Man, bravo for upkeeping this tumblr tbh. I was going back through my archive and found an old post (reblogged on my tumblr via /30761064553/the-skull-vs-the-spine) that brought me here, expecting the blog to be abandoned. I've not followed the spg fandom in years, much less avidly listened to their latest music, so its a pleasant surprise that Coal Fueled Elephant is still bouncing around.
Thank you!! This blog isn't technically abandoned now, just retired as of the end of February-- we had a whole story about it hahah. But we had a good 5 year revival run, and I keep an eye out for stray asks and pings and fan stuff :)
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
I knew I was never going to be ready to see you lot off. But I'm so glad you're doing things you love. Hare's right Skull (for once) you lot are just you, no matter what came before and I'm so glad I got to see this story come to an end. It's been fuck I dunno man over five years. I hate to see it end, but I'm grateful you guys got an ending and you didn't just disappear. Take care of yourselves out there!
You too Muse. You've got a lot of work ahead and I'm excited to see it.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
Ao3 Mirror
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
Epilogue, Part 2 of 2 -- Letters from -H
Rabbit receives the first postcard a week and a half after Becile Manor burned to the ground. It has an illustration of a jackalope on the front, posed sitting with its head up, and the writing on the back is made up of sharp, straight lines.
I saw one of these while we were stopped headed east. No one else believes me. But I remember your stupid cowboy song, and I know you know I’m not lying this time.
The second postcard is from Sun Valley, Idaho, but is not postmarked from there.
Goddamn, there’s a lot of stars.
More postcards trickle in, their return addresses tracing a path east, then north, then east again, then sharp south. Soon, there are envelopes mixed in with the postcards. They contain one or two photographs, written on the back in the same hand. The first photo is of the Becile’s grumpy engineer, squinting in the flash of the camera, and reads:
I found this camera in a real nowhere’s-ville shop. Szarka had some real funny things to say about how old it was, forgetting I was around when these things were on 35mm. Joke’s on him. More to follow.
Skully’s learning to drive. Here’s the ditch he drove the van into on his first day.
Then an old garage appears, all dusty glass and cracked blue paint on concrete. Instead of writing on the back of the photo, a short letter is included:
We finally made it to Szarka’s old place. His mother locked the door on the rest of us while she grilled him, but it was easy to pick. We weren’t about to let him get torn to shreds all alone. Guess she found something respectable in that. She doesn’t like us, but she’s letting us stay a little while. I already hate this small town business.
A few days later, there’s a news clipping:
And a note:
Hey, no such thing as bad publicity.
Three weeks later, the postcards are coming from Chicago.
We had to split from Smallville after we ran into trouble with the locals. We’ll be back, sorry to say. Szarka’s ma said she’d kill us if we kept him away another ten years. That’s trouble for later. Right now, we’re taking the Windy City for all it’s worth.
I feel right at home.
At some point, Hare sits down with The Jack and The Skull.
“I’m remembering things,” Hare says to them, rolling a half dollar between his knuckles. He still won’t have his jaw looked at, but a new metal patch adorns his right eye socket. “I don’t know if I still would if Locksmith’s last little present hadn’t knocked something loose. But it wasn’t just seeing things.”
“The city is so different,” The Jack says quietly. “But there’s small things, like-- like the way certain streets curve, or the color of the sunset. I remember, too. I remember being here with you.”
“I don’t,” The Skull says. “But maybe that’s not surprising.”
“What do you mean?” Hare asks.
“It may have only been for a second, but we all saw who we were. And I wasn’t related to you two.”
“So maybe you grew up somewhere else,” The Jack says.
“Maybe,” The Skull mutters, and then is silent.
Hare flips the half-dollar and snatches it out of the air. He walks over to The Skull, jabs a finger in his chest.
“Skully, you listen here. I’ve been me a lot longer than I was him. And I’m gonna keep on being me, and you’re gonna keep on being you, and we’s brothers, through and through. You don’t ever doubt that, OK?”
The Skull looks back at him, then he grunts and knocks Hare’s hand away. “As if you’d ever let me forget. But The Jack’s got a point. I don’t think I was ever here, before.”
