baabaahosanna · 2 months
I am CHOZEH, a beholder in visions and divine revelations.
The Hebrew word חֹזֶה (pronounced “chozeh”) refers to a seer or beholder in vision. It describes an individual who perceives spiritual insights, often through dreams, trances, or direct communication with God.
These are the snippets (small pieces of testimonies) of my Kingdom's advancement as Chozeh:
Chapter I.
January 14, 2024 note:
Before I attended the Year of God's Supernatural Manifestations Conference 2024, I already saw visions (a week ago) that the blind can see the world because they imagine it. God has performed His supernatural miracle by activating it in their minds. Followingly, the lens shifted to the perspective of a deaf-mute person akin to the blind as aforementioned. I was deaf-mute. In my mind, I have loud thoughts that I can hear them. I had my faith in Christ Jesus that I could hear them. I already claimed my healing because Jesus paid it on the cross. I dreamed in my dream. I was able to talk even though I was mute. On my great awakening as in that inner dream, I woke up and was able to talk. God revealed to me that there is power in imagination when you expect His miracles.
What Bishop Samuel Patta preached confirmed what I saw. "GOD PAINTS PICTURES IN OUR MINDS." Bishop Samuel exhorted igniting my soul. During the conference, I desired that God would continue to work on this supernatural gift from the Holy Spirit.
read the continuation here: https://www.tumblr.com/baabaahosanna/739451791127773184/i-am-a-seer?source=share
Chapter II.
I was invited by the Word of Christ Global Ministries—Pastora Carla Anadia and Pastor Joel Anadia specifically, to join the "Encounter." I accepted the invitation with high spirits even though it would be my second time because I wanted to be upgraded spiritually and in faith.
The G12 Encounter is a pivotal component of the G12 system, designed to foster a profound and transformative personal connection between participants and God. A series of three-day spiritual retreats, the Encounter aims to create a life-changing experience. During this retreat, participants confront their past and present through the lens of God’s Word, unveiling divine purpose and future plans. The process typically includes elements like genuine repentance, inner healing, immersion in the Holy Spirit, and purification. The ultimate goal is to facilitate a powerful encounter with God, akin to Jacob’s experience at Peniel (Genesis 32:30).
In years gone by, I was able to speak in tongues in 2017 when Bishop Rey Angana and Pastora Alma Angana hosted the Encounter. At the present—on the second day of the Encounter, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I got fully immersed. I felt drunk as I spoke in tongues all the way. I kept falling and falling (on the floor), yet I didn't get hurt even though nobody caught me from behind or on the sides. Somebody even stepped on my palm but I never felt the pain. Hallelujah! Pastora Carla encouraged us to desire more from the Holy Spirit! So, I got up again and again until I heard trumpets echoed the room. It was a long loud blow! I think it was resounding 5 times...Next, I saw (with my eyes closed) the other people in the room who were filled with the Spirit sitting down on the floor in groups or circles. Then, I saw a bright light and it flew above me, above us. They are angels! and they told me to join them in worship and warfare. I got called. Followingly, I sang in tongues, it was a heavenly melody. I knew I was singing with the hosts. When it was over, I saw that they were all standing. I understood that what I saw were their spirits communicating and praying with one another.
Chapter III.
I will give you a glimpse of my dreams.
I realized that God started working on my gifts with dreams. I really dream vividly. Sometimes, dreams have a complete plot, known and unknown characters--it is very creative. In the former times (as far as I could recall prior to the YGSM conference), I dreamt of this certain pastor. This pastor, whom I knew, is not that fond of having fellowship with other pastors. In the dream, he came to my pastor, Pastora Juvy Galagnara, and cried in front of her. Then, I woke up astounded because he just popped up in my dream. I didn't know what to do about it for this happened before my knowledge about God's supernatural power behind it. Eventually, one day in December 2023, a pastors' conference was held in our church. Exactly as God revealed, the pastor preached at the conference. I was really surprised (I was unaware that he was invited nor he would come) and glad to see him there.
Then dreams followed and I went to Pastora Juvy for counsel and interpretations. I believe she has God's power to interpret. "Whenever you dream of someone--whom the focus of your dream is, pray for him or her." Pastora Juvy taught. For the confidentiality of these dreams, I will not further discuss them. Whatever Pastora interpreted and what the Lord commanded me, were congruent and in truth with the stories of these persons when I prayed for them. Glory to God!
