brown-suede-shoes · 5 months
The main 6 ninja as The Office quotes:
Cole: If I don’t have some cake soon, I might die.
Nya: I am one of the few people who looks hot while eating a cupcake.
Kai: Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it’s not like, this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.
Zane: Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
Lloyd: Why don’t you grow something that everybody does like? *pause* You should grow candy.
Jay: Oh, it is on, like a prawn who yawns at dawn.
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brown-suede-shoes · 9 months
The ninja playing skribblio part 2:
*Dr Lampshade Floortile joins*
Jay: who the flipping flip is that??
Lloyd: your twin
*Zane is drawing*
The screen starts glitching then it downloads a pixelated hamburger
*Cole guesses the word*
*Nya guesses the word*
Kai: sandwitch
Dr lampshade floortile: hamborger
Jay: Zane you can’t use hacks on a children’s website!
Zane: Just guess the word so I can go back to beating you at chess.
*the word was sandwich*
Kai: I said that!
Nya: You spelled it wrong, stupid.
Lloyd: Yeah everyone knows that you can’t find witches at the beach.
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brown-suede-shoes · 10 months
Zane: Today, we’re going to cook minute rice.
Cole: Really? How long will that take?
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brown-suede-shoes · 11 months
Jay: The Monastery is burning and you can save the cake or me. What do you choose?
Cole: That’s not fair, the cake doesn’t have legs.
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brown-suede-shoes · 11 months
Lloyd: I’ve never noticed this before, but you look capable of violence.
Wyldfyre: *picks up chair* I’ll show you who’s capable of violence!
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brown-suede-shoes · 11 months
Lloyd picks his nose and that’s why he’s green. The booger ninja.
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brown-suede-shoes · 1 year
Why do I feel like Jay would be wearing what Harry Styles wore at the Grammy’s? Actually I refuse to believe that Jay’s wardrobe isn’t normal in anyway, he would definitely wear like a giant cereal box and call it “fancy.”
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brown-suede-shoes · 1 year
Ask me questions
I just saw that I gained a bunch of new followers and thank you for that! If you have any questions about ninjago or whatever or if any charanons want to come out and play, just ask me! 
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brown-suede-shoes · 1 year
Kai: Cole, go cook a couple of burgers for us.
Cole: But I just cleaned the grill!
Kai: Good, maybe they’ll taste better.
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
I’m still sad that Jay NEVER apologized to Kai after kicking him in the beginning of Crystalized. Like dude...even kai said sorry to you for knocking over “nya” and it just makes jay seem like a real asshole. I do still love Jay though but there are a lot of other times too where he’s just a jerk to people. I can remember a couple instances in season 5 when he was mean to Zane....
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
“Ah, yes. The damsel in distress. You Ninja really are from another time.” -Harumi (to Lloyd, season 8)
“HOLY PIPES?!! THE ORGANS GOT ME!!” -Jay (season 5, idk) 
Reblog with two of your favorite Ninjago qoutes. One normal, and one crack
Transform? You've been doing it all your life, from a bratty child, to the destined Green Ninja, and now are great leader of the resistance -Mystaké (to Lloyd, season 9)
"You know the Munce Queen?" "Yeah, she's my sister. And she's not that ugly" -Kai (to the Geckles, season 13)
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
Lloyd, Cole, and Jay are the grossest members of the team. Examples include:
-Cole burping loudly and not even apologizing, to some people this is normal but for me this is a HUGE ick and I find it disgusting. He also uses the pool as his own personal toilet.
-Lloyd farted in the hot tub, like it wasn’t even bubbling yet but he made his own bubbles and it’s also disgusting. He probably smells his own farts, I can’t
-Jay is the worst. He pisses himself who knows how many times and then leaves his DIRTY underwear wherever he goes. My question is...NYA WHY ARE YOU TOLERATING THIS. 
also it’s been noted that Cole’s feet stink and Jay rarely brushes his teeth. (it was implied in season 3 so who knows if he does it everyday)
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
(me) Back in 2016: Aw, I don’t hate any of the ninjago characters. I love everyone.
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
i may have broke ur toilet but dont worry ill unbreak it *holds up a sword*
I- WHAAAT??! *grabs the sword* when did you get in my house?? Actually, stop breaking things! This is why no one likes you.
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
Who’s your favorite ninjago side character and why? Each from wildbrain and wilfilm if you’re conflicted
OOOOF, this is really tough. I know it may seem like I'm going to say dareth but I won't (even though I really like him). Clancee was a really good character, I miss him. BUT, I think I'll go with Clutch Powers. I have a tendency to like the most-hated characters. He's so annoying and stupid that I can't help but love to hate him.
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
sup i saw u asking 4 me wanna hang out and roast lloyd
WHAAAT??! Oh please like I love you...(sort of) but you seem like the type of guy to look up "Lloyd slander" on Tiktok. What is the matter with you? *sprays him with water* bad teal ninja!
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brown-suede-shoes · 2 years
The Ninja playing Skribbl.io
Jay is drawing now!
Cole: weed
*he colors the whole screen green*
Kai: jay wtf is this?
Cole: blue
Zane guesses the word!
Lloyd: He’s mocking me! 
Lloyd is voting to kick ‘Jay’ ( 3/6)
Jay: omggg maybe I can’t read
*he writes the word*
The word was jungle!
Jay: How do I draw a jungle?
Nya: You draw trees you stupid hot beta male.
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