boxstudios · 3 months
What's new
Hi! I haven't posted to Tumblr in a bit and I'm currently working on a new fanfiction called "Parasocial". It's a Cult of the Lamb fic. Read below for more info about my new and old projects!
Bob Fics
I've made the decision to not continue my Bob Velseb fanfiction due to the fact that my hyperfixation on Spooky Month has long faded, and the fact that I simply don't know how to continue it. Sorry to anyone looking forward to it.
Parasocial is going to be a Cult of the Lamb AU fanfic. It is going to be a Dark Romance with some very triggering topics such as: somnophilia, dub/non-con, unbalanced power dynamics, stalking, forced relationships, implied CSA, Abusive relationships, obsessive behavior, "Abused becomes the Abuser" plotlines, and alot more. I have planned out this series for awhile, yet I'm unsure of when I'm going to release it, But when I do with will be posted to Tumblr, AO3, and possibly Wattpad if I feel like it.
Law Of Talos fic
I'm actually quite unsure If I wish to finish this fic. It might possibly be discontinued like the Bob fic. I've yet to make a proper decision.
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boxstudios · 8 months
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It’s been 2 days.
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boxstudios · 1 year
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I was do dissapointed that i couldnt pick up the MAG's gun mannn
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boxstudios · 1 year
𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕝 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕔’𝕤
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This is my first work ever so I hope y’all like it! <3
When the two of you first met he had been very skeptical of you, finding it hard to trust again after his last relationship had sent him spiraling. Yet you proved to be different in all the best ways, bringing out his more positive traits.
Karl is extremely protective and is always seen by your side, holding your hand, arm linked in yours or having his arm draped over your shoulder. He’d kill anyone who tried anything funny with you so not only have you gained a lover but a guard dog.
He takes time out of his day to just admire you, stating his favorite parts about you and how much you really mean to him. Showering you in compliments as much as he can whenever be can, he just wants you to know that you’re loved. In a way you saved him and he’s more than grateful for it.
Karl always loved calling you by nicknames or pet names and had even done so before the two of you became a thing. Some pet names being “Treasure, love, darling, my sweet” his favorite being Treasure for obvious reasons.
Whenever you two have to part ways he’s always anxious and eagerly waiting for your return. There have been countless times Karl had secretly followed you to your destination just to make sure you got there safe. And when you return to him he always greets you with countless kisses and a giant bone crushing hug.
Karl is never afraid to show how much he loves you and that includes where and when he wants to show you affection. The man could care less if there’s people around and will smother you in kisses, nips, and hugs. He wants everyone to know that you’re his and he’s yours, even going as far as to openly brag about how amazing you are in public settings.
I hope you guys liked my Karl relationship hcs!! I’m sorry if there’s any spelling errors I’m currently writing this at 5 am lol- I might post more Karl stuff in the future so stay tuned for that!!!! <333
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boxstudios · 1 year
Bob celebrates your birthday!
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Reader Sex: None
Word Count: 1,579
Warnings: Forced Cannibalism
When Bob found out when your birthday was he was already planning what to get you. He knew all of your interests and likes so he could easily find something you would enjoy. He wanted to do something small with you. Maybe wear a disguise and take you out to dinner? But he would much rather cook for you himself. He would plan everything down to the last detail. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, he's going to cherish you and celebrate your existence. Make you feel loved and treasured.
From the moment you wake up Bob's already in your room, holding you gently as you try to start up your brain for the day. His fingers running carefully through your hair as you try to fight the sleepiness. His big arms and soft kisses almost pulling you back to your rest. 
When you do finally rise from your coffin, Bob already has breakfast prepared for you in the kitchen. Chicken and Waffles with Eggs and Bacon. The aroma flooded your nose as you stepped into the kitchen and looked at the plates on the table. You were flustered that someone would do this for you. You thanked Bob before sitting down to enjoy the meal and Bob sat across from you and watched as you ate. He took notice of all of your facial expressions, with every bite you took your face lit up at the delicious taste. He loved seeing the smile on your face that came from his cooking. The smile that he brought you. No one else could make you smile like that. Only he could. "Are you gonna eat some?" You questioned, breaking him out of his trance. He chuckled at your concern for him. "No darlin' I'm fine. You enjoy." You took some waffle off your plate and held it up, preparing to feed him. He blinked before laughing a bit. "Alright…" How could he say no to you? He opened his mouth and bit down on the fork. You smiled. He loved it. After you were done eating, you had some syrup on your hands. Bob took your hands into his and started to lick them, causing you to grow flustered and embarrassed. "How messy… Let's clean you up~" His tongue running through and in between your fingers, saliva coating each one of them. You stare at him with a bright red face causing him to laugh at how cute you look all flustered.
After breakfast is over, he offers to take you on a walk. You quickly questioned him. You’d love to get out with your boyfriend. But the thought of getting caught scared you. He reassured you it would be ok. He put on his black jacket along with a baseball cap and a facemask to cover his face. You were less than impressed but he put on a bit of eyeliner so you were satisfied. 
You two took a walk to the park to enjoy nature and get some fresh air instead of being in the house all the time. You brought some bread along to feed the ducks at the park and they enjoyed it. Bob was behind you with a hand on your shoulder as you did. He stared at you with nothing but love in his eyes. You were so kind. Perfect is what you were. Absolutely perfect. His hand moved to your head as his large fingers ran through your hair. God he loved you. You both took a seat on the bench as you leaned on him. A trio of teenagers were hanging out in a tree while a few younger children ran around playing. He held on tight to you as you watched. “Sweetheart…” He said as he lowered his facemask and pressed a kiss to your head. “Hm…?” You looked up at him as he buried his face into your neck. “I have something to show you.” You glance up at him as he stands up and holds a hand out to you. You smile at him before placing your smaller hand in his. You stand up as he leads you to the park entrance. The two of you walked out of the park.
As you walk down the street hand in hand, Bob is staring at you lovingly. His gaze never leaving you. Bob took you to your favorite store. He let you pick out anything you wanted. You were hesitant and originally only grabbed one small thing, not wanting to be a burden and get too much. However, he urged you to get more. After a while of pushing, you grabbed a few more things. Bob insisted on carrying the bags but you wanted to carry some things so he allowed you after you pushed for a few minutes. 
The two of you went home after that. You put the bags on the floor before walking into the kitchen for a small snack. When you walked in you noticed a pretty cake carefully placed on the counter. It was your favorite flavor! You looked at it and on the top “Happy Birthday Darling!” was written in your favorite color and there were carefully placed candles on top. You smiled as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see your smiling boyfriend with his normal stupid grin. He gently kissed you on the forehead. “Thank you so much Bob!” You said as you turned around and hugged him tightly. He quickly returned the hug. “Anything for you Sweetheart..” Afterward, he lit up the candles and sang you happy birthday. Normally the song would’ve made you cringe, but the sound of his deep southern accent singing carefully to you, it felt like you were about to melt. After the song was finished you blew out the candles and Bob gave a little clap. You both smiled as you cut the cake and ate it together. It was delicious!
After the cake, the two of you sat on the couch snuggled up with each other. You had gotten a few happy birthday texts and messages from your friends and those around you, but you were more focused on spending time with your lover. The two of you rewatched some of your favorite movies. Eventually, Bob stood up. You whined and pouted a bit. He laughed and promised he’d be back soon. He walked into the kitchen as you snuggled up with the blanket on the couch. Eventually, you started to smell food. You stood up and tried to walk into the kitchen, but were quickly pushed out by Bob. “It’s not ready yet Darlin’!” You frowned once again but he promised the wait would be worth it so you returned to the couch.
After a while, Bob returned and told you it was ready. You smiled brightly as you walked into the kitchen and looked at the small display. He set the table up for a cute romantic dinner. You felt yourself melting at how cute this was, your face heating up as you cover your mouth in awe. He walked over to one of the chairs and pulled it out before looking at you. You blushed as you sat down and he pushed your chair in for you. You looked at the food on the plate and it was one of your favorite meals. Cooked to perfection. Bob sat down at the chair across from you with a loving smile on his face. “Bob..This is perfect!” You said looking at his softened eyes which were staring right into you. “You deserve nothing less sweetheart~” His southern accent so sweet it could get stuck in your mind forever. “Thank you..” Those words that left your mouth made him chuckle and smirk. “Of course. Now hurry up and eat. Don’t want the food gettin’ cold, now do we?” You smiled at him as you looked at the food. You quickly cut off the piece of the juicy tender meat and took a bite. It was delicious! “Mmm! This is amazing!” You said brightly. He chuckled. “I’m glad you like it sweet pea.” You nodded as you continued to eat. He watched you eat and watched your every move closely. He watched as you ate the delicious tasting meat and the rest of the meal. “Happy Birthday Sweetheart..” He purred out sweetly. It tasted so good. The flavor was so distracting. So distracting that you didn’t notice the groaning coming from the main ingredient in the basement.
Later in the night, long after you had fallen asleep. Bob remained around the house. He had gotten up and walked downstairs. The house was almost completely quiet. The only sound came from the basement. Bob walked over to the basement door and slowly opened it. He walked down the steps. Below was a man tied up on the floor. Your neighbor. Both of his legs were gone. “A worthy sacrifice…” Bob said causing him to look up at him. Your neighbor’s voice, unable to come out. The fear and pain overtook him. Bob laughed at his pitful expression. “You should be thankful. You got served to my darlin’. I only feed them the best. They deserve nothing less…” Your neighbor had hot tears rolling down his face. “Now it’s time to get rid of ya. Can’t have them finding you here.” Bob drew his knife as the neighbor struggled to move away. 
“ Say goodnight. ”
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boxstudios · 2 years
This is my masterlist! I'll update this when I add anything new! I'm still learning how to use Tumblr so bare with me! :D
Requests are open!
Bob Velseb
NSFW Alphabet Yandere Alphabet SFW Alphabet What if Someone hurt you? The Baby Problem Part 1 The Baby Problem Part 2 Bob Celebrates your birthday!
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boxstudios · 2 years
Bob Velseb - The Baby Problem P2
This is a repost from ao3 :D This was requested by a lot of ao3 users! Reader Pronouns: They/Them Reader Sex: AFAB Word Count: 5,156 Warnings: Drama, Guilt, Stockholm Syndrome
Ever since the birth of Grace, you couldn't have been happier. She was the light of both your and Bob's lives. She's the sweetest little girl and most of your family loves her. Most of them.
Your Dad's side of the family was always slightly bitter, minus one of your uncles who also had his child before he was married. He understood the struggle of having to deal with the backlash. He also knew the struggles of being a single parent. His girlfriend left him alone with the child and wanted nothing to do with either of them. He showed you some cool tricks and 'life hacks' about parenting and they were mostly helpful.
Grace loved her family a lot. She especially loved your cousin and Mom. Both of them adored her but Grace's birth gave your cousin tokophobia. Grace was your mother's first grandchild so let's just say, she was spoiled.
Your Mother's side of the family bought her so many toys. Some of them had to be kept at their house due to the amount of them. Your mother also taught you the basics of parenting since this was your first time. She taught you how to properly change her, make her bottles, what things she can and cannot eat, etc. Your Younger cousins would often give her sweets and it was discovered that just like her father, she has a huge sweet tooth. 