“What do you remember?” The Jack asks. “If anything?”
The Skull’s eye-lights flicker off. “Trees,” he says. “Trees and mountains.”
Two months later, they’re out of Chicago, heading toward the East Coast. The Skull drives part of the way, the heartbeat of his Green Core pulsing faster when the rolling peaks start to show in the distance. Within a few days, he stands alone at the peak of a Blue Ridge mountain and fills his bellows, and he imagines he can smell the pines and mist. His tears are silent, and he wipes them away before he returns to his waiting family.
“We can go,” The Skull says to them.
“So soon?” The Jack asks in concern. “Are you sure--”
“Everything that was here for me is long gone,” The Skull says. He puts a hand on The Jack’s shoulder. “I need to take care of what I have now.”
Rabbit’s got quite the collection of postcards and letters from -H, now. She flips through them sometimes, shuffling them and reading them at random.
Dee scared the crap outta us when we got to the Everglades, practically threw herself in the water. We’ll be dry cleaning her for weeks! First time I think I’ve heard her laugh like that, though.
A photo of The Skull, sitting in elaborate face paint and marigolds, flanked by a trio of celebrating ‘bots in embroidered dresses. He made some friends! It’s a Day of the Dead miracle.
A photo of Dee, her arms around Hare and The Skull’s shoulders as they hold her up, steadying her on aluminum legs.
Szarka asked us if we’d ever consider taking in another ‘bot. Turns out the man’s always wanted to build one of his own. I told him, I’m not sure we’re cut out to be godparents, and he’s got a ways to go before he’s ready to raise his own ‘bot. But we’ll see. World’s full of surprises. Hell, he might even get good at that guitar one of these days.
A photo of The Jack, grinning and giving two thumbs up, wearing a shirt that reads, “I walked through Hell, MI, and all I got was this DAMN t-shirt!”
Szarka’s got himself a Blue-Cored boyfriend, some kind of dancing ‘bot, a real goody-two-shoes type. Don’t worry, we’ll make a scoundrel out of him yet.
(I told twinkle-toes about Szarka saving my life. He can thank me later.)
A photo of The Jack braiding Dee’s hair, Tatters in her lap, sitting by the van. Szarka and The Skull sit on folding chairs beyond them, talking, watching the fireflies. Hare writes on the back: I don’t want anybody to worry about us.
There are days I don’t think about Pops at all.
It’s funny.
I don’t envy you anymore.
And one day, years later, Rabbit hears a sharp whistle behind her. And she turns to smile, because all the postcards in the world couldn’t replace the troublemakers come home.
They’ll die someday.
Of course they will. Some, sooner than others.
But not today.
Not yet.
Because with a bit of luck, they got out. They got another chance. Not because they deserved one-- chances aren’t deserved. Not because they needed it-- so many who need them don’t make it. Not because they loved enough or hated stronger or by anything they could have planned.
It was just luck. Just a good hand of cards on a stacked table.
And when all your life is a game of chance
it’d be a shame not to play.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
Epilogue, Part 1 of 2
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[ID: Nineteen digitally sketched panels in black and white. Some panels do not have anti-aliasing, making the lines more pixelated.]
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[Panel 1: White text on black background reading, "Call connecting (ellipses)"]
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[Panel 2: View from a webcam of Scratch adjusting its angle, with SFX: -fidget-. Scratch has different prosthetics now, including a more robust left arm, a proper left eye, a nose and mouth, and a neck vent with a circular mark on it. He is smiling and looks less tired than before At the bottom of the screen is a name plate like the ones present in video chat programs, reading 'Royce Ellis (he/him).' He wears a Walter Robotics t-shirt reading 'WR']
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[Panel 3: No anti-aliasing. A shot of the top of a picnic table. At the bottom of the screen the name plate reads "Riker Szarka (he/him)." Riker says from off panel, "(em-dash) oh! It came through! Can you hear us, Scratch?"]
