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Source: https://hr.mcmaster.ca/why-vacation-is-important/
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Summer was never my favourite season as a child, but this one was different.
Since preschool, I had to endure endless stories about how glorious my classmates' summer vacations were. Ryan's parents took him to a fancy place near the edge of the world. Jenny always visited her grandparents, and was showered with gifts. Me? I was always stuck here, alone. My dad never took a day off work; his motto was "vacations are distractions for the weak-willed". I always dreamt of seeing the wonders beyond my city, but it was never more than a dream. 
That all changed when I was 11. Mom just got a promotion, so she wanted to celebrate. She was always a fan of beaches, so she chose a beautiful one far, far away. After trying to convince my dad to come for hours, we decided to go without him. We packed our bags at lightning speed, forgetting all the essentials in the process. It was our first vacation together, after all. Who would've thought swim trunks were a must-have?
Things almost went bad. The only way of getting to this beach was through a country-wide train, and it operated exclusively at 5AM. The road was pitch black, but any fear of darkness was consumed by the comforting crunch of the gears, and the excited dialogue of the whistle. I imagine this was what it felt like to be on the Polar Express, my favourite movie.
We finally arrived. At first, I didn't know what to do. All the other kids already had friends, and seemed like they had been here for ages. Some were being chased by lifeguards, others were peacefully basking in the sun. 
That's when I saw her. A flurry of golden hair dancing in the wind, grazing the sand crabs with compassionate hands. She was all by herself, separated from the chaos happening all around. I swallowed my pride and went up to her. I don't remember exactly what I said, but she laughed and invited me to play with her. She was beautiful; she was extremely talkative, and snorted when she laughed. She wasn't afraid to snort, which was something I hadn't seen in anyone back in the city. I’ve never had so much fun making someone laugh in my life. 
We saw each other everyday after that. We scrapbooked. We went bowling. We made sand castles. Eventually, summer came to an end, and time stood as a boulder between us. We bid a tearful goodbye, and I begrudgingly dragged my feet back on the train that changed my life. I promised her I'd be back, no matter how long it took. She promised me she’d wait.
It's been 10 years since then. Mom had to work extra hard after her promotion. I've just gotten my first job, and am slowly saving up to visit the beach. I haven't forgotten the girl who made my only childhood vacation memorable, and I hope she hasn't forgotten me. 
Lisa, please don’t forget about me.
I haven't forgotten my promise. 
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Seeing is Believing 💫
(Thx for the likes and reblogs of my last post haha)
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Source: https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/crowded-beach-scene.html
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Summer was never my favourite season as a child, but this one was different.
Every year, the same thing happens; school ends and the beach outside my place is destroyed by reckless nuggets of stupidity. How can anyone enjoy their time here? Their ears must be stuffed by the siren of kids getting stuck in places they don't belong. The noise is so loud, it often keeps me up at night.
There's only one area of the beach where other kids never go: the rocks far away from the resort. I've dubbed it my spot, and made it my mission to be there as much as possible.
I'll never forget a special day. Well, the day itself started as normal. I woke up, and watched as my hungover sister warbled her way into the kitchen. Suddenly, my dad bolted downstairs;
Bam. There goes the door; I'm honestly surprised it's held on for this long. It's ironic how the Lifeguard of the Month is never on time. I turned to my sister. 
"Ugh, my head is pounding... I never drink, but when I do, this always happens... I need... water... Nevermind... there's no time... you ready to go?"
Once again, she was meeting friends at the resort by the beach. I grabbed my bag and escorted her to the door. Not even 5 minutes had passed, and she was nowhere to be seen. Classic. 
As I walked along the shoreline, I caught a glimpse of some kids stomping on frightened crabs.
"Hey, stop that! Do you not have any respect for the wildlife here!?" 
I watched the joy drain from their chubby little faces, their legs spinning faster than tires. Immediately, I reached down to check on the crabs. They seemed shaken but fine, appreciating they got to live another day. 
"Hi! You must be a mermaid, because your hair is absolutely magical."
Startled, I turned around. It's a boy I've never seen before.
"You're weird. Leave me alone."
He wasn't offended. Instead, he sat beside me and helped me tend to the crabs. We talked until he had to leave, but he promised he'd be back. Over the summer, we met up at my spot everyday. We bonded over our absent parents, and shared our lifelong dreams. Sometimes we'd participate in the beach activities; I didn't mind, as long as he was there. Slowly but surely, I made my first friend.
The days went by, and anticipation turned into dread as summer slowly transitioned into autumn. I never thought I'd want summer to last forever, but he changed my mind. I watched him board the train and ride off into the distance, until it disappeared into the horizon.
Eventually, summer rolled back around. It's been 10 years, and I still walk to our spot on the first day of summer, hoping he'd visit. But he still hasn't. 
How are you, Jasper?
I miss you.
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Sand crab by Felipe Portella.
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Summer was never my favourite season as a child, but this one was different. 
I was 5 when we got a call from the doctor, telling us mom wouldn't make it out alive after her second pregnancy. Mom's last wish was to visit her favourite beach as a family, one last time.
The beach was full of excitement, barely containing the ocean swarming with little swimmers. I could see the crowds along the seashore lifting mom's spirits. A group of teenagers attempted to surf the largest wave in existence. We were unsuccessful in stifling our laughs at their muted screams of defeat. 
Mom skipped along the shore, twirling with joy, reminiscing of all the seashells she used to collect as a kid. Dad and I joined her, leaping across the beach, embracing the warm sand that cushioned our toes. Mom's belly thumped enthusiastically as we carried on. Locals and other tourists were starting to stare, but that didn't matter. That moment was our getaway from life, and we were going to dance until our legs gave out.
We made the long trek to the rocky cliff at the other side of the beach, where mom revealed the spot where dad proposed. She joked that she wouldn't have accepted his proposal anywhere else, because she wouldn't have been able to hear it.
Suddenly, mom's water broke. We cut the moment short to rush her to the hospital, screaming alongside the staff. Mom was whisked away for what seemed like an endless amount of time. Dad and I waited anxiously for a signal, praying that she'd have a miracle, praying that she'd somehow survive. By the time doctors allowed us to enter, mom looked exhausted and frail. Our hearts sank.
"Lisa." She whispered. 
Dad and I nodded, and we burst out crying. Mom passed away shortly after, holding baby Lisa in her arms, and smiling through her tears. The doctors took them away and told us to get some rest.
Back at the beach, midnight arrived before we did. The atmosphere was serene; misty droplets were suspended in the air, and we were surrounded by the roar of waves crashing against the shore. The beach understood our bittersweet moment, and reached out to comfort us. It wasn't enough. Neither of us could sleep that night.
When we went home, I was never the same. I wanted to remember mom as the vibrant goddess that she was on our trip, but I couldn't. Dad also had a hard time moving on, and made the decision to move back to the beach. It's been 20 years, and Lisa is now fully grown. She constantly asks why we don't move, but neither of us can bring ourselves to tell her.
I hate that Lisa never got to meet mom. For some reason, every summer, she visits the place where dad proposed. I can still feel mom watching over her, and I know that she's safe.
Summer took mom away. 
But summer gave us Lisa.
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Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
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Source: https://withjoy.com/blog/beach-proposal-ideas/
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If there's heaven for me, I'm sure it has a beach attached to it. -Jimmy Buffett
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