Most of the family loved her dearly, but no one loved her more than Bob. The publicly feared Bob Velseb was such a sweetheart father. He would blow soft raspberries on her stomach, play with her hair, and let her taste test the food he'd make. (if it wasn't too hot of course) He has one of those baby carriers and walks around the house with Grace strapped to his chest. Sometimes you'd come home from a long day at work to find them both asleep on the couch, Grace resting on Bob's chest.
Grace's first steps happened when you were in the kitchen. She was on the floor playing with her Duplo Legos. She stood up while holding onto the cabinet and looked at you. You stared back with a soft smile before she let go of the cabinet and started walking towards you. You were stunned as you dropped what you were doing to look at her. She slowly walked to you and grabbed your leg. You quickly scooped her up into your arms before walking into the living room. Bob sat on the couch and he turned to you and noticed your happy expression. "Hm? Did something happen?" You smiled. "Grace! She walked! And she didn't fall!" Bob's eyes widened before he stood up and took Grace out of your arms. He held her in the air. "Did ya do that pumpkin!? Did ya?!" Grace just giggled back at him and stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed as he held her close to his chest before pulling you into a soft hug as well. Suddenly the smell of burning pasta came from the kitchen. "Shit-" You slowly pulled out of the hug before running into the kitchen. Bob gave Grace some candy as a Prize for walking.
As Grace grew, you would often take her to the local candy store, Candy Club. She loved to look around at all the candy. The cashier was also someone you went to High School with. When he saw you walk in with a child for the first time, he was more than shocked. "(N/N)..? Is that you?" Kevin questioned as he looked at the little one next to you. "Kevin! It's been forever." "It has…You have a..kid now?" "Yep. Grace, say hello to Mr.Kevin." She just blinked at him before waving. "Wow…God, I feel old.." He joked. "Yea. I guess we have grown up a lot. How's Streber?" Kevin's face fell. You and Kevin hadn't seen each other in years. "Uh….About that…" You tilted your head. "He is fine but...A few years ago he lost his arm." You gasped. "Wait what?! How?!" " We don't know who, but someone attacked him while he was managing a haunted house. H…His whole lower arm was gone." You covered your mouth. "Oh my god.." "He's doing a lot better now... But…it's been hard." Kevin sighed. "I'm glad he's better now..at least... Tell him I said Hi." "Will do." You looked down at Grace. "Go pick out some candy. Get some for Daddy too." Grace then smiled before walking off to go look at candy. "Who's her dad?" Kevin questioned. You tensed up. Fuck. You forgot. "Uhm…Uh.." You didn't exactly know what to say. "I...I meant MY dad. She calls her grandpa Daddy for some reason…She doesn't have a dad." Kevin chuckled. "Ah, gotcha...Where is her actual dad..?" You frowned. "I'd prefer not to talk about it." "Hey, it's cool. Sorry for prying." Grace then came back with the candy. You paid for it and said your farewells. You slipped up there.
Life was happy and peaceful. Until it wasn't. Grace was over at your parent's house while you and Bob got some alone time at home. She was watching children's cartoons on the TV. Her little child brain was so fixated on the TV she didn't notice her grandpa sneak next to her. "Grace." The sound of his voice made her turn to him. She always thought her grandpa was a scary man who never smiled. He held a tube in his hand. He handed her the tube. It was empty. "Spit in that tube." He said sternly. Grace looked back up at him confused. "Dats nasty." She replied. "Just do it." His Voice got stern. She didn't fully understand. You always told her not to spit because it was gross. "But Baba said-" " I don't care what they said. Spit. In. The. Tube." She was starting to get scared. She didn't like her mean grandpa. She liked grandma more. She looked down at the tube before she started to spit in it a bit. After she did she looked at him. "Keep going. I'll tell you when to stop." She looked back at the tube, hesitant. She slowly kept spitting in the tube. Once the saliva reached the black line. He stopped her. "Alright. That's enough." She looked at him before he took the tube and put a cap on it. He slowly stood up and walked over without a word. She was confused but the TV quickly caught her attention again, making the encounter completely slip from her mind.
Halloween was about a month away and Grace wanted to be a witch. Bob knew what he was gonna do. What he does every year. Hunt for Innocent people. While you know exactly what he does, it always makes you uneasy. The thought of someone you love, hurting so many people. You knew you were a terrible person for it. You knew falling in love with such a sick person was wrong. Having sex with such a sick person was wrong. Having a child with such a sick person was wrong. You felt guilty about it a lot. A lot. But you couldn't help it. You two loved each other so dearly. He's treated you better than anyone else ever has. You both are perfect together. You loved him and he loved you. It was gonna be fine. Nothing can go wrong here right..? 
Wrong. You couldn't have been more wrong. A day before Halloween you get a call from your father saying that they were holding a family meeting at their house and to bring the baby. Bob kissed you and Grace goodbye before you left. Neither of you could've ever predicted this. This absolute mess.
You arrived at your parent's house to everyone relaxing around the house. The younger kids were playing and the Adults were talking. When your Dad noticed you walked in, he gave you an odd look. You couldn't exactly describe the expression on his face but you knew it wasn't good. He walked into the dining room after rounding up everyone. Everyone sat at the table unsure of why they were there. They were told that it was urgent and that they had to come immediately. Your father stood up at the end of the table and looked out at everyone. "You're all probably wondering why I gathered you here.." He glanced at you carefully. "I've decided to come clean about something…" You raised your brow as he stared at you. "I..made Grace take an ancestry test so we could figure out her father." The room fell silent as a loud slam came from the table. You stood up. "YOU DID WHAT!?" You yelled. Grace stared at you next to you. "(Y/N) let me finish." "NO. DAD, YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO FUCKING DO THAT." You walked over to him before others stood up to hold you back. Grace stood up to follow you but your mom picked her up. "YOU HAD NO RIGHT!" Your uncle grabbed you tightly. "Kiddo calm down.." "THAT'S MY CHILD! MY CHILD! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITHOUT ASKING ME!" "Why so defensive (Y/N)? Are you hiding something?" "NO. BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO MAKE MY CHILD TAKE A TEST LIKE THAT WITHOUT ME KNOWING. IF I DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW WHO THE FATHER IS, I DON'T HAVE TO SAY IT. IT'S NOT YOUR PLACE TO DO THAT!" Your uncle was pulling you back. "I did find something interesting when I got the results back." You were shaking out of anger. Grace watched as you screamed. She was starting to get scared. "Baba..?" She held onto your mother tightly. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" "I did what I had to." "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GO BEHIND MY FUCKING BACK LIKE THAT!" 
You were still arguing with your father. Your family members were conflicted. Yes, your father was in the wrong but, why were you trying to hide the baby's father from everyone? "There's no point in arguing now. I already have the results." Your Father said. "How could you DO THIS dad?!” Your father sighed as he held up the paper. "The results are that her DNA matches-" Before he could finish you snatched the paper. "You have no right to say ANYTHING-!" He continued even without the paper. "The Velseb family." 
Your heart dropped. You looked back at your family. They all just stared without a word. Their expressions never changed until your younger cousin spoke up. "Wait…Velseb..?" He started to tap away on his phone. "Bob Velseb...Wanted Serial Killer…and...Cannibal.." This caught the attention of everyone in your family as their eyes shifted to you. "...It's not…IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK-!" "Then what is it (Y/N)..?" Your mother said as your family started to whisper. "Was it assault..?" "What does this mean?" "Could it be another Velseb?" "There's no way.." You stared at your dad. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" You screamed. "It's not THAT Velseb!" Your father raised a brow. "The test says otherwise. There are only 4 members of the family still alive. Diana Velseb and her 2 children, and her brother, Bob Velseb." You were stunned. You didn't know what to say. "It's not….Your-!" 
Your world as you knew it started to crash around you. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" You ran over to your daughter and quickly took her before walking towards the door. "(Y/N)! Wait! Let's talk about this!" Your mother followed after you. "NO. YOU DON'T GET IT! YOU WON'T GET IT." You quickly walked out the front door. "...(Y/N).." Your mother whispered as your family looked at each other. "What do we do..?" "We should…wait til they're ready to talk. We don't know the full story.." Your uncle stated. "I say we call the police." Your father said. "No, we aren't doing that. At least not yet…we need the full story." Your mother said.
You returned home with your daughter, extremely distressed. "Nonononononono." Your mind raced as you shut the door behind you. “Baba..?” You sat Grace down on the couch before walking into the kitchen. Suddenly footsteps came from the stairway. “Pumpkin!” Said Bob as he walked towards the couch to pick up his baby. Grace held up her arms as Bob lifted her up. “Gampa made Baba maaaaad..” Grace said as Bob raised his brow. He looked towards the kitchen and heard you cut on the water. “What did he do?” Bob questioned as he slowly walked into the kitchen daughter in arms. “He say he has a test..and den Baba screm at him!” “Did they now..?” Bob said as He stepped into the kitchen to see you over by the sink. You were leaning over the sink and you were shaking. Bob quickly walked up to you and put his hand on your shoulder. “Darlin’? Did somethin’ happen?” Your breathing stopped as you turned to your boyfriend with a fearful look. “Bob..” You started to feel dizzy as your heart raced. You were having a panic attack. Bob quickly sat Grace down on the floor before picking you up bridal style. You looked at your hands with panic in your eyes. “Sweetheart, Look at me.” You glance up at him before looking away. “Look at me. Fully.” You took a deep breath before looking up at him. “What happened?” 
You stare up at him. His normally intense eyes looked down at you softly. The tension in your body started to relax. A soft whisper left your mouth. “They know.” Your voice shaky as you stared into his eyes filled with concern and confusion. “They know what?” Bob held you close before walking into the living room, you still in his arms. Grace followed behind. “My dad….He went behind my back…and..” You started to panic once more. “Sweetheart...Breathe…What did he do..?” He sat you down on the couch and then sat down next to you. He wrapped his arm around you. “Grace…He..gave her a test..” You leaned on him, trying to calm down. “A…..DNA test…” Bob’s face suddenly turned serious. “He what.” His voice sounded cold. Grace stared up at the two of you on the couch. “Daddy?” Bob looked at her before standing up. “And what exactly did they say they would do..?” You sniffed as your eyes grew teary as you stood up as well. “I-I…I don’t know..” 
Bob deeply sighed. “Well, what I know is, I can’t stay here anymore.” He gently cupped your face as tears rolled down your face. “Bob I’m sorry..” You whimpered out. “Don’t apologize like you did anything wrong.” Bob was clearly upset and angry, but not at you. Never at you. “You have nothing to be sorry for (Y/N).” He placed a kiss on your lips gently before he started to walk upstairs. Grace followed behind as you sat back down on the couch, trying to calm yourself down. “Daddy! Where you goin??” Bob turned to look at his little girl before walking downstairs and picking her up. “Dad’s gotta go away for a bit.” Grace frowned and pouted. “When you comin back?” Bob looked her in the eyes with a frown. “I don’t know pumpkin…I really don’t know.” Grace sniffled. “But I don’t wan you to go..!” Bob tightly hugged his little girl. “I know…I know.” Bob gently placed Grace on the floor before slowly walking upstairs. Grace watched as he walked into the bedroom. 
