dankagu · 1 year
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EVENT:  Idol Flower Festival
[Summary]  Gensokyo opens a live stage for a musical competition!  Seiga eagerly volunteers her jiangshi Yoshika, who has no idea what “a live” even is.  With the helpful encouragement of the three Prismriver Sisters, Yoshika will learn what it means to be a true idol.
🔵 🟣 ⚫ ⚪ 🔴 🟠 🟡
[ Read the full translation here! ]
🟡 🟠 🔴 ⚪ ⚫ 🟣 🔵
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dankagu · 1 year
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The End of a Thousand-Year Fate 千年の因縁に終止符を
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⚫ What is the meaning of this, sending me a formal letter of challenge?  Such a gimmick is quite ostentatious, even for you.
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🔴 Here and now, it’s time to put an end to our intertwined fate. 🔴 We’ll say goodbye with a smile.
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⚫ What?  “Goodbye”...?
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⚫ (Her face is so much more serious than usual...) ⚫ (Does she truly intend for this to be our final battle?)
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⚫ (This is so sudden, I find it difficult to parse my feelings...) ⚫ (However...  Mokou, if this is your wish...)
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⚫ Very well.  I shall accept your duel. ⚫ Please be sure to keep me entertained until the very end.
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🔴 Hmph, you don’t have to tell me that. 🔴 And you, you’d better not try to run away halfway through!
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🔴 Take this! 🔴 My strongest danmaku, honed by years of training! 🔴 Undying ~ 「Fire Bird -Feng Wing Ascension-」!!
修行で磨き上げた弾幕をくらえ!不死「火の鳥 -鳳翼天翔-」!
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⚫ How pitiful! ⚫ Divine Treasure ~「Salamander Shield」!!  ...
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⚫ Haah, haah... ⚫ Our mutual killing, which I thought would last forever... ⚫ Is this truly the end?
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🔴 I wish it could be different, but I know I can’t stop you. 🔴 That’s why, at the very least...
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🔴 Before I can see you off with a smile, I’m going to beat you with everything I’ve got!  Everlasting ~ 「Phoenix’s Tail」 !!
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⚫ “See me off”...?  What are you say-... ⚫ K-  Kyaaaaaaa!!!
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🔴 That’s the match, Kaguya.
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🔴 Being able to fight you one last time, I’m satisfied. 🔴 Now, if you have to go back to the moon... 🔴 All I can say is, take care.
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⚫ Eh...? ⚫ W- Wait.  What are you talking about?
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🔴 This time... you’re really going back, aren’t you? 🔴 I’ve seen them. 🔴 The Lunarians, coming and going from your mansion.
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🔴 And they’ve been bringing in all kinds of supplies... exactly the kinds of supplies you need to build a rocket.  Come on, you don’t have to hide it anymore.
それも、大量の物資を持ち込んで…… ロケットでも造るつもりなんだろ。隠さなくていい。
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⚫ A-  A rocket...? ⚫ Pfft...  Ahahahaha!
ロ、ロケットって…… 。ぷっ、あはははは!
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⚫ Oh, Mokou.  You are terribly mistaken! ⚫ I am most certainly not returning to the moon!
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⚫ An old man from the village, who was treated by Eirin, has been bringing us various gifts as a gesture of gratitude.
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⚫ At the Lunar Capital Expo, he had seen the clothes that Lunarians wear, and thus decided to dress the part.
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⚫ For this to cause such a misunderstanding...  Ahahaha!  How funny!  After all this time, did you truly think I would return to the moon?
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🔴 H- Haaaaah!? 🔴 Is that really all that’s going on?  But I was so sure...
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⚫ I am here for eternity. ⚫ I have no intention of leaving you behind.
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⚫ And so... neither should you be willing to say goodbye to me so easily.
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🔴 ...That’s right.  Of course. 🔴 Then, from now on, I swear, it’ll be you and me...
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⚫🔴 ...killing each other, until the end of time!!
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dankagu · 1 year
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Keep Up That Good Attitude! その意気やよし!
🟣 Yeah~!  Just like I thought, this place is so fun! 🟣 What should I do today...? うーん、やっぱりこっちは楽しいなー 今日はどうしよ?
