chechiv · 8 months
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Like or reblog if you ship Twoteru!
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chechiv · 10 months
@kamimint I love your twoteru art so much🥰🥰🥰
I can't help but mention you here
Translation of the song: I will warm this love and bear it. so that the fingertips are painted with it. and so that there is a lot of it in me
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chechiv · 2 years
I won't be friends with ibuki, I promise.
as always, togami was the last one to be picked up. he did not get upset or offended at his mother for this. although today she was particularly late, byakuya was sitting all alone, not including the caretakers, for twenty minutes.
when his mother came, byakuya rushed straight to her.
"byakuya... I'm sorry baby, it's been quite a long day, but!"
datee hugged togami before showing him something. that was the reason for her lateness. bookstores close almost in the same time as the end of her working day, so she had to rush all over town to buy the book that byakuya wanted for a long time.
"here! look what I have for you,"
the woman pulled out of her bag a not so thick book with a colorful cover.
"you have long wanted to read a fairy tale! here, this is the most expensive, which was in the store, there are many colorful pictures inside!"
she opened the book, starting to show all the pictures to byakuya, and his eyes sparkled. he had never seen books with pictures before, especially coloured ones. and all his life was like in black and white in general, and such a present made him very glad.
"yes! yes! thank you, mommy!"
he started hugging datee again, taking her hand and getting ready to go home.
"actually, i have news for you too, but i don't know... if you'll like it,"
the mood outside was already gloomy and scary, making togami even more afraid to talk about it.
"hmm? what's the news? maybe you can tell us when we get home?"
byakuya nodded his head. he tried not to forget any detail of his story...
"mom... well, will you listen,"
datee fussed again when she came home, no time to approach togami, who was already lying in his bed and waiting for his listener.
"now, now, I'm sorry..."
finally, she was ready, sitting down on the edge of byakuya's bed and starting to listen, stroking the boy's head.
"i'm friends with teruteru now! well, that's what he said..."
datee smiled along with the togami. she was extremely happy for byakuya, it was his first friend after all.
"what did you do with him?"
"i read him a book, but I think he wanted it to be a fairy tale... mom, can I take the fairy tale you gave me tomorrow?"
"of course you can, but be careful with it, it's valuable,"
byakuya nodded, continuing to chatter about hanamura.
"he also brought me a present, well, a toy only, then he took me to his corner, it's very soft and warm there, so we fell asleep almost immediately, teruteru is good, but they call him a crybaby,"
"yes, he's a good boy, but why a crybaby?"
byakuya frowned with his hands on his chest.
"he's not a crybaby, we have a silly girl who is always picking on him and calling everyone to watch, but it won't happen again! teruteru can't be hurt, he's very kind,"
datee had heard of ibuki before, and in their parents' chat this name was often mentioned, and other parents complained about her behavior.
"it's right if you decide to protect your new friend, but it takes strength, so go to sleep!"
the woman kissed her son on the forehead, turning off the light.
"good night, mom,"
"good night to you too..."
in the morning byakuya immediately brought his new book with him. he wanted very much to read it to hanamura.
"mom, come on, let's go,"
for the first time in his very short life, togami said that he wanted to go to kindergarten soon.
"let's go, let's go..."
taking him by the hand, datee led the boy through the same streets.
"see you tonight, mom!"
togami didn't even make it to the doorstep, as soon as they entered the kindergarten, byakuya hugged his mother and ran quickly into the building.
as he entered, he asked the kindergarten teachers,
"hello! has teruteru come yet?"
they all shook their heads and greeted him.
byakuya sighed sadly. he seemed to be in too much of a hurry. but he had nothing to do, he went to teruteru's corner, he can go there uninvited now, right?
togami didn't even open the book without teruteru, though he really wanted to. but then, after a while he heard the slamming of the front door and the voice of hanamura's mother and then her son.
"byakuya, byakuya, hello!"
hanamura ran up to togami, hugging him in the form of a greeting.
"yes, hello!"
togami was greatly surprised by the hug, but gladly responded to it.
"and I brought something today, yesterday you wanted that book to be a fairy tale? here it is now,"
byakuya was finally able to take the book and start looking at it together with teruteru.
"wow, it's so beautiful, are you going to read it today?"
togami nodded as he opened the first page. he began to read, and hanamura listened closely. teruteru would often make up alternative versions of chapters and tell them to byakuya. they were terribly interested in talking to each other, they didn't even pay attention to the children coming in.
byakuya decided to take a break. he closed the book, and before doing so he made a bookmark out of a piece of paper from his notebook.
