ask-me-brc · 2 years
Can they cook? What's their favorite thing to make? (1/?)
Cory is always forgetting to eat so when he does realize it’s been a day (or two) without eating an actual meal his go to is a sandwich. If he’s feeling overwhelmed or like he doesn’t have the time to eat he’ll just open a can of soup and eat it at his desk. He’s trying to do a better job of keeping up with his food intake because it worries everyone but he also doesn’t see the need to eat large meals now that he’s done with running track. When his roommates noticed this they came up with taking turns cooking dinner to force Cory to think more about what and when he’s eating. Now Cory has a better relationship with food but he still has a thousand and one things to do a day so his cooking is simple and filling. If you ask him to cook for you he’d pull out his go to dinner recipe, Tteok Mandu Guk. Thanks to his last visit home he has a bunch of dumplings taking up freezer space so he’s always ready to make some. If it’s for Hadiya however, his go to is spicy tomato soup with grilled cheese. Cory likes that it’s something they can make together or make in advance and have ready when she walks in the door. He likes to make it with different types of tomatoes each time since she can tell the difference in taste. It’s a cute little game for them.
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ask-me-brc · 2 years
Fun Fact Friday
Cory is colorblind!
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ask-me-brc · 2 years
What are they studying? (Part 2/4)
The beautiful, lovely Vanessa is studying Law, Psychology, and Education. Like Mika, Vanessa graduated highschool early (age 16) and is the only one with a double major. Vanessa, unlike her sister, is very secretive about what she plans to do with all of these degrees. She’s very dedicated to her studies and pays for everything herself with her job at Stepstone. If Vanessa isn’t in school she can be found teaching or performing at the club.
Whitney (Birthright spoilers)
 As an immortal Whitney definitely has the free time to do whatever he wants. He has been to college more than a few times and has many degrees but is currently working on a degree in Hospitality Management and is studying Ceramics on the side..  He plans on opening a small exclusive resort for witches and practitioners  of magic built from the ground up.  We aren’t sure if his current romantic situation will change that.
Val is finished with her higher education journey with a culinary degree. She didn’t follow her sister’s path and graduate early even though she had the intelligence and work ethic to. Instead, she chose to enjoy the social aspects of high school while trying every arts class her school had to offer. Valerie even joined her school’s football team and weight lifting club! Once she finished high school she went straight into culinary school while taking business management courses at another college. She took a leap of faith and moved across the country with Aiden during his last year of high school and had her credits transferred to Haryden where she finished out the rest of her education. She loves her job at Moonwater but does want to open a culinary program for the youth of Haryden.
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ask-me-brc · 2 years
Character Files (part 1/?)
 Korain “Cory” Correa-Ahn 
Pronouns He/him
Age 19
Height 5ft 6in Weight 135
 Cory has curly slightly side swept black hair with a lighten brown undercut and lightened highlights. Cory’s college new hairstyle is very different from his pragmatic bowl cut and was a graduation present from his older sister but he really thinks she wanted someone to practice on for cosmetology school. Despite being uncomfortable with the attention it brings him, Cory enjoys his new look. Cory’s eyes are a dark brown almost black and his eyesight is very bad. He can’t see a thing in front of him without his glasses and even wears special prescription goggles when running! Despite his financial state he has several pairs of glasses he changes out regularly since his cousin is an optometrist and frame designer in another country. He’s tried contacts and tells people he doesn’t like the feeling so he chooses not to wear them but the true reason he doesn’t is a secret you’ll find out later! Cory’s 3 favorite frames are, thick black circle frame, silver wire square frames with a star and moon design on the sides, and gold octagon wire frames. When he’s not in sports uniforms Cory wears a lot of academic aesthetic clothing, dark academia in the fall and winter then changes to light academia in the spring. He even has button down pajamas! In the summer time you can catch Cory wearing the uniform for his part time jobs, the uniform for whatever sports camp he’s in and…. More button down pajamas! Even though Cory always looks good he actually doesn’t have much of an eye for fashion. Instead, he’s trained himself to pick out clothes based on what his family responded well to. He’s such a mama’s boy! Luckly, his skin tone doesn’t clash with all the academic tan. Cory has very fair skin  that sometimes makes him look out of place with his mother and older sister but evens out in the summer since he tans very well. It usually disappears every fall when goes back to locking himself inside to study but lately he’s been starting to freckle. Cory is very self conscious about his body because of his many scars. He wouldn’t trade them for anything because they are a sign of how he protected his mother and sister growing up. Despite his insecurity he does have one scar he really likes, the jagged figure on his arm from falling out of a tree as a child. It makes him feel really lucky but it scares his mom so he keeps his arms and chest covered whenever he’s out with her.