🟠 Oof.  Watch your step, young lady.  If you don’t keep 🟠 an eye out around you, you’ll run into trouble, yes? おっと、危ない。周りを見ないとぶつかってしまうよ?
🟣 Ahh, sorry about that!  When I’m having so much fun, 🟣 I get a little carried away...  I’ll be more careful! あっ、ごめんなさい!楽しくて浮かれてた…気をつけますね
🟠 That said, so long as you understand this much, 🟠 there is no need to be afraid. しかし、事もよくこちらを知って怯えずにいるもんだ
🟣 It can be scary sometimes, 🟣 but I guess the fun usually just weighs it out? 怖いこともあるけどそれより楽しい方が強いからかな?
🟠 That, indeed, is the most important point. 🟠 Please continue to enjoy Gensokyo going forward. それはなによりだ。これからも幻想郷を楽しんでいってくれ
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dankagu · 1 year
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YES!  You’re a Part of the Myouren Family, Too! YES!あなたも命蓮寺ファミリー
🟣 Oh my, Jo’on.  Welcome back. まあ、女苑。おかえりなさい
🟠 Who said I was coming back!? 🟠 The temple life is totally wrong for a pestilence god like me! 誰が帰ってくるか!寺での生活なんて疫病神には合わないの
🟣 Hm-hm.  I know your true feelings... ふふ貴方の本当の気持ちはわかっています
🟣 Please just remember that you’re welcome to return anytime. 🟣 Everyone will be waiting warmly. いつでも帰ってくてください。皆、待ってますから
🟠 W- Well...  Only if I feel like it! ま、まあ 気が向いたらね!
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dankagu · 1 year
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To Host a Grand Harvest Festival 大きな収穫祭を開くには?
🟡 I had no idea the festivals at this shrine were so huge! 神社のお祭りってこんなにも大がかりなのね!
🟣 Oh, are you interested? 🟣 The size of a festival reflects the size of one’s faith. あら、興味があるの?祭りの大きさは信仰の大きさよ
🟣 In order to achieve this scale, you would need 🟣 to acquire enough faith to be properly enshrined. この規模だったら神社に祀られるくらい信仰を集めないとねえ
🟡 So if I were enshrined, 🟡 I could host my very own harvest festival that’s this big...? 祀ってもらえばドーンと大きい収穫祭をやれる…?
🟡 ...I’m gonna do my best!! …ちょっとがんばちゃおうかしら!?
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dankagu · 1 year
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A Place Where Evil is Forbidden 悪事を禁止される場所
🟢 Wait!  This is a sacred shrine! 🟢 You can’t do any bad things here! ちょっと!神社で、悪さなんかしちゃダメよ!
⚫ ...So in other words, as long as it’s outside the shrine, ⚫ I can do all the bad things I want? …つまり神社以外ならしてもいいんだな?
🟢 Noooo...!  No matter where you are, 🟢 everyone knows that bad is bad!! ちがうー!どこでもダメに決まってるでしょ
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dankagu · 1 year
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Enter the New Savior of Dolls? 人形の救世主、現る?
🟡 Hey, you there! 🟡 Just now, were you picking up a doll from the river? ねえ、貴方!今、川に流れていた人形を拾った?
🟢 Hm?  Why, yes.  Of course, I had to recover it. え?ええ。たしかに回収したわよ
🟡 I knew it!  For someone to rescue a discarded doll... やっぱり!捨てられた人形を拾ってくれるなんて…
🟡 You must be a wonderful volunteer worker! 🟡 You’re definitely an ally of dollkind! とっても素敵なボランティアね!貴方は人形の味方よ!
🟢 Ah, well, you see...  I wouldn’t exactly call it volunteer work. あ、いやその…私は別に慈善活動をしているわけじゃ…
🟡 No need to be humble!~  Starting now, let’s be good friends! 謙虚しなくていいの!これからもよろしくね!
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dankagu · 1 year
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Give-and-Take-and-Give 持ちつ持たれつ持たされつ
🟢 Futo.  Did you finish those preparations? 布都。そっちの準備は終わったか?
