boredakenna · 7 years
 SVRCINA - Astronomical (Official Audio)
For god’s sake this is a gift from heaven, as Molly says herself on the description box. This newly released masterpiece....i don’t know....it sounds like it’s out of the world’s league. Astronomical should be played every time in the Heaven T.T Pure diamond <3
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boredakenna · 7 years
Le Journal #10: I Will Stop Longing for You
It’s been a long time, Dear. Years have been passed in silence.
I still remember vividly, how I hid in the back of your house, throwing some pebbles with my friend. She wanted to tease and get your attention a little, so I helped her. Of course, you didn’t come out to check, because back then, when you used to have an emo-styled hair, with a face resembled that of a prince, most of my girl friends were crazy about you, and you might know about that. Yet, I was the only one in the group who didn’t harbor any special feelings rather than a second-hand admiration. It wasn’t because I didn’t find you attractive. It was merely because I didn’t want to like someone who became everyone’s favorite. I thought that was so cheap. So I spent my teenage life listening to them squeal whenever you showed up or replied to their embarrassing messages out of kindness. 
As soon as their admiration came, it wilted away. And at some point in my life, I had a crush on someone who looked like the vocalist of my favorite band. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I was such a foolish back then, in different ways from my friends. This lasted for quite some time, until my closest friend told me that he was going to get married, and she said that his soon-to-be bride was beautiful. I remember that I was upset, but then I let it go, for it was only a silly crush.
And then, years later, I don’t know how or exactly when, you happened. It was like a natural habit, to hope that you would come to every event that I attended in our village. It was like a habit, to take a quick glance at you and pretend not to notice you for the rest of our time together with our friends. It was like a habit, to play it cool every time I bumped into you and shut my mouth as tight as possible because I couldn’t for the life of me find any words whenever I saw you. And, it was like a habit, to like you in silence.
The day you walked up to me and sat next to me in a meeting, I still cherish it like a treasure, because that might be the first time we really talked to each other. While some of our friends cooing at us and accused you for trying to get closer to me, you asked me about my school. What I was studying, what jobs could I possibly got if I was International Relations, what semester I was in,  things like that. And I asked you back. A little bit stung, though, when later I knew that you had a crush on one of my friends, who was none other than my neighbor. The moment the news broke out, my friends were all against both of you. They were so jealous. And there was me, trying to smile and accept the truth with a big heart. No one knew how close you two had got, but my mom told me that both of you went somewhere together and asked me if you both were dating. I had a hunch that that was true, so I only told her what I knew so far. Later when I heard the news from my mom that your parents were against your relationship with her, I didn’t know what to feel. Because while I never really stopped liking you when you were close to her, I thought that you two would make a good couple.
Many months later I had to live on without your presence. Your little brother told me that you were out of town, probably for work. I kind of tried not to think about you, and that actually worked. Even when you came back, it was still like how it was before. I took a quick glance at you, I played it cool whenever I bumped into you, and I hoped that you would attend every event that I attended so that I could see you. 
Lately, I told my close friend from university days, that I had a crush on you. I never told anyone this much about you, but I kind of trusted her. She was so curious that she asked for his social media accounts. So I looked for them and I found your Instagram account. Proving that I didn’t intend to keep it for myself only, I gave her your IG username. And she followed you without second thoughts. But I, I’m still hiding somewhere, too shy to follow you. I know I’m such a coward, but this has always been me, you know. Because of her excitement, she asked me which one you were because apparently you posted many of your friends’ photos, so she screenshot them and asked me to point out. She said that you were cute and I genuinely smiled at her statement. Days passed and she always told me every time you liked her IG posts. She was always excited when that happened, and once she told me that while you were still single, she still had a chance to be your wife. I knew then that she started to grow some admiration for you though she obviously knew that I liked you, and I was faced with the same situation again and again. I didn’t know what to say or to feel. I don’t know if she was joking or just trying to make me jealous like close friends would do, but I was actually hurt. A little bit. So I was joking and offering myself to be your & her matchmaker. She said yes and of course I told her I was joking after. I thought of giving up on you ever since. Just...It’s kind of hard to throw my feelings away just like that, so I keep being excited when I see you. And I never tell myself that it’s not ok to still like you after I decided to give up on you for her. Even until now, she always tells me whenever you like her post, and honestly, what does she want me to say to that? Because I clearly don’t have anything to say. 
