chqrlievxl · 2 years
Conflicting Emotions Stranger Outcomes | Charles and Erik x Male! Reader
Summary: A metal man's jealousy can make everything spiral out of control. 
A/N: Requested. This fic was an absolute monster for me to write, so I hope it's good enough for you guys.
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It was on particular days like these — the days where you spend the best and most promising moments of your life with the love of your life — is when you often think back to when you met him for the first time, and where your life ultimately changed for the better.
The club was pretty wild and crazy. There were a bunch of young adults on the dance floor who was shit-faced drunk and grinding on others. Then, some people were at the bar like you, sitting down and talking to others over the loud, blasting music.
"Excuse me." A hand tapped you on the shoulder and you turned slightly, raising an eyebrow at the man with the Scottish accent. "If I flipped a coin, what do you think my chances are of getting head?"
A loud chuckle almost bubbled from your lips; from your throat and you had to put your hand over your mouth to conceal it. A couple of guys here had said some cheesy pickup lines to you tonight, but this one was pretty good.
"Not bad, but a guy would usually buy me a drink first before they flirt with me."
The brown-haired male let out his own chuckle before ordering them both a drink. It was certainly a surprise when he somehow knew the type of drink you liked and you made your surprise known to this mysterious male, asking him how he knew what drink you liked.
"Lucky guess. My name is Xavier. Charles Xavier." He introduced himself.
"The names Y/N. Y/N L/N."
"A beautiful name for a beautiful man." Charles said with a cheeky grin. "Would you like to get something to eat later?"
"Sorry, I'm supposed to be meeting someone." You responded, but you sounded anything but sorry in your reply.
"No, you're not."
"And how would you know that?"
"Well, you've talked to a few people here, and you ordered about two drinks so far. I'm positive that you wouldn't do that if you were waiting for someone."
You hummed, taking a sip from your drink. "So, you've been watching me interact with people and counting my drinks for most of the night, huh?"
"I'd love to tell you about it over dinner."
Despite just meeting this handsome stranger with a cute accent, you took him up on his offer to have dinner. You didn't know what it was about him, but there was something so mysterious about him; something that made you want to get to know him. You don't usually go out with a guy this fast, but you knew that you could take care of yourself if he was a huge creep or tried to pull something. You didn't take karate when you were a teenager for nothing.
But, that night had proven to be one of the best nights of your life. You two had spent that night and the next day getting to know each other. Before you knew it, a relationship had formed between you two, and you couldn't have been happier.
It was a few months into the relationship when Charles had informed you that he was a mutant and possesses the power of telepathy. He knew from day one that you would accept his mutation from reading your mind and from hearing how highly you speak of mutant rights. This only made him fall more in love with you.
The relationship was going great, but there is always something — or rather someone in this case — that threatens to tear down the relationship. How fun.
"How about next Saturday?" Charles suggested nonchalantly, eating a piece of the funnel cake that you both decided to share.
Today, you both decided to go to the Carnival and it was filled with laughter, roller-coaster riding, and undeniable happiness. Your favorite part about this whole day was hearing your boyfriend scream when he went on the rides and spending most of the afternoon with him.
Now, you both were sitting at a table, sharing some funnel cake as you both tried to decide on what day would be good for Charles to meet your father since dad has been asking to meet him.
You had already met his sister, Raven. She had taken some time to warm up to the fact that her brother was dating a human, but after seeing how happy the telepath was with you, she decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, and in time, the blonde started to like you more. She had finally stopped looking at you with a death glare upon finding out how much you support mutant rights. And from that point, you two grew closer.
"Can't do that day. My father is going on a trip with some friends to Vegas. He'll be gone for two weeks, so you can meet him after that." You replied, swiping a piece of funnel cake for yourself.
"Wonderful. I cannot wait to meet him." The telepath expressed earnestly. He hasn't met a single person from your family yet and he was dying to meet your father. The man who you tend to speak highly of sometimes.
"I can't wait for you to meet him, too." You forced a smile and gave him a thumbs up to hide what you're really feeling.
