chippedreality · 11 years
sorry about the inactivity guys. i've been pretty busy these past few days but hopefully i'll be on tomorrow.
in the meantime, it would really help if you went here and just sent them a message saying "I vote mayapariah as Maya of the week!". the person who plays maya ooc is a really great friend of mine and it would mean a lot to me and it would only take like two seconds alaksjga.
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chippedreality · 11 years
 "Nah, I don't miss her.. well, I did. You know that saying 'time heals all wounds' though? I got over, she did too. The past is the past. I loved her, past tense. I don't even know how it came to that in the first place. Total opposites, always butting heads. Crazy how things work out sometimes." He mused. "Nothing like us. Two complete strangers talking like we're buddies. Endearing company though, huh? Keep saying things like that and I might just fall in love with you too, which would be pretty damn pointless." The boy laughed somewhat bitterly. When it came to falling in love, the Colonel hated it. It was an undesirable emotion that only caused annoyance for him. He had only been in love twice in his life as far as he could tell, and both times (for lack of a better term) it sucked. The brunette wanted it to go away so much, he ignored it completely. Even when he realized it was happening with Sara, who had been his girlfriend for months, he never said a single "I love you" to her. He believed that those words were a sign of weakness, and the Colonel was anything but weak. "You kissed her boyfriend. Well, that is kinda shitty of you. Karma sucks, but I guess you got yours. Que sera sera and whatnot though. But you have, like, three more years to make plenty more dysfunctional friendships. So, here's to making your first one at Culver Creek. Cheers." He briefly held up his cup before taking a sip. The Colonel noticed her reaction to his introduction, causing him to let out another chuckle. "If you really need to know, I'm Chip Martin. Don't call me that though." Chip ordered. He straightened his posture ever so slightly at her sudden interest in his atlas. Though he would never outwardly show it, he was always willing to explain his reasoning for carrying around the object. "My memory's pretty good. Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla... You get the point. I know all the capitals too, now I'm just trying to get down all the landforms and bodies of water. Everyone's got their own talent though. So, what's yours?"
live my life in self defense ▲ chippedreality
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chippedreality · 11 years
He grinned cheekily before following Alaska out the door. The Colonel attempted to keep up with the girl's ridiculous speed, but it was useless. The brunette sighed, doing his best not to stray too far. Alaska enjoyed being ahead of everyone else anyways, that's how it always was with her. Once they arrived, the Colonel lightly slapped the side of her thigh, signaling her to scoot over on the bench. "Always so demanding." He shook his head, then sat down to dig around for a lighter in his pocket. It was a bit beat up, but still practical as ever. "What's the magic word?" He sang, holding the lighter above her head.
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+ chippedreality
“Oh, shut it,” she snapped playfully looking over her shoulder as she walked leading him by a good three or four steps ahead. Out the door she slipped not bothering to hold it for him, and walked down the grassy knoll towards the lake. She took a seat on the old wooden bench that lay there, drawing her feet up under her. Alaska pulled a cigarette from the carton and placed in between gritted teeth as it clung to the inside of her lip. “Give me a light, will you?” she asked, one eyebrow raised higher than the other. 
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chippedreality · 11 years
my tag is being weird and not showing me the new posts that come up in it (but it's saying i have a new one??) so if someone tagged me in something and i don't see it then i'm sorry :((
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chippedreality · 11 years
 The Colonel propped himself upright on his bed before hopping off to greet the girl who always seemed to show up in desperate times of boredom. "Pleasure, huh?" He raised an eyebrow. "Don't think I really have a choice." He smirked playfully. "You're just lucky that your chain smoking friend is always in the mood to blacken my lungs." The boy patted his chest proudly.
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+ chippedreality
— “Drop everything you’re doing, Colonel,” she said with a crooked grin claiming her lips, throwing the door to his room wide open. “I need a smoke and you have the pleasure of accompanying me.” 
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chippedreality · 11 years
This is a Tumblr hug. (✿づ◠‿◠)づ Pass this to 15 of your favourite blogs to let them know that you love them!