Grace then ran back over to you. “Baba! Why do Daddy gotta go?!” You looked over at her before picking her up. “I can’t say...But…You can’t tell anyone about this.” Grace looked up at you. “Just like Daddy?” You nodded. “You can’t tell anyone anything. Just like you can’t say anything about Daddy…ok…?” Grace frowned before hugging you. “Ok Baba…” She started to cry into you. You felt terrible. She was just a little girl. She didn’t know anything. Yet she was put in all of these confusing situations. “I’m sorry…” You hugged Grace and started to sob. “Baba..?” “I’m so so sorry…You don’t know anything.” You started shaking. “ I’m sorry for giving birth to you… ” Grace looked at you. She didn’t understand what you meant. She wanted to, but she didn’t. “It’s ok Baba.” 
A few minutes later, Bob walked downstairs, backpack in hand. Bob walked over to you and Grace and sat his bag down. He looked at you two. "This was bound to happen eventually…" Bob said as he cupped your face with one hand, making you look up at him. "Don't cry Darlin'. It's ok. This changes things a bit but.." He gently kissed you. "This won't stop me…" He chuckled. "The police think they can, but they can't. If they do, I escaped before and I can do it again. I have help." He said in a slightly sinister tone. Your world around you turned cold. You then finally realized what exactly you got yourself into. You were living in your own world of delusions, trying to pretend like the horrible things your boyfriend did were not as bad, or not really giving it much thought. You tried so hard to ignore the reality of how terrible Bob was. You always said 'How can he be so bad, if he's so good to me?' You covered your life with lies to justify being with him. To justify staying with him. To justify loving him. All that blood on his hands almost started to show as you stared up at him. This was wrong. You knew it was from the start. But you ignored it. You wanted someone to care about you so badly, you put yourself in this situation. Your body shook as you stared back at Bob. "I gotta go now but.." He leaned in closer as you slowly felt his tongue run against your neck. You slowly start to feel the guilt crawl up your back. "..I'll be back.." His words as cold as ice. Your heart started to pound faster. Bob gently kissed Grace's forehead. You had the sudden urge to push him away, get him away from her, but you sat there as he said farewell to his daughter.
After Bob left you sat on the couch, regret filling you to the brim. Grace sat on the floor and watched her cartoons in an attempt to feel better. She missed Bob already and wanted him to stay. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't she understand? Just because she's little. You slowly stood up and walked into the kitchen. Tears rolling down your face. You didn't know what to do. You didn't know how to feel. Reality finally hit you after all of these years. You felt disgusting but you didn't know what to do. You still loved him. You loved him. But he was terrible. You couldn't help it. You couldn't control your feelings right..? You can't be a bad person. You can't control your heart. No. No you weren't bad. It wasn’t your fault. It felt right. When this all started it just felt right. That's why you allowed it. That's why you allowed him to take you. To love you. To make love with you. Sure you were fearful at first, but you didn't report him after the first night. You wanted to, but it didn't feel right. You let him in. You let him into your life because it felt right. Because your heart told you it was the right thing to do. You can't be blamed for listening to your heart. You felt a small tug on your leg and looked down to see Grace. "Baba..? I hungie.." Right, Grace. You still had to take care of her. No matter how terrible you felt. 
You gently picked her up and gave her a small smile before sitting her in the high chair. You walked over to the fridge and grabbed some leftovers from Bob's cooking. You looked at the food before putting a small amount on a plate and putting it in the microwave.
As the days went on the cops eventually showed up at your house due to you refusing to speak to your family. The two cops had been in your house before, Jack and John. They questioned you and asked if you could come to the station with your daughter. You wanted to refuse but you were already in enough shit so you agreed. They took you to the station and Jack tried to take Grace and put her in a little playroom but she threw a fit. "Grace." You said as you kneeled down to your crying child. She looked up at you before grabbing onto you. "Baba!" You sighed. "Go play in the playroom..I'll be back in a little while ok..?" She sniffled before nodding and slowly letting you go before Jack took her hand and walked off with her. John took you into the interrogation room. 
You sat in the room, the air tense as John quietly stared with a tired looked. “So…Do you have any explanation for this..?” He said as you looked down at your hands. You remained silent. John sighed as he took his cigarette out of his mouth and pushed it now in the center of the ashtray infront of him. “Listen I hope you know how suspicious this makes you look.” He held the DNA results in his hand. “A child with DNA matching a serial killer.” He glared up at you. “And a parent, refusing to say a word.” He gripped the paper tighter as you said nothing. “Listen if you can just give us some context or explanation for this, we can let you go.” You fiddled with your hands as you remained silent. John was clearly starting to get frustrated with the silence as he stood up and walked out of the room. You sat there, heart beating out your chest. You thought about Bob. What was he doing? Where was he currently? Tears started falling down your face before the door opened once more. This time, Jack entered. His face seemed somewhat neutral. You finally spoke up. “Where is-” You were cut off. “In the playroom. John’s watching her.” Your nerves were slightly calmed. He stared at you as you looked at your hands that were on your lap. “Look, We’re here to help. We just wanna talk about this. This is a serious matter.” No duh. You sniffled. “Was this an case of Sexual assault?” You said nothing. “Did you know?” Your silence was consistent. “You really don’t wanna speak huh?” He sighed as he looked at your tearful face. “Do you need tissues?” He asked before you shook your head. “You sure?” You nodded. “Alright..” Jack stared at you. "Dammit…Listen, we need to solve this case. This could seriously help us. We need any information you have." You looked up at him for a moment before looking down at your fingers. Jack stood up. "Alright, don't talk. That's alright." Jack walked out of the room.
Down the hall, John walked into the playroom to see Grace on the floor playing with toys. She looked at John and stood up. "Hey kid.." John stared at the cautious child. "Uh…Why don't you have a seat..?" He pointed to the table in the middle of the room. Grace looked at him. "Where Baba?" John blinked. "They're alright. Jack is talking to them." Grace looked at the table before slowly walking over and hopping up on the chair. She held a stuffed bear in her hand. John sat at the other side of the table. "I'm just gonna…uh..ask you some questions…ok?" Grace simply stared back. John was tense. He was never really good with children. His own daughter had passed and since then he’d always feel tense in the presence of small children. "Ok…Do you know this man?" John said before sliding a picture across the table. She looked at it. It was a Picture of Bob in his prison uniform. But his face. That was a face she'd never seen on him. That wasn't her dad. Her dad wasn't scary. "Noo." She said quickly. "Ok…uh..Do you have a dad..?" Grace thought back to what you said. No one can know. Or else it would be big trouble. "Only have Baba!" John blinked. So she had no idea who Bob was. That's what he thought at least. "Who watches you when your…"Baba"...isn't home?" John said, waiting for an answer. "Gamma! And a shitter sometimes." John blinked. "Do you mean a sitter…?" Grace nodded. John sighed. "Ok…Do you like living with your "Baba"?" Grace quickly nodded with a small smile. "Yea! It so much fun!" John chuckled. Seeing Grace smile reminded him of his own little girl. "Alright…I think that's enough for now.." John said as he stood up. "You can play some more." He said before walking out of the room.
Jack and John met in the hallway. "So what should we do?" Jack asked. " Well, I suspect it's assault but we don't have enough evidence to claim that." John said. "The living breathing child isn't enough?" Jack said. "No. It could be something else. But since (Y/N) chose to remain silent, we can't claim anything." John sighed. "All we can do is let them go and keep in contact." Jack nodded in agreement.
You were allowed to go home with your daughter. As weeks passed Grace missed her father dearly. She wanted to help him cook and ride on his back. Bob's absence affected you as well. You craved his touch and you hated it. You wanted to rip your skin off due to disgust. You knew it was wrong. These feelings were wrong. It was all wrong.
One night you put Grace to bed, she had been having nightmares recently. You had always been there to comfort her and make sure she slept soundly. You shut her light off before walking into your own room. You sat on the bed as you looked at the spot where Bob would sleep. You thought about him often. What was he doing? You sighed as you cut the TV on. You stared at it but your mind couldn't focus on the TV. You could only think about Bob. You wondered where this situation was going to go, when it would cool down. As your mind raced you suddenly heard a thud come from the window as you quickly looked towards it. You saw nothing. You blinked. "What was-" You felt hands grab onto your shoulders. " Boo. " You let out a loud scream before rushing forward and turning around. You saw Bob in his demon form, towering over you. "Hello Darlin'~" His Voice ran a chill down your spine.. “Bob..” You whispered, your voice coming out as almost a whimper. He moved closer to you as you grew tense. His hands slowly slid on top of yours as his face moved closer to yours. His hot breath hit your face. No words were spoken between you two before his lips softly came in contact with yours. You didn’t realize it but your lips were slightly parted, giving him a chance to slip his long sticky tongue inside your mouth. You could taste his hot sweaty breath and the faint taste of freshly cooked meat lingered on his tongue. You wanted to kiss back but something inside was stopping you. You felt him move his body closer to yours as he pressed his crotch against you. You lacked a response as your body sat still and this didn't go unnoticed. Bob pulled away from your lips as a long string of saliva connected your two mouths. You stared at his intense eyes as he rested his head on your shoulder and started softly pecking you on the neck. “Somethin’ tells me you aren’t in the mood..” You heard him softly say into your neck before pressing another kiss to your neck. “That’s fine…” You felt your body relax at his words. "I'm just happy to be with you sweetheart…" You thought you heard a slight purr but brushed it off. You could feel him still pressed against your crotch and you could feel his boner. He clearly wanted you, but didn't want to push you. "B-Bob…" You slowly wrapped your trembling arms around him tightly. A part of you wanted to pull him closer, to kiss him and hold him forever. But another part of you wanted to push him away. Get him away from you. These sides of you fought. Bob chuckled as his nails slowly dug into your shoulder causing you to wince in pain much to his pleasure. You felt your body almost move on its own, slowly grinding against his crotch. He smiled widely as he pushed you down on the bed, your body spread out for him to see and him alone. No one else would get this view, and if anyone dared try to they would be killed in an instant. You stared up at him, your body frozen still until you heard a small cry from the room next door. Both you and Bob's head turned towards the door. He looked back at you. "We'll finish this later." He purred out before quickly standing up. You followed behind walking towards the door as Bob quickly switched forms. He was slightly annoyed that your first moment in weeks had been ruined but duty calls as a parent.
You walked across the hall and opened your daughter's door. She lay on her bed with the covers over the lower half of her face. You walked inside and her face turned to you as she hopped out of her bed. "Baba!" She tightly hugged your leg. You looked down at her and pat her head before Bob stepped into the room. Her eyes quickly shifted to him. "Daddy!!" Bob bent down to pick her up and she ran into his arms. "Hey Pumpkin. What's wrong?" You sigh before patting Grace's head as she held onto her father. "She's been having nightmares." Bob looked at Grace. "Oh really? Nightmares?" He chuckled as he sat her back down on the bed and kneeled in front of her. "Well everyone has nightmares pumpkin. You just gotta learn not to let them get to ya." He kissed her forehead. "You gotta be brave. Alright?" Grace nodded as she hugged Bob tightly. Bob then laid her down and got her relaxed enough to put her back to sleep. You had to admit, you missed seeing him act like a father and be so kind. 
