bro despite understanding the inherently classist nature of my request and fully realizing that the push for our current de-odorized society was the direct result of a transformation in the cultural concepts of privacy within a newly-dominant bourgeoisie exercising its own power in order to differentiate itself from both the farmer and proletarian class, guided in its ascendance by a childish, blind and ultimately naive faith in the soul - and child - crushing machine of XIX century industrial capitalism, you should really take a shower before we play D&D next time
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