“And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28)
Chapter IV.
In my devotional, Jesus spoke to me, "I ordained you and chose you. In my Name, you are called to prophesy." Hallelujah, thank you for my gifts, Lord! On February 11 this year, Prophet Alvin Sande came to our church service and anointed me. He prophesied that I am a prophetess (as an upgrade of my office in Christ). Then I will see visions and have dreams. The moment he held my wrist during the anointing, I felt an electricity that flowed from my wrist to my whole body and I fell down on the floor. I exalt the Almighty God for this revelation and anointing! On the next days, I also practiced these gifts by declaring prayers. For instance, among others, my classmates are aware that there is power whenever I speak because things instantly happen, it becomes true in other words. Hallelujah! I did not take the credit, but instead, I shared with them that there is power in the name of Jesus. Not my might nor my power but by the Spirit of God! In addition, there was a prayer request from a classmate and God answered it. She will share a testimony soon. Praise God!
Chapter V.
Honestly speaking, we just got freed from the demonic spirit of Pharaoh, among others, in our household—as discerned by Pastora Juvy—6 days ago. After the warfare with the Godhead and His holy angels, all of my family felt relieved and freed. Last Sunday, during my prayer time as I spoke in tongues, I saw, through my closed vision, a big dark tree (God also said that it is in our home) and this tree vanished. Followingly, I saw an opened door, a small one, and then it became bigger and bigger. On the following day, after the prayer (prayer with fam), I saw an open vision. I was closing my eyes while praying in the spirit, but when I opened them, I saw stairs. I closed my eyes and kept on praying. Finally, I opened them and saw a fiery Lion with blazing and sharp eyes. It was very close to me and I made an eye-contact with this Lion. The eyes were...striking like they shot daggers. The Lion electrified my eyes by overflowing them which painted my vision with white so I closed my eyes again. The Lion... The eyes remained plastered on my mind. I felt really overwhelmed! The feeling is beyond words! Last night, during our prayer, I commanded the Holy Angels to join our prayer. As we were in the spirit, Pastora Juvy began to lament, and then somebody joined her weeping loudly. After the prayer, I confirmed that nobody wailed, yet Mama Julie was sobbing silently.
P.S. In these chapters, I testify that the supernatural power of God with the gift of open and closed visions, dreams, revelations, hearing, and singing manifested in me. Moreover, I also see demons in the spirit realm, yet I will leave that for the testimony. Thank you for reading, God bless.
All the glory, honor, and praises to Yahweh, the God od wonders and miracles.
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baabaahosanna · 3 months
Cripple Miracle
Fulfilling the function of a body in Christ, one of my responsibilities in the church is to mentor the little children. As a children's minister, I conduct a regular bible study in our area, gathering all the children of my neighbors. We keep an intact fellowship to what we call PowerClubs which is under the Kids in Ministry International founded by Becky Fischer. We named it Miraculous Kingdom Intercessors.
This PowerClub is conducted every Saturday and is composed of three parts: Outer Court, Inner Court, and Holy of Holies. During the outer court, we play games and have praise and worship. Next, for the inner court is the "meat" or the study of the Word. Finally, holy of holies where we go to the presence of God and pray.
For the past few sessions, I taught the children to unlock their spiritual talents, SUPERNATURAL GIFTS given by God through teaching them how to pray in the spirit.
J.L. is one of the kids I mentored. He was born with a crippled arm. One Saturday morning, during the "holy of holies," my mother, who is a Pastor called out to J.L. for us to pray for his healing. He was ordered to sit down in a chair while the other kids remained on their feet.
"What do you want to happen right now? What is it that you want to ask God?" Pastora Juvy asked J.L.
"I...I want to be...I want my arm to be straightened without pain." J.L. answered.
"For your arm to be healed. Jesus heard you. Do you all believe that Jesus is our best healer?" Pastora Juvy powerfully asked.
"Yes!" The children replied enthusiastically in chorus.
"Amen! Say Amen, praise the Lord!" I interjected.
"Amen! Praise the Lord!" The children exclaimed.
Pastora began ministering to him and the children raised their hands toward him. We prayed altogether. 3-4 minutes passed and a miracle happened in front of us that left an astonished mark on our faces.
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"Look! J.L. can now bend his arm!" a kid pointed out.
"Glory to God in the Highest. You witnessed how miraculous Jesus is. How do you feel?" Pastora Juvy asked J.L.