Heredity and Family
Cory has two sisters. Soo-Gook An, his older sister by 5 years, is korean and like him was born in Korea. His younger sister, Jang-Mi Correa-An, is half Korean and half Mexican American. They both share the surname of his stepfather ,Semaj Correa, hyphenated with their Korean surname. He has a very good relationship with his step father but doesn’t call him appa because he still struggles with his relationship and emotional damage from his birth father. He does on rare emotionally charged occasions call him “father” but Semaj calls him hijo/son daily. Cory actually gets his nickname from his adopted last name Correa and not his Korean name. Cory is a mama’s boy through and through. His mother Hae-won has a very easy temperament and doesn't ask much of him but he takes it upon himself to work to pay bills and buy food to help out the family. On his rare days off he often follows his Umma around the house swooping in to do things for her and help her until she’s forced to sit down, relax and let him take over just to get some space! If she is too annoyed by his busybody attitude she will chase him out the house with a wooden spoon and lock him outside until he “does something fun”.  In those moments he would head to the track, church, or library. He calls his Umma once a week while he’s at college. Even though he went to a boarding school during highschool it’s really hard for him to be 3 hours away from his family now especially after spending the summer with his 5 year old sister.
Cory grew up lower class and was even homeless for a few months. His father was a drunk and very physically and financially abusive towards his mother. He would often clean out what  little money they had and disappear for weeks at a time. Umma had difficulty finding a job that paid enough to support her and her two children because at the time she did not speak English well. His family is now climbing up from lower middle class into comfortable middle class but he and his Umma still worry about money.  Cory is very religious mostly because the church was a warm safe refuge when he was homeless. He feels like he owes a lot to God and the virgin Mary for answering his prayers when he was younger so he tries to do a lot of volunteering with churches when he can even though he doesn’t belong to any one perish. He works as a tutor and storyteller at the old town library when he isn’t doing sports or studying. He likes the job even though his classmates tease him for working at such a creepy old place. Cory doesn’t mind or pay attention to them because he knows that outside of class is his free time to do what he pleases and that classmates' opinions don’t matter much. He may come off as jaded but in reality he isn’t wrong. Cory doesn’t have many friends because he leads such a simple life people don’t find him interesting enough to keep up with once final grades are in. He would like more friends but he isn’t interested in changing too much of himself to gain them. Cory enjoyed his Psychology major at first but is now studying Horticultural science and also likes to study theology on the side. He isn’t a big believer in the occult but sometimes finds it amusing to read some of the darker books in his workplace when it’s slow. He’s fond of the hand drawn illustrations and was even allowed to take an older book home. He really enjoys gardening and has started to read some of the older wicca based books since modern books often called for expensive lights and fertilizers. 
Cory has never had an actual girlfriend and has often had girls confess their love to him in an anime-like fashion in middle school. He doesn’t find their racism endearing and had no interest in being fetishized so he always declined. Because of the bad experience with that Cory has had a hard time believing anyone when they say he’s attractive or they have a crush on him. That skepticism and his busy schedule have kept him from having anything besides one or two dates.  Because of a few rough truth or dares he has kissed one or two people but never anything beyond that. He doesn’t often have sexual urges. He chalks it up to his work schedule and not making connections easily when asked but if you don’t bring it up he wouldn’t really notice. Cory isn’t really concerned about when he’ll lose his virginity but he does worry about whether he’ll be a satisfactory husband and father when he gets married. Honestly a part of him believes Umma will find him a wife before he does since she often wants to set him up with nice girls from church and the market. Cory is currently studying horticultural science and wants to redesign the world of home gardening. With his worth ethic and intelligence he is bound to go places even if school doesn’t go as planned. 
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ask-me-brc · 2 years
What are they studying? (Part 1/4)
Surprisingly, Adien and Cory have the same major, Horticultural Science. While Cory is looking to revolutionize the world of home gardening Aiden is more interested in improving his side business while making his parents happy. He’s also minoring in fashion merchandising. Aiden’s big dream before being turned into a werewolf was to be a children's fashion designer. He was especially interested in making modest  style clothing and clothing/clothing accessories for children with disabilities after spending most of his afterschool time at the hospital with his sister while she was sick. He also took some photography classes at a college while he was in highschool. Aiden hopes to one day create a strain of Wolf’s bane that makes turning completely painless but still helps control the heightened emotional aspect of weres. 
Mika’s case is a little interesting. Her entire childhood she wanted to be a doctor. Not in the stereotypical “My immigrant parents want me to be a doctor and I will” way like a “Doc McStuffins before Doc McStuffins was even a thing” way. Graduating highschool at 13 definitely put her on track too. Unfortunately after the incident at age she has Nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals) and anything medical related can be triggering for her. She’s now working on getting her degree in business management and finance along with her real estate license. Mika plans to use her  education and powers of prediction to strengthen the pack and create a united living community for weres and other creatures like them. 
Because it’s impossible to mention Mika without him Freddy’s major is Accounting and his minor is graphic design. Freddy’s goal like Mika’s is to be the best assistant to the pack that he can and since he was already a whiz with budgeting, legal loopholes, and finance he figured he might as well make it his day job. His special interest is product packaging and design so Aiden encouraged him to go into graphic design. Freddy hopes to one day create the perfect form of packaging that is environmentally friendly, anti theft, low cost and still appealing to consumers. Good luck Freddy.
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ask-me-brc · 2 years
Hello everyone
I am not the best a being a content creator but I will try my best to update and add things here that are too long for twitter
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