Just yesterday, we met in my best childhood friend’s wedding ceremony. And it was almost like a fate that we were appointed as the representatives of her friends to receive gifts from the groom’s family. We exchanged words, at least, although we didn’t really talk long and comfortably. And after that, just like ever, I tried to ignore you for the rest of our time together. When the time for photo group session came, you came up and said, “Let’s take photos (with the bride and groom),” without looking at me. I wasn’t upset at that time, but now that I’m thinking about it, I AM upset. And it was almost like a fate again, when the photographer asked me to move to the groom’s side, because there were only two girls including me and we had to balance the number of people on both sides. There was you right next to the groom, so I was standing between you and the groom, until someone from the other side said to you, “You’re wearing different uniform from the rest of us. You should move away to that side.” Yes, it was almost like a fate if you wouldn’t step aside. 
You and I are too bad to be true, I’m not good enough for you, that’s why fate might not be pleased with the idea of us together. Maybe, just maybe, we aren’t meant to be. Maybe my feelings for you aren’t strong enough to be true. If I think hard enough to let you go, maybe I can convince myself to do so. If I’m not meant to be in your life, I will stop wanting you. And if I’m made for you, then maybe sometime in the future, you will be mine. In circumstances we never expect, I will see you with your ever familiar face. We will have a lot to talk. I’m so looking forward to that day, if that will ever happen in our life... 
For now, I have to be happy for whatever may come. I hope you’ll find someone best for you. If it isn’t me, I’m happy for whoever she is. Be happy, always. I love seeing your smile.
With love,
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boredakenna · 7 years
[English Translation] Isyana Sarasvati - Sekali Lagi
Indonesian lyrics
Di permukaan perasaan yang dalam
Ingin sekali sebenarnya terucap
Tak diasah lagi hingga tumpul rasa hati
Dan berakhir jiwa terasa sepi
# Aku tak bisa terus begini
Aku tak bisa mengatakan yang sesungguhnya
Tak bisa menunggu lagi
Pesan ini kusampaikan sekali lagi
Kuberi kesempatan terakhirmu
Teringat pertama menyentuh
Kutahu tak mudah jalani denganmu
Kulewati dalamnya lembah hidup
Mengartikan tujuan si langit biru
English Translation
On the surface of my deep feeling
It really wants to be said
Unsharpened anymore, heart is dull
And my soul ends up feeling lonely
# I can’t go on like this
I can’t tell the truth
Can’t wait any longer
I give you your last chance
Remembering the first time I touched (you)
I knew it wasn’t easy for us to go through (life) together
I went down to the valley of life
Defining the purpose of the blue sky
Eng trans by: boredakenna
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boredakenna · 7 years
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Show vs. Tell 
Great description of the difference.
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boredakenna · 7 years
Into Deep Water #2
Menyesal. Keela menyesal beberapa jam yang lalu mengharapkan sesuatu yang lain akan terjadi. Sesuatu yang keluar dari orbit rutinitasnya. Pantas saja pasukan bintang yang sudah jarang berjaga di langit muncul kembali. Mereka hanya begitu karena bersedia mengabulkan keinginan konyolnya. Atau mungkin, ia dan laki-laki berdarah itu memohon dalam waktu yang bersamaan, sehingga para bintang menjalinkan mereka, dalam waktu yang sangat, sangat tidak tepat.
“Ren tidak menjawab panggilanku,” ujar Keela. “Sudah satu minggu.”
Sebagai balasan, laki-laki itu mengerang dan mengernyit dalam. Keela tak tahan untuk ikut mengernyit.