🔵 V- Verily, the programme writ for the Crown Prince’s 🔵 speech, which I had all mind to carry forth...  I forgot. そ、それが…太子様の講演プログラムを忘れてきてしまった…
🟢 Tsk... 🟢 Look, I thought this would happen, so I brought it myself. まったく…ほら。そうなると思って持ってきてやったぞ
🔵 Ah, thou art a savior! 🔵 Tojiko, thou knowest me exceedingly well! た、助かった!屠自古は我のことをよくわかっておるな!
🟢 Heh.  How many years have I been covering for you now...? フフン。何年お前の世話を焼いてきたと思ってる
🟢 ...No, wait. 🟢 I should be saying, get it right next time, you damn idiot!! って、そうじゃない!いい加減にちゃんとしろバカ!
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dankagu · 1 year
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Perchance to Dream 夢を見てもらえるために
🔵 It’s finally ready to debut!  The new “Sweet Sleep Pillow”! ついに完成したわ!新しい安眠枕!
🔵 You’ll be able to sleep more soundly than before, 🔵 and have plenty of good dreams. 以前のものよりぐっすり眠れていい夢が見られるわ
⚫ What an interesting item you have... なんだか 面白そうなものを持っているな
⚫ Why not use my power to modify it ⚫ so that it can offer a truly “pure” sleeping experience? 私の力で、もっと純粋に眠れるよう改造してみないか?
🔵 Eh!?  What a sudden suggestion...  Erm, well... えっ!?急に言われても… うーん…
🔵 That would probably mean sleeping so deeply that 🔵 you don’t even dream, so I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. 夢も見ないほど眠ってしまいそうだしお断りします…
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dankagu · 1 year
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Lack of Training? 修行不足?
⚪ Reimu, have you been training properly? 霊夢、修行はちゃんとしているの?
🟤 You pop in suddenly just to ask that... 🟤 Mind your own business! 何よいきなり大きなお世話ね
⚪ Hmmm, your attitude seems to be a problem as usual. ⚪ I wonder if you’ve gotten a bit too overconfident. うーん、相変わらず困ったものねえ。自言過剰なのかしら
🟤 Do you wanna test me to see 🟤 how “overconfident” I am? 自信過剰かどうか試しみる?
⚪ Oh, my...  What a fine idea. ⚪ You won’t regret it, will you? あら…いいわね。後悔してもしらないわよ?
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dankagu · 1 year
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Stop By for a Trial Lesson 体験授業はいつでもどうぞ
🟣 By the way, what kinds of lessons 🟣 do you teach at the temple school? そういえば、先生は寺子屋でどんな授業をしているの?
🔵 I teach the history of Gensokyo.  Every detail, 🔵 from its establishment all the way to the present. 幻想郷の歴史だな。成り立ちから、今日に至るまでを詳細にね
🟣 Oooh...  That sounds really interesting! 🟣 I’d love to take a class like that! へぇ〜、面白そう!私、その授業受けてみたい!
🔵 I’d be pleased to have you. 🔵 Then, let’s host a trial class session in the near future. 歓迎するよ。それじゃ近いういちに体験授業をおこなうとしよう
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dankagu · 1 year
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Eat-and-Run is a Serious Crime! 食い逃げは重罪である!
🟡 Hey!  It isn’t acceptable to nibble on samples of 🟡 sweets from the shop without properly paying first. コラ!お金を払わずにお店���お菓子をつまみ食いするな!
⚫ Got it.  I won’t nibble on samples anymore... わかった。つまみ食いなんてやめるよ…
⚫ Instead, I’ll gobble eeeeverything up all at once! ⚫ Munch, munch, munch, munch! ぜーんぶ豪快にドカ食いしてやる!バクバクバク…!
🟡 What nerve...! 🟡 How dare you go directly against my warning...!? なんて奴…!せっかくの注意をわざと破るなんて…!
⚫ Your warnings mean jack-squat to me! ⚫ See ya! お前の言うことなんて知ったことか!あばよ!