"let me read more later, I'm a little tired, I don't usually read out loud,"
togami took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes a little.
"yes, you can read it when you want to,"
teruteru stood up and looked around at the other guys. he didn't realize that so much time had passed.
"byakuya, hi!"
hanamura was pushed aside, so much so that he fell to the floor. it was ibuki. she flopped down on the neatly arranged place of teruteru next to togami.
"ibuki, why did you hit teruteru?"
byakuya immediately stood up, pulling away from the girl and helping hanamura to stand up.
"what? I didn't hit him! he was standing there, blocking my way!"
hanamura was offended that mioda was stomping on his favorite spot in her shoes, but he never gathered the courage to reply to her. togami, noticing how upset his friend was, immediately kicked ibuki out of there.
"you could have just asked him to step back and said hello to him too. stop stomping around, we're sitting here actually,"
mioda, with a grimace on her face, stepped back. she wanted to make friends with byakuya before hanamura did, and anyway, how did he manage to do that?
"why are you defending him? he's such a crybaby and such a fool!"
she started to say many bad things about teruteru. hearing myoda say that to byakuya, he immediately started to think that togami wouldn't be friends with him anymore, and he cried...
"shut your mouth! you can't talk like that! teruteru? teruteru don't listen to her!"
he turned away from mioda and waved his hand, telling her to go away.
"well... she's saying it on purpose, it's not true..."
byakuya wiped the tears from the teruteru's cheeks as he tried to turn away and calm himself.
"i... i'm crying again, right in front of you, you won't b-be friends with me now..."
"what? no, no! i won't listen to ibuki, she always says it for her own benefit, but i won't fall for it, i won't be friends with just her here, i promise,"
togami began to cuddle teruteru, saying that he is not a crybaby, just emotional, that he is not stupid at all, but just the opposite, he is a talented boy.
hanamura quickly calmed down after the hug. he was so embarrassed by the whole situation that he tried to change the subject.
"well... alright, alright, let's do something else..."
byakuya nodded, making sure that mioda would get away from them for sure.
"yes, I already have a good idea, listen..."
(thanks for reading the last part, I really hope you enjoy this one too! anyway, your comments will be pleasant to me, so I ask you to write them.
reblogs would also be appreciated)
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chechiv · 2 years
looking for twoteru roleplayers one on one 😭
any language, just respond, for God's sake
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chechiv · 2 years
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countertop flirtations
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chechiv · 2 years
русская версия фанфикп, вдруг найдутся русские зайки😨
— мама! а в садике никто не хочет пробовать, что я готовлю…
терутеру ше�� за руку с матерью в детский сад, жалуясь на недостаток общения.
на самом деле это сильно волновало, нанору, если с ханамурой никто не будет общаться, то скорее всего он опять будет много плакать, расстраиваться…
— а ты всем предлагал? может забыл про кого-то?
— мм… помню, я сказал всем, особенно ибуки, она…
терутеру запнулся, как его глаза уже стали стеклянные.
— она выкинула то, что я приготовил, а потом…
он резко остановился, начиная обнимать маму и плакать.
— она всех позвала смотреть к-как я плачууууу!
мальчик сильно сжимал рукава маминой кофты.
— я… только бьякуе не предлагал, он всегда ходит один, и я его боюсь.
— чшшш, зайчик ты мой, она же маленькая дурочка… а почему бьякую боишься?
— да! дурочка! а бьякую боюсь, потому что он всегда ходит с книжкой.
нанору засмеялась, смотря на сына.
— книжки — это интересно! а он их читает? удивительно, если в вашей группе есть мальчик, который уже умеет читать, попробуй с ним подружиться.
— попробую…
он снова взял маму за руку, а когда они пришли, и женщина ушла, терутеру опять сел в своем уголке, смотря на игрушечные продукты и на приходящих детей из его группы. вот и бьякуя пришел, но терутеру сразу решил не подходить, нужно ведь с каким-то подарком наверное?
как начался сегодняшний день, бьякуя чувствовал себя немного иначе. он ходил в садик, не для того, чтобы с кем-то общаться, а чтобы мама не так сильно волновалась, пока она на работе.
но вот сегодня, за ним будто вечно кто-то смотрит! а тогами опять садился за свою книжку, и это даже была не сказка, а какая-то фантастика.
и вот, случилось что-то очень странное, что раньше с бьякуей не случалось.
— б-бьякуя, привет!
перед ним стоял ханамура с игрушечной яичницей на пластиковой сковородке.