After the two of you walked out of Grace's room, Bob practically threw you on the bed. "Now..Where were we?.. "
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boxstudios · 2 years
Bob Velseb - The Baby Problem P1
This is a repost from ao3 :D This was requested by 2 ao3 users! Reader Pronouns: They/Them Reader Sex: AFAB Word Count: 5,544 Warnings: Smut, Slutshaming, Cockwarming, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Breeding
The thought of having a child was something that definitely crossed your mind. A child running around your home, enjoying life under the care of you and your future Spouse. You chuckled at the thought. You had never really wanted children but you always said If your partner wanted them you wouldn't be against it. It was just all the risks of pregnancy that made you uncomfortable. You'd rather not rip your vagina.
You and Bob had been together for a while and you assumed he must have some fertility issues. With the amount of times he's cum inside of you completely unprotected, you should've been pregnant by now. It made you wonder what exactly the risks of cannibalism are. Was infertility a part of that risk or does it stem from something else? You tried to research it but since there isn't much research on cannibalism as a subject, you were left with no answer. You were perfectly healthy and had no known fertility issues. It didn't matter anyway. Child or No Child you were happy to stay with Bob. It was easier this way. Having a child with Bob would be too complicated. 
So here you are, stuffed with Bob's seed as he lays next to you, cock still deep inside you. He was licking your neck from behind and planting kiss after kiss all over it. You both pant heavily as you adjust your position moaning quietly as his cock twitched inside of you. "Oh Darlin'..." He groaned as he attacked your neck again. "Bob…I need to get up…" "Just stay like this a lil longer sweetheart..You feel amazing…" His grip on you tightened slightly. You sighed as you turned your head to look at him. He stared back at you with a smile. 
After some time you got up and cleaned yourself up. Bob wanted to get in the shower with you but you shut him down as you knew it would lead to more sex and you had had enough for the night. You carefully washed your scarred up body. Bob loved leaving marks all over you. While it was painful to wash, you liked when he did it. He brought out a secret masochistic side of you that you didn't even know you had. The perfect mix of pain and pleasure always put you on a high. As you washed yourself a wave of his cum rushed out of you. "God.." There was always so much of it. You knew he wasn't exactly 'human' anymore like he explained to you but God damn, he could always go for such a long time and when he did cum He would always overflow you. You continued to wash yourself as the white sticky liquid came out of you.
About a week later you found yourself at work feeling more tired than usual. Your Co-workers were getting worried. "You sure you're ok?" "Yes..I'm fine. Don't worry about me." You excused it as being tired from getting down with Bob last night as you did every night. Your performance was lacking and everyone noticed. Including Bob who was watching you at a table concerned. What was wrong? You'd never been this tired unless you stayed up watching TV all night. Even then you were never THIS out of it. You were being so forgetful and had to constantly be reminded of what orders you were making and you looked exhausted. The most hard working employee was reduced to a sloppy mess. Bob wondered if it was the result of him last night, but he brushed that idea off. There had been a lot of other times where he was both rougher with you and had gone longer and you were still never like this. Your manager eventually had to confront you. "Hun, Are you ok?" "I'm ok Ms Maple." "No you aren't. You should head home. I can take over." "But I-" "No buts. Go home and get some rest." You sighed as you nodded and groaned. "Alright." You quickly went into the back and changed out of your work clothes. You wondered why you were so tired. You quickly clocked out before heading home. Upon arriving at home you quickly flopped on the couch and quickly fell asleep. Later you woke up in the arms of your lover. But he was out of costume. He gently laid your head on his chest as he ran his fingers through your hair. Before he even noticed you woke up, the tiredness dragged you back into sleep.
Another week later you got worse. You started feeling sick to your stomach. You had to call off of work due to how ill you felt. As soon as you told Bob you were feeling ill, he came over immediately to shower you in affection. Kissing you, hugging you, and giving you small words of affection. He couldn't care less if he got sick. He had a rather strong immune system anyway so the chance of that happening was small. Either way he would always come to keep you company. Gently caressing your body. He would hold your hair back if you had to throw up, make you soup to try to help you feel better. Although your appetite made you unable to eat it as just smelling it made you feel worse. He was worried for you. You normally loved the food he cooked. But he was perfectly fine with it. Anything for you. Your emotions were also all over the place. Sometimes you would push him away, wanting to be left alone and then an hour later you would want him to be constantly touching you and would get upset when he let go. The sudden changing of emotions confused him. He had no issue with holding you and not letting you go, but then would be confused 15 minutes later when you don't even want to touch him. 
The week after that your cousin came over to visit. She heard you weren't feeling well so she decided to come over and check on you. The two of you sat on the couch talking. You were wrapped up in a blanket as your cousin sat on the other side of the couch. The two of you were talking and laughing until the conversation of you being sick came up. "So what are you sick with?" "I haven't a clue." You chuckled. "I've been throwing up alot, being very tired, and my mood is everywhere." Your cousin chuckled and laughed. "Maybe you're pregnant." She said jokingly. That sentence made you freeze. "What..?" "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! You're still a virgin right? So it's not possible." You looked at her with a serious expression filled with slight horror. "...You are still a virgin…right…?" "..Well-" "(Y/N)!" You flinched when your cousin suddenly raised her voice. "Oh my GOD! Are you serious?! Your parents are gonna kill you!" You deeply sighed. "I'm a grown adult. I can make my own choices." "You're gonna get disowned." Your family was a rather strict family. They held religious family values over anything else and your parents were strong believers in 'No sex until marriage'. "...W-Well.." "We need to get you a pregnancy test. Right now." "W-We shouldn't assume the worst." She stood up and grabbed your hand. "We need to make sure." 
There you were at the drugstore with your cousin, buying a few pregnancy tests. You stood there completely nervous. If you were pregnant what would this mean? You didn't know if Bob even wanted kids. You knew the chance of him leaving you was slim but you were anxious. There were also a million other complications. Your family would demand to know who the father is. You could never tell them. Never. Having a baby with a serial killer could be dangerous. You couldn't put Bob on the birth certificate. But your family would shame you. If you couldn't tell them the name of the father, you'd be deemed a slut. An outcast. You'd be disowned in an instant. Also the fact that Bob isn't even HUMAN anymore. That could come with complications of its own. Your cousin looked at you before putting her hand on your shoulder. "Calm down. I'm not upset with you. I'm just worried about you. Y'know?" Her voice sounded calm as she comforted you. She paid for the pregnancy tests for you as the two of you walked out the store.
The two of you stared at the 3 tests in your hand. All positive. You felt yourself freeze as you stared in horror. "Oh my god." Your cousin said before putting her hand on your shoulder. You felt yourself trembling, your knees growing weak as you felt close to passing out. "Come on, sit down." She slowly sat you down on the couch as tears filled your eyes. Her hand not leaving your shoulder. "Who's the father (Y/N)?" You stared up at her. You couldn't tell her it was Bob. What were you supposed to say? What were you supposed to DO!? "I….I…." Hot tears rolled down your face. "I…I don't know…" "You don't know…?" You sniffled and started sobbing. "I DON'T KNOW." She quickly pulled you into a tight hug. "Shhh It's ok…We'll figure something out, ok?" You gripped her tightly. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I'M SCARED!" You sobbed into her shoulder. "I know. I know. Don't worry about it..It's gonna be ok." It took alot to calm you down as you were shaking uncontrollably but she eventually calmed you down enough to where you could speak properly. "So…What are you gonna do with it?" You looked up at her. "H-Huh…?" "Do you plan to keep it..? Or are you gonna get an abortion?" You sniffled as you looked at the floor. "I…I don't know…" She sighed. "It's ok…I'll give you some time to think.." She slowly stood up. "I need to go but I promise we'll talk later." "Ok.." She grabbed her bag. "I'll see you later." "...Later.." She left. Left you feeling stressed out and distraught. You don't know how to feel.
As night fell you sat in your room, pregnancy test in hand. What in the world were you supposed to do..? Suddenly the sound of footsteps came from your room near the window. You quickly hid the test in your pocket before turning around to see the love of your life walking towards you. "You feeling any better darlin'?" He said as he sat down on the bed next to you. He reached his hand out to hold you but the sight of you slightly flinching stopped him right in his tracks. His smile quickly turned into a frown. "What happened?" His Voice quickly turned from sweet to stern. "N-Nothing.." You couldn't look him in the eye. "No hun. You don't ever flinch like that. What. Happened." His Voice growing more serious. "I…." You didn't know what to say. "Darlin' please. What's wrong?" His Voice turned softer. You reached into your pocket. You were hesitant. "I…I have…something to…talk to you about." He looked at you. He was listening clearly. You took a deep breath as you slowly took the test out of your pocket. You were shaking and looking away as you slowly handed the test to him. It was completely silent for a moment before you felt yourself being pulled into a tight hug. It was still silent but the hug was tight. He was left speechless but he was definitely happy. You could hear him chuckle as you felt hot tears land on your shoulder. You had just fulfilled one of his main goals. To have a family with you. "B-Bob..?" He just hugged you tighter. He didn't know what to say, he just wanted to hold you. Hold you tightly forever. "I love you…so much.." Those were the only words you heard before you tightly hugged him back. You were just as emotional as he was as tears started rolling down your face as well. 
It was 3 months later. You and your cousin had talked about it. And you decided you were going to keep it. You were now 15 weeks along and your belly was starting to show. Bob was overjoyed. He would find himself resting his head on your lap and rubbing your stomach. He also loved when you would sit on his lap and he could kiss you while rubbing your stomach. He was the happiest man alive. Before meeting you he never would've even considered having kids. But he was a changed man in that regard. He couldn't be happier. You would both be the parents of a lovely child. He gets to spend the rest of his life with you. This child would make sure of that. He's been taking extra good care of you since you got pregnant. Making the food you crave, showering you with all the affection you desire, and giving you space when you need it. He wanted to do everything he could to prevent a miscarriage. What he wasn't prepared for was how horny you would be.
 The pregnancy had messed with your hormones a lot. You became extremely needy. Constantly wanting to have sex to the point where Bob had to start refusing you because he didn't know if he could control himself. He wanted to be gentle with you. To take you gently. As much as deep down he wanted to pound the shit out of you because of how hot you looked pregnant with his child, he didn't wanna risk anything. He knew he was a lot bigger than you and could break you so easily. So he decided for now, he'd be soft with you.
