aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
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by  the_vintage_palace
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
— [ ♥ ] �� It is ODD how despite her size, she feels like she's towering over him. With his twitching, the male seems ready to just disappear, shiver himself straight into NONEXISTENCE. The longer she looks, the more she wonders if nonexistence will be her fate too. ❝What is the matter?❞ Mothering comes EASY to her, but with anything that isn't an animal, she feels almost bothersome with her presence. ❝You're shaking and your eyes. . . are they NORMAL?❞
@painkilleraddict || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Kid.❞ The words that slip out seem STRANGE from such a petite girl, being hardly a woman on the outside. Satori carries herself with the POISE of a queen despite her stature, a poise that gives way with a morbid curiosity. His eyes, those eyes, how they are as CURIOUS as her own — and the way he’s almost twitching — is something the matter? ❝Are you doing WELL—❞
He was indeed a bit shaken up, but then again this has always been a normal state for him to be shaky and twitching. Despite the girl before him being quite small and young looking, and him being rather tall and lanky reaching higher than six feet he felt equal, or rather less of himself holding the person before him at a higher standard. “I-I don’t know, I don’t think I ‘ave been doing well as of late.”
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
— [ ♥ ] — It is easy how quickly she allows herself to, well, be herself. Though she carries herself well, there are moments where her facade CRACKS, where she has no need to pretend. As of this moment, they are not playing their games, and Satoko is STILL a young woman despite all else.
❝QUITE dramatic, I'd say.❞ She stifles a GENUINE giggle with a delicate hand; still too poised, too much like a caged bird, she seems so small in the presence of the blonde. Still learning to have a life again. ❝I would rather settle in first before we CONTINUE our feud. It is not as if we must be eternal rivals in our daily lives.❞
@crybabytrapmaster || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Is this IRONY—-❞ Not even a MINUTE after she survived the drivel new arrivals always go through ( she left in the middle of the scientist’s speech; ALREADY forgetting his name ) and her eyes catch those of a FAMILIAR face. Blush coloured lips form an o, a poised image of grace for but a second, before melting in a GENUINE grin. At the very least, if she is to suffer this life again, at least it be with someone she likes. ❝That you are the FIRST face I see when I returned?❞
“Ohhh, Satori-saaaan!!” Satoko waves to the mind reader when she hears the other calling her. That’s a face that she hasn’t seen in months for now. How pleasant!
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“Or maybe it’s destiny, wa. We, the two sworn rivals finally having a dramatic reencounter after who knows how long, wa! …Okay, that sounded too cheesy. I need to spend less time with Batora-san, wa.”
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
— [ ♥ ] — An OFFENDED noise rises from the back of her throat, prim defiance at being spoken to in such a manner. Sharp eyes of red GLARE at the worker, hands placed upon hips in an upright manner. ❝I was NOT complaining. It's just. . . I've spent two Halloweens in this city. If they were to bring me here, couldn't they have done so a little EARLIER?❞
She stops her winded commentary to open a permanently sleepy eye, fixing its look quietly on the man. Another huff as she practically YANKS a string of plastic bats from the storefront. ❝Fine. Don't mind if I do.❞
@traitorsremorse || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝I MISSED Halloween,❞ she deadpans, watching a man pull down a few skeleton decorations. It seems not that she is BOTHERED by this development, eyes as blank as her voice as she takes note of the city CHANGING itself once again. Even so, there is a subtle quirk of her lips and TWITCHING of her eyebrows at that thought.
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Ah, thank you sir. ❞ She bows slightly, sighing her DISAPPOINTMENT. ❝There's two more, a girl that looks like she could be my sister and a girl who SOMETIMES looks like a cat with two tails. They're my family. . .❞ But if Okuu isn't here, then she wonders if Orin or Koishi would even be around either. ❝Can't be helped. If you see them, tell them Satori is LOOKING for them.❞
@tenebrisexordium || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Have you seen a CROW flying around here? Often looks mostly a human? Has a penchant for DESTRUCTION?❞ She nearly pouts, crossing one arm under the other and fixing the ECCENTRIC man with a sharp stare. She’s a bit too blunt in her concern and worry to bother with niceties, the reclusive girl blazing with quiet fire in concern for her family.
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“A crow? Well, I’ve seen plenty of crows, but nothing to fit that sort of description, miss. I think I would remember something like that if I’ve ever seen anything like that.” It was a strange question, and Maxwell was just wondering how it would work out. But still, it must have been an important crow. A crow with a penchant for destruction.
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
— [ ♥ ] — She waves at him, a chipper, ALMOST insulting little thing, exuding nothing short of a casual air. Her lip hooks upwards in an amused little half smile, coyness becoming her. It is amusing and ALMOST endearing how easily he riles up. In truth, Satori can hardly believe how easy it is to get under his skin. ( She isn't MUCH better, but in her defence it was difficult to keep cool when all you can hear are the screams of fish. )
❝Well I SUPPOSE I could. Always wondered how octopus TASTES when grilled,❞ she teases with a WINK of a lazy eye. Unreadable in almost any way, what is clear is her DISTASTE for the Octarion. ❝Feeling up to a fight, or is the cold weather getting you down, DJ?❞
@wasabeats || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Ah, I THOUGHT I smelled the trash.❞ She looks up BLANKLY from her milkshake, stirring it idly with a straw. Of course she remains as she always has, a jarring mix of REGAL posture and RECLUSIVE tiredness. The mind reader rests her chin upon open palms, willing to settle for IDLE chatter with the cephalopod. In truth, she kind of missed him, for it is always dull when you are otherwise cared about.