— здравствуй…
тогами отложил книжку, смотря на мальчика перед ним, на самом деле, он даже не помнил, как его зовут, да и вообще всех его одногруппников.
— а как тебя зовут?
терутеру удивился такому вопросу и присел напротив тогами.
— я терутеру! раньше я не успел запомниться? все ведь называют меня…
— плаксой?
это бьякуя и вправду запомнил, но он так не считал.
— ты не плакса, это ибуки дурочка.
терутеру даже покраснел, кто-то тоже так считает?
— мм… но я принес тебе кое-что, смотри! когда хотят с кем-то подружиться, то приносят подарок.
бьякуя взглянул на игрушечную еду, но, ханамура так все красиво украсил какими-то листочками и травами, что выглядело все очень реалистично.
— ой, а мне это надо попробовать?
бьякуя понимал, что терутеру будет помладше него по уму, но, он старался быть таким милым и добрым.
— а? если хочешь, я не заставляю, а что, не красиво, да? давай я переделаю или…
ханамура так сильно стал опять нервничать, что со стыда закрыл лицо руками. он что, опять сейчас будет плакать?
— нет! все правда очень красиво, как настоящее, вот я… ммм, вкусно!
он взял пластиковый ножичек и вилочку, будто отрезая кусочек и пробуя.
— вкусно?
терутеру поднял голову на тогами, сильно покраснев. ему говорила так только мама говорила, а тут такое! конечно, он сильно обрадовался.
— так значит ты согласен со мной дружить?
этого вопроса бьякуя совсем не ждал, но терутеру тоже был таким одиночкой, да и все над ним смеялись, хотелось взять его под свою защиту будто бы…
— да, но… у меня нет для тебя подарка.
бьякуя посмотрел вокруг.
— хотя… я тебе могу почитать! хочешь?
терутеру был и радостный, и удивленный, что тогами все-таки умеет читать.
— да! а что это у тебя, сказка?
тогами улыбнулся, берясь за книжку.
— нет, это другой жанр - фантастика, тут сборник всяких рассказов, давай я тебе прочитаю тот, который я сам еще не читал.
— конечно, давай! только, пойдем в другое место!
терутеру взял тогами за ручку, куда-то направляя. это было место, где терутеру всегда был один. оно было уютным и мягким. будто ханамура хомяк, натаскал всего в свой уголок и греется. и однозначно здесь было лучше, чем в их первом месте, на холодном полу...
бьякуя сел на одеялко, а терутеру устроился рядышком, а когда стал слушать тогами, то и вовсе улегся на его плечо, поглядывая в книжку.
бьякуя читал не очень хорошо и в некоторых словах запинался, а терутеру часто его спрашивал, какие слова, что значат?
— пока, бьякуя!
— пока...
всех детей уже забирали родители домой, а тогами все сидел в комнате. его мама работала очень долго, и бьякую всегда забирали последним...
— мама, сегодня бьякуя попробовал мое блюдо!
терутеру шел с нанору домой и весь светился от радости, хотя, еще сегодня утром плакал.
— правда? вот видишь!
— да! а еще...
ханамура стал рассказывать, как бьякуя ему читал, какой рассказ это был, как они потом даже уснули.
— ну, хорошо терутеру, что ты нашел друга, береги его.
— да, мама! я буду очень беречь бьякую, а он меня!
your longest twoteru story.
byakuya tried my dish today!
“mom! nobody wants to try what i cook in kindergarten!”
teruteru was heading towards the nursery school, holding his mother’s hand and complaining about not having enough communication with other children.
actually, it did bother nanoru a lot. if nobody was going to talk with hanamura, he would cry and get upset…
“did you offer your dishes to everyone? maybe you’ve forgotten about someone?”
“hmm… i remember. i told everyone and ibuki, she…”
teruteru stammered as he had started crying.
“she threw away what i’ve cooked, and then…”
he paused abruptly, starting to hug his mom and cry.
“she called everyone to watch me cry!”
the boy squeezed the sleeves of his mother's sweater tightly.
“i… i didn’t offer my meal to byakuya, he is always alone and i’m scared of him,”
“my darling, she’s just a silly little girl… but why are you scared?”
“yes! she is! i’m afraid of him because he’s always with a book,”
nanoru laughed, looking at her son.