Charles' baby blue eyes examined your facial features for a second before he spoke up. "You don't want me to meet your father." He stated, as a mere fact.
"Did you just read my mind?"
"Nope, I told you that I wouldn't read your mind again without permission. And besides, I don't need to read it since it's clearly written on your face." He promptly reached over and took your hand in his. "Want to explain to me why you don't want me to meet your dad?"
"I-It’s not that I don’t want you to meet him. It’s just—“ You let out a small sigh. “My dad isn’t really an accepting man when it comes to mutants, so I’m sure he won’t be too happy when he finds out his son is dating a man who can read people’s thoughts."
Your dad not being an accepting man isn't relatively new to you. He didn't outright accept the fact that you like the same sex, and it took him years to finally come around to the idea that this is who you are. But when it comes to mutants — individuals with extraordinary gifts — you already knew that he wouldn't be too thrilled with the idea of his son dating one.
So, how the hell are you supposed to tell your dad that you're dating a mutant? You had no fucking clue. This is all gonna blow up in your face and become a—
"Honey, you are thinking too loud." Charles' voice reverberated through your ears, effectively snapping you out of the thoughts spewing in the back of your mind.
"Sorry, I'm just a bit worried about you meeting my father for the first time."
"It is quite alright." The brunette lips curled up into a smile as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "And don't worry so much. Everything will be fine and I'll make sure that your dad loves me, even though I'm a mutant. I can always use my Scottish charm on him."
A low laugh bubbled from your throat. "Alright, I hear you. I'll make sure to let my dad know about this meeting. And." Your hand lowered considerably until you were right at his crotch, rubbing his member that was starting to get hard. Charles squirmed slightly as you palmed him through his pants, sparing a quick glance around to see that no one was looking in their direction. "You sure do have hot pipes and a beautiful accent. You could always show my dick how hot your pipes are, or I could always show your member a little appreciation in the bathroom for being an awesome boy boyfriend." You motioned to the bathroom close by and Charles found himself nodding his head rapidly in response, his dick already getting hard from you rubbing his member.
You made the telepath such a horny man, and at times, he often felt like he was back in college. Just as he was about to grab your hand and take you into the bathroom, you pulled your hand away from his member and spoke up. “But, we’ll have to do it later because I have to leave now.” You smirked.
Charles frowned in disbelief. “What? Y/N, you cannot in good faith leave me hard like this. I could get blue balls, you know?”
“Relax, you won’t get blue balls, and I have to go meet my brother and you have to go meet your sister.”
Charles pouted, a hand lowering as he rubbed your thigh up and down.
“Yeah, seriously. Let’s go.”
The brunette pursued his lips into a thin line as he waited for his hardness to go away before he sighed and relented. “Fine.”
You two remained sitting at the table to finish the rest of the funnel cake before you two blissfully walked back to each other’s cars, hands clasped together. It was very euphoric and a brief kiss was shared between the two before you hopped in the car and eased yourself gently onto the street, thoroughly unaware of the car that was following behind you.
Two pairs of large hands gripped the gray steering wheel in such a tight manner that his knuckles began turning white from the feeling of rage and anger residing inside him.
Erik gradually trailed behind the black car a certain H/C haired male was in. And that male grating on his last nerves for trying to take his man from him; for trying to take his Charles from him.
The metal man returned to New York City after a long, tedious month away. He figured that Charles needed some space away from him after he broke things off with them. Then, he would return and they would finally work on their relationship.
So, you could imagine how surprised and shocked he was to find out he was replaced with that H/C male. If this man thinks that he could take his telepath away from him, he has another thing in store for him.
How dare he— Erik didn’t even finish that thought as he pulled into the parking spot that was next to yours and watched as you exited your vehicle and entered a cafe. He stepped out of his car and followed after you.
It was quite crowded in here, but Erik still manages to stop you immediately. He intriguingly watched as you were conversing with some male behind the counter. His eyes narrowed on them. You and this male looked awfully close, what if you were cheating on Charles with this man? Erik would make sure you pay in blood if you are. For now, he walked closer until he was standing in line to listen to the conversation only to have one of the employees interrupt and start conversing with the male you were talking to.