"Happy!" J.L. responded happily. He bends his arm back and forth, enjoying it for the very first time.
"Say thank you, Lord Jesus!" I said looking at his teary eyes.
"Thank you, Lord Jesus!" J.L. echoed and so did the children.
"Go back to your seats now, for I will distribute your snacks," I commanded.
The children were clapping and jumping. Their resounding shouts blanketed the place. "Thank you, Jesus!" they overjoyed. I examined the colorful laughter painted on their faces and spotted J.L. who was running and leaping around like a bunny. That demonic spirit behind his illness must have been caging and torturing him like a predator. Now, Jesus restored him and gave his deserved healing.
The following midweek service, my mother invited J.L.'s sister, Bernadette, to testify in our church. My mother informed me to record the testimony and publish it on the Internet so others would see the supernatural power of God. My mother and Bernadette were facing each other in their seats between J.L.
"I am the half-sister of J.L..." Bernadette introduced herself.
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"His arm has been like that [crippled] since his birth. It bends [inwardly]. He struggled to control it." Bernadette went on.
J.L. was blissfully eating his sandwich while listening to his sister. My mother, on the other hand, was nid-nodding. We witnessed his condition. I also noticed how cheerful he became after he got healed. He was very timid before then. He does not participate in our games; he refuses to join other kids playing.
Bernadette continued, "Then...somebody invited him over to this church. Then he got prayed over. After the prayer, his arm/hand was healed. His arm slowly recovered."
"Before he was healed, can he do his chores?" Pastora Juvy stepped in motioning her hands to J.L.
"No. He struggles with changing into his clothes. He needs to be assisted when he takes a bath...to take good care of him properly." Bernadette politely replied.
"So now, can he do good with his chores...and help around the house?" Pastora Juvy inquired.
"Yes, he can." Bernadette answered smiling.
J.L. playfully grabbed his sister's microphone and babbled. Then the children and people around listening clapped their hands in amazement.
"To God be all the glory, thank you." Pastora Juvy concluded.
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baabaahosanna · 3 months
Timothy, Protege of the Apostle Paul
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BibleArtLibrary / Getty Images
Even though he was young, Timothy was respected by fellow believers. Paul regarded him as his spiritual beloved and faithful child.  He was Paul's successor.
Bishop Nonon Orjaleza enumerated Timothy's qualities during the Year of God's Supernatural Manifestations Conference 2024.
What makes Timothy outstanding?
1. Heart connection
"Just like Timothy, connect to your Pastor for your heart to be understanding." Bishop Nonon told us. Followers must maintain an intact relationship with their leaders. We must have an amenable character like Timothy who agrees with his spiritual father (1 Corinthians 4:17). A child who does not rebel.
When Paul picked Timothy as his successor, he realized this young man would be trying to convert Jews, so Paul circumcised Timothy (Acts 16:3). "When we become Christians, we also get circumcised. However, not by the genitals but by heart." Bishop Nonon explained. A circumcised heart will be from dirt. "Allow your leader to perform a surgical operation on you." Bishop Nonon went on. This conveys that disciples must be teachable for his or her leader will correct them.
2. Faithful and Loyal
Based on Philemon 2:22, he was a dutiful child for he has been serving his spiritual father in spreading the gospel. "Another one is Shammah who is working under the shadow of King David, serving behind the scenes." Bishop Nonon preached.  2 Samuel 23:11- Next to him was Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full of lentils, Israel’s troops fled from them. He was one of the three mighty warriors. Fearless as he is, he didn't back out, and shed blood for his King like a loyal warrior.
3. Kindred heart and spirit
"Having a connected relationship with your leader will result in soul ties." Bishop Nonon shared. 1 Samuel 18:1 states that "After David had finished speaking with Saul, the souls of Jonathan and David were knit together, and Jonathan loved him as himself."
"Paul shared how genuine and exceptional Timothy is in his life and in God's work as stated in Philippians 2:19-21." Bishop Nonon said. In 1 Kings 19, God instructed Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor. When Elijah anointed Elisha, he decided at that point to leave his parents’ home and follow Elijah. Followingly, Elisha became Elijah's servant. In essence, he was an apprentice and would assume the mantle that Elijah left. "Elijah's spirit is connected to Elisha's spirit." Bishop Nonon expounded. They are intertwined. "This is double portion anointing!" Bishop Nonon exclaimed. Bishop Nonon defined God as a multigenerational God. He multiplies his blessing for every descendant. Bishop added, "On the other hand, Gehazi's bloodline is multiple leprosy." This suggests that it is a curse when God does not intervene.