“books are interesting! does he read them? wonder if there is a boy in your group who can already read, try to make friends with him,”
“I will try…”
he took his mother's hand again, and when they came and the woman left, teruteru sat in his corner again, looking at the toy products and at the children coming from his group. here came byakuya too, but teruteru decided not to approach right away, he must have a gift of some kind, right?
as today began, byakuya felt a little different. he went to kindergarten, not to socialize with anyone, but so his mother wouldn't worry so much while she was at work.
but here today, it was like someone was always watching him! and then looked down at his book again, and it wasn't even a fairy tale, it was some kind of fantasy.
and then, something very strange happened that had never happened to byakuya before.
“b-byakuya, hi!”
hanamura was standing in front of him with a toy egg on a plastic frying pan.
togami put the book aside, looking at the boy in front of him, in fact, he didn't even remember his name, or any of his classmates in general.
“and what is your name?”
teruteru was surprised by such a question and sat down in front of togami.
“i am teruteru! didn't you remember it before? everyone calls me…”
“a crybaby?”
it was byakuya who really remembered it, but he didn't think of him like that.
“you're not a crybaby, it's ibuki who's stupid,”
teruteru even blushed, does anyone think so too?
“mm… but I brought you something, look! when you want to be friends with someone, you bring a gift,”
byakuya looked at the toy food, but, hanamura had decorated everything so beautifully with some leaves and herbs that it looked very realistic.
“oh, do I have to try that?”
Byakuya knew that Teruteru would be younger than him in intelligence, but, he tried to be so sweet and kind.
“huh? if you don’t want, I don't force you to eat it, maybe it's not pretty, is it? let me redo it or…”
hanamura became so nervous again that he covered his face with his hands in shame. is he going to cry again?
“no! it's really beautiful, just like the real thing, here I am… mmm, delicious”
he took a plastic knife and fork as if cutting a piece and tasting it.
teruteru raised his head at togami, blushing heavily. only his mother used to tell him so, and here he is! of course, the boy was greatly pleased.
“so you agree to be friends with me?”
it was a question that byakuya had not expected at all, but teruteru was also such a loner, and everybody laughed at him, but he wanted to take him under his protection as if…
“yes, but… I don't have a present for you,”
byakuya looked around.
“well… I can read to you! do you want to listen?”
teruteru was both pleased and surprised that togami could read after all.
“yes! what do you have, a fairy tale?”
togami smiled, picking up the book.
“no, it's a different genre - fantasy, it's a collection of short stories, let me read you one that I haven't read myself”
“sure, let's do it! but let's go somewhere else!”
teruteru took togami by his hand, guiding him somewhere. it was a place where teruteru was always alone. it was cozy and soft. like a hanamura hamster, crammed everything into his nook and basking. and it was definitely better here than in their first place, on the cold floor…
byakuya sat on the blanket and teruteru snuggled next to him, and when he listened to togami, he lay down on his shoulder, looking at his book.
byakuya did not read very well and stammered in some words, and teruteru often asked him what the words meant.
“bye, byakuya!”
all the children were already being taken home by their parents, but togami was still sitting in his room. his mother worked really hard, and byakuya was always the last one to be picked up from the daycare…
“mom, byakuya tried my dish today!”
teruteru walked home with nanoru and was over the moon, even though he was crying this morning.
“really? see? “
“yes! and also…”
hanamura began to tell how byakuya read to him, what a story it was, how they even fell asleep afterwards.
“well, it's good teruteru that you found a friend, take care of him,”
“yes, mother! I will take great care of biakua, and he will take care of me!”
(thank you if you read this, I'm a Russian fan of twoteru, but I don't get feedback on Russian social networks, so I will be glad for your support here, I really hope that you like it, and if I get motivation, I will write a continuation, this fanfic should be very long according to my idea! and thanks to @chuziano for translating the fanfic into english.)
23 notes · View notes
chechiv · 2 years
50 notes · View notes
chechiv · 2 years
your longest twoteru story.
byakuya tried my dish today!
“mom! nobody wants to try what i cook in kindergarten!”
teruteru was heading towards the nursery school, holding his mother’s hand and complaining about not having enough communication with other children.
actually, it did bother nanoru a lot. if nobody was going to talk with hanamura, he would cry and get upset…
“did you offer your dishes to everyone? maybe you’ve forgotten about someone?”
“hmm… i remember. i told everyone and ibuki, she…”
teruteru stammered as he had started crying.
“she threw away what i’ve cooked, and then…”
he paused abruptly, starting to hug his mom and cry.
“she called everyone to watch me cry!”
the boy squeezed the sleeves of his mother's sweater tightly.
“i… i didn’t offer my meal to byakuya, he is always alone and i’m scared of him,”
“my darling, she’s just a silly little girl… but why are you scared?”