He sat on the bed next to you, gently running his fingers through your hair. You slowly climbed on top of him. "Bob…" He looked at him with need deep in your eyes. He chuckled. "(Y/N)." He replied in a smug tone. You slowly started to move your hips grinding against him. "Please…" You whined. You wanted him so bad. "No.." He said before smirking. You pouted. "..Please Bob I need you so bad…" You slowly started to pull on his pants. He was fighting demons right now. He wanted to flip you over and fuck you til you couldn't breathe. But sadly, he had to resist. "Sorry Darlin' not-" He was cut off by the feeling of his dick being stroked. Dammit, you just don't know when to quit. He looked at you to see you lowered his pants and were stroking his large cock. He had to resist. He had to. Don't give in- Ah fuck it. He started groaning as you stroked his cock. He looked at you with hunger, but you could tell he was trying to restrain himself. That's when you slowly removed your pants. He placed his large hand on your thigh. "Sweetheart…fuck…" You slowly let go of his dick before you positioned yourself on top of it, you started to grind. Whimpers and moans came from your delicate mouth. You craved release so badly. You wanted him so badly. "Please…Bob.." You wanted him to ravish you. To fuck you into the mattress. "God Dammit Darlin'.." You felt yourself being lifted up and laid down on the bed as the big man towered over you. "You want it? Fine." He pulled down his pants and boxer all the way before discarding your panties. "But I'm goin' slow." You whined but you knew there was no changing his mind. You'd take what you could get. He positioned himself at your entrance and looked at your helpless face. "So pretty…" He slowly inserted himself into you, being careful as you moaned. "Such a perfect piece of meat…" He slowly started to move. "All for me…" You softly moaned as he entered in and out of you at a slow pace. He looked at your body and placed his hand gently on your stomach. "A perfect piece of meat…with my child inside of it…" You wanted more. He noticed it. He slowly started to bite at your neck as he picked up the pace a bit. Not too much faster, but enough to keep you satisfied. "A-Ah..! Bob..!" He continued to nibble at your neck before removing your shirt. He looked down at you. Your bare belly and breasts on display for him to see and him alone. He then cupped one of your boobs in his hand. You gasped loudly as your boobs were slightly swollen. "My perfect partner…" His hand moved slowly, playing with them and rubbing the nipple. "And their perfect body." You were on a high. While he wasn't as rough as he normally was, he knew how to give you just as much pleasure. He slowly leaned down before taking your nipple into his mouth. You let out a loud moan as you started to tremble. His tongue circling around your nipple in a perfect motion. "Bob..! Fuck! Bob..!" You could feel yourself getting closer to release as Bob picked up the pace a little more as he grew closer to his release as well. He took his mouth off of your boob and stared down at you with a look of hunger. "Yes..! More! Please!" Your voice faded into pure moaning. Bob panted as he felt you tighten as you came. You let out a loud and long moan. That's it, that's what sent him over the edge. He quickly pulled out of you as he came all over your chest and stomach. A wave of cum covered your body as he let out a long sigh. You looked up at him with a pouty face. You wanted him to cum inside of you. You looked down at your cum covered body. Bob then started to lick your body from your sensitive chest to your twitching clit. He licked every drop of cum off your body before looking down at your dumbfucked face. He smiled as he laid down next to you and caressed your body gently. You leaned into him as you both laid completely naked. He rubbed his hand on your stomach. 
Your cousin had taken you to get an ultrasound and to make sure the baby was healthy. And they were. The doctors were unfortunately unable to tell the baby's gender due to unknown complications. They wanted to do some tests on you to figure out what the complications were but they couldn't identify the problem. It didn't matter to you as long as your baby was healthy. You didn't give two fucks about what the gender of the baby was. You took the ultrasound pictures home to show Bob and he was quite literally shaking out of pure joy as he stared at the pictures. He started to tear up. It warmed your heart to see him so excited to be a father. However anxiety never left you. You were still going to have to tell your family as a family gathering was coming up and everyone wanted you to attend. You were also worried about what exactly this baby was going to be. You questioned Bob about what exactly he became after he stopped being human. He was confused as well and said he didn't know for sure but assumed he was a demon. You questioned why he thought he was a demon. Then it came to life that his demon costume was in fact not a costume, but a second form. You were very shocked to find out this information. He chuckled as he thought you already knew when he told you he technically wasn't human anymore. Then worry filled you again. What if this was the complication that doctors were having with the pregnancy? What if it resulted in you miscarrying? Bob noticed you getting anxious and carefully hugged you and reassured you that it would all be fine. 
Then it was time for the family gathering. Your cousin helped you mentally prepare for this day. You were about 6 months along at this point and your boss had already had you take a maternity leave. You tried to convince her that you would be fine working for a little longer but she decided you definitely needed a break after working for them for so many years. You wore a long sweater that covered your belly. You had brought in your original pregnancy test to show to your family. You were the most anxious you've ever been. You knew you would be shamed, disowned, and most likely hated by the rest of your family but you didn't care. Yes it would hurt but you would start a new life with Bob and this child. It would all be ok. You hoped.
You sat at the dining room table as you kicked your legs slowly. Anxiety was feeling you to the brim as your family members walked around eating food and chatting. Your cousin was sitting right next to you trying to keep you calm. Eventually everyone sat down to eat together. Your father looked at you. "What's wrong with you kiddo? Why the long face?" He laughed a bit. You took a deep breath before you stood up. Everyone at the table turned to look at you. You felt yourself start to tremble as you opened your mouth to say something. Your mouth remained open, nothing coming out for a few seconds. "I…" Your whole family's eyes on you. "I have something to tell you all…" You felt as though you were about to cry. "This is news you probably aren't going to like…But…I can't hide it…" You said, voice shaky. Your parents raised their brows at you before you walked over to them with a little box in hand. "Mom, Dad, I want you to open this." You placed it down in front of them before taking a large step back. "(Y/N) what is this about?" Your mother questioned. "Just open the box…" You frowned with a shaky breath. Your dad carefully grabbed the Box before taking off the lid. He froze when he found what was inside. A positive pregnancy test. Your mother took the box from him and froze as well. Suddenly your father quickly stood up before walking towards you. You quickly started backing away. "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) Is this a fucking joke?" Your mother quickly stood up too and grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back. "Hunny calm down!" She said. "IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE?!" He shouted as you sniffled. You were backed into a corner. The rest of your family members took a moment to look inside of the box. The younger members of the family looked stunned, while the older family members looked angry. "N-No…." You felt yourself tear up as you looked at your father with fear. "You aren't EVEN FUCKING MARRIED. YOU KNOW THE MAIN RULE THAT THIS FAMILY HAS. NO SEX BEFORE FUCKING MARRIAGE." He screamed in your face as your mother tried to pull him back. You uncle also got up. "Bro calm down." "NO IM NOT GONNA FUCKING CALM DOWN!" You started to cry, your breathing grew heavy as you started having a panic attack. "The poor kid is panicking! Just leave them alone!" Your uncle said. "WHO'S THE FATHER? WHO'S THE FUCKING BASTARD WHO GOT YOU PREGNANT?!" He yelled in your face. You sobbed louder as you started to break down. "I DON'T KNOW… I DON'T KNOW." Your father looked at you stunned. "You don't know..? So you've been going around and sleeping with multiple PEOPLE?!" "NO! I WOULD NEVE-" "THEN WHO'S THE FATHER (Y/N)?! WHO'S THE DAMN FATHER!?" Your uncle and your mother quickly dragged your father away from you who was yelling harmful words. Your younger family members walked over to you to comfort you as you were breaking down. You could never really handle being yelled at. The older members of the family were shooting you nasty looks. Eventually your mother escorted you outside to get some fresh air. "Hey, Hey. It's ok sweetheart…" You sniffled as you looked at your mother slightly confused. " I'm not upset with you, don't worry. The whole "No sex before marriage" thing came from your father's family." You looked at her stunned before tightly hugging her. "It's ok baby. Don't worry. Mama's gotcha.." You sobbed into her shoulder. 
After you were done crying your mother helped you fix yourself up. She told you about how excited she was to be a grandmother. The rest of the night your dad was shooting you nasty looks just like the other Elder members of the family. After a long night of stress you returned home to find your boyfriend already laying in your bed waiting for you. You ran over to him and started crying as you vented about your stressful day. He was more than pissed off to say the least however he kept it to himself as he gently held you and comforted you. You fell asleep in his big arms.
You were watching TV when your water broke. You didn't even notice until you felt the couch grow wet under you. You just stared at the wet spot on your couch. You thought you pissed yourself first and were about to clean it up. You then got an odd feeling of discomfort in your stomach. You then remembered it was 3 days before your due date. Panic settled in. You quickly grabbed your stuff and ran out to the car. You started to quickly drive yourself to the hospital. You called your cousin and mother and they both said they would be there. You then called Bob but he wouldn't pick up the phone. Perhaps he was busy. It was alright. It wasn't like he could come to the hospital anyway. You'd tell him later. You quickly parked in the parking lot before making your way inside. The discomfort started to turn into pain as you walked inside. You quickly walked up to the counter. The lady looked at you and knew before you even said a word. She quickly walked from the counter and grabbed a wheelchair. "Please sit here. I'll take you to the LDR." You nodded as you sat down. She started to push you towards a room. "Did you come here with anyone?" She asked. "No.. Ugh- my Mom and my cousin said they're on their way.." She nodded before taking you to the LDR.
The birth was a long and painful process that lasted hours. Your mother and your cousin eventually arrived and were there for you the whole way. Your father didn’t even bother to come. Your mother held your hand as you went through the pushing process. Your cousin looked like she was gonna pass out. She'd never seen someone give birth and it made her feel sick. After it was all over there was with your beautiful baby girl. She cried the moment she came into the world and she still cried in your arms. Your mother started crying at the sight of her beautiful grandbaby. Your cousin had to leave the room due to feeling sick. You felt exhausted. The nurses put your baby in a little crib as you rested. You were exhausted. What you fail to notice is that Bob was calling your phone repeatedly.
He was at your house panicking. Anxious. He knew when he saw the stain on the couch that you'd gone into Labor. Your mother and cousin eventually left after admiring the baby and congratulating you. After you woke up you looked at your phone to see the amount of calls from Bob. You knew he was worried sick. You looked over at your baby who was sleeping soundly. It made you emotional that you brought that little thing into the world. It gave you a warm feeling inside. Parental Love. You took a picture of your baby girl and sent it to Bob. 'Meet your daughter. :) What are we gonna name her?' Bob saw the text almost instantly. He stared at the picture as his eyes grew wide. He had a little girl. An adorable little girl. He got extremely emotional and started spam texting you about how happy he was and about how much he loved you. Happy tears rolled down his face as he just stared at his new daughter. He couldn't wait to hold her and take care of her. You decided to give Bob the honors of naming her as he couldn't be there for the birth. After naming about 50 names and being unable to decide on one, he chose Grace. A sweet yet simple name that you both liked.
After you got discharged and returned home with your baby girl Bob was over the moon to meet his little baby. Looking at her for the first time he got emotional and started crying on your shoulder. Teaching him how to take care of her wasn't easy though. It took an hour to even get him to hold her as he feared he would accidentally hurt her due to his big size, but when he did though, he wouldn't let her go. He would constantly be holding her and carrying her. He was attached to her like a magnet. She was scared of him at first and cried when even looking at him which made him sad as he feared his child wouldn't like him, but the more time they spent together the more she wanted to be around him. She would start crying sometimes when he would put her down which gave him all the more reason to hold her. He watched as you breastfeed her. He made a joke saying "When is it gonna be my turn?" Which made you laugh uncontrollably. She would cry when she was placed in the crib you two bought which caused Bob to swoop her up in his arms. Bob was rather good and changing her diaper and cleaning up her vomit. Grace definitely liked him more than you. When she would stop drinking breast milk, Bob would make her formula and feed her. 
When you started working again, Bob would be the one watching her during the day. When both of you were busy, your mother would watch her for you. Your father sadly wanted nothing to do with her. Bob loved taking care of her and would often fall asleep with her resting on top of him or next to him. Who knew your murderous bear of a lover could be so soft and gentle with children. He would sometimes joke about her growing up to be just like him. You shut that idea down faster than Lighting McQueen could say "KaChow". She did really love him though. When she started to babble, Bob would start having pretend conversations with her. "Abababababa!" "How interesting..tell me more pumpkin." "Babababababab." Those were little exchanges you would overheard on the daily. Pumpkin was his little Nickname for her.