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chippedreality · 11 years
"Oh, good one. Yeah, you should be a comedian or something. That dry humor of yours is really gonna take you places." Chip stated sarcastically, tapping a finger against the smooth surface of the table. There was something about this girl that didn't make him angry or annoyed per se. Just.. flustered, in a way. It reminded him of the first time he met Alaska. A time when she was a loose canon, and he was the somewhat shy sidekick. His best friend changed him for the better, and the Colonel silently thanked her every day for it. Alaska never got on her nerves like this Maya Matlin character though. No, she was far different than Alaska, but at the same time had an uncanny resemblance to her. The feelings he had towards his new "friend" were inexplicable, to say the least. "Screw off." He muttered, grumpily taking a sip of his coffee. His mood quickly changed back to his signature lightheartedness at Maya's confusion about Sara. In all honesty, the Colonel's feelings towards his ex-girlfriend were just as understandable to him as they were to other people. Anyone with eyes and ears knew that Chip and Sara were a dysfunctional train wreck of a couple. The people around them were anticipating their breakup since the day they got together, and it was definitely surprising that they lasted for nine months. "It's weird. You wouldn't understand.." He simply said. Now that he thought about it, he was being awfully casual with someone who he considered the enemy just a minute ago. It was his way of trying to leave the past in the past though. Being incorrect for the first time in a while and openly admitting it to the person that he wronged was a memory that the Colonel was already not too fond of. "Nah, she didn't break my heart.. 'least I think she didn't. When it happened, I think it was kind of a mutual feeling. I fucking loved her, yeah, but we fought a lot. She was a bitch, sure, but I wasn't perfect either. It's weird.. After we broke up, I just thought that I'd feel like some free bird, but I missed her constant nagging and shit.". Chip didn't want to reveal any of this information to Maya; he didn't want anything to do with the girl. When he began to discuss Sara though, the words spilled out effortlessly though. He was well over his ex-girlfriend, but it was the first time ever that he talked to someone besides Pudge about his breakup. Everyone just assumed that the Colonel was much happier with Sara out of his life. Then again, people assumed plenty of things about him. "I don't do apologies... Shit, she spit on you through a trombone?" He raised an eyebrow. In an attempt to stifle the laughter threatening to burst out, the Colonel chewed at the flesh of his bottom lip. "Badass. Chicks are weird. One minute you gals can be ripping each other's hair out, then the next you're all gossipy and chatty together." Chip shook his head. "Oh, so is the girl not your best friend anymore or something?" He asked with somewhat of a genuine curiosity. He wasn't quite sure why he was curious to know this tidbit of information about her life, but decided to question himself about this odd encounter later on. "Yeah, I know who you are, Maya. Nice too meet'cha, I guess. Looks like you already know my name though. You can call me the Colonel."
live my life in self defense ▲ chippedreality
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chippedreality · 11 years
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chippedreality · 11 years
With their laughter still hanging in the air, The Colonel took in a deep breath. Though the battle was short, pillow fights were surprisingly tiresome. A slight tug at his shirt pulled him on top of her, his hands now resting on opposite sides of her shoulders. The void between their faces quickly disappeared once she pulled the boy in for a kiss. For the few moments they kissed, a jolt traveled across his spine. The girl was electric, and she had no idea of the power she had over men. With the taste of her still lingering on his lips, The Colonel fell back onto the bed. More than anything, he wanted to be close with Alaska again. He wanted to pick her up and place the petite girl on his lap, let his hands roam across every curve of her body. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything in his life, and it only took one kiss for him to come to terms with that fact. "Shit... Shit!" The trance that Alaska's lips put Chip in for a minute was quickly broken as he hopped up from the bed. "You never think about anyone else when you do shit like that, do you? This is Alaska fucking Young's world, and we're all just livin' on it, huh?" He paused, but did not bother to wait for an answer. His questions were a bit more rhetorical, if anything. "You never think about the consequences of anything you do, and then everyone else is supposed to deal with it because that's what Alaska fucking Young does, yeah? Alaska fucking Young: the girl who makes every single guy she meets fall in love with her without even realizing it. Shit.." The Colonel sat back down on the bed, putting his head inside of his hands. He had dreamt of this moment since the first day he met Alaska, but it was now more bitter than sweet. It was quite obvious that Pudge had been in love with Alaska upon his arrival at Culver Creek. Once The Colonel realized this, any feelings he thought he could possibly have for his best friend were quickly pushed aside. If he didn't tell Pudge about this, the guilt would eat him alive; the kid's friendship means just as much to him as Alaska's. If he did tell him though, it would almost feel like Chip was bragging, which would make him feel like utter shit. "You're a headfuck, Alaska. A complete headfuck."