“yes! she is! i’m afraid of him because he’s always with a book,”
nanoru laughed, looking at her son.
“books are interesting! does he read them? wonder if there is a boy in your group who can already read, try to make friends with him,”
“I will try…”
he took his mother's hand again, and when they came and the woman left, teruteru sat in his corner again, looking at the toy products and at the children coming from his group. here came byakuya too, but teruteru decided not to approach right away, he must have a gift of some kind, right?
as today began, byakuya felt a little different. he went to kindergarten, not to socialize with anyone, but so his mother wouldn't worry so much while she was at work.
but here today, it was like someone was always watching him! and then looked down at his book again, and it wasn't even a fairy tale, it was some kind of fantasy.
and then, something very strange happened that had never happened to byakuya before.
“b-byakuya, hi!”
hanamura was standing in front of him with a toy egg on a plastic frying pan.
togami put the book aside, looking at the boy in front of him, in fact, he didn't even remember his name, or any of his classmates in general.
“and what is your name?”
teruteru was surprised by such a question and sat down in front of togami.
“i am teruteru! didn't you remember it before? everyone calls me…”
“a crybaby?”
it was byakuya who really remembered it, but he didn't think of him like that.
“you're not a crybaby, it's ibuki who's stupid,”
teruteru even blushed, does anyone think so too?
“mm… but I brought you something, look! when you want to be friends with someone, you bring a gift,”
byakuya looked at the toy food, but, hanamura had decorated everything so beautifully with some leaves and herbs that it looked very realistic.
“oh, do I have to try that?”
Byakuya knew that Teruteru would be younger than him in intelligence, but, he tried to be so sweet and kind.
“huh? if you don’t want, I don't force you to eat it, maybe it's not pretty, is it? let me redo it or…”
hanamura became so nervous again that he covered his face with his hands in shame. is he going to cry again?
“no! it's really beautiful, just like the real thing, here I am… mmm, delicious”
he took a plastic knife and fork as if cutting a piece and tasting it.
teruteru raised his head at togami, blushing heavily. only his mother used to tell him so, and here he is! of course, the boy was greatly pleased.
“so you agree to be friends with me?”
it was a question that byakuya had not expected at all, but teruteru was also such a loner, and everybody laughed at him, but he wanted to take him under his protection as if…
“yes, but… I don't have a present for you,”
byakuya looked around.
“well… I can read to you! do you want to listen?”
teruteru was both pleased and surprised that togami could read after all.
“yes! what do you have, a fairy tale?”
togami smiled, picking up the book.
“no, it's a different genre - fantasy, it's a collection of short stories, let me read you one that I haven't read myself”
“sure, let's do it! but let's go somewhere else!”
teruteru took togami by his hand, guiding him somewhere. it was a place where teruteru was always alone. it was cozy and soft. like a hanamura hamster, crammed everything into his nook and basking. and it was definitely better here than in their first place, on the cold floor…
byakuya sat on the blanket and teruteru snuggled next to him, and when he listened to togami, he lay down on his shoulder, looking at his book.
byakuya did not read very well and stammered in some words, and teruteru often asked him what the words meant.
“bye, byakuya!”
all the children were already being taken home by their parents, but togami was still sitting in his room. his mother worked really hard, and byakuya was always the last one to be picked up from the daycare…
“mom, byakuya tried my dish today!”
teruteru walked home with nanoru and was over the moon, even though he was crying this morning.
“really? see? “
“yes! and also…”
hanamura began to tell how byakuya read to him, what a story it was, how they even fell asleep afterwards.
“well, it's good teruteru that you found a friend, take care of him,”
“yes, mother! I will take great care of biakua, and he will take care of me!”
(thank you if you read this, I'm a Russian fan of twoteru, but I don't get feedback on Russian social networks, so I will be glad for your support here, I really hope that you like it, and if I get motivation, I will write a continuation, this fanfic should be very long according to my idea! and thanks to @chuziano for translating the fanfic into english.)
23 notes · View notes
chechiv · 2 years
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45 notes · View notes
chechiv · 2 years
"мне кажется, что если я даже попытаюсь тебя приготовить, то сложнее всего мне будет сделать из чего-то твою прическу и..."
"It seems to me that if I even try to cook you, then the hardest thing for me will be to make your hairstyle out of something and ..."
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"я имел ввиду немного другое... бьякуя, я что настолько плохо намекаю...?"
“i meant something different… byakuya, are you not getting it…?”
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