4. Excellent attitude
1 Timothy 6:20- Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith.
Timothy seemed to be affected by his youthful insecurities. In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul advised him not to allow anyone to underestimate him due to his age. Paul encouraged Timothy to set an example for all believers in his speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Timothy was unselfish, always bringing glory to God.
Furthermore, Timothy grappled with fear and timidity, but Paul provided reassurance in 2 Timothy 1:6-7. Paul reminded him to kindle the spiritual gift bestowed upon him and emphasized that God had granted them a spirit characterized by power, love, and self-discipline, not one of fear and timidity.
"Mature attitude, mature actions." Bishop Nonon enlightened. Spiritual maturity has the power to help us transcend barriers such as age or other obstacles.
5. Energetic and Enthusiastic
Timothy has been always interested in and excited about Paul's passion. Passion for the ministry (1 Timothy 1:18; 4:14; 6:20). As good as a student, he co-labored with his teacher.  In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he points out that, “you know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance” (2 Timothy 3:10-11 NLT). Paul sets the pace with his life and challenges Timothy to learn by keeping up and emulating his lifestyle. Timothy and Paul are in the yoke with the burden of the Lord's Kingdom. "Timothy is very self-driven. He has a running condition. Disciples must have a running condition not running condus-on." Bishop Nonon quipped. Kondus-on is a Bisaya word that means pushed forcefully. Disciples must have an initiative to serve God so that leaders will not drag them to church every time.
6. Diligent and Competent
For this reason, Paul urged Timothy to shun all enticements to seize worldly riches and power. Instead, he was to diligently fight the battle for the Christian faith against the false teachers at Ephesus (Eph. 6:11-12). Paul invested in Timothy to help him grow spiritually. Timothy is "‘inwardly strengthened." "Focus on Timothys who are Gospel-deliverers." Bishop Nonon exhorted. "Timothys are assets of God. They have a burning passion for making disciples.
7. Multiplies
"Teach others as well." Bishop Nonon highlighted. "God will operate in the same spirit. Same Pastor, same anointing." Bishop Nonon went on. He also quoted Job 8:1-7, learn from the great men of God.
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baabaahosanna · 3 months
I am a SEER
The human wisdom and the world tells us that the blind people only see words in the minds when they think and imagine. Research says they (blinds) don't see pictures. I saw a different vision. God gave me a vision…
Before I attended the conference, I already saw visions (a week ago) that the blind can see the world because they dreamed it. God has performed His supernatural miracle by activating it in their minds. Followingly, the lens shifted into in a perspective of a deaf-mute person akin to the blind as aforementioned. I was deaf-mute. In my mind, I have loud thoughts that I could hear them. I had my faith in Christ Jesus that I could hear them. I already claimed my healing because Jesus paid it in the cross. I dreamed in my dream. I was able to talk even though I was mute. On my great awakening as in that inner dream, I woke up and was able to talk.
What Bishop Samuel Patta preached confirmed what I saw. "GOD PAINTS PICTURES IN OUR MINDS." Bishop Samuel exhorted electrifying my soul.
All of us are born with complete spiritual senses—Spiritual eyes that SEE, spiritual ears that HEAR, spiritual mouths that PROPHESY, spiritual hands that HEALS and DELIVER, we must open them.
"The Bible is the Constitutional Law for Christians." Bishop Samuel commenced for his last sermon on January 13, 2023. Every state lead by a government has a law whcih are abided by its citizens. This also mirrors how Heaven functions. As Bishop Samuel elaborated that Christianity is changing citizenship, not [affiliation] conversion. "Jesus came to establish Kingdom [on earth] not religion." He preached.
I regard that religion divides people, the citizens. As Jesus is the Prince of Peace, He came to restore the earth and brought order and harmony. Jesus is the Way, the path for us to cross, and for us to reconcile; have RELATIONSHIP with the Father. Bishop Samuel quoted John 1:12—reminding us that we will have the RIGHT to become His children. This RIGHT is ensued when we live under Christ's abounding grace.