.: [ 🐙 ] :. “Just who do you think you’re callin’ TRUH–?!”
DJ Octavio stopped dead his tracks. How could he have missed this three-eyed snitch? She ruined a perfectly good lunchtime for him and made him look like a total scrub. The thought that she could easily wallop him (again) wasn’t resting well with Octavio, either.
A deep breath in, and a deep breath out. Outrage wouldn’t help him now.
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“So. You gonna try to fireball me again? Or are you just gonna sit there and stew?” She clearly wasn’t taking him seriously at all. Was she even meeting him eye-to-eye?
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Yes, I can. I UNDERSTAND your concerns, but I'm not one for gossip. You probably won't even NOTICE.❞
Perhaps an EXAGGERATION, but she doesn't need a look into the other monster's eyes to notice the worry. A KINDNESS in her mind, as she shuts her book and lays it in her lap. No, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to not think of it, for there is always an almost eerie presence about her, as if she's always WATCHING.
❝If it is ANY consolation, it can give me strong headaches and isn't something I can CONTROL.❞
She's a bit TOO chipper about this, as if speculation is a normal occurrence.
@sugarscientist || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Yes, that IS a third eye.❞ The monster didn’t ask, but she’s certainly LOOKING, eyes poised on the floating eyeball just resting upon the crook of the youkai’s elbow. Satori looks up from her book, as decidedly BLANK as always, but not at all bothered by this. Better to be met by curiosity than PROVERBIAL torches and pitchforks in her eyes. ❝I use it to read minds.❞
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aterriblesouvenir · 7 years
MOM HOLY FUCK... so severe unpopularity + busyness led to me abandoning this blog except I still have muse so idk I think its literally a matter of remembering that I have some itty bitty things here. :/ gonna get going and queue what I owe and see about slapping satori on a semi hiatus officially because I'm definitely gonna get busier. Thanks baes 💋💋
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
Migration 001: Pokémon Locations
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More information regarding Migration 001 under the cut!
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
Migration 001: Pokémon
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Hello, Cittazens! We here at Citta Alveare are very excited to announce the details of our first Migration, Pokémon!
More information on qualifications and mechanics are under the cut.
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
— [ ♥ ] — He seems NONCHALANT, if careful —- at the very least he is likely not a blasted demon hunter. Those stubborn fools could be thorns in her side, particularly when they disregarded her entire being as something less than TRASH. This. This is doable.
❝Yes. When I was LAST here, the native citizens were. . . not exactly artificial, but they lived as if they had NO outside experiences. Boring and grey and PREDICTABLE and easy to speak to without getting a headache —❞ she rubbed her temples with a sigh. Now, everyone seemed to be of COLOURFUL overly unique thoughts. ❝I do not KNOW what the scientists are doing, but even now the native humans are more exciting.❞
@litanee || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝There’s so many youkai here, all of a sudden… When I was LAST here, there were mostly humans, and you could usually tell who belongs here and who doesn’t…❞ She seems MILDLY irritated by this discovery, the deep pit in her stomach leading her to wonder: just what else has changed since I was last here?
The term ‘youkai’ wasn’t completely lost on him, though it wasn’t a word mentioned often in present day. Libra allows the stranger a moment to ponder, not wanting to interrupt. He can read her tone well enough, so treading lightly was ideal. He had his own questions regarding the setting, and perhaps a little asking around would be of use. 
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“I beg your pardon, but do you mean to imply that there are more than before? Do you think it is intentional?“
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
posting an ad on meme sunday lmfao what. hi yea im back again to give this another go wassup. LIKE THIS for a small little thing that will be queued + posted for tomorrow w/ NO CAP. save me.
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
                                          i survived…                                                        …but i paid for it
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
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by  k e i ✈
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
@tenebrisexordium || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝Have you seen a CROW flying around here? Often looks mostly a human? Has a penchant for DESTRUCTION?❞ She nearly pouts, crossing one arm under the other and fixing the ECCENTRIC man with a sharp stare. She's a bit too blunt in her concern and worry to bother with niceties, the reclusive girl blazing with quiet fire in concern for her family.
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aterriblesouvenir · 8 years
@stormwrynnd || starter call
— [ ♥ ] — ❝DON'T order that, it's garbage.❞ She speaks SOFTLY from behind the young man's shoulder, unabashedly reading the thoughts that lie upon the surface of his mind. It is with INSTINCT that she moves and talks, forgetting the difference between words thought and words spoken in her extended absence. ❝You should purchase THAT ONE instead.❞
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