"What did you need, Lucas?"
"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, boss, but Dylan threw up in the bathroom and he looks very dehydrated."
"Okay, I’ll go check on him. Y/N, can you work the register since Dylan's sick?"
"Um, I don’t work here."
"Please, Y/N."
"Fine, you're lucky that I love you."
You walked onto the other side and stood in front of the cash register and Erik shot you a glare before he concealed himself. You caught sight of the German and sent him a bright smile.
"Hello, sir. What can I get you?"
Erik was briefly taken aback by how enthusiastic and nice you were with him before he quickly realized that you didn’t know he was Charles’ ex, but cleared his throat and offered you a forced smile.
"Yes, can I get a Caramel Macchiato, and I’m not entirely sure what dessert to get. What would you recommend?" Erik figured that he needed to keep the conversation going for his plan to work.
You let out a humming sound, biting your lip and Erik thought you looked strangely cute when — The blue-eyed male cut that thought off and tarnished it from his mind. Why would he think that you, of all people, were cute? Erik internally shook his head and focused on what you had to say.
"I definitely recommend that you try the strawberry cake. And I promise that it’s not just because my sister-in-law baked it and would kill me if I didn’t tell people about it."
What surprised Erik next was that a chuckle left his throat after you spoke. "I’ll take that one then."
Erik paid for his order and you brought him his coffee and strawberry cake. You plopped yourself back down onto the stool and Erik sat down in the one next to you since basically every spot in the cafe was taken. He took this time as an opportunity to talk to you, introducing himself as Steve, and asked you if you knew of any places in New York to go out and have a good time after you introduced yourself to him, giving him your name in the process. Y/N.
"If you're looking for somewhere fun to go during your time here, you should check out my brother's nightclub. It gets pretty wild and I'll be there tonight."
"Okay, I'll definitely check it out, and will you be going with your boyfriend over there?" Erik jerked his thumb over in the direction of the bathroom and you tracked his gaze.
You choked on your own spit. "Oh God no. That's not my boyfriend. That's my older brother, Julian."
Erik promptly flushed in embarrassment. It seems that you weren't cheating on his telepath, but that didn't mean that you were the right one for Charles. He was, and only him.
"Oh, my mistake." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, I'll definitely check out your brother's club tonight. Hope I'll see you there."
Erik's plan could finally ensue, and he could get you out of his way. Then, he could have Charles all to himself again.
Over a month.
That's how long it's been since Erik had met you for the first time, and so many things have changed since then, as well his feelings on the entire situation.
From the start, The German had one thing on his mind; one plan that he wanted to fulfill. To get you out of the picture, so he could have Charles back in his arms.
But now? Now, everything has changed, and it all started the day after he met up with you at your brother's nightclub.
He went back to your other brother's cafe and became friends with you. His only reason for wanting to become friends with you, in the beginning, was to get close to you, so he could have a chance at breaking you.
Then, as time passed by, he realized that he didn't want to break you; didn't want to break you and Charles up. Don't get him wrong, he still wants Charles, but his feelings for you have changed. He wanted you the way he wanted Charles. He wanted to be with both of you.
You were so full of life-giving warmth; so bright, brilliant, and caring. And over the past month, you two spent together, you never made Erik feel like he doesn't matter and seemed to actually care for him. Which made him confused, why would you even care for him? You don't even know him. But he supposed that was just the caring nature that made you want him so badly.
It also had to do with the fact that you, a simple human, were an advocate for mutant rights. Erik never really met another human that stands with them and is so passionate about it.
He wants to keep you all to himself. Just you, him, and Charles together. It's meant to be you three and no one else. But before that could happen, the metal mutant needs to tell you the truth.
He will soon, but for now, he will settle on watching you and Charles from afar until all three of you could be together.
Though it's a very good thing he was watching you guys because of what happened next, which made Erik want to kill with no remorse; with no hesitation.