One stressful night Bob came home covered in blood forgetting to clean himself off. You woke up in the middle of the night to him standing in the middle of the room covered in blood. He tried to reach for the baby but you smacked his hand away. "Go wash your damn hands." You said sternly as he pouted a bit. He just wanted nothing more than to snuggle with his lovely partner and his child.
As Grace grew, she and Bob grew more close. She was definitely a daddy's girl. Bob spoiled her too. Giving her candy when he isn't supposed to, letting her stay up later than she should, and some other things. When she started crawling, she would constantly crawl after him when he would walk around. 
He's extremely protective of her as well. Just the thought of her hurt scares him. When she was learning to walk, he would panic every time she fell. "Bob, she's fine." "I don't think she's ready to walk." "Hun falling is apart of how she learns." "What if she hurts herself?" "A small fall won't hurt her." "But what if it does?" " B O B ." Her fragileness scares the crap out of him.
She has a weird tendency to hide in random places and has given Bob multiple heart attacks when he can't find her. When that happens he refuses to let her out of his sight for even a second.
He does his best to hide his darker side from his daughter. Always keeping his equipment in hard-to-reach places, and he refuses to let her see him when he's angry. He doesn't want his daughter to bear witness to that side of him. The last thing he wants his daughter to be scared of him. he loves her so much
He loves both you and your daughter dearly. If you told past him that he'd be happy in a relationship with a child he would laugh in your face. He somehow manages to juggle both his murder life and his family life without losing his character.
"What if we have another-" " No ."
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boxstudios · 2 years
Bob Velseb - What if Someone Hurt you?
I'm reposting this from ao3 :D This was requested by a user on ao3
Reader Pronouns: They/Them Reader Sex: Not Specified Word Count: 2,610 Warnings: Gore, Abuse of Service Workers, Torture, Vomit, Cannibalism (duh)
This situation started while you were at work. You worked at a local Cafe as a barista. It was a rather well-paying job as you worked full-time and you overall enjoyed working there. Your coworkers were nice and your boss wasn't an asshole like your previous jobs. You enjoyed working here.
Bob would sometimes find himself stalking you at work, dressed up as another person. Sometimes he would threaten other people and make them go check on you. You were completely unaware of this as he often kept his distance and just watched you from afar.
This was one of those days. You were peacefully making orders for customers as your co-workers were rushing around taking orders. Bob sat in the corner at a table once again. A brown wig and a black jacket is what he wore as he stared at you across the Cafe. While he didn't eat any of the food they served, he did find himself enjoying a cup of coffee. He preferred it to have a lot of sugar and milk as he had a rather large sweet tooth. A newspaper carefully placed into his hands, although he rarely looked at it as he mostly preferred to stare at you.
He watched as you rushed around behind the counter, making different kinds of coffee and different kinds of shakes. You were such a hard worker. It was one of the things he loved most about you. The sweat carefully rolled down your face as you worked. God he couldn't wait till you went home and he could have you all to himself. Just watching you work was making him aroused. 
More customers walked in and out of the Cafe. One customer in particular had messy brown hair and gray eyes that look similar to the moon. He had some facial hair and a really grumpy expression. The bags under his eyes were heavy almost as if he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep in his whole life. Bob looked at him in the other customers who were walking in before turning back to you. 
It was almost time for your break and Bob was questioning if he should pay you a little visit while you were on your break. He'd love to be able to actually touch you instead of having to watch you from afar. He would hold you, lick you and cover you with his kisses. How he wanted to do that so badly, but the chance of you growing suspicious of how he knew when your break was put that thought to a halt.
Time went by and he was still staring at you. Eventually you walked into the back. It was time for your break. Bob frowned as you walked out of View before glancing at the newspaper in his hands. He might as well read it while he waits for your break to end. He read the information on the paper. It was boring news stories, a missing person's report for someone named 'Dexter', an advertisement for the local candy shop Candy Club, and a wanted poster for him. He chuckled as he looked at The Wanted sign. Did they really think they could catch him? Not again. He'd be smarter than he was last time. He had help from them . He'd never let himself get caught like that again.
"WHO THE FUCK MADE THIS DRINK?!" A loud shout caused Bob to look up from his newspaper. The brown haired man was at the front, yelling at the employees. "Sir please calm down." "NO. TELL ME WHO THE FUCK MADE THIS DRINK?!" 'He's making a scene over a drink? How stupid.' Bob thought to himself. He was about to look back to his newspaper when you came out from the back. "What's going on?" You asked, wondering why this guy was screaming. "YOU." He shouted as he pointed to you. "DID YOU MAKE THIS DRINK?" He pointed to the cup in his hands. It was a mocha latte with extra cream and chocolate chips. Your eye twitched slightly as you took a deep breath before looking at him. "Yes sir I did. If you aren't happy with it I can remak-"
You were cut off by the feeling of hot coffee hitting your face. You screamed as you held your face. It burned. Bob who was across the room stood up out of instinct. What the fuck. Did that just happen? Did this fucker really throw coffee on you? Who THE FUCK does he think he is? Bob felt himself turn red with anger, his blood boiling. "YOU STUPID WORKERS CAN'T EVEN GET A FUCKING DRINK RIGHT! STUPID BITCH!" He yelled as he raised a hand to you. You had no idea as you were covering your face from the burning pain of hot ass coffee on you. 
Suddenly the man's arm was tightly grabbed by a large hand. " Hey buddy ." The voice made your blood run cold. You knew that voice. You recognized it almost instantly. Your co-workers pulled you back as you slowly looked up to see him . You could tell it was him just by that crazy look in his eyes and that creepy smile on his face. The brown hair didn't hide anything. You knew it was Bob. " I don't recommend you do that. " His words came out slowly as his voice sounded as cold as ice. You had NEVER heard him this mad.
The man tried to pull his hand away from Bob but Bob just wouldn't let go. "H-HEY-! LET ME GO YOU FUCKIN' WEIRDO!" The guy yelled. Bob could only see red. This fucker hurt you. He hurt you. That's all Bob could think about in the moment. It was like the rest of the world wasn't there. "Are you ok?" Your co-worker asked you as she helped you clean off your face. "Yes..I'm ok.." The sound of your voice snapped Bob back to reality. He stared at the guy before letting go of his arm. "We shouldn't treat our service workers in such a cruel way." That's what Bob said. Bob wanted to say so many different things. But not here. Not in public. Soon. 
Bob watched as the guy quickly walked out of the store. What a fucking coward. All bark but no bite. "I'm gonna call the police.." Your other co-worker said to you. "You don't have to do that Cole. I'm fine.." You replied as you stood up slowly. "You have burn marks on your face! We need to get you checked out to make sure you’re ok." Oh yea. Bob was gonna get this fucker. 
Bob left the coffee shop shortly after. You were staring as he left and he felt your gaze on him. Your manager thanked him for stopping the man and gave him a free coffee. So there he was, holding a cup of Coffee, walking down the street, thinking of all the things he's going to do to that asshole. He needed to get ready. He was going to make that prick pay .
Upon arriving at his house, an old abandoned house on the opposite side of town, he quickly changed into his Demon Costume. He stared at himself in the mirror. The Costume had a lot of red in it. Which means it was good for hiding blood stains. Bob thought about where the guy might be. The answer was simple. A bar. The guy was clearly an alcoholic despite not being drunk at the time, the way he conducted himself screamed "self-worth issues". Bob chuckled. Then a chuckle turned into a laugh Then a laugh turned into a cackle. " You're gonna see what happens when you mess with my Darlin' you prick ."
As night fell upon the city, Bob knew it was time. He left his house, fully equipped with everything he'll need. He hid under the cover of night, checking bar after bar around the city. He was starting to get frustrated. He made his way to the fourth bar to check. Nothing. "God DAMMIT." He was getting too angry, he needed to calm down. He can't make any stupid decisions. Find the guy. That's it. 
"What the fuck is your problem freakshow?" A voice. A familiar voice. Bob looked up to see the brown-haired man who assaulted you at the cafe. "October is over weirdo." Bob stood there for a moment before he started to laugh. The guy felt uneasy so he took a step back and grabbed the door handle of the bar door. Before he could even react he felt his head being tightly grabbed. " Finally. I finally fuckin' found you ." The guy quickly tried to struggle. "HEY-! LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING LUNAT-" " Shut up ." Bob used his other hand to hold him by the neck and then released his face. The guy struggled to breathe as Bob walked into the alleyway. " You're going to pay for touchin' My Love ."
There he was dragging an unconscious man back to his house. You were in your own room waiting for Bob to arrive like he did every night. The events of today made you tense and you wondered where he was and what he was doing. 
What he was doing was tying a man to a chair. Bob took a step back as he looked at the asshole. He scoffed. He wanted to get started now but he needed to wake him up first. Before he did he grabbed the guy's wallet. Steven Cullman. Age 35. He had a picture of a little girl in his wallet. Must be his daughter. Bob laughed. Poor girl isn't ever gonna see her father again thanks to his own stupid mistake. Bob sat the wallet down before he violently stomped on the guy's foot, causing him to shoot awake and scream in pain. He looked around in panic before staring at Bob. "You…WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Bob just chuckled as he lifted up his sweater, revealing his undershirt and belt as he grabbed the knife from his belt. "Did you know, there is a disease called 'Kuru', also known as 'laughing death' that comes from eating human meat ?" Steven froze up. The way his voice was so cold. Anyone could've recognized it. "Y-YOU'RE THE FUCKER FROM THE CAFE THIS MORNING!" Bob laughed loudly. "Indeed I am." "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" He yelled. Bob's smile immediately dropped for a moment before returning as he laughed. "You made a grave mistake." He stepped closer to Steven as he grazed the knife on the side of Steven's face. Steven's breaths grew heavy as he froze up. He couldn't move. "You see, that young worker you poured coffee on…" Suddenly the knife quickly cut his cheek and Steven hissed in pain. " ..Was my partner.. "
He was taking a while. "Where is he?" You were both disappointed and concerned. He was never this late. It's an hour past the time he normally shows up. You sighed as you laid down on your bed. Maybe he was busy. You couldn't blame him for that. But you missed his warmth. You missed the way he would gently caress you and hold you. You never felt like that before. That warmth you got when he was around. Your face had bandages all over it. Luckily the burns weren't that bad so they said the scars would most likely clear up within a few weeks but there is a chance of them being permanent. You sighed as you hugged your pillow, trying to mimic the feeling of hugging Bob but it just wasn't the same. You thought for a moment. Who would've thought fearing for my life would've gotten me a boyfriend. 