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The pillow fell to the floor while a light gasp mixed with a laugh escaped her mouth as he pulled her onto the bed. After a moment to ponder the words, the girl huffed a quick, “You are forgiven.” She took a moment to catch her breath, heart rate steadying as well. Without thinking, she took the Colonel by his shirt and pulled him on top of her, surveying him. Fingers still knotted in the fabric of his collar, she pulled him down slightly more, enough to connect their lips. Alaska pulled back a bit, “I’ve been wanting to do that.” She said with a quiet chuckle, letting her fingers loosen on the shirt. 
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chippedreality · 11 years
 "I have my reasons, alright?" The Colonel said, almost defensively. This girl was smart, witty, and had a sharp tongue; definitely not a Weekday Warrior. He sighed deeply, internally accepting that for once, Chip Martin was wrong about something. "God, if my morals allowed me to hit girls, you'd be on the damn floor right now." He laughed lightly, awkwardly moving his hand to scratch the nape of his neck. "So.. you're not friends with Sara? And.. you're not rich? And.. you're not a Weekday Warrior. Well goddamn, I made a huge mistake." The Colonel shrugged it off, as if making mistakes was something in the norm for him, when in fact, he took pride in always being right. Of course, no one was perfect though. Still, his intelligence and judgement of character were usually spot-on. "Sounds like Sara. I used to date the bitch, yeah. I never deserved her in the first place though." He explained nonchalantly. It was true that their nine month relationship was anything but healthy. Every date ended with an argument, and tensions were higher than ever when the two were put in the same room. After she dumped him, The Colonel assumed that a weight would be lifted off his shoulders. He missed her more than ever though, but she deserved more than some poor kid living in a trailer park with his mother. "Hey, what makes you think I'm broke? Maybe I do have tons of cash, but I just don't go around flauntin' it like the other assholes at this school." Not even The Colonel himself believed that his words could even be a possibility though. "We're cool, yeah? I think you're alright." Chip said, holding out his hand for a genuine handshake this time. The Colonel wasn't the type to apologize. His last words would most likely be the closest that Maya Matlin would get to a formal apology from him.
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chippedreality · 11 years
 "Pfft, mischief always wins the war. That's the dumbest thing I've ever-" The Colonel was soon cut off by a whack at his side. He let out a tiny yelp of shock, before gripping on to the corners of the pillow and fighting back. "There we go! Now you're starting to get the basic concept of a battle. Now that I know you're somewhat of a worthy opponent, don't think I'm goin' easy on you!" He attempted to hit her once more, but it was blocked as she repeatedly began to hit the boy with her own weapon now. He had the strength, but she had the stamina. "Christ, alright! You win!" He laughed, falling onto the bed and taking her repeated hits. After a second or two of taking the wrath of Hurricane Alaska, Chip managed to grab her by the arm and pull her down onto the bed with him. "I know what your request is going to be, so let me just say that I'm sorry for that extremely sexist comment I made about boys automatically being stronger than girls. Anything guys can do women can do better blah, blah, blah. Are you happy?"
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Damn, he knew exactly what to do to aggravate her. Alaska caught the pillow, sitting up a bit: “You know I never admit defeat.” she said with a wide smirk, adopting a strategy. Sure the Colonel might have been male, bigger in both weight and size, but that challenge made her all the more entangled in it. “And even if I do lose this one,” Alaska began, swiping the pillow at his and missing, “Mischief always wins the war.” she grinned, propping herself up to stand, pushing her hair out of her face. Her donned eyeliner was now smudged, hair a bit messed, but Alaska didn’t care. She swung again, hitting the Colonel in the side, followed by her laughter.
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chippedreality · 11 years
 "Sassy, huh?" The Colonel playfully raised an eyebrow. The cocky expression that was plastered on his face quickly disappeared as he continued to listen to Maya speak. He tilted his head in the manner of a confused pup, eyes narrowing. "Well, I was actually planning on leaving in a minute, but if you want me to stay around a little longer.." He attempted to keep his confident demeanor, ignoring the fact that he might have just made the biggest mistake in his pranking lifetime. Chip's judgement was never wrong. He could always pick out the snobby Weekday Warriors from the crowd. "It's you. Y'know, the dumb rich kids that take up most of the population at Culver Creek. The ones who go home to their parents' extravagant mansions on the weekend. Everything about you screams Weekday Warrior. You were exactly like them at your old school." His tone was more questioning if anything. It was silly of him to think that he knew Maya Matlin better than she knew herself, considering this was really the only time they've talked face to face, but all Weekday Warriors were the same, right? Her voice was filled with similar confusion and anger as The Colonel's though. From the sarcasm seeping through her words, and the fact that she knew how to stand her ground, nothing about her 'screamed Weekday Warrior' like he assumed. "D-don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you all buddy-buddy with Sara a few days ago. That girl would never talk to anyone outside of her 'rich bitch' circle unless she was held at gunpoint!" He exclaimed. The Colonel refused to believe he was wrong. The Colonel was a fucking genius, he's never wrong about anything. The way she commented about coming from a family of means though made him think otherwise.
