chaotic-caster · 10 months
Hey witch. Hard pill, but you are not superior to other witches because you have witchcraft in your ancestry. You are not superior because you have a uterus inside you. You are not superior because your grimoire is tidy and your altar is color coded. Stop putting down, berating, and hurting others of the craft with such notions.
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chaotic-caster · 10 months
💖Lazy witchcraft tips💖
-sprinkle a pinch of salt at all entryways to your home to banish unwelcome energy
-place your doormat facing your home to tell any unwanted guests they are not welcome (if your doormat says welcome or hello this is especially recommended)
-charge your drinking water for the next day in the moonlight! I like to put tea and herbs in a clear container to steep under the moon (i use cold water and leave it out overnight outside or on a windowsill)
-too tired to do a full tarot draw? Pull one card for summary of your question or three for past present and future insight.
-adding a few drops of essential oil to a humidifier will help purify your home when you are too tired or busy to do a proper cleanse(make sure your humidifier can handle essential oils), you also can steep herbs on the stove at a low setting for a similar result (and smells great!) just make sure to open a window so whatever your banishing can leave
-when cleansing a room with sage, palo santo, etc use counterclockwise motions to banish(note: counterclockwise=banish, clockwise=welcoming)
-keep sigils in your wallet, purse, etc to attract what you wish to manifest
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chaotic-caster · 10 months
Hello, I’m Chaos! I’m a hereditary witch. My knowledge of magic has taught by my father—who learned from his mother— and what I’ve learned on my own. I’ve been practicing for 10 years, feel free to ask me questions!
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