campire96 3 years
Tumblr won't let me see/follow everyone, so if you follow the new blog/like it, it'll show up in my activity and i can follow ya :) I don't want it to seem like i forgot/care for no one! Tumblr just straight up won't show me tons of people haha
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campire96 3 years
Hey everyone, Tumblr won't let me message people. Again. So I've had to make a new account cause the message option don't even show up, kind of a shame as this blog holds so many memories, but i wanna talk with people still
So this is my new blog:
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campire96 3 years
Tumblr won't let me see/follow everyone, so if you follow the new blog/like it, it'll show up in my activity and i can follow ya :) I don't want it to seem like i forgot/care for no one! Tumblr just straight up won't show me tons of people haha
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campire96 3 years
Hey everyone, Tumblr won't let me message people. Again. So I've had to make a new account cause the message option don't even show up, kind of a shame as this blog holds so many memories, but i wanna talk with people still
So this is my new blog:
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campire96 3 years
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campire96 3 years
聽you MEME miette? you exploit her manner of speaking like the cheeseburger?
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campire96 3 years
Do u ever think about how dogs, who have 2 colour receptors, see an apple as grayish yellow, while humans have 3 and see it as red, and mantis shrimp have 12, and see it another monstrous colour altogether?
How none of us are necessarily correct, and the apple itself, is not really any colour, it鈥檚 just a fruit minding its own goddamn business??
Fucking fascinating
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campire96 3 years
Do u ever think about how dogs, who have 2 colour receptors, see an apple as grayish yellow, while humans have 3 and see it as red, and mantis shrimp have 12, and see it another monstrous colour altogether?
How none of us are necessarily correct, and the apple itself, is not really any colour, it鈥檚 just a fruit minding its own goddamn business??
Fucking fascinating
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campire96 3 years
Can鈥檛 believe im adult now. Sometimes I feel like a teletubbie with a credit card.
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campire96 3 years
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campire96 3 years
At this E3, I shall destroy gamer
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campire96 3 years
just found out you're english. shocked and disappointed. on the verge of unfollowing.
That's understandable 馃様
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campire96 3 years
I swear this is what every banana thinks before i put it in a smoothie
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campire96 3 years
And just cause, so this is it playing the exact same video at below 50%. Like i said, besides being a bit more quiet than it should be, it sounds practically fine, it's just crossing that 50% barrier that it's like "No."
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campire96 3 years
I'ma post a slightly quieter version after this
But yeah,exact same video, and exact same volume as yesterday. It's SLIGHTLY improved, but as you can hear it's still just awful. However, anything below about 50% volume, although very quiet it actually sounds quite normal, it's just when it goes above that that it sounds like my phone is an early 2000's device that rattles when it makes noise. I think I'm definitely screwed haha
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campire96 3 years
Plant update part 2 apparently
I don't know why i didn't do this sooner. I HATED the soil this cordyline fruticose came in, like, it's impossible to describe just how awful the soil was. It never got wet, literally, it never felt wet, even with water on it, it constantly never stuck together but instead was just in dry, separate clumps, it always felt like styrofoam, also, i cannot even stress how the tiniest, and i mean TINIEST amount of water would just fall straight through and come out of the bottom of the pot. Like, i water with that succulent water bottle, so it's a slow stream yet even still it just fell straight through
I kinda didn't put much effort into it as immediately after getting it the leaves browned, turned super thin, lost their vibrancy, and it just didn't seem happy. But thinking about it, besides maybe water/light there was an obvious culprit that i shoulda worked on sooner. It has this lovely, thick stem, and as you can see all the roots are lovely crisp and white! Hopefully i can pull it back into better health, as it's showing many signs it's okay still, and hopefully this new soil doesn't harm it haha
I don't think any roots were damaged in the repotting process, as the soil didn't cling to itself, let alone the roots! It was practically an air plant! Re-reading up on their care, i may put them on the table with my fern, monstera, and strelitzia. I need to see if i have room for it though
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campire96 3 years
I did a few plant bits yesterday!
So firstly, my larger monstera was in a big pot inside its actual container, but my peace lily was just way too big fot its current pot, so i moved it into the black "extra" pot i had for the monstera. I think it looks nice in there! I wish i took a photo of the exposed roots though, VERY root bound but they looked so healthy and white!
The monstera leaves are unfurling, that leaf on the big monstera isn't actually as big as i thought it'd be, but as you can see it is lovely and full of holes! But also yes, i think this may need repotting soon as the roots are coming out the bottom, but we'll get to that in a minute
And lastly, this is also to do with the monstera, i "repot" my aloe and cut off the wilted flower. I say "repot" because it needs a bigger pot, the issue i am having though, and why i can't repot the monstera, is those are the biggest pots i have, my largest post now houses my peace lily, otherwise, they are the biggest i own and unless i go drastically big, which i have no room for and it isn't great for the plants either, i just cannot find slightly bigger pots. So i dumped a load of soil in the same size pot as the aloe was already in, but this one is ceramic and has a pattern, and kinda over filled so i have an easier time watering it, letting bottom leaves expand, and seeing offshoots
I'm just gonna have to start looking online i think and see if i can get bigger pots there, because a few could do with upsizing, and yes, i noticed a few of my plants have exposed lower roots
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