You were tasked with watching your brother's nightclub since he was out of town and invited Charles over for a drink and just to spend time together. Once, the blue-eyed male excused himself to use the bathroom, a male Erik has never seen before entered the club. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. He knew all the people who were in your life like friends, family, co-workers, and he's never seen him in your life before and it was too early for him to even be at the club.
"Were not open until tonight, man." You announced, briefly sparing the man who entered the club a glance as you dried the glasses and placed them on the rack.
"I'm not here for this stupid club. I'm actually here to see you."
"Look, man, I really don't have time for—" You turned around, fully acknowledging the visitor this time, and you stilled, feeling your heart freeze as you watched fire materialize from his hands. "...This."
The male chuckled. "Oh, how I love seeing that scared expression on people's faces when they see me do this."
"What — What do you want?"
"That's quite simple, I want you dead, but I want you to suffer a painful death."
"What?! Dude, I don't even know you!"
"Sure you do, I'm Gene." Realization lit up in your eyes and he certainly registered the moment you realized who he was. "Yeah, I'm that Gene and your brother took away the girl I love, married her, and filled her head with lies about me, so." Large amounts of fire formed in his hand. "So, I'm going to kill his brother for stealing my girl from me. I think that sounds fair and don't think about calling for your telepath. He won't hear your call anyway, thanks to me and this ring on my finger, but enough talk. Let's get to it."
You put your hands up in surrender. "W-Wait, Gene. You don't have to do this. Please don't do this, man." You begged in an attempt to save your life as you called out to Charles in your mind, hoping that he would hear you; hear your plea, but it seems that he really couldn't hear you. But what the hell was taking him so long in the damn bathroom?
"See, that's where you're wrong. This is something that I need to do, and it's something that I'm going to do. And since the telepath or anyone won't hear your plea, this is the perfect time to do this. Why am I still talking? Your time is up. Say hello to your mom for me."
You shut your eyes tightly, fear clawing into your beating heart as you prepared yourself for the heat that was going to kill you. It's not like you could fight or outrun a dude who can shoot fire out of his hands. You're only hope was that Charles would come out of the damn bathroom and stop him right now.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
A familiar voice bubbled through the atmosphere and thundered vigorously in the air around them. A choking sound filled the air and you forcefully opened your eyes. The sight before you had E/C widening in surprise and shock. You just stood behind the bar, unable to move, feeling as if your feet were stuck to the ground.
Gene was levitating in the air, his eyes wide with fear as the necklace around his throat began strangling. Steve — your friend Steve — was strangling Gene without even touching him. Only using his hand. And there was a dangerous fire in his eyes as he stared at the back of Gene's head. It was inexplicable rage and you've never seen rage like that on a man before.
And it was in that precise moment when you came to the sudden realization that your friend is a mutant, and seems to be a powerful one, considering the metal in the room began shaking violently.
"You're going to learn not to mess with what's mine." Steve spoke, voice low and gruff, walking over to stand beside you who was still frozen in place. Breaking glass could be heard throughout the room and large shards of them floated right in front of Gene's face; his body. "You will learn and we'll regret ever trying to kill Y/N. And no one will be able to stop me from killing you right now."
You managed to snap back to reality when your name fell from Steve's lips. Somehow, you found the willpower to move again and carefully placed a hand on Steve's unoccupied one, causing him to glance your way.
"Steve, wait a minute. Just—"
"Y/N!" Both men whipped their heads to the left and you let out a sigh of relief at seeing Charles finally come out of that damn bathroom. "Something's wrong, I can't hear anything and someone locked me in the bathroom. Are you —" Charles paused at seeing his ex-boyfriend standing right next to his current boyfriend. He looked from the levitating man in the room to you to Erik. "What the hell are you doing here, Erik?!"
"Erik?" You questioned quietly, looking back and forth between the two men.
The metal man simply returned his gaze back to the floating man as he replied with three simple words. "Saving Y/N'S life." Those three words seemed to resonate with Charles' ears as he looked over at you, and Erik's voice turned dark. "And I'm going to kill him now."
"Erik, stop. Don't kill this man. Be the better man."
"Be the better man? Really, Charles? This man tried to kill Y/N, and you expect me to have mercy on him? No. He's, he's dead for what he tried to do."