live my life in self defense ▲ chippedreality
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chippedreality · 11 years
"Right, forgot Mr. Starnes had a real name for a second. The Eagle's the dean of the school. He sees and hears everything if you're not a careful guy like me." The Colonel shrugged. "It's interesting around here if you're hangin' with the right people. If you end up going to Creek, your chances of getting the full high school experience increase if you stick with me. I could use another fellow prankster in the gang. Some of the people at this school wouldn't know what a joke was if it bit 'em on the ass."
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"I run this place, I'm the fucking Colonel. Yeah, pretty expensive, but every boarding school around is expensive." The Colonel stated. Patch's next question forced a grin on the brunette's face. "Ah, so that's how you plan on making your money. I'm not much of a gambler; don't even think I'm old enough to get into those kinds of places. You could try asking around though?"
“The Eagle?” Patch asked curiously, raising a brow. “Always wondered what boarding school would be like. I think you just confirmed it must be pretty interesting,” he grinned. “No rats. That’s good,” he licked his lips. “Tricks have always been fun, at least in my mind. Though no one else tends to think so.” Probably because his tricks were with the mind; planting thoughts into someone’s mind, making them see things that weren’t really there…
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“Nice to meet you, Colonel. Is this nickname due to all your master-plan jokes?” he questioned, shifting on his feet, shaking the other’s hand tight. “Expensive, you say?” he looked towards the school. “Any good gambling joints around here?” If he wanted to go to this “Culver Creek”, he’d need a way to make money. And get fake papers.
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chippedreality · 11 years
 Waking up in the early afternoon was possibly one of the best and worst feelings The Colonel knew. He had wasted precious hours sleeping the day away, but on the other hand, he wasted those hours quite nicely. Letting out an audible yawn, the boy checked the time on his phone before getting out of bed. 12:23 PM. Pudge and the others were most likely at McInedible by now, with Alaska leading their study group. Chip vaguely remembered his roommate attempting to wake him up around 9 AM so he could join them, and how he replied by hitting Pudge over the head with his pillow and mumbling a friendly "fuck off". He smirked weakly at the thought of the memory, then decided on hopping into the shower before he ventured off to do whatever lonely boy geniuses did in their free time. After a cold shower (real men can withstand a cold shower), The Colonel threw on whatever outfit he pulled out from his drawer and headed out. His surroundings consisted of various groups of friends, and Chip could easily weed out the ones he hated. Hate was a strong word, or so he had been told, and that's why he saved it for most of the Weekday Warriors. He despised everything they stood for, and how casually they flaunted around their endless flow of cash. It was only natural that The Colonel wanted to give a warm welcome to their newest addition. On his way to the Smoking Hole on Monday, the boy did his usual scan of the area. That was when he spotted a strangely unfamiliar face talking to Sara, who just so happened to be his ex-girlfriend. The two were together for nine months, wouldn't he have seen the blonde girl by now if Sara and her were friends? He decided to brush it off, until a quick visit to the Smoking Hole opened his eyes and made him realize that this was a perfect opportunity to give the fresh faced Weekday Warrior a nice Culver Creek welcome. Sara and Chip were not on very good terms still, but she was oddly compliant when The Colonel asked for every bit of information she knew about the blonde. "Oh, Maya Matlin. Yeah, she's knew, kinda cute, a year younger than us...She's alright I guess... Came down here from Toronto... Plays cello, kind of boring if you ask me though.". That was all he needed to know. With that bit of information, he was able to set up a small prank that consisted of a bucket and lots of paint.