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[Panel 4: Panel is split diagonally. In the top left, Scratch smiles and says out loud, "Video's a little grainy, but I can hear you!" In the bottom right, Riker, in pixelated lines with name plate, says, "Eh, best we can do with rest stop Wi-Fi."]
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[Panel 5: Scratch narrates in white text outlined in black: "It's been a few months since the Beciles left town." Scratch in the present sits at his computer desk, hands folded over his stomach. We can see that he now also has a robust prosthetic right lower leg. He says, "I guess that means you finished your contract in Chicago?" Narration continues at the bottom: "They like to check in every other week or so."]
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[Panel 6: Riker sits at the picnic table, looking into his phone in his hands. Dee is barely visible sitting on his far side from the viewer. The Skull stands at the end of the table looking at a map. Narration from Scratch says, "Riker's working a little, when he can." Riker says,"Yeah. We would've stayed longer, but we weren't makings ends meet. I got something lined up near Baltimore, though."]
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[Panel 7: No anti-aliasing as Riker turns his phone to point at The Skull, who continues looking at the map (labeled 'Map'). Riker's name plate is present. Riker says from off panel, "We're gonna detour toward the Appalachias. The Skull wants to try and jog his memories like Hare and Jack." Scratch asks from off panel, "Is anyone else up?" The Jack says from off panel, "We're all here!"]
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[Panel 8: Narration from Scratch: "The Jack gets more confident every time they call." Hare yawns (SFX: all caps -yawn-). No anti-aliasing, Riker's name plate present. The Jack sits smiling, wearing a T-shirt that reads 'cubs' in all caps. Hare has an eye patch riveted over his missing right eye. The Jack says, "Hare and I are just awake for the call. It's The Skull's turn to ride up front."]
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[Panel 9: No anti-aliasing, Riker's name plate present. The Skull finally looks up and says, "Plan is for me to drive once we're off the highway. The straight roads through the cornfields are good for practice." Hare smirks and says, "Lord knows you need it, leadfoot. How's that impossible metal stuff treating you, Scratch?"]
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[Panel 10: Scratch smiles brightly and says, "It's light! I feel a lot better without so much weight to carry around." The Jack asks from off panel, "Did Mr. Walter retune your elec (ellpises) electro (ellipses)" Scratch says, "Electrolarynx. Yeah! I still mostly sign in person, but it's handy for video calls like this or for phoning in to work."]
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[Panel 11: No anti-aliasing. The Skull lowers his brows sternly. Narration from Scratch: "The Skull still worries a lot, but he seems more at ease with himself." The Skull asks, "He's not tying your upgrades to your work, is he? No holding back on maintenance if you don't behave?"]
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[Panel 12: Shot of Scratch's new left arm gesturing calmly. He says, "Not at all. Everything is covered by Walter Robotics. We're even discussing a slight pay raise now that I'm past probation!"]
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[Panel 13: No anti-aliasing, Riker's name plate present. Narration from Scratch: "Hare has matured… just a little." The Jack says excitedly, "That's great!" Hare grins and says, "If only we'd known remote work was so flush when you lived with us!" Scratch says from off panel, "Well, selling Becile Industries' secrets was a good foot in the door."]
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[Panel 14: No anti-aliasing, Riker's name plate present. Dee sits, looking at an e-Reader. Tatters sits on the table top by her hands, wearing a cat harness and leash. Hare says from off panel, "Psst, Dee. Say hello." Dee says flatly, "Hello." Scratch's narration: "Dee is still adjusting. But they're giving her time."]
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[Panel 15: Same shot. Tatters looks over at something, her ears and whiskers perking up. Hare says from off panel, "We can't pull her away from that e-reader thingy you sent her. Once she got those library cards on it, it was all over."]
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[Panel 16: No anti-aliasing, Riker's name plate present. Hare folds his arms on the table and looks to the side, asking, "(ellipses) Say, uhh. Did Rabbit get my last postcard?"]
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[Panel 17: Profile shot of Scratch, looking relaxed. Narration reads: "For all that Locksmith tried to destroy us (ellipses)" Scratch says in the present, "She did. The 'bots were asking after you guys, actually. Could you send me a group photo to show them?"]
