botao-wang · 9 months
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botao-wang · 9 months
Amr F. Narrative of LGBTQ Representations in Disney Cartoons[J]. Transcultural Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023, 4(1).
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botao-wang · 9 months
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botao-wang · 10 months
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botao-wang · 10 months
This is a media representation that discusses LGBTQ+ in some animations, etc.,
The animations played by the media, if children are often watched, will definitely affect their thinking, and it is easy for children to become homosexuals when they grow up
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botao-wang · 10 months
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botao-wang · 10 months
这是1990-2005 LGBT
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botao-wang · 10 months
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botao-wang · 10 months
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botao-wang · 10 months
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botao-wang · 10 months
Lindqvist, A., Sendén, M. G., & Renström, E. A. (2021). What is gender, anyway: a review of the options for operationalising gender. Psychology and Sexuality, 12(4), 332–344. https://doi.org/10.1080/19419899.2020.1729844
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botao-wang · 10 months
Movies, gender, and social change: the hollywood romance film
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botao-wang · 10 months
During the gender study, I learned two new words LGBT and Queer
L - Lesbian(女同性恋) G - Gay(男同性恋) B - Bisexual(双性恋) T - Transgender(跨性别)
以及其他性别认同(如变性人、两性人等) 这个缩写代表了在性取向和性别认同方面与传统二元性别(男性和女性)不同的人群。这些群体被统称为LGBTQ+,其中的“Q”代表着Queer或Questioning(疑惑的、探索中的),指涉那些对自己的性取向或性别认同有疑问或在探索中的人。
LGBT is an acronym that stands for a group of sexual minorities, including the following identities and identities:
L - Lesbian G - Gay B - Bisexual T - Transgender
and other gender identities (e.g. transgender, intersex, etc.) This acronym represents people who differ from the traditional binary gender (male and female) in terms of sexual orientation and gender identity. These groups are collectively referred to as LGBTQ+, where "Q" stands for Queer or Questioning (doubting, exploring), referring to those who have questions about their sexual orientation or gender identity or are exploring.
The LGBTQ+ community faces a range of challenges, including social discrimination, legal inequality, prejudice and violence. To promote inclusivity and equality, many social movements and organizations strive for the rights and recognition of the LGBTQ+ community. These efforts aim to create a society that respects and accepts all gender identities and sexual orientations.
"Queer" 是一个术语,最初被用作对性少数群体的一种贬称和歧视性词汇,尤其是对同性恋者的侮辱。然而,随着时间的推移,这个词逐渐被性少数群体中的一部分人重新采纳和重新定义,用来表达他们的性别认同和性取向,以及对传统二元性别观念的挑战。
在重新定义后,"queer" 已经成为一种被部分同性恋、双性恋、跨性别以及其他非传统性别认同者自称的标签。它被用来表达那些不符合传统性别规范和二元性别认知的个体。在这种语境下,"queer" 强调多样性、包容性和接受性,意味着一个拥抱不同性别认同和性取向的广泛范围。
"Queer" 也被用作学术领域中的一个概念,即"酷儿研究"(Queer Studies)。这是一门跨学科的研究领域,关注性别、性取向和身份认同的复杂性,以及对传统性别规范的批判和挑战。酷儿研究旨在推动对性别认同和性取向多样性的理解,并探索在社会和文化中的影响。
需要指出的是,"queer" 仍然被一些人认为是冒犯性的词汇,因为它过去曾被用于贬损和歧视。因此,在使用这个词时,应该谨慎尊重他人的选择,并避免在不适当的场合使用。不同地区和文化对这个词的看法可能有所不同,因此最好遵循当地的用法和文化背景。
"Queer" is a term that was originally used as a pejorative and discriminatory term for sexual minorities, especially homosexuals. However, over time, the term has gradually been re-adopted and redefined by segments of the sexual minority community to express their gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as to challenge traditional binary notions of gender.
After being redefined, "queer" has become a label that some gay, bisexual, transgender and other non-traditional gender identities call themselves. It is used to express individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms and binary gender identities. In this context, "queer" emphasizes diversity, inclusion, and acceptance, implying a broad spectrum that embraces different gender identities and sexual orientations.
"Queer" is also used as a concept in the academic field, namely "Queer Studies". It is an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on the complexities of gender, sexuality, and identity, as well as the critique and challenge of traditional gender norms. Queer studies seeks to advance understanding of diversity in gender identity and sexual orientation, and to explore implications in society and culture.
It should be noted that "queer" is still considered offensive by some, as it has been used derogatory and discriminatory in the past. Therefore, one should be careful to respect the choices of others when using the word, and avoid using it in inappropriate situations. Different regions and cultures may have different perceptions of this term, so it is best to follow local usage and cultural context.
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botao-wang · 10 months
Media Representation of Tongxinglian in China: A Case Study of the People’s Daily
I will be working on the representation of homosexuality in the media, without ignoring the representation of men and women. Comparing several situations may lead to more in-depth conclusions.
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botao-wang · 10 months
Migrating intimacies: Media representations of same-sex love among migrant women in East Asia
The visual works explored in this article hide traces of "improper" world creation and same-sex intimacy of Southeast Asian immigrant women in Hong Kong. Discusses how they repurposed their outfits into "tomboy" or "T-bird" styles to suggest alternative female desires
the principle of heterosexuality prevails” in so far as “deeply embedded gender hierarchies … become manifest on the bodies of women who love other women ‘as men,’ or of femme women who seek out tombois with whom they can behave ‘as women.’Moreover, the reality of having intimate relationships with other women abroad in fact supports, whether deliberate or not, the norm of “women's sexual purity – meaning not having sexual relations with men [outside marriage]”
Taken together, these photographs provide a powerful narrative of immigrant women's social relationships—romantics, feminine spaces, and female connections—thus dismantling the "correct image" of domestic immigrant women working as submissive caregivers.
Tumblr media
There have indeed been a lot of people discussing the topic of homosexuality recently. I personally think that in this kind of topic, the influence of the media is huge. They provoke gender antagonism through the oppression of some women, making some women hate men, but they need to find some people to comfort their hearts, so some homosexuals The germination was born, and many people filmed homosexuality very beautifully, like a kind of popular culture, inducing some immature or needing comfort people to go on the road of homosexuality, this is the power of the media.Perhaps this is also a manifestation of independence and freedom, probably?
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botao-wang · 10 months
It seems that there is a little problem with my research direction, and there are some deviations from the requirements.
sorry about this
I will change direction
Nowadays, the characters in many media are too idealized. They are good-looking, beautiful, and have all kinds of beautiful qualities, and they are presented in front of the audience with almost no shortcomings. This has attracted many audiences. When the audience is immersed in them In the fictional stories created, many people will be separated from the real world, and their requirements for the opposite sex will increase in real life. In fact, this can be regarded as a hazard of media capital.
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botao-wang · 10 months
Connecting or disconnecting: luxury branding on social media and affluent Chinese female consumers’ interpretations
Chen, H., & Wang, Y. (2017). Connecting or disconnecting: luxury branding on social media and affluent Chinese female consumers’ interpretations. The Journal of Brand Management, 24(6), 562–574. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41262-017-0050-8
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