"I expect you not to kill this man. He will get what he deserves, but death isn't the answer." The telepath tried once again to reason in with the other brunette, in a desperate attempt to try and stop him from killing.
"No way will I allow him to breathe —"
Let him go." You spoke up as Erik and Charles looked over at you. Your E/C eyes met Erik's blue ones. "Just let him go and we'll take care of this without violence."
Erik's eyes softened as he looked at you, finally taking in the words you and Charles were saying to him. He wanted to kill Gene; wanted to show him what a true monster looked like as he pleaded for death, but he didn't want you or Charles to fear him. And from the look in your eyes, it seems that you did. Erik didn't want to see fear sparkle in those E/C of yours, which is why he discarded the shards of glass from the man's face, and he dropped to the ground with a loud thud.
The ring that resided on Gene's finger was now in Erik's hold and Charles used his power to knock him out once he was no longer being protected by the ring.
Now that Gene would no longer be an issue, you hysterically spoke up.
"Okay, someone needs to explain to me what's going on here, and why my friend is called Erik and not Steve."
"Well, for starters, his." He pointed a finger at the German. "Name isn't Steve. His name is Erik Lehnsherr, my ex."
"You're ex? The one who has a problem with respecting boundaries?"
"Yeah, and it still seems that he hasn't learned to respect them yet." Charles' eyes narrowed on Erik. "What exactly were you even doing here in the first place? How did you know that Y/N needed saving and what was your purpose for lying to him? I want the truth."
A sigh left the blue-eyed male's lips. He didn't plan on divulging the truth about who he really was to you yet, but it looks like he didn't have a choice. He stared into Charles' baby blue eyes, and he didn't want to lie to him or you.
"The truth is —" The metal man sighed. "The truth is that I was unbelievably pissed when I discovered that you were in a relationship with someone who was not me." He admitted truthfully. It took a lot of effort for him to even admit that truth. "In the beginning, I only decided to become Y/N’s friend to get him out of the way and get back together with you."
"Of course you did." Charles muttered as if he wasn't surprised by Erik's answer.
"I'm sorry for doing all of this Charles, but —"
"Sorry won't change anything Erik." The telepath snapped. "I told you to respect my wishes and you didn't. Not only do you not respect my boundaries and wishes, but you lied to Y/N and only got close to him to get rid of him. What the bloody hell were you thinking?!"
For some reason, that question seemed to anger Erik on another level as metal in the room began shaking furiously.
"What was I thinking?" Erik asked slowly as he tilted his head to the side. "I was a broken mess after you decided to break things off with me; with us, and you ask me what I was thinking?" He scoffed. "I found out that you moved on with another man as if you never loved me."
"Of course I loved you, Erik!" Charles screamed as your eyes widened in shock at hearing so much pain in his voice that made you feel like you were intruding on them in your brother's place. "But you seem to have a problem with respecting my boundaries."
"Because I love you; because you're the only person that I've ever loved before. I've had a really hard life and it broke me inside. No one ever loved me before my mother until you came along and showed me true happiness. And I can't let that go. I won't." The last two words were screamed at Charles through the growl that left his throat, causing the metal to explode throughout the room as you were sent flying into the wall, due to the metal necklace you were wearing. The back of your head hit the glass frame on the wall, blood leaking from the back of your head.
"Y/N!" Charles and Erik simultaneously shouted and you could see them running over to you before darkness overtook and everything went black.
"Ow, fuck."
You awoke slowly to the sound of an annoying beeping sound pulsating around the room, properly regaining consciousness.
The first thing you did upon awakening was place the back of your hand against your forehead. Your head was hurting like a bitch, pounding in your skull. You took notice of the IV in your arm and that made you instantly aware of where you were. In a hospital. You've always hated hospitals ever since you were a kid.
Just then, footsteps sounded from outside the room. The door opened and Charles stepped inside the room.
"Y/N." Charles shouted in relief at seeing you awake, coming over and sitting in the chair next to the bed. He took ahold of your hand. "I'm so glad to see that you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Like shit." Your throat was so sore. It sounded in your voice as you sat up slightly into a proper sitting position. "And my head is killing me."