“Sudah kubilang jangan sentuh lukamu!” hardiknya. “Darahmu baru saja berhenti mengalir. Jika tangan usilmu tidak bisa diam, aku tidak memiliki perban ekstra di sini. Lebih baik kau pergi. Secepatnya.”
Laki-laki itu menatapnya, seolah apa yang baru saja Keela katakan menyalahi aturan moral dunia.
“Aku akan berada dalam masalah jika kau tetap di sini.” Keela menjelaskan. “Jika orang memergokimu seperti ini, apa yang akan mereka pikirkan tentangku?”
“Apa kau punya gudang?”
“Biarkan aku tinggal sementara di gudangmu,” kata lelaki itu parau.
Keela mempertimbangkan permintaannya dengan berat pikiran. Ia berkacak pinggang dan menggembungkan kedua pipinya kemudian menghela napas. Jarinya mengetuk-ngetuk pinggang, kebiasaan yang terjadi jika ia bosan, atau resah.
“Untuk berapa lama?”
“Hingga Ren kembali.”
“Bagaimana jika ia tidak kembali dalam satu bulan? Kau akan tinggal di sini selama itu? Tidak bisa!”
“Biar – ” Laki-laki itu mendesah. Kedengarannya lelah mendengarkan seruan Keela yang bertubi-tubi. “Biarkan aku tinggal untuk sementara waktu. Jika lukaku sembuh dan aku bisa mencari Ren sendiri, aku akan pergi.”
Wajahnya berkeringat. Meskipun bekas darah di dada dan tangannya telah dibasuh bersih, Keela tidak dapat menghilangkan ingatan bagaimana darah itu menempel dengan kental di tubuh laki-laki itu. Luka-luka sayatan yang ia saksikan mengirimkan sinyal bahaya di kepalanya, namun Keela masih enggan bertanya lagi, berniat untuk menhindarkan lelaki itu dari kerepotan untuk menjelaskan kepadanya di saat pikirannya mungkin sedang terburu dan tersangkut-sangkut dalam kerumitan yang tidak bisa Keela saksikan.
“Hanya sampai kau sembuh.” Keela mengizinkan. “Tapi ingat, kau berhutang kepadaku. Kita mungkin sama-sama orang asing, namun jangan pikir bisa keluar dari sini tanpa menjelaskan apa-apa kepadaku. Aku sudah bersedia menolongmu.”
“Aku tahu,” balas laki-laki itu.
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boredakenna · 7 years
It seems like his eyes have become quite of a handful at times, especially when he has to meet someone he shouldn’t meet. This time it’s a girl. Or a woman. He isn’t sure. What he’s sure of is she has a river flowing in her lively eyes. The stream that has no end to its grace, the kind of flow that makes him drown without him knowing what’s gotten into his mind when he involuntarily smiles like a fool. Has the seemingly unaffecting cheap beer he drank last night finally worked wonders to his head? Or is it just because he’s lived long enough in a greenhouse that the first mere being he sees could be such a mesmerizing oasis? He won’t find the answer just by looking at her like this, but he got some textbooks in his bag. A friend of his told him one day, that he should’ve looked up anything inexplicable on the textbooks. He knows he’ll be doomed if he takes it literally as he was told, but he’s now so desperate to know the answer, as to why he thinks that she is the one who would conquer his parents’ hearts. And, the euphoria that has been missing from him this whole summer. He looks down and smiles at the flowerpot he’s holding, remembers why he is here in the first place. It’s time to give it back to its owner.
To accomplish a writing prompt: http://boredakenna.tumblr.com/post/121515107315/promptsgalore-write-something-that-includes-the
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boredakenna · 7 years
Mesin Penenun Hujan Merakit mesin penenun hujan Hingga terjalin terbentuk awan Semua tentang kebalikan, terlukis, tertulis, tergaris di wajahmu Keputusan yang tak terputuskan Ketika engkau telah tunjukkan Semua tentang kebalikan Kebalikan di antara kita Kau sakiti aku, kau gerami aku Kau sakiti, kau gerami, kau benci aku Tetapi esok nanti kau akan tersadar Kau temukan seorang lain yang lebih baik Dan aku kan hilang, Ku kan jadi hujan Tapi tak kan lama, ku kan jadi awan Merakit mesin penenun hujan Ketika engkau telah tunjukkan Semua tentang kebalikan Kebalikan di antara kita
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boredakenna · 8 years
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boredakenna · 8 years
Saving it for another chapter on my untitled series ❤
Prompt #522
“You’ve killed people!” 