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dankagu · 1 year
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Drinking with Good Timing 酒はタイミングを見ながら
🟠 Oh, hey Yukari.  Whaddya say we go fill a cup? お、紫じゃないか。どうだ?今から一杯ってのは
⚪ My, what a lovely offer.  However, I’ve only just woken up... あら素敵なお誘い。でも、今起きたきたばっかりなのよね…
🟠 Ahaha. 🟠 Is oni liquor too hard to handle first thing in the morning?  あはは。起き抜けに鬼の酒はキツイか
⚪ How about a raincheck later this evening? ねえ、また夜に誘って?
🟠 Sure thing. 🟠 I’ll have some nice appetizers cooked up by then, too! わかった。それまでにいい肴を用意しておくよ!
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dankagu · 1 year
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I Don’t Get It! 意味は知らないけど!
🟢 The other day, I burned my finger... 🟢 I can still feel it all tingly. この前、指をやけどしちゃってさ。なだヒリヒリするよ…
⚫ Ohhh.  Is this that thing where summer bugs ⚫ always fly straight into flames? お、それってもしや飛んで火に入る夏の虫、ってやつ?
🟢 Hmph.  I don’t want to hear that from Rumia, 🟢 who flies smack into trees in broad daylight! ムッ。ならあんたは飛んで木にぶつかる昼のルーミア、よ!
⚫ Ahaha!  That may be so~ あはは!確かにそーかもなー!
🟢 She doesn’t even get the irony! 🟢 This girl’s way too carefree... 皮肉が通じてない!まったくお気楽なんだから…
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dankagu · 1 year
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A Knack for Restoration 修復はお手の物
🟡 Ouch!!  Oof, I’ve run into a wall... いったっ!!…うう、壁にぶつかってしまった
🔵 Are...  Are you all right? 🔵 I see a wound on your face... or rather, a crack!? だ…大丈夫ですか!?顔に傷… いえ、ヒビが!?
🟡 Ah, thank you for your concern. 🟡 But I will be just fine.  See? ああ、ありがとう。でも平気よ。ほら、この通り
🔵 How fascinating. 🔵 In the blink of an eye, the wound has closed up... すごいわ。みるみるうちに傷が塞がっていく…
🔵 With a body like this, it would be easy to produce blood 🔵 without the repercussions of long-term healing.  Very nice. この身体を使えば割れても直るお血が作れそうで、いいわね
🟡 ...If you’re genuinely interested, 🟡 please try praying to Master Keiki. …本当に欲しいなら袿姫さまに祈ってみることね
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dankagu · 1 year
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A Busy Pharmacist Could Use a Princess’s Help, Too 多忙な薬師は、姫をも使う
⚫ You look very busy, Eirin. ⚫ Is there anything that I could help you with?  (Just kidding~!) 忙しそうね、永琳。私に手伝えることはある?な〜んて…
🔵 Would you, really?  In that case... 🔵 First, please grab that bottle from the medicine cabinet. 🔵 And then, after that... よろしいのですか?では、あちらの薬棚からこの瓶と…
⚫ Oh my, so much work is far too difficult of a request. ⚫ I suppose I have brought this upon myself... あら、たくさん仕事を頼まれちゃった。やぶ蛇だったみたいね
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dankagu · 1 year
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Kappa Ideas You Can Rely On 頼れる河童のアイデア
🟡 I run the hot spring town in Former Hell, but I’ve 🟡 been needing a good way to bring in more customers... 旧地獄の温泉街の客を増やしたいけど…いい手がないもんかな
🔵 How about a massage chair? 🔵 I just so happen to offer this brand-new product~ マッサージ椅子はいかがです?新作ありますけど…
🟡 Oh, a kappa contraption? 🟡 That kind of novelty just might do the trick! 河童のカラクリか。物珍しくていいかもしれないな
🟡 Then, I’ll take one. 🟡 Here’s the payment in advance.  Don’t be shy to accept. じゃ、ひとつ頼むよ。これは手間賃だ。遠慮なく受け取りな
🔵 Eh!?  This much, really!? えっ!?こんなにいいんですか!?
🔵 What a magnanimous oni! 🔵 I’ll be sure to give you my best service! さすが気前がいい!がんばらせていただきまーす!
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