 A few minutes of walking later, The Colonel was in front of an alternative coffee shop that he preferred to call "hipster central". A world atlas book held in one hand, while the other was shoved deep into the pocket of his jeans. He briefly pulled it out to tug on the handle of the door, where he was suddenly greeted by a burst of music that he would have labeled as bubblegum pop. The place was crawling with Weekday Warriors. It was easy to spot one, whether they went to Culver Creek or not. The stares he was getting were becoming more and more apparent as he got closer to the front of the line. He didn't belong there, and everyone seemed to know that. Awkwardly letting out a small cough, he offered a tiny smile to the perky barista. "Hello, sir! Would you like to try one of our caramel macchiatos today? It's half off with your student card!" She piped, holding up a promotional cup that was apparently fit to hold a caramel macchi-whatever. "A caramel-...? Christ, a small black coffee'll do, thanks." He said, handing her a five dollar bill before she had the chance to announce the brace. The girl stared at him as if the simple order was something unknown to her (judging by the crowd, it probably was). The Colonel grabbed the coffee and took a seat. He added two sugars and three creams before taking a tiny sip. After a moment of nothing but silently judging the crowd, he decided to open up the atlas and quiz himself on his keen memory of the country's capitals. His fun was soon put to a halt when he spotted a familiar Weekday Warrior entering. Amusement immediately played on every feature of his face. Though he had never seen Maya Matlin up close, he knew exactly who she was just by the tiny chips of paint still lingering in her hair. The Colonel's smile grew wider when he realized that she also knew who he was. The triumphant grin was still plastered on his face as he went back to focus on his atlas. His Saturday afternoon had been awfully slow though, and a confrontation with a Weekday Warrior might spice things up a bit. Slamming the book shut and grabbing his coffee, he sat down on the seat opposite to Maya's. "Hello. I know you're a new student at our boarding school, and as the president of the Culver Creek Welcoming committee, let me just say it's truly an honor to have yet another self-indulged mindless rich kid at our lovely school." Chip held out a hand for her to shake. "Hope you enjoyed your welcoming present. It was courtesy of yours truly, but judging by those longing glances you were giving me, I suppose you already knew that."
live my life in self defense ▲ chippedreality
If Maya could mark her tipping point, her limit as to how much preparatory bullshit she’d be allow to manifest in her atmosphere before sending a desperate call home, begging to be sent back, she’d pathetically admit that it was now. Call her a wuss, or a sucker for giving into the satisfaction of pitiful harassment,  but even she had a tolerance level. And for somebody to hit that temper, on her first day of school at that, was astoundingly unimpressive. However, the worst factor probably encircled the bubble of annoyance that had managed to form in Maya’s mind and mull constantly over the idea of not knowing who the asshole that had decided to mess with her was. Not that she would have physically schemed to do anything about it; from what she had been convinced, the kid was a master at this kind of stuff, and was not to be retaliated with. So, being the obsolete socialist she was, Maya settled herself in the only way she knew how: divulging in what she enjoyed doing. Although even that was put on a temporary hold, given that her cello was still currently being shipped down to Alabama along with the rest of her difficult-to-carry valuables. And so, figuring that a book and focused pair of headphones may as well have sufficed, Maya ceased pestering with the small smidgens of red paint coating the ends of her blonde hair and got dressed to head towards the nearest coffee joint. With it being autumn and somewhat cold outdoors, there was bound to be bunches of students gathering up for study dates or whatever it was the cliques did here, working as a beacon that would lead her to better establishments. From what she could tell so far, these were the only perks of following someone around. Other than that, the choice of loneliness was a preference. Considering that everybody here seemed to be nearly the same, if not identical. They were all… for a lack of better word, snotty and pompous- constantly bragging about their belongings when they weren’t asking about yours. Maya’s judgement was never entirely accurate, but judging from the first person who had attempted to start a conversation with her just yesterday, there wasn’t much to compare everyone else to. Her name was hard to remember, seeing as how irrelevant the entire introduction truly was. But other than the incredibly brief “Welcome to Culver Creek”, it was a non-stop Q&A with a trillion unnecessary details of her life added into the mix. And they all seemed to relate to how much money Maya’s family profited. Which, admittedly, wasn’t a lot. But it certainly wasn’t a little. And the minute she mentioned this, the girl instantly closed up the conversation and walked away. If it took merely that to chase them off, then consider her income a practical motto.