The screams came from The basement of Bob's  house. The basement was soundproof so no one would hear a thing. Bob chuckled as he dragged the knife down Steven's leg, the knife so deep it was scratching his bone. His leg bled right through his pants. His muscles and the fat in his legs slowly started to come out as Bob pushed his hand on Steven's leg, as if he was squeezing it out. The yellow fat dyed by the crimson blood turned into an orange color. "How delicious.." Bob picked up the large sloppy piece of bloody fat from off the floor. It was sticky and slimy. Bob gave it a small squish before taking a bite. It took him a moment to process the taste. Alcohol. It tasted like Alcohol. Bob didn't exactly like when meat tasted this way but he also didn't dislike it either. Steven had large tears rolling down his blood covered face. He had bit his lip so hard that it was bleeding violently. "You…sick…bast-" Suddenly a large wave of vomit came from his mouth and landed splat on the floor. Bob only watched and laughed as he ate the rest of the piece of fat. Steven coughed loudly as Bob grabbed the knife from out his leg and then toward his chopped up hand. Bob hand already removed three of his fingers on his left and one on his right. "JUST KILL ME! JUST FUCKING KILL ME YOU SICK FUC-" Suddenly Steven was grabbed by the neck tightly. He couldn't breathe and was gaging. " You still don't get it do you..? THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR WHAT YOU DID. " Steven stared up at him as he started to turn pale. " YOU SCARRED UP MY DARLIN’S BEAUTIFUL FACE. YOU BURNED THEM. " Bob used his free hand to cut off Stephen's restraints with a knife before violently slamming his head into the wall. " YOU WANNA DIE? WELL THAT'S TOO BAD. YOU DON'T GET TO DIE! " His western accent grew heavier the angrier he got. He slammed him into the wall repeatedly. " YOU DON'T GET TO DIE UNTIL YOU FEEL THE PAIN THEY FELT A THOUSAND TIMES OVER. " Bob was heavily panting until he realized, He killed Steven. The blunt force trauma killed him almost instantly on the first swing. "Ah shit..." He was irritated. Very irritated. He needs to clean this up.
There you lay in your room, you were tired. You wanted to wait for Bob and the events of today had you exhausted. "Boooob…" You whined. You wanted to be in his tight embrace. You wanted him to hold you, comfort you, anything. You were emotional after what you went through today. Getting Coffee thrown at you, having to go to the hospital and get tests done on your injuries. It was all too much. You just wanted to lay with your big lover. You sniffled a bit as you slowly closed your eyes.
"Darlin'~" A familiar southern accent starts to wake you from the dead like sleep you stuck yourself in. You knew he was there but you were too tired to move. Too tired to do anything. You felt as his hand cupped the side of your face. "So pretty…I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner.." You weren't even fully conscious but you could feel yourself starting to tear up. Finally, he was here to comfort you. He was here for you. Even if you couldn't bring yourself to move. "Awwww..Don't cry Love…" His hand wiped your tears away. You wanted to break out of your sleep. To throw your arms around him and just cry into him. You were mentally exhausted. "Don't you worry…It's all going to be ok…I'll make sure of it.." You felt his arms wrap around you as he pulled you into his chest. "You won't have to worry about anything anymore…. I'll make sure of it. "
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boxstudios · 2 years
Bob Velseb SFW Alphabet
I'm reposting this from ao3 :D
Reader Pronouns: They/Them Reader Sex: Not Specified Word Count: 2,221
I crossed out two I couldn't do!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Bob doesn’t know how to show affection as I've said time and time again. How he shows his love in a sfw way is rubbing his face against yours, holding you, and gentle kisses.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Bob loves Cuddles. He likes holding you as he bites your neck. He's a big boy so he's warm and soft.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down isn't really an option for Bob as he's constantly on the run from the cops but he likes the thought of it. Bob used to be a chef at a burger place and he knows how to clean up traces of blood so he's rather good at both cooking and cleaning.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Due to Bob being on the run marriage isn't an option however it's something he definitely wants. He loves the thought of you as his forever Spouse. It'll most likely never happen but Bob considers the two of you "unofficially married".
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
In a SFW context Bob tries to be gentle with you. He's a big guy and he's scared of hurting you. You're the only person he's gentle with and he knows you're smaller and much more fragile than he is. 
Emotionally, Bob is pretty unavailable. He tries to be gentle but he doesn't know how. He's a very blunt man and isn't used to catering to the emotions of others.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs. All the time. Bob loves hugs! He loves feeling your soft skin against him. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Bob doesn’t say it outright for a long time. He's a very quiet man and doesn't speak often. It's clear through his actions that he loves you dearly but he rarely spoke. When you heard him say with was probably when he was cuddling you (after sex). You hear a pleased groan come from his lips, and a slow and soft "I love you.." came out as he held you close. He most likely didn't even mean to say it, it just kinda happened.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's a really Jealous person. I mean he's a murderer who believes you belong to him. When he's jealous, he'll most likely kill the person making him jealous. If he can't do that, (when it's a close friend of yours or family) he'll just go on a killing spree. Letting out his anger.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Bob likes to kiss you everywhere. Your neck, your chest, your thighs. But his favorite place to kiss you is on your lips. Whether you're Lips are soft or chapped he loves them because they're yours. He loves exploring your mouth and tasting you as you share saliva. Gentle kisses as you lay tiredly next to him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Bob used to be good around kids but that changed when he was busted for murder and cannibalism. Most children are terrified of him. His creepy smile makes sure of that. But he would like kids of his own with you. It's one of his goals. He'd go as far as to kidnap someone else's baby for the two of you to raise if he had to.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If Bob decided to stay the night at your house, you would either wake up to you being smothered by your giant murderous boyfriend, or the smell of food in the kitchen. If it's the latter you'd be downstairs looking at the food Bob made for you and questioning him to make sure he's not trying to feed you human meat. If it's the former, you aren't moving for a while. He wants to hold you tight and he'll hold you there with him. The more you fight, the tighter his grip gets.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If Bob decides he's not in the mood to get down and dirty with you, he'll simply hold you. You'll probably be watching TV as he does but he's simply staring at you and admiring you as you watch your show or movie. If you decide you wanna go out at night, Bob will follow you. Whether it's to the park, or the store, he's following behind making sure you're safe. He probably rests his head on top of yours while you're out as well. He's a very needy man.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Simple. If you asked, Bob would answer. He has no intention of hiding anything from you. You already know he's a murderer and it doesn't seem to bother you, so what else does he have to hide? If you ask about his past he'll tell you about his family and the people he knew. He won’t tell you if you don't ask, but if you do he has no problem with answering.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Bob has quite a bit of patience in general. Even more when it comes to you. But when he is angry he gets violent. He’d never act that way around you nonono. But when he's alone he'll smash and break stuff. He kills alot more people too. He'd never lash out at you. If he did by mistake expect hundreds of little apology letters and gifts.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Bob knows alot about you. He knows what foods you like, what foods you don't like, the shows you like, the stores you like, everything. He has been stalking you since you two started seeing each other. He remembers everything. He keeps a little notebook about you. Where he writes random things about you and your interests. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
There was one time that changed the way you saw Bob. It was a normal night for you two. You were snuggling up in bed watching TV. He held you close and suddenly you could feel him start trembling. You looked up at him to see tears rolling down his face with his normal smile there as he stared at you. You questioned what was wrong but he just sat there staring at you. "Bob?" The way you said his name so sweetly made it worse. He trembled more as he clung to you tighter. He just stared, thoughts running through his mind about his regrets and his past, wondering how his life got to this point. It all stopped when you cupped his face with your hands and gently kissed his forehead. You looked at him with eyes filled with kindness and concern. He broke down. He hugged you tightly as you could feel his tears gently land on you. Tear after Tear you hugged him back and comforted him. You could hear quiet sobs come from his lips as he held onto you. You stayed in that position for a few minutes before the sobs and trembling stopped. You could still feel his tears flowing onto you but all sound from him stopped. You looked at his face and noticed he had fallen asleep but was still crying. You sighed as you gently laid him back down. You then cut the TV off, turned off the light, and laid next to him. He quickly grabbed you in his sleep which caught you off guard, but you quickly relaxed and pushed yourself into his chest as you drifted off to sleep as well. It was the most emotional you had ever seen him and you'll always remember it, even if Bob didn't wanna talk about it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's a murderer. He always has a knife on them and if anyone so much as looks at you in a way he doesn't like, they're dead. There was also a time when you protected him. 
He had snuck into your window one night ready to get down with you until a knock came from the door. It annoyed him that it interrupted your moment but you told him to stay put as you walked to answer it. At the door were two cops, Jack and John. They said they had gotten a report of a suspicious figure sneaking into your yard. They then handed you the picture of an escaped criminal They suspected it to be. Sure enough it was Bob. Without his Demon Costume, You had seen him on the news before but you had almost forgotten what he looked like without it as he never took it off. The cops asked if they could come in and have a look around the house and yard to make sure nothing had happened here or no one had broken in. You knew it'd be suspicious to refuse. "Just give me one second.." You said before shutting the door and running upstairs. You walked into your room in which Bob happily greeted you before you walked up to him. "I need you to be quiet. Just lay down and wait for me to get back. Don't make a sound." You said sternly which caused him to grow confused but he understood as he laid down on the bed. He was kinda disappointed that your sexy time had to be put on hold but He didn't know what was going on. You walked out of the room and back to the front door. "Please come in! Please try to keep the noise down. My husband is asleep upstairs." The two cops nodded as they walked inside. Jack walked outside to go look around the yard while John checked the house for anything unusual. John was about to head upstairs when he noticed you didn't have a ring on your finger. He pointed it out. "Ah-! Uhm well I was about to go to bed before this so I took it off." John stared at you at first but it made sense as you were in sleepwear. Jack then came inside. "It's all clear." John nodded. The place looked fine and they decided they wouldn't have to check upstairs. You waved goodbye to the two policemen as they apologized for using your time. You made your way upstairs to see Bob stranded at the window staring at the policemen in the car. He turned to you with a smile before picking you up and throwing you on the bed as he started to take off his shirt. He had to thank you for protecting him somehow.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Bob is sweet when it comes to gifts. He'll write you sweet little letters for no reason and give you gifts just to see your smile. He loves taking care of you and doing things for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Coming into the house covered in blood. It happens too much. You get on him about it every time it happens.  You have to spend a while cleaning blood off your carpet and replacing your bedsheets when they get bloody.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Bob is very messy. He doesn't care much for his appearance as he wears a costume most of the time anyway so he doesn't see why it matters.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. He is attached to you. Very attached. If you were suddenly gone he'd feel like an empty husk again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He really likes when you take the initiative in anything. Kisses, Cuddles, Hugs. It makes him so happy he can't contact himself.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
When anyone touches you. It could be family, friends, or even someone tapping your shoulder to ask for directions. It makes him extremely angry. How dare they lay their filthy hands on HIS perfect piece of meat,
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Bob doesn’t sleep often which is why the bags under his eyes are so big. Some nights you force him to sleep with you so the fucker will actually sleep because you know he won't refuse cuddle time with you.