“Only people who deserved it.” 
“That’s still murder! You should be in prison!” 
“Yet, here I stand.” 
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boredakenna · 8 years
Le Journal #9 : I’m messing up my life!
This month is such a crucial moment for me yet I suck at doing anything I ought to do. Thesis, creative writing, my duty to finish the ffs, my mind, all destroyed by two horrible things that are acute laziness and procrastination. Those two things I hate the most....yet I often do....arghhh how worse could it get???
I’m stressed. But it’s all because of me. I cause it all. Anyone wants to be my motivator? I need to cheer up more and more and more so that I can be positive all the time and stand up more often for my duties!!!
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boredakenna · 8 years
Le Journal #8 : Meeting Andrea Hirata
Sunday, June 14th, 2015
This is my very first time in my whole life to meet one of my favorite authors. Meeting Andrea Hirata was a dream-comes-true moment which will surely be engraved in my mind forever. Because he is such a great man. Yes, he definitely is.
Truth be told, I didn’t know much about him, and I still don’t. I never read his novels before and I’m currently reading his newest novel titled “Ayah”. Other than that, none. Then, how could it be he’s my favorite author? Simply because in his novels, I find gems. I discover treasures. He writes so beautifully. And his words, all of them, are precious, like I can keep them and stick them on the wall of my room. I love his every word, even the simplest. They give me inspirations. Makes me want to write as soon as possible.
And when I met him, saw him in person today, he stole my breath. Not in oh-my-god-he-is-so-freaking-charming way, but in a more terrific way. It was like, he was the very personification of his words. All those beautiful words embodied him in an actual form and that was very sacred to me. He spoke, he smiled, he made jokes, he interacted with people, he was real. So real before my eyes. The only things I could do was staring at him like he would vanish if I took my eyes off of him even if it was just a second long. He was a funny man. But what caught my attention was his modesty. He is still the Andrea Hirata whom you met seven years ago. He doesn’t really change. He only grows better and better everyday. That much I can tell.
-To be continued-  
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boredakenna · 9 years
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Picture prompt: Write a story or a character profile inspired by these pictures.
Try to use all of them!
(Pictures come from public domain/free use archives.)
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boredakenna · 9 years
Do you have any werewolf and/or vampire prompts? :3
A newly infected werewolf has to figure out how they got infected.
An abandoned werewolf child is raised by actual wolves.
Character is offered a cure for their lycanthropy and they have to decide whether that’s what they want.
A teen werewolf wants to go on a school trip, but it takes place on a full moon.
Character desperately wants to become a werewolf.
Werewolf working in an animal shelter.
Werewolves protecting their hunting grounds (whether against another pack or against destruction of the ecosystem is up to you).
Werewolf professional athlete. 
Werewolf sheriff/detective.
A village that’s werewolf only.
Werewolf parents disappointed because their child can’t shift.
A new werewolf, with new large appetite, makes family reunion awkward by eating everything.
Werewolf gets shot at in their wolf form.
Werewolf confuses scientists by appearing somewhere wolves aren’t supposed to live.
Werewolf tries to sell their old silver jewelry.
If a vampire can’t see themselves in a mirror, how do they satisfy their vanity?
Vampire annoying their booty calls by always having to leave before dawn.
Vampire losing their job at a blood bank for stealing blood.
Vampire who prefers their bat form.
A person afraid of blood turned into a vampire.
Vampires mocking people who dress like vampires for costume parties.
Post-apocalyptic vampires protecting humans as an endangered species.
Vampires who compete in hunting humans.
Vampires who write angry blog posts about the portrayal of vampires in fiction.
