ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
Sometimes I think about how Martino asked to borrow — not buy! — weed from Nico and how, in like literally any other circumstance, a real drug dealer would slap you upside the head at that request. Martino you are a brave dumbass and God smiled down on you in that bus.
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
Every single repressed gay character, attempting some sort of confession to whoever they’ve been pining after: what if we… ran away together,,,, went somewhere else? away from all this?,,, just the two of us?? …. haha just kidding,,,, unless?
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
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Eva in sabato 15:58
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
[Skam Italia] Drabble: Ultimo e primo
I'd like to celebrate the 'day of SkamIT on Nextflix Italia' with the silliest drabble... In Italian, of course.
Maritombola Prompt: #4 Un solo POV
"Ultimo bacio alle lenticchie?"
Preferiresti che vi lavaste i denti, prima. Che l'accoppiata lenticchie e zampone t'ammazza veramente. Ma le proteste ti muoiono sulle labbra, che si tendono in un sorriso non appena s'avvicinano alle sue.
"Ultimo bacio al pandoro?"
E che vuoi dirgli di no, sebbene il pandoro sia il dolce di tutti quelli che si son bruciati - o fumati - le papille gustative?
"Ultimo bacio allo spumante?"
No. Manteniamola un po' di dignità. Ma sono le 23:59:50, la folla intorno a voi sta facendo il countdown degli ultimi 10 secondi del 2019.
Sticazzi. Chiudiamo il decennio con un retrogusto di morte, e rinasciamo sulla bocca di Niccolò. Ma ti senti? E ne sei pure convinto. E pensare che c'hai avuto il coraggio di dare a Giovanni del 'sottomesso'.
Ma a te mica dispiace. Stare sopra, sotto o di fianco. Essere messi sotto Niccolò? Sì, grazie. Sottomessi DA Niccolò? Il solo accenno a scenari del genere ti fa partite per tangenti che nemmeno Luca - con la sua profonda conoscenza di certi video su YouPorn - potrebbe immaginarsi.
"Primo bacio alle lenticchie?"
E si ricomincia. Nuovo giro, nuova corsa. Senza alcuna intenzione di scendere. Sicuro di come finirà la serata, perché né tu né Ni mettereste mai in discussione la saggezza popolare racchiusa nel 'Chi scopa a Capodanno... '
"Primo bacio alle lenticchie."
E ad un altro decennio - ventennio, trentennio, cinquantennio - insieme.
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
How SKAM Italia characters spent New Year's Eve according to Netflix Italia
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Luca and Elia had started to try to decide what party they should go to yesterday afternoon. They decided to play a match of FIFA so the winner could choose. Currently they're still on the couch, 23 vs 12.
Niccolò and Martino took advantage of the dark to continue undisturbed with their attempts at infiltrating "La Casa delle Giraffe del Bioparco" (Giraffes house in Rome's Bioparco)
20 minutes before the start of the "cenone" (new year's eve dinner), Giovanni realised that spending NYE in Bracciano with his relatives wasn't such a great idea. He left with his skate trying reach Rome before dawn. He should be in Rome around mid afternoon.
Ele and Edo celebrated midnight kissing under the rain. Let's not ask ourselves where they found it; it always rains when they kiss.
The girls wanted to make a Radio Osvaldo's special live. When they realised not even their parents were listening to it, they opened some beers on Kennedy's (their high school) roof following Chicco Rodi's tutorial.
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
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Tags by @trueplainhearts 💙
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
Religion in Skam Italia s2
Full disclosure: I haven't seen the original Skam. I am aware that Skam s3 deals more heavily with religious beliefs and symbolism than skamit does. However, not having seen it I won't comment on it (in true Santini style) or make comparisons because all I know about it comes from second-hand sources. But I do want to focus on what skamit does with religious themes/symbolism in Marti's season because I think it's interesting especially in connection with Italy's cultural context. But we'll get to that.
In terms of actual explicit references to religion in s2 (that I've noticed) we have: a picture of the Madonna/Virgin Mary in Nico's house, Nico's cross necklace when he's dressed as a vampire for Halloween, Marti letting go of his mask in front of St Peter's basilica, Marti's Last Man on Earth speech about how he would like to go to the Vatican and mess things up, Marti's conversations with Sana about her faith, and La Grotta using nativity symbolism for Marti and Nico's reunion.