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boxstudios · 2 years
Box Velseb Yandere Alphabet
I'm reposting this from ao3 :D
Reader Pronouns: They/Them Reader Sex: Not Specified Word Count: 1,585 Warnings: BRIEF MENTION OF NERCOPHILIA
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Bob doesn’t know how to show affection in a non-sexual way. Not anymore. But when he tries to it normally consists of him rubbing his face against yours and gentle kisses.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
This man is a serial killer and a cannibal. He’s willing to get as messy as he has to to make sure you’re his only. He won’t try to hide the blood at first but if it disturbs you and he notices he’ll try to cover it up when around you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He’s not Cruel. You two were in a relationship (If that’s what you wanna call it) before he kidnapped you. He doesn’t see why it has to change. He just changed the setting.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Not really? I mean it depends. The consent with most sexual interactions is VERY dubious so if you wanna count that go ahead. Other than that just touching. He always likes to be touching you, whether in a sexual or non-sexual way.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Bob doesn’t have a heart to bare. He’ll have the same stupid smile on his face even when snuggling up with you. He’s much softer to you than ANYONE.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Confused. Very Confused and Amused. It was fine before, what’s wrong with it now? Sure he stripped you away from your loved ones and your life but you don’t need that! You only need him. He finds it amusing that you think you could truly resist him.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Absolutely. You’re sad attempts at escaping make him laugh as he’ll just bring you back again. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When he killed someone in front of you. A co-worker of yours. You were tied to a chair as you had to watch Bob cut up and gut your Co-worker who you considered a friend. Ever since you can’t help but feel resentment toward him. You knew he was a killer. You knew that when you started having sex with him. But to see him gut someone you cared for like that was something you could never shake.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to keep you all to himself. Away from everyone else. You as his loving partner. Forever his.
Bonus if your AFAB: He’d also like to perhaps start a family with you. We already know this guy likes breeding so that’s not something he’d be against.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Most Jealous Motherfucker ALIVE. You even talking to someone else would piss him off. So he took away the option. Keeping you close and now you can only look at and talk to him.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He just kinda stares. If you two aren’t fucking he likes to stare at you. Admiring his perfect piece of meat that he gets to keep all to himself. He will also rub his face against yours, snuggle, and give you soft kisses.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He started out giving you handwritten letters. The words written in blood. It was kinda sweet? Then he starts getting you chocolates. He knows you don’t like human meat like he does so he’ll accommodate you and get you food he knows you like.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really. Only difference is he gives snuggles. He’s still the creepy killer who has a creepy stare.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Murder. Forcing you to watch him murder someone. He knows you hate it. It’s his way of getting you to submit without hurting you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Bye Bye Freedom and Privacy! See you never!
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Really Patience. You have to be a patient man to go through the hard process of cutting up humans and eating their pieces. And you’re his one and only love so he has alot of it for you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you died it would most likely be by his hands by mistake. Perhaps you tested his patience on the wrong day and he acted out in blind rage or you fought him and it happened while he tried to restrain you. Either way, the regret would be instant. He’d spend a solid 10 minutes shaking you, trying to wake you up. Trying to convince himself you’re just sleeping. Trying to convince himself that he didn’t just murder the love of his life. Then he’d start laughing in a fit of madness. Numbness. He’d feel numb for a while. After the numbness, comes the tears. The first time Bob has cried in years. He won’t even realize he was crying at first. When he does he gets angry. Angry at himself for hurting you, for killing you. He’d take your body and give you a bed. Lay you down and let you rest forever. He’d never eat you. You didn’t deserve that. Then he’d get violent. He’d smash things in fits of rage. He’d kill alot more people than he normally does. After that, here come the delusions. He’d sit by your body and watch it, watch you sleep. Waiting for you to wake up. Convincing himself you’re still alive and that he just needs to wait for you. Wait for you to come back to him. He’d kissed you, snuggle you, even fuck you like you were still here. Convincing himself that you were just stuck in a deep sleep. That everything was ok.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. Point blank period. He wants to keep you close to him. He regrets nothing.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He’s a serial killer who feels nothing for the people he kills. When he found someone who made him actually feel something, it caused his interest. Interest turned into Love. Love turned into Obsession.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He likes seeing when you look scared but he hates when you cry. It hurts him. He’s very emotionally unavailable so if you’re crying he’ll most likely just poke you and say “stop it”. He’ll try to give you the basic affection he knows how to but he really doesn’t know how to handle your tears.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
His True Nature is the exact same Nature he shows to everyone. Cold, Creepy, and Threatening. He also already had a relationship with you before kidnapping you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Bob is out alot hunting people. That time he is away could be used to escape.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Unless you two are having sex, never on purpose. If he acted out in a fit of rage he may get violent, but he’ll write a million letters apologizing and try to make it up to you.
In the bedroom yes. He’s a big sadist and if you’re ok with it he’ll definitely do it.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
It's not exactly a worship thing. But he loves you so dearly it's similar. You are his world. He loves nothing as much as you. He tries his very best to please you and keep you happy.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
It wasn't exactly pinning as the two of you were already in a sexual(kinda romantic-?) relationship before he kidnapped you. But about 6 months into your relationship he noticed you getting a little too close to a co-worker of yours. The very same one he killed in front of you. He quickly snapped and decided to lock you away from the eyes of anyone else.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally. He loves your smile just as much as he loves the fear on your face when you wonder what he's gonna do to you. He could never lose that. If he did, he would claim "You're not the person I fell in love with." He'd try to bring you back. Back to normal. Back to his lovely sweetheart. If he failed, he would simply kill you and keep your body. You can't feel numb if you're not alive. He'd slightly regret it but it's not the same when your personality isn't there. He'd blame himself for breaking you. He'd blame himself for all of it.
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boxstudios · 2 years
Bob Velseb NSFW Alphabet
I'm reposting this from ao3 :D
Reader Pronouns: They/Them Reader Sex: Not Specified Word Count: 1,234
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After Sex, Bob enjoys licking your neck and biting you as he holds you. Constantly whispering about how wonderful you taste.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your neck. ALOT. It’s always the first and last thing he goes for. He enjoys hearing you gasp and whimper as he runs his long tongue up your neck.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He enjoys tasting you raw, without being tainted so he’ll rarely cum on your body. Sometimes he’ll find enjoyment in licking your body while it’s covered in his seed, but he prefers to just cum inside of you. He loves the noises you make when he does.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bob is pretty forward about his intentions. But the closest thing to a secret he has is that He really wants to breed you. This is one of the things he won’t outright say but the way he conducts himself during sex shows that he really enjoys the thought of cumming in you and breeding you. A normal secret is that the love he has for you is genuine. He doesn’t know how to express love so he shows it sexually.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Bob had sex before he went insane. Though he never enjoyed it as much as he does with you. But overall yes, he knows his way around the bedroom.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Bob Loves Missionary. He gets to look down at you and see the facial expressions you make. He loves it. He also likes Downward Dog. He likes feeling in power and holding you down.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
For a murderer, Bob can be goofy at times. He’ll crack a joke every once in a while but his sense of humor is very….dark. So you probably won’t be laughing like he is.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Bob is a hairy man. He doesn’t really take care of himself like he should so it’s hairy down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Bob isn’t good at romance. At all. Yes, he’s in love with you but he has no way of showing it. Things that may seem romantic to him, are sexual to you. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Bob masturbates to the thought of you alot more than he should. Just the thought of you gets him going. He’ll often find himself jacking off to the thought of you when your not home or even mid murder. His victim will be on the floor bleeding out and Bob is on a chair just jerking it and groaning your name.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Jesus Christ let’s get started.
Knifeplay Bondage (BDSM) Breeding Voyeurism Impact play Orgasm control/Edging Biting Bloodplay Sadism CNC Hairpulling And alot more
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your bedroom. He finds himself sneaking in there all the time just to see you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally, just the thought of you gets him going. But He gets really turned on when you whimper or show that you’re fearful or in pain.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would NEVER share you with anyone. Just the thought of you talking to another guy pisses him off. He also doesn’t like choking. He has big hands and he’s scared of snapping your neck or killing you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving and doesn’t really like receiving. He finds it awkward when you give. He’s the one supposed to be tasting you, not the other way around! He loves giving because he gets to taste you everywhere, even inside of you and he doesn’t have to kill you to do it!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends. If he’s had a good day he’ll come and savor you. Slow and Gentle so he can feel every inch of you. However, if he’s had a bad day, he’s alot rougher. He’ll pound into you violently and won’t stop until he’s finished. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
God if he could he would. But you two never see each other during the day so it’s rarely an option. Only time it is, is if he sneaks into your room while he’s busy cuz he just couldn’t wait or if he’s on the run but it doesn’t happen that often.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Bob is a very risky man. Just being with him is a fucking risk for you. He loves taking chances on stuff. (Like you getting pregnant if your AFAB) But One thing he won’t chance surprisingly is your life. Weird I know. But he doesn’t want to risk losing you. Your meat is better while your alive and he’d prefer not having to dispose of your body. While he can’t show it, he loves you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man can last a while. God forbid he has a bad day because you aren’t stopping till he’s tired out. He’ll normally last somewhere between 10-15 rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t find them enjoyable. Unless you could his knife as a toy no.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
With Bob it’s a 50/50 gamble. Some nights he’ll want to take care of you and he’s considerate. Other nights he’s a smug fuck who loves to tease. He’ll literally up and leave some nights just when you’re about to cum.   
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Bob in general is a rather quiet man. But in the bedroom he can be alot louder. When he’s really lost in it, he’ll growl and groan alot.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The way he found out he liked hairpulling is one day he snuck into your room just as you were getting out the shower. The sight of your wet messy hair literally unlocked something in him. He took you almost instantly and found out he LOVED pulling on your hair. Now he does it alot.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
My headcanon height for Bob is 6’9”. So I imagine his dick is between 6-8 inches and can get up to 10 inches when he’s hard. He’s big. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You’re the one who falls asleep. He probably has only fallen asleep once or twice after a long and tiring day of killing people and running from the cops. He’s a big cuddly bear when he’s asleep. He’ll squeeze you really tightly.
This is old and I might rewrite it
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boxstudios · 2 years
Bob Velseb X Reader things
Mason uses tumblr????? Fr???? I have no idea how to use this app BUT I made a Bob Velseb X Reader Book where I post random things about him. Go read it pls
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boxstudios · 2 years
Doodles for @cyberzuzu 's fic
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Go read it it's very good for Red Guy enjoyers
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boxstudios · 2 years
Why in the world would you say something so wrong and so right at the same time?
i feel like karl wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you to cbat
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boxstudios · 2 years
Yandere!Phobos x Reader Headcanons
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Phobos is a very bad man.
You’re screwed. 
You’re so goddamn screwed.
I think Phobos may be the absolute worst yandere of the entire MadCom cast; strong, smart, has a massive ego, and commands an entire organization that he can use to keep you from any hope of escape.
He isn’t gonna bother trying to woo you to join him willingly. 
He’ll just see you one day, decide he likes you, then point you out to his goons. Next thing you know, you’re being forced into a van and taken to his tower with a bag over your head. 
Praise him, love him, follow his rules to the letter, and he’ll spoil you rotten. You’ll sleep with him in the softest bed, be lavished with fine gifts, and be kept safe by the finest Nexus soldiers.
Step out of line, and you’ll be chained up in a dark, cold cell in the deepest reaches of his tower until he feels you’ve learned your lesson. 
Really piss him off, and he’ll go a step further; you’ll be bound in a straitjacket, mouth gagged, blindfolded and placed in earmuffs, then sealed away in a tiny padded cell until you’re begging for his forgiveness.
In time, Phobos will train you to be his perfect piece of arm-candy, worshipping the ground he walks on and agreeing with everything he says. 
Or else.
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