Vampire territory wars and struggles.
The evolution of vampire laws (whether the laws vampires observe or the laws for vampires in a society where humans know about them).
Vampires being imprisoned as research objects.
A feudal lord vampire who keeps humans as loyal subjects they protect but also a source of food.
Vampires working in medical research because they want to keep humans as healthy as possible and because they are sensitive to the workings of human body.
Coincidentally, today I ran across this awesome post about 21st century vampires so I’m going to link it here.
Werewolf and Vampire:
Werewolf and Vampire compete in strength. 
Werewolf and Vampire meet online. When they meet face to face, they instantly know what the other one is.
Alternatively, a blind date.
Werewolf helps the Vampire with daylight errands in the exchange for safe space for full moons.
Werewolf and Vampire as members of a special task force.
Werewolf and Vampire as lovers; werewolves are mortal and can’t turn into vampires.
Werewolves and Vampires having radically different opinions on how to treat humans.
Werewolf being frustrated with the Vampires lack of wildlife survival skills.
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boredakenna · 9 years
Bima membanting begitu saja sepedanya ke tanah dan masuk ke dalam rumahku, tak peduli lagi setahun lalu ia mengemis-ngemis kepada orang tuanya hanya agar dibelikan sepeda itu.
“Han, hot news, hot news!” seerunya sambil terengah ketika melihatku duduk di depan televisi usangku. “Si Mae! Si Mae!”
Aku menyipitkan mata, malas. “Tak usah basa-basi, intinya saja.”
“Tadi aku menuruti apa kata Bang Jonas. Menyanyi diiringi suara gitar dan kendang oleh para preman pasar. Maemunah, si cantik tu mau tampakkan senyumnya ke aku!”
“Preman pasar?!” Aku lebih tertarik dengan para politisi pasar itu ketimbang si cantik Maemunah yang mau-maunya mengalah hanya karena senandung Bima yang aku rasa mungkin tak bagus-bagus amat. Mungkin.
Bima terlanjur senang bukan main. Dituangkannya air putih satu gelas dan menengguknya hingga habis tanpa setop. Suara Ahhhh yang dibunyikannya lewat mulut setelah itu membuatku meringis.
“Kau tak tahu cantiknya ia. Seumur hidup, baru kali ini Mae tersenyum padaku. Bagai bidadari, aku tak kuasa melihatnya. Senyumnya seelok emas di tempat penambangan di Selatan. Kau tak tahu, Burhan, kau tak lihat!”
“Ah biasa saja. Yang aku tahu, senyum terindah yang pernah kulihat ya cuma milik Sophia Latjuba. Titik.”
“Eiiiy kau benar-benar tak paham kau Burhan. Besok aku tunjukkan ke kau kalau Maemunah sudah luluh padaku. Akan aku ajak dia jalan ke pasar malam atau menonton layar tancap.”
Aku hanya bersungut, tak mau mendengar ocehan Bima setelah itu. Kupandangi layar televisi yang menampilkan Mak Lampir. Jujur, untuk sekarang, jika disuruh memilih untuk mendengarkan Bima bercerita tentang keindahan yang bernama Maemunah - yang sudah berkali-kali kudengar hingga telinga panas - atau mendengarkan cekikikan Mak Lampir sejuta kali, aku akan memilih yang kedua. Bukannya aku tak pedulikan berkah yang diterima kawanku baru saja, tapi aku sudah berhadapan dengan Bima yang berkeluh kesah tentang gadis pujaannya itu selama dua tahun lebih, dan peningkatan yang paling signifikan dalam proses pengejarannya terhadap Mae hanyalah sebuah jabat tangan yang mereka lakukan tiga bulan yang lalu. Soal senyum yang Mae berikan untuk Bima hari ini, dibandingkan dengan jabat tangan itu, tak ada apa-apanya. Maemunah pun telah menampakkan senyumnya kepadaku dan bahkan semua orang lain. Mungkin juga kepada Bima yang tak sadar. Panjang kubuang nafasku.
