Useless things I want in the next Rune Factory game that would add nothing to gameplay and would absolutely increase the amount of work to create the game:
° I want the option to turn on and off my fireplace so I can pretend it's cold in winter (or throw a log in to light it, like HM more friends of mineral town)
° I don't need a cutscene for when I'm going to sleep, but if you are going to give me one, at least make me sleep under the blankets
° i want to be able to move the beds
° pls make the fodder bins part of the barns
° I wish the clothes you wear would change the sprites during the conversations (it's that way for pyjamas and swimsuit, but i wish it extended to other outfits. Not the DLC ones or the things you craft, just the outfits you buy)
° Make everything stackable
Please note that I have raccoon hands and a raccoon brain and i would be unable to create any game. Im just bitching into the void because my real life friends are tired to hear me ramble about rf5
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Same-sex couples having kids in RF5 :
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During the super serious marriage event **Spoilers ? Maybe?**
Ryker: This is our final cat and mouse game. Pursue me and try to catch me. If I win, I will fuck off into the sunset and you will never see me again. But if you touch me, you win, and I'll do whatever you want me to. Lay a finger on me and I'll be at your mercy. Press your skin against mine and anything your heart desire, I will do. Cuff me up and punish me with the full force of justice.
Ares: I'm getting mixed signals here
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It's been like a year and a half since this game came out and I still think about Ryker's silly wrist ribbons. BOY YOU ARE A CARPENTER. He is a walking safety hazard. I dunno what Palmo is doing letting him wear that to work.
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Palmo: Dear Ares, I must congratulate you on your recent engagement to Ryker! Are you here to discuss the wedding arrangemen-
Ares:*Slams bags of money on the counter* I need you to soundproof the silo like your life depends on it
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Ares: I was pretty happy when you said you wanted to design and build the twin's cribs, but why is there only one ?
Ryker: Hehe... It's a surprise ;) Look closer...
Ares: Ryker ? Why is there a secret compartment in our baby's crib?
Ryker: So we can put the other one-
Ares: Absolutely not.
Ryker : But babe, look, it spins so we can rotate them-
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Ryker, hero-squatting on a tree branch in the great plaza : "The night is here, enveloping me in her sweet embrace, the moon is my mistress, the stars are my allies. Together entertwined by the cloak of the shadows of my dark heart-"
Ares, standing there: "what a fucking dork."
Ares: *Slowly pulls out an engagement ring*
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There are two Teams settings inside you
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Good Omens Season 2 will be here before we know it, and I just want to say now... I am going to enjoy it, and it will not be what I expected. We have waited, we shall see, and it will be different from what we have imagined, in one way or another.
Maybe Aziraphale and Crowley will hold hands, maybe they won't.
Maybe Maggie and Nina will be an enemies-to-lovers coffeeshop AU lesbians, maybe they won't.
Maybe we'll get to see Jon Hamm's bum, maybe we won't.
But I trust Neil Gaiman's storytelling gift, and I trust his care for this story and for Sir Terry Pratchett's legacy. I think probably this season will challenge our preconceived notions in some way, because isn't that what Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett always do?
I might be disappointed by this season. Sometimes sequels disappoint. I might be delighted and amazed. Sometimes sequels outdo the first chapter.
I just hope that, if I am disappointed, I don't let that disappointment tarnish the love I have for the book and for sesson 1. I don't think it will. I have gained so much from this story, in its paper and screen iterations, and I've gained so much from being part of this fandom, from reading the incredibly crafted fanfics, from enjoying the extraordinary art, and reading the determined and passionate metas.
A disappointing season 2 should be a wistful smile, not a dumpster fire.
Even though Neil Gaiman has said this season will be gentle and romantic, he hasn't made any promises about who will be involved in the romance, and I hope that we as a fandom can remember that and go gently, with open minds and open hearts. I hope I can remember to go with an open heart, along with all the excitement and the thrill of anticipation of a new season.
Love love love ❤️
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Good Omens really has rotten my brain because i stumbled across this phone case and my first thought was 'ah, yes, the husbands'.
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I need like two dozen of those, but instead of a night light its a wall light and i can stick them all over my walls, at different heights and cover the base with moss.
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Mushroom Night Light (Source)
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💕 Good Care 🐕‍🦺 
 For the Doggomens event! 
Meet Rex, Crowley’s service dog! A gentle doberman lady who will help with the several trauma reactions Crowley deals with from the events of the notapocalypse. 
Afficher davantage
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I had to
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