The girl’s high heels clicked firmly on the pavement that would soon present the transparent glass doors of a petite coffee shop. And with an extraordinary wish to finally sit down and quit the stress for at least a few given hours, Maya made her way inside before heading towards the line piling behind the front register. She wasn’t necessarily beating the rush, nor coming close behind, but merely being a part of it. Which, in all honesty, was a lot better than either ends. Because at least blending in with the crowd came a tad more naturally that way. In front of her stood a decent five people, each mindlessly locking and unlocking their phones as well as scrolling through what they had bothered to open/close seconds prior. This was it. This was preoccupation in the new age. It was enough to make Maya feel a tad sympathetic for her generation, but knowing that she too was the exact same way, she refrained from pretentious outbursts. Not wanting to fall into line, however, Maya decided to observe her new surroundings. Never being here before, it was certainly unfamiliar and pleasant to experience. It was a right sight better than the squeaky clean school she was gutted to attend, that’s for sure. The girls’ eyes wandered, bouncing off each corner and hung photograph depicting some sort of symbolism for the business, whether it be a painting or a framed quote about coffee itself. The music playing in the background, obviously Pandora due to the similarity of the beat of each song, set maybe somewhere along the Strokes or Vampire Weekend category, easily morphed her into the environment. However, the sight of something- well, necessarily someone,  caught her undivided attention. A boy. He looked about one to two years older, was probably a Junior, with a classic “guy” stanza and structure. However, there was something about the childish glimmer in his expression that managed to both intrigue the girl, as well as royally piss her off. Because whatever he seemed to be mentally joking about was directed right at her. His gaze traveled from the suddenly agitated look that graced her face, down to what was probably the paint still staining her hair. And almost instantly, the feeling that it was him who had pulled that prank hit Maya straight across the face. Thankfully, she no longer had to look at him as the person in front of her had their order confirmed and gestured to wait at the end of the counter for her beverage. Maya walked forward, instinctively ordering a hot mocha before joining the other waiting customers. She tried with all her might to not look at that retched older kid, but failed to as her head would occasionally tilt with curiosity to check if he was still looking at her. He wasn’t. Probably figured it wasn’t worth it anymore, and a surge of relief shot through her as that thought worked as assurance. After retrieving her coffee and giving a curt smile towards the clerk, Maya made her way towards a secluded table, sitting herself down and pulling out a doggy-eared book from her bag, flipping through the pages until landing on her stopping point and intently gazing into the words, paying no mind to the world around her any longer.
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chippedreality · 11 years
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chippedreality · 11 years
"Don't just lay there and hold your arms up. Fight back!" The Colonel demanded, grabbing a pillow off of Pudge's bed and tossing it at her. "You already have a handicap to begin with. Y'know, since it's kind of obvious that guys are much tougher than girls.." He smirked deviously, knowing all the right buttons to press that would get Alaska riled up. "Leaving you defenseless would be plain cruel. I've initiated a war, Miss Young. Will you attempt to secure your honor or allow your inevitable loss to come sooner than later?"
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“Hey!” She said as he snatched the cigarette from her hands and into the trash. The girl puffed her lips into a pout, briefly placing her hands on her hips before Alaska let out a muffled squeal, definitely taken by surprise as he picked her up. She broke into a fit of laughter, guarding herself with her arms shielding her enough from the pillow which would do absolutely no damage whatsoever. “Martin, you’re such an ass!” She exclaimed, her words muffled by another whack of the pillow. 
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chippedreality · 11 years
"See, there's that sarcasm again. I thought I was just imagining it, but now you gotta pay the price, buddy." He followed her lead and rose from the bed. In one swift movement, The Colonel plucked the cigarette from her dainty grasp and tossed it into the nearby trash bin. He made a mental note to properly dispose of the thing later. His next move was another unexpected one. Chip's arms wrapped around the girl's petite frame and lifted her from the ground. He then managed to toss her on the bed, grab the pillow which rested idly, and hit Alaska repeatedly with the pillow. "You've dug your grave, Young, now lie in it!" The Colonel exclaimed over his slams of the fluffy object.
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Alaska let out a small laugh, biting it back. “I agree. Because the research I’ve done is helping me prove that the smoke does in fact help your brain function more properly.” She explained confidently. Alaska watched the Colonel tense up the slightest bit at her touch;— her eyebrows furrowed a bit with a smirk tinting her lips. Had he done this before? No, not that Alaska remembered. It was interesting to watch, she’d never really seen Chip tense in any way, shape, or form. Not even when the two got in trouble did he do that, she was almost sure— and they got into trouble quiet a often. “What?” She gasped, standing up from the bed, holding her dim-ly lit cigarette at her side. “Me? Not— now, dear Chip, what ever would make you think I would do such a thing?” She asked, placing a hand over her chest as if insulted— jokingly of course.
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