“Masih tak percaya kau?” Bima menuntut.
“Aku percaya, Kawan,” balasku. “Aku senang.”
“Senang tak memerikan wajahmu, Han.”
Aku mendongak. Kutatap Bima yang mengangkat kedua alisnya dengan sisa-sisa kegirangannya. Kutarik kedua ujung mulutku secara berlawanan membentuk senyum yang hampir mencapai kedua mataku.
“Itu tak tulus.” Bima mengibas-ibaskan satu tangannya di depan wajahku sebelum berlalu menyapa Ibuk di dapur belakang.
Saat kukeluarkan sebuah foto dari saku celanaku, mulai terdengar suara tertawa Ibuk dan Bima yang sedang membicarakan sitkom kesukaan mereka yang tak kuminati. Di lembaran itu, gadis cantik nan jelita tersenyum elok menghadap kamera. Hitam putih saja tak dapat menggambarkan dengan sempurna kecerahan wajahnya, warna asli pakaian dan rok selututnya; hanya rambut hitamnya yang terurai bebas menggantung di bahunya yang terlihat semakin gelap sempurna.Meskipun demikian, keelokannya sungguh menawan. Melebihi semua kosa kata bahasa Indonesia yang kumiliki, kerupawanannya tak terperi, tak terukur. Benar kata Bima. Emas mungkin tak ada apa-apanya.
Sanubariku resah tiba-tiba saat mengingat lagi perjuangan kawanku. Mendapatkan Mae adalah impiannya. Impian yang tak pernah mendahului impianku, namun kuhargai sepanjang aku mengetahuinya. Maksudku menghargai adalah untuk membiarkannya melakukan apa saja yang ia inginkan. Demi semangat dan impiannya, aku bisa mengalah. Toh, Mae bukanlah gadis terakhir yang harus diperebutkan oleh semua laki-laki tersisa di dunia.
Kupandangi sejenak foto Mae sambil tersenyum. Perlahan-lahan, kurobek lembaran yang pernah menjadi benda berharga di hidupku itu. Tak apa. Aku baik-baik saja. 
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boredakenna · 9 years
Write something that includes the following:
a river
cheap beer
a greenhouse
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boredakenna · 9 years
Le Journal #8 : Meeting Andrea Hirata
Sunday, June 14th, 2015
This is my very first time in my whole life to meet one of my favorite authors. Meeting Andrea Hirata was a dream-comes-true moment which will surely be engraved in my mind forever. Because he is such a great man. Yes, he definitely is.
Truth be told, I didn’t know much about him, and I still don’t. I never read his novels before and I’m currently reading his newest novel titled “Ayah”. Other than that, none. Then, how could it be he’s my favorite author? Simply because in his novels, I find gems. I discover treasures. He writes so beautifully. And his words, all of them, are precious, like I can keep them and stick them on the wall of my room. I love his every word, even the simplest. They give me inspirations. Makes me want to write as soon as possible.
And when I met him, saw him in person today, he stole my breath. Not in oh-my-god-he-is-so-freaking-charming way, but in a more terrific way. It was like, he was the very personification of his words. All those beautiful words embodied him in an actual form and that was very sacred to me. He spoke, he smiled, he made jokes, he interacted with people, he was real. So real before my eyes. The only things I could do was staring at him like he would vanish if I took my eyes off of him even if it was just a second long. He was a funny man. But what caught my attention was his modesty. He is still the Andrea Hirata whom you met seven years ago. He doesn’t really change. He only grows better and better everyday. That much I can tell.