"I'm sorry, Y/N. This should have never happened to you, and this is kinda my fault, considering that the only reason you got hurt was because my ex wanted me back." The blue-eyed male sincerely apologized, and you wondered why he even felt the need to apologize.
It's not his fault that Steve — no, Erik — tried to get rid of you for being with his ex and sent you flying into glass.
I loved you, Erik! The words suddenly shot in your mind, and they were raw, filled with so much pain and emotion behind those four words.
"Do you still love him?" You suddenly asked, looking at him in the eyes and wanting him to confirm your suspicion. You saw the way they looked at each other; saw what truly was behind those eyes when they spoke in the club.
Charles bit his lip and looked away before looking back over at you. "I do still love him." He admitted and you nodded, figuring as much as hurt flashed briefly in your eyes. Your boyfriend managed to catch onto the hurt in your eyes. "But, I do love you —"
Charles was promptly cut off when the doctor entered the room. You took your hand out of Charles' and sent the doctor a smile. The doctor checked the IV bag before asking you different diagnostic questions, how you were feeling and explained the extent of your injuries to you.
The doctor said that he would come back after making sure that you would be okay to leave. Just then, the nurse walked in and claimed that your brother is here to see you.
"My brother?" You questioned quietly with skepticism present in your voice. Micah and his wife went to California for a vacation and Charles mentioned that he wasn't able to reach Julian, so who was here?
Your question was answered a moment later when Erik sheepishly walked into the room without that helmet you saw on his head earlier. He had a boutique of flowers and placed them down on the desk before shutting the door, causing you and Charles to tense up slightly.
"What are you doing here?"
"I-I came here to apologize to you, Y/N." Erik confessed, momentarily surprising the other two males in the room as he sat at the foot of the hospital bed. "I'm sorry for everything that I've done, especially for hurting you and putting you in the hospital. I didn't mean to do that, and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for trying to get rid of you when I found out that you were dating Charles. It's just, I love him so much, but I also —"
"You don't need to finish that." You cut Erik off, silencing him. "You two still love each other very much, and maybe you both should be together again. I don't want to come in between that."
It does hurt to know that the man you love does love someone else, but if they still loved each other, then maybe it is best if you ended it with Charles. Staying in a relationship with someone who loves someone else will only hurt more.
"No!" Erik screamed, causing you to stare at him in surprise. He will not be apart from you or Charles ever again. "I may love Charles, but I do love you, too. And Charles." Erik turned to face the telepath who hasn't stopped staring at him since he arrived. "I know that you love both of us." Now, he turned to face you who looked a little flustered. "And I know you love Charles and may love me, but I'm sure that you feel something. All three of us can be together if you want to, that is."
"Well." Your voice wavered a bit, still in shock from his revelation. "I guess we could make this work. I mean, I know that you two still love each other, and you both seem to love me, so I can try and have a relationship with you. What do you think, Charles?"
Charles smiled. "I think we can make this work. The three of us." He walked over to stand near you guys and took both you and Erik's hands hesitantly. "I do love you both, and I want to thank you Erik for apologizing to Y/N and for saving his life. That was really big of you."
"Anytime, and thanks for agreeing with this Y/N, despite not loving me the way I love you." Erik voiced.
You didn't say anything. Just smiled at both of them and laid back down. You were so tired, especially from this crazy day you've had. You didn't know how you found yourself in a relationship with two other people, especially with someone who injured you, but you weren't going to complain. You did feel something for Erik after spending time with him. It wasn't love, but it was something.
On top of all of that, your dad still needed to meet Charles now that he was back from Vegas later than you thought.
How the hell were you supposed to explain to your dad that you're dating two people? And not two regular humans, but mutants?
You weren't sure and he probably wasn't going to take it well, but for now, you would focus on getting better, and spending time with your boyfriends.
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chqrlievxl · 2 years
An idea I had last night.