"Grace is NOT lawlessness." Bishop Samuel preached. For Christ is the end of the law (Rom. 10:4, Gal. 2:16). Jesus taught us that following the Law doesn't make us righteous (Rom. 3:20-24). Christ sanctifies us. PERIOD. However, God does not change, ESPECIALLY His morality and ethics—Bishop Samuel exhorted. He is a just God, who will judge (1 John 1:9). Bishop Samuel shared that we cannot misjudge which was clearly stated in Isaiah 55:13. God warns us not to delay or misjudge, for His ways are high.
"The entrance of the Word will give you light" Bishop Samuel preached. By meditating upon the language, the Constitution of the Heavens, we will manifest wisdom. We will change INSIDE-OUT. As God's citizens, we have the right, we are the BENEFICIARIES of His Supernatural manifestation. Power, miracles, deliverance, healing! We must follow His ways and thoughts. When we pray we must ask God to change the way we think and believe before we state our problems.
Bishop Samuel quoted Ephesians 3:20— Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Our imaginations in our thoughts are gifts from God. Yet, He is MAGNIFICENT—God can do beyond our thoughts that He is. "With God, all things our possible" Bishop Samuel excerpted Matthew 19:26.
Man is designed that when he/she reads, there is a concrete picture in his/her mind. If we believe, we enable our spiritual eyes that could SEE. Aside from our prayers, God answers the thoughts formed in our minds. Bishop Samuel beseeched that we should exercise us being the HEAD for we are not the tail (Deut. 28:13).
God led the Israelites to the wilderness for He knows that this is the transition they must go through for changing in their citizenship. "It really takes time" Bishop Samuel pointed out. This process includes consecration and sanctification. Detaching from the slave mentality recreates a mind that thinks like God. "We are recreated (i.e. born again) twice, imagination and reality."
Conviction then transpires. Bishop Samuel shared that conviction means "I believe and I perceive." What you cannot see, you cannot possess. "Faith is the name of the action produced by your conviction." Change your perception. "Truth (4th dimension) has the power to alter the fact (3rd dimension)!" Bishop exclaimed. This revealed to me like a strong wind blowing the clouds on my head. Bishop Samuel also added that not all revelations [prophecies] fall on one man; so, we must join one another. Be in constant fellowship. God already concluded what He had seen in the future; thus, we must unlock the supernatural to see it.
End note: In Genesis 8:21, After God judged the world in the flood, He said, “And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.
Engaging in practices like astrology, palm reading, and consulting psychics, which claim to reveal future knowledge, is considered illicit and can manipulate your destiny towards Satan's intended outcome. Satan employs false prophecy and prophets who seek future knowledge apart from aligning with God's plan, often leading to undesirable consequences, even death. These are the evil way. Therefore, We must submit our thoughts and imaginations to God. (Read 1 Kings 13)
Do not sin with your mind. Exercise caution when employing your imagination. Have a discerning spirit.
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Year of God's Supernatural Manifestations Conference 2024
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baabaahosanna · 4 months
Potters in God's garden.
Year of God's Supernatural Manifestations Conference 2024 | Bishop Oriel Ballano
These were the potters, and those that dwelt among plants and hedges: there they dwelt with the king for his work. -1 Chronicles 4:23
"The potters are those who work outside the pulpit for the Lord. They are those who serve the Lord, but live outside of the Palace--they live in the gardens. The potters shape, form, and mold disciples. Discipleship is the work of the potters." Bishop Oriel shared.
Being a pastor or a minister is not the only way to serve God. You can be part of the worship ministry, media team, social media team, ushers, cleaners, and whatnot. Even those who prepare the meals and snacks for the church. Bishop Oriel stressed that you cannot do the disciple-making in the pulpit nor in the church [it cannot suffice]. Leaders of the disciples are formed outside, in the gardens per se. Jesus has commanded us known as the Great Commission to go into the world.
"If you're not a potter, yari ka sa spotter!" Bishop Oriel quipped. The Tagalog expressional phrase "yari ka" is used by the Pinoy with two meanings. It could mean either "you're made of" or "you'll be in trouble [with]." In this case, Bishop meant the latter. If were to be spotted by the devil, we would be in dire straits. The dire wolf comes to steal, kill, and destroy the sheep (John 10:10). Be vigilant, because the devil prowls like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8).
To become a potter:
Find a clay to shape and mold.
See the vision for the future of that person.
It takes time and patience.
Touch and involve.
Be a potter and take part in the discipleship. Manage it well. "Whatever you can't manage, you'll lose." Bishop Oriel apprised.
