belysdragoness027 · 2 years
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Preparando mi propia historia, mi propia "serie". No te puedo decir mucho pero aquí te adjunto algunas imágenes importantes. Todavía siento que falta algo, tengo claro cuál será la historia pero algo no me deja cerrarla. Hasta entonces, tiro ideas y veo qué funciona mejor. Intentaré no poner spoilers, será una "serie" corta. No más de 16 capítulos de la primera temporada y 10 de la segunda. No quiero hacerlo demasiado largo.
English translate: 
Preparing my own story, my own "series". I can't tell you much but here I attach some important images. I still feel that something is missing, I am clear about what the story will be but something does not let me close it. Until then, I throw ideas around and see what works best. I'll try not to put spoilers, it will be a short "series". No more than 16 episodes of the first season and 10 of the second. I don't want to make it too long.
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belysdragoness027 · 2 years
I'm trying a little more realism. I know that I have quite a complicated way to go to achieve a better effect but this is a great advance in my opinion. For those who don't know, Stains has become the new Alpha of my sanctuary. And we also discover that the island is a big dragon, which not been attacked us at the moment and probably this image reflects what has been waiting for the sanctuary to look vulnerable. special hastag   # httydnncs
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belysdragoness027 · 2 years
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Español: Este mundo aun tiene secretos, conozcan a los nuevos dragones. Informacion: lo antes posible.. English: This world still has secrets, meet the new dragons. Information: as soon as possible..
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belysdragoness027 · 2 years
Los hashtags de dragones
Español: En una de mis recientes publicaciones puse unos raros hashtags que explicare aqui para no ocupar el espacio innecesario en la anterior públicacion. -httydnncs significa: how to train your dragon new nocanon species - httyd fons significa: how to train your dragon fan original new species Esa solo son pocas de las que se me han ocurrido y para ser directa con "el hashtag". Necesito que vos tambien inventes un hashtag, entre mas mejor.
In one of my recent posts I put some weird hashtags that I will explain here so as not to take up unnecessary space in the previous post.
httyd nncs means: how to train your dragon new nocanon species
httyd fons means: how to train your dragon fan original new species That's just a few that have occurred to me and to be direct with "the hashtag". I need you to also invent a hashtag, the more the better.
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belysdragoness027 · 2 years
Come and make your ideal dragon
Español: ¿No sabes crear un dragon? No te preocupes, te explico.. 1)Toma lo que se te ocurra: animal, dinosaurios, insecto, criatura, vehiculo, plantas o hasta objetos y toma hasta 4 cosas 2) Moldea el cuerpo que mejor se adapte al dragon. Puedes hacerlo bipedo, cuadrupedo o con cuerpo de serpiente… 3) Toma partes de lo que elegiste para crearlo y ubicalo en el cuerpo sin ser demasiado obvio (asegurate de que se complementen/fusionen bien juntos lo que uses) 4) Añadele cuernos, espinas y/o alas 5) Busca un patron que se acomode al dragon (ya sea por la personalidad del dragon o por como vive) Remarcale los colmillos, hazle garras grandes, ponle las escamas y listo. Solo te queda el tipo de fuego.
Luego queda los datos pero eso ni te apures… Espero haberte ayudado. No soy buena para explicar las cosas pero igual espero te haya servido. Veras que es mas gratificante inventar tu propia especie que repintar uno que ya existe y que no puede repetirse. Gracias por leer.
English: Don't you know how to create a dragon? Don't worry, I'll explain. 1) Take whatever you can think of: animal, dinosaurs, insect, creature, vehicle, plants or even objects and take up 4 things 2) Shape the body that best suits the dragon. You can make it bipedal, quadrupedal or with the body of a snake… 3) Take parts of what you chose to create it and place it on the body without being too obvious (make sure they complement/fuse well together whatever you use) 4) Add horns, spines and/or wings 5) Look for a pattern that suits the dragon (either because of the dragon's personality or how it lives) Remark the fangs, make big claws, put the scales and ready. You only have the fire type left.
Then there is the data but don't worry about that… I hope I've helped. I'm not good at explaining things but I still hope it has helped you. You will see that it is more rewarding to invent your own species than to repaint one that already exists and cannot be repeated. Thank you for reading.
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belysdragoness027 · 2 years
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English: I want to create awareness! Are you a dragon maker? Species that had never been discovered are hidden there. With millions of combinations and colors (and bodies), open up your world! Open your mind! and let your hand flow and create new and wonderful species that the world must know. Help me break that box that hides them, make more people look for their ideal dragon. Create your own story, no more Furies. Please choose your favorite hastag to start the UPRISING of the "fandragons"…
Español: ¡Deseo crear conciencia! ¿Eres un creador de dragones? Especies que nunca habían sido descubiertas están ahí escondidas. Con millones de combinaciones y colores (y formas) ¡abre tu mundo! ¡abre tu mente! y deja a tu mano fluir y crear nuevas y maravillosas especies que el mundo debe conocer. Ayúdame a romper esa caja que los esconde, has que mas gente busque a su dragón ideal. Crea tu propia historia, no mas Furias. Por favor elije tu hastag favorito para poder inicial el levantamiento de los "fandragones"…
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belysdragoness027 · 2 years
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Uf, how exhausting. I have been drawing a lot digitally these last 2 years and each time my quality exceeds the previous one. Here I have two of my last drawings of this year. They are "fandragons" and I put them in "quotes" because I don't like to call them that. 2 of them are mine, one belongs to a little person who is great XD Which do you like? (in specie of dragon and drawing). © the white feathered dragon belongs to Quetzaldramon Dinodragon © the blue spotted dragon and the ones in the first image are my creations
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belysdragoness027 · 2 years
Zak is Kur! (2x01)
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
Thanks for liking my drawings of Zion
You're welcome, you draw very well and I love Zon and I really like this series so thanks to you for drawing it! Sorry for the delay in replying. I hope to see more of your work from this series soon.
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
Algo de lo que realmente quisiera es crear EL hashtag para los dragones que son creados por nosotros desde cero.
No para sub-especies de Furias ni Furias repintados. Siento que necesitan su espacio así sería más fácil encontrarlos. Tengo algunos hashtags pero puedes comentar más:
. httyd nofs (new original fan specie)
. httmd ns (how to train my dragon new species)
. fnwds (fan new world dragon specie)
Había más pero estos suenan mejor. Voten su favorito.
English traduction:
Something I really want to do is create THE hashtag for dragons that are created by us from zero. Not for sub-species of Furies or Furies repainted. I feel like they need their space so it would be easier to find them. I have some hashtags but you can comment on more options. ☝️ There were more but these sound better. Vote for your favorite.
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
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A golden dragon and Stain day of relax number 4
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
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More about my fan dragons,except the white one. She belongs to Quetzaldramon
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
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A new hybrid!
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
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Dark drawing
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
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Two couple hybrids!
1) Is the hybrid of Dawn Fury and ShadowShock (not is the real traduction)
And Dart the Night Light. The Dawn Fury is my own original creation and the SS is of the Quetzaldramon (Quetzy).
Dart out to the Hidden World and meet a rare new dragon. This relationship become to a love.
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
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Stains, her female and his cubs living in the Hidden World but they are not happy there.
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belysdragoness027 · 3 years
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