Charles dies to the bullet on the beach. Erik goes into a depression after losing him. He avoids the funeral and the gravesite. He is pretty much just existing but then one day his crimes catch up to him and a bullet curves towards him. Erik easily deflects it and comes face to face with the assassin sent to take him down, a man named Wesley Gibson who looks scarily identical to Charles Xavier.
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chqrlievxl · 2 years
Young Charles Xavier looks like he was made to have his hair pulled while getting face fucked in an office setting.
I said what I said
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chqrlievxl · 2 years
Charles Xavier x Male!Reader
warnings: none
It was a Sunday morning. You wake up seeing Charles curled up in bed with you, as you try to get up Charles suddenly pulls you down. Not allowing you to get up, you groaned quietly and said "Charles, if you don't let me go I swear-" He suddenly cuts you off by kissing your cheek.
Then he noticed that you were mad "I'm sorryyyy" He says while looking at you like a lost puppy. You look at him still looking angry, then he says "What can I do to make it up for you?"
When an idea pops up in your head. You said "Hm...What if you have breakfast with me?" You said while smiling. "Fine."
He then looses you up a bit letting you get up. After you get up, you go to the kitchen while Charles follows you. "What do you want to eat?" You said.
"Well, what do you want?" "What about waffles?" "Sure." Charles said as you smiled towards him. You walk towards the counter as you feel someone hugging you from behind. It was Charles.
"You're so clingy." You said while chuckling at him. After the both of you eat, He says "I didn't think you would actually cook well" He says while laughing softly.
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chqrlievxl · 2 years
Private talks with the professor
Charles Xavier x Male!Reader
WARNINGS: smut yeah smut
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It was a rainy day, and Charles was feeling stressed. Lucky for him Y/N was around. Y/N came to his office earlier, He went to talk to Charles because he was acting a bit strange.
When Y/N came to his office, He talked to him about what was happening. Charles kept saying that nothing was wrong, and that he was alright.
But Y/N didn't believe him. He knew something was definitely off. After a few minutes of talking Charles finally gave in and Charles told him about what was causing this.
"Need me to do anything to cheer you up?" Y/N said while looking directly at his eyes. "Actually...Yes you can do something" Charles said while smirking at Y/N.
"Like what?" He picked Y/N up bridal style, walked over to the nearest bathroom and pinned him over to the walls. Charles paused at him for a few seconds to admire his body.
Then Charles quickly smashed their lips together, quickly causing Y/N to moan. Y/N could feel Charles smirking at him.
Charles walked slowly to the sink and unbuttoned his shirt without breaking the kiss. Charles tries to take off Y/N's shirt as a gesture for Y/N to take his shirt off.
Charles kept kissing Y/N's neck hitting his sweet spots. Y/N slowly unbuckles Charles' belt, letting Charles do the same to him too.
Charles then suddenly bends Y/N over at his sink and slides a finger in. Y/N moans Charles' name loudly causing it to echo throughout the bathroom.
Charles adds another finger in and fastens the pase causing Y/N to moan out his name repeatedly. When Y/N was about to reach his climax, Charles pulls out his finger causing Y/N to whine.
Charles kisses Y/N again but more roughly and sloppily this time. He kisses Y/N's neck, slowly kissing him down to his chest, while listening to Y/N moan louder.
By surprise Charles quickly flips Y/N over again and adjusts his positioning. "Are you ready?" Charles asked. Y/N nods at his question.
"I dont hear you, darling." Charles says while tightly grabbing on his hips. "Yes.." Y/N says while his voice cracks. Charles slowy thrust in and out of him making Y/N want more.
Y/N moved his hips a bit to create more friction. "I didn't say you could move." Charles says. "Sorry-" Y/N gets cut off by Charles suddenly going at a faster pase making Y/N moan louder than before.
Charles starts pounding Y/N making him reach his climax again. "Charles pleas- AH~" Charles suddenly pounds harder and faster.
Charles thrusts are alot more sloppier because of him getting closer every thrust. "Ah~ Charles im gonna c-" Before Y/N even finished his sentence he already came.
After a few more thrusts Charles finally came. After they catch their breaths they both lie on the floor panting.
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