Ezekiel 27:9-The ancients of Gebal and the wise men thereof were in thee thy calkers: all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee to occupy thy merchandise. 
Assuming they are already been sent out from the pottery. A cracked pot [disciple] is contingent when there is leakage or seepage. Potters must check for they are fragile. If worse comes to worst, they will be broken pots and broken vessels. Bishop Oriel exhorted that leakage comes in when a disciple's character, attitude, discipline, management, and integrity waver and fluctuate. Potters help seal the leakage like using an ultra-strong rubberized adhesive tape or using a vulcaSEAL. Bishop Oriel said, "Discipleship means tapal-ing people." Tagalog word tapal means seal or cover.
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As shared by Bishop Oriel, Potters should:
Find the person with leakage.
See beyond the beauty.
Sense of anticipation.
Stop the leakage ASAP.
Jesus is the Gardener. As Potters, we work for His Kingdom by forming and shaping the pots in the garden. The Church is at the center of God's garden. We harden and coat them with epoxy there--making sure that they can hold flowers or plants as the "fruits" of their labor.
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baabaahosanna · 4 months
Be careful little mouth
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O be careful little mouth what you say O be careful little mouth what you say There’s a Father up above And He’s looking down in love So, be careful little mouth what you say
James 3:8 says but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. So, brethren, guard your tongue. Do not spread lies or gossip. Psalm 34:13 says Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.
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baabaahosanna · 4 months
Children in the ministry
Children's ministry is not babysitting. They meet Jesus when they are small.
"If we never bring kids into the presence of God all we've done is give them religion with no relationship head knowledge with no heart knowledge." -Becky Fischer
Children are small but they are still vessels. THEY HAVE SOULS. They are called to worship the Lord. As a children's minister, I have answered my duty to the greater Kingdom of God.
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baabaahosanna · 4 months
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It starts slowly.
You will get more and more occupied.
Slowly losing the appetite for spending time with God.
When you’ve gone distant from the Source, you are disconnected.
We become deeply engrossed in chasing worldly pleasures and wealth, causing us to sacrifice our moments with the Lord. The constant focus on earning a living leads us to overlook the importance of building a meaningful existence.
As we relentlessly pursue material riches and the perceived joys they bring, a divide gradually forms and expands. Subsequently, the seed of anxiety starts to infiltrate our lives. When our thoughts and energy are consumed by daily problems and stresses, it becomes challenging to allocate time for our spiritual connection with God.
Have we allowed insignificant matters to take precedence and allowed neglect to overrun our spiritual well-being?
Make him first in your life once again. Give him your time. Give him your heart. Your whole heart.
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baabaahosanna · 4 months
Obedience is the best
God knows our hearts. He knows what we truly believe and our attitude toward Him.
One day, two of Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, came along and offered incense with “strange fire.” The Hebrew word translated “strange” means “unauthorized, foreign, or profane.” God not only rejected their sacrifice; He found it so offensive that He consumed the two men with fire.
We cannot offer to Him proud “sacrifices” that are unworthy of Him. He seeks those who come to Him in humility, ready to sacrifice their pride and lay before Him humble and contrite hearts grieving for sin.
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baabaahosanna · 4 months
Anxious for NOTHING
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Don't OVERthink, TURN it OVER to the Lord instead.
Ang anxiety makaanxia.
Worst of all, anxiety causes us to experience spiritual amnesia, causing us to lose sight of who we are in Christ. We fail to recognize the fact that, as His coheirs, we have access to His glory and power, and that, when our priorities align with His, He will provide for our needs. This does not imply that life is a series of miracles. Instead, it means that no matter what challenges we face, we can be sure that our heavenly Father is aware of them and will support us through them at all times. He will even endow us with the poise and fortitude to handle our difficulties.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
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baabaahosanna · 4 months
Do you keep your anxiety overwhelming inside you?
Remember what anxiety does to your mind? It divides it.
But if you belong to Christ, do you deserve to suffer a troubled mind?
Anxiety divides your mind between legitimate concerns and destructive thoughts, ripping it in two different directions. It leaves you double-minded, and unstable in everything you do (see James 1:5-8).
God's peace will watch over your mind and keep your heart safe by the strength of Christ—by the same power that raised Him from the dead and glorifies His name above all others.
Isaiah 26:3 in times of stress: "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You."
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