In general I think the story that's being told throughout all these references is one of a difficult reconciliation: the theme of religion is presented (the Madonna, the cross - which, in vampire stories, is said hurt the vampire, and yet Nico wears it anyway) and it soon collides with the central theme of the story, Marti and Nico's developing love story. To be with Nico, Marti lets go of his mask in front of the very symbol of Catholic faith and, to further stress the divide, Marti (jokingly) mentions taking over the Vatican. Sana's scenes and her talking about balancing her own faith with her other beliefs signal the possibility of a reconciliation based on love and acceptance, which is what happens in La Grotta. Marti abandons his dad's family's Christmas dinner in favour of reaching Nico. However, the real Grotta (the place of the nativity) is not Marti's dad's house, but the one leading up the terrace, to Nico. Love and acceptance, then, with mild religious undertones that now support the central narrative, instead of opposing it.
This is all text, but hardly in your face. We have no direct discussion of homophobia in the context of a largely Catholic country. There is no religion plot, or subplot. There are references and symbols, which variously connect and entwine with Marti and Nico's story. This is a very deliberate choice. With the Holy See right there (quite literally), it would have been justifiable to explore the issue in more detail, but it wasn't done. I believe there are reasons behind this.
One of them, in my opinion, has to do with tone and the careful balancing of the highs and lows of s2. A comprehensive exploration of homophobia and its connection with religion, specifically Catholicism, would have to be a major plot rather than a subplot in the context of Italy and it would inevitably make the season heavier - tonally, emotionally - for the characters and the viewers alike. Choosing not to delve into this specific topic in any detail, I feel, is a choice in favour of prioritising other themes and it shows an attention to the balancing of different moods within the season. It's not right or wrong - one can agree or disagree - but it does show an awareness of how adapting existing material can't ignore the cultural context. Which leads to my other point.
Italy is a deeply Catholic country. I feel like when Italians say this, people tend to envision Hollywood-style widows in mourning and crying Madonnas. This is not what deeply Catholic means. Of course there are practising Catholics, but the influence of Catholicism in Italy is not measured by how many people go to mass, confess, or say the rosary everyday. Not even by how many people say they believe in God: the influence is cultural first and foremost. Which means it's much more pervasive than "what religious people think and say". This is the reason I personally like the way s2 dealt with the theme of religion: Marti is not religious, he flat-out says he doesn't believe in God, which makes me think he doesn't come from a religious family. Religion doesn't have any relevance in his life - until it does. Until it has to. Because it doesn't matter that Marti is not involved with Catholicism, he lives in Italy, so Catholic culture is involved with him, whether he likes it or not (and judging by his "using the Pope's bathroom" speech, he doesn't like it).
In the same way, in the show, Catholicism is always in the background - sometimes, as with St Peter's basilica, a literal, objectively stunning background, but a troubling one as well. It can't be ignored, regardless of who you are, regardless of what you believe: it's there and it has to be confronted. Ultimately, I think, skamit's message is conciliatory: there is a way to make this work. Love is stronger than hate. Faith is about love and acceptance too (which is, not really coincidentally, what Sana says about Islam too). But of course this is a deeply personal journey and one cannot reasonably expect the same outcome in every case. The point is that, despite not tackling the issue of religion directly, skamit manages to deal with it in a way that, at least to me, feels very relevant to the cultural context the show belongs to and aims to represent.
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
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Eva in lunedì 12:07
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
“Listen, Ele, I know you’re busy and your amazing prince charming arrived and you have your stuff to do, but I’m still here in this fucking greenhouse. So, I want to know if you agree with me… I chose this. Or there’s the mini version and it’s this one. Or if we want to keep it minimal, this one. Vote!”
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
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nico is stronger than marti and marti isn’t thrilled about it this one is for @trueplainhearts 😘
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
Honestly based on this and previous comments it sounds like they collaborated a lot with the Muslim community in Milan. Bravo Ludo!
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sumaya abdel qader, first muslim city councilor (in milan, 2016) and writer, worked with ludovico bessegato for s4.
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
I see Netflix goes for the double C spelling
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
The official announcement!!! I'm SO hyped. And we still don't know anything about s4! It was mostly about the new platform for s1-2-3! Still I'm so happy and I know I'll start the new decade with a rewatch ❤️
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
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"La novità di queste ore è l’arrivo di Netflix: è stato infatti grazie al suo ingresso se la serie è stata riconfermata. È importante però sottolineare come anche TimVision, alla fine, abbia deciso di riprendere e di valorizzare uno dei titoli originali che hanno fatto la fortuna del suo archivio, rispondendo di fatto alla richiesta e alle proteste dei fan."
*pretends to be shocked even if the news got leaked one month ago* summary: netflix and timvision co-produced s4. thank you, netflix, for my life. timvision can still fuck off.
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
heyy i don’t seem to remember if something was said in canon but do we know what filippo studies at uni? is it like photography or something else
They never said explicitly in the show i don’t think. In season 2, he’s doing a project for a photography class but there has been no other mention of what filippo does outside of that one time.
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ciao-osvaldo · 4 years
Everybody say thanks Ludovico for the most wholesome and beautiful scene in the history of Skam
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