-To be continued-  
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boredakenna · 9 years
Into Deep Water
Lanjutan dari “Makhluk Lain” --> http://kumo-no-yuki.tumblr.com/post/120851891350/makhluk-lain
Tangan di atas meja, Keela mengetuk-ngetukkan jari telunjuk dan jari tengahnya secara bergantian. Baru saja ia selesai membereskan meja dan kursi di cafe itu setelah memasang papan “We are closed” di pintu depan dan menguncinya. Bukannya segera mematikan lampu dan pergi ke lantai atas, ia duduk di belakang mesin kasir dan secara acak memandangi keadaan di luar melalui kaca tembus pandang di cafe itu. Malam sebentar lagi dalam, namun Keela masih menyaksikan beberapa orang berlalu-lalang di jalanan depan. Suara mobil-mobil melintas yang tidak jarang membuat telinganya sibuk mendengarkan. Sedangkan pikirannya hampir kosong. Yang ia pikirkan beberapa detik yang lalu adalah, Apa yang akan kulakukan setelah ini?
Kebisingan di luar cafe membuatnya terganggu. Mungkin malam ini ia perlu istirahat ekstra mengingat selama dua hari belakangan ia tak bisa memejamkan mata lebih dari lima menit. Penyebab utamanya adalah Ren yang tiba-tiba saja menghilang ditelan bumi. Kakaknya itu memang seperti itu, selalu membuatnya khawatir. Namun kali ini laki-laki itu telah pergi selama seminggu tanpa kabar. Keela marah dan resah sekaligus.
Sudah bermenit-menit Keela berdiam diri. Hingga pada akhirnya ia melepaskan apronnya dan membereskan barang-barangnya saat seseorang mengetuk pintu cafe dari luar. Lebih tepatnya menggedor dengan penuh ketidaksabaran.
“Buka pintunya!”
Keela melebarkan matanya was-was. Segera ia mengambil sapu di pojok terdekat dan mengangkatnya di depan dada seraya ia bergegas ke dekat pintu, menghadap seseorang dengan kemeja terkoyak di bagian depan.
“Siapa kau?”
Terhalang oleh pintu kaca yang terkunci, orang di luar tak mampu mendengar dengan jelas apa yang Keela ucapkan. Malahan, orang itu merintih kesakitan dan memegang dadanya, seolah ingin meremasnya. Beberapa detik kemudian nafasnya berubah cepat dan tubuh laki-laki di luar merosot ke tanah. Keela terkesiap dan segera membuka pintu. Sapu ia jatuhkan begitu saja.
“Jangan pingsan di depan cafeku!” seru Keela panik. “Jangan mati di sini!”
Keela menarik lengan laki-laki itu hingga orang itu berdiri kembali. Orang itu mengerang dan membuat Keela semakin panik saat ia menemukan warna merah di buku-buku jari, kuku, dan dadanya. Dengan cekatan Keela membawa orang itu masuk agar tidak menarik perhatian orang.
Dengan hati-hati, Keela memapah laki-laki itu dan mendudukkannya di satu bangku. Rintihan laki-laki itu masuk tepat ke telingan kanannya dan menolak untuk keluar dari telinga satunya. Keela mengernyit mendengarnya.
“Siapa kau?” tanya Keela setelah orang asing itu duduk dengan aman. “Mengapa ada darah di tubuhmu? Aku tidak akan menolongmu sebelum kau menjawab.”
Laki-laki itu memejamkan matanya sambil memegangi dada. “Aku sedang mencari seseorang,” jawabnya lemah.
“Kau tidak menjawab pertanyaanku.”
Orang itu membuka mata dan pandangannya bertemu Keela. Keela terkesiap saat melihat mata laki-laki itu yang memancarkan warna merah.
“Aku tidak tahu siapa aku. Jangan paksa aku untuk menjawabnya. Dan darah ini, aku tidak bisa menjelaskannya sekarang. Tapi aku sangat membutuhkan bantuanmu.”
“Aku tidak bisa membantu dan jatuh ke perangkap orang asing begitu saja.”
“Demi Tuhan aku bukan penipu. Aku tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaanmu karena aku sendiri tidak mengerti apa yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu aku memerlukan bantuanmu. Aku mencari seseorang yang mungkin saja bisa menjawab semua pertanyaanmu tentangku.”
Keela mengamati orang itu selama beberapa saat. “Siapa yang kau cari?”
“Ren.” Laki-laki itu mengambil nafas. “Aku mencari Ren.”
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