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[Panel 18: Narration: "I think being forced to let go helped us in the end." No anti-aliasing, Riker's name plate present. Riker looks down at the camera and says, "I should be able to screenshot something here (ellipses) Huddle up, guys!"]
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[Panel 19: Tall panel. Narration: "Things might not be easy. Change still hurts. But the shadows are just a little bit lighter." Riker holds up his phone at arms length in front of him, back to the table. Dee looks over; The Skull leans in, slightly smiling; Hare and The Jack stand to get into frame, both grinning, Jack flashing a peace sign. Tatters looks mischievous off to the side. The narration finishes: "And the Becile Bots are doing just fine." End ID]
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
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Oh, and here's a doodle I did in March 2020
The Jack's restoration finally happened in October 2022 for reference.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
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Who likes ugly sketches??
Here's an assortment of early sketches I did to get feel for Rabbit and The Spine. The top two are from 2019 and the bottom are from 2020-- I had that image of Rabbit eating the copper elephant that appears in the Mean Mean Man animatic bouncing around in my head for a LONG time!
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
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I'll be honest-- the first character concepts I had for Scratch had some problematic elements to them, so I won't be sharing the first concepts. But here's the ones that came about after I got rid of the crappy stuff! The silver chains on his belt are such a small detail in the grand scheme of things but they were a big part of me figuring out his personality, haha.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
While the design created by an earlier mod that inspired this has been lost to time, here's Muse's first drawing of Riker!
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also who is this loser, he looks like a scrub
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
The original drawing of Locksmith!
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hurr durr
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
This is the first piece of fanwork Muse made for the Becile Bots!
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They thought this was a fluke until it happened again at Titantic 3D. Then they started trading DVDs.
hello spg fandom I have been stalking you, please take this fanart while I ollie into oblivion
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
As a treat-- here's the FIRST EVER Becile Bots post.
How far we've come!
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ok so this is playing around with the idea that some Becile would make knock-offs of the bots 
Hare - Has the fast-talking, animated qualities of rabbit, but infinitely sleazier and jerky
Would sound like a young Jack Nicholson
Into gambling and pick pocketing, a wicked scam artist
The Skull - Cold, scathing and ruthless, he’s much like the Spine but lacking in compassion or any of his charisma
Answers only to Becile, butts heads with Hare quite often
The Jack - fucking insane holy shit 
all of them run on green matter and coal rather than steam because asshoLES
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
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[ID: A digital sketch in black and white. A screaming and crying snake (avatar of Muse) is coiled around a heart shaped cake that reads 'happy bye' on the top. The snake is surrounded by the Becile Bots. Dee is screaming back. The Jack says placatingly, "W-We'll always be with you! Kinda!" The Skull scowls while holding a forlorn looking Tatters. Hare winces and says, "Eeesh." Scratch makes an anime-style sweatdrop-and-closed eye expression. Riker grins smugly at the viewer and says, "I get a boyfriend in the next project." Locksmith's disembodied, X-eyed head lays on the table wearing a party hat. End ID]
@ghoulishjester suggested this as an end-of-blog celebration, and while I'm still looking for something to do IRL, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do something really really stupid
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
Thank you for all the amazing fics and comics that helped shape this wonderful story! I’ve been here for about a year and a half as well as seeing some stuff on Pinterest that I always enjoyed. As sad as I am to see this chapter end I’ll always look back at these bots whenever times get tough. I’m trying not to be too sappy with this but I just can’t help it! These bots will always have a place in my heart.
Thank you for everything <3
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ask-the-becile-boys · 2 months
I'm terrible at wording Sappy Stuff so forgive me if this is a bit clumsy.
I'm so happy that we got to go on this adventure with these goobers and I'm going to miss them so much. This blog was literally the reason I made a tumblr, and seeing them grow and get better and heal from their issues (and then develop New Exciting Issues /lh) has been so wonderful. I'll miss the Becile bots dearly but I'm so excited to see what happens with your new projects!
(As usual, here's a little guy! A friend for Tatters seems appropriate 🐈)
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