dariusz-art · 11 days
Metafizyczny porządek
Zapraszam Was do podróży przez labirynt abstrakcji, gdzie rzeczywistość splata się z marzeniem, a granice między światami znikają. Continue reading Metafizyczny porządek
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dariusz-art · 3 months
Recenzja Diane Der Markarian. (KIAN)
Dla paryskiej Galerii Balthasart recenzję o mojej twórczości redagowała Diane Der Markarian. (KIAN) Continue reading Recenzja Diane Der Markarian. (KIAN)
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dariusz-art · 3 months
...W gąszczu drzew, gdzie dźwięk kroków to melodia wszechświata, przekraczam próg czwartego wymiaru, a czas spleciony jest z iluzją, a przestrzeń tańczy w rytmie migoczących świateł marzeń...
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dariusz-art · 3 months
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When the clock stops in time, dream images will become reality, and the end will become a new beginning.
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dariusz-art · 3 months
Arcadia Art (Berlin) recenzja:
Galeria Arcadia Art współpracuje z ugruntowaną i stale rozwijającą się siecią artystów, kolekcjonerów, kuratorów i dealerów sztuki na świecie. Continue reading Untitled
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dariusz-art · 4 months
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Graficom Art obchodzi dzisiaj 4 urodziny!
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dariusz-art · 5 months
In dreamland, children dancing in a rain of colorful bombs, their smiles painted with the colors of conflict, and toys turned into military marionettes.
An extraordinary journey from photography to collage to oil canvas! My latest painting is the result of deep emotions triggered by the tragic events and suffering of children in the current wars. The soap bubble with the embryo symbolizes the fragility of children's lives in the face of conflicts, and the burning match reminds us of the fleeting nature of time. Each detail carries a dramatic charge of emotion. Let this image become a reminder of the fragile beauty of life and a warning of the consequences of wars.
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dariusz-art · 5 months
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🎨🖼️ I am delighted to warmly invite all of you to the extraordinary Art Auction organized by Yegorov Gallery. This event will take place on December 14th at 7:00 PM, providing a unique opportunity for you to discover the magic of art and acquire a one-of-a-kind painting titled "Chloe v. 1" on the OneBid auction platform - auction link: https://onebid.pl/en/contemporary-painting-dariusz-mierzwa-chloe-v-1/2025720
This exceptional oil portrait on canvas was created using unique techniques, giving it an unparalleled character. "Chloe v. 1" is not just a painting; it is also a narrative, emotions, and a unique piece of artistic soul. Each stroke of the brush is like a note in a symphony, and every drop of paint is like a sentence in a story – together, they form a masterpiece that can become a part of your life.
Join our auction and immerse yourself in the unique experience that art brings. It's not just an opportunity to acquire a piece that will become the focal point of your space but also a chance to introduce a piece of artistic genius into your life.
May "Chloe v. 1" become your companion in life's moments, inspiring and adding a unique atmosphere to your surroundings. We invite you to join us in discovering the beauty of art and participating in this exceptional event that will undoubtedly provide unforgettable experiences. 🖌️✨
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dariusz-art · 5 months
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🎨✨ I cordially invite you to participate in the XXIII contemporary art auction, where I will be exhibiting three of my latest oil paintings! 🖼️🌟 This is a unique opportunity for you to be a part of this artistic journey and have a chance to acquire unique works. Each painting is full of emotions, colors and deep thoughts that I wanted to pour onto the canvas. I prepared these works with passion and dedication, and now I am very happy to put them under the auction hammer. This is not only a chance to own original art, but also to support the artist, who is happy to continue creating. The auction is not only an opportunity to purchase unique works of art, but also a chance to bond with the unique stories that each painting carries. Be a part of this magical world of art! 📅 Auction Date: December 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm 📍 Venue: auction platform OneBid LINK to the auction: https://onebid.pl/pl/auction/-/6044 May these paintings inspire you to look at them in new ways and evoke the emotions I see in every detail. I count on your support and presence during this special auction! 🚀💖
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dariusz-art · 5 months
Chloe danced in the rain, enveloped in moonlight, while time played a trick, turning every drop into shimmering butterfly wings - Chloe v.4 painting on canvas, oil, acrylic, putty - 40 x 40 cm to be purchased in the upcoming Contemporary Art Auction on OneBid on December 9 at 7:00 pm (link https://tiny.pl/c24zq )
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dariusz-art · 5 months
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Update from the studio, Hello, Dear Friends! I would like to share with you the latest progress on my oil painting project, "Chloe's journey through time and space" v.4! This is the fourth installment of this fascinating journey, and work on it is gaining momentum. The new composition is beginning to take on a life of its own, and the details are coming together in harmony. Chloe, my inspiring heroine, is becoming more and more real on the canvas, and the background is transporting us to unusual corners of time and space.
I am happy to share this process with you! Your support is a huge driving force for me. If you have any suggestions, questions or just want to share your thoughts on this work, go ahead and write in the comments!
Thank you for being a part of this artistic journey with me! More details coming soon, and I invite you to follow my page to stay up to date with the progress.
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dariusz-art · 5 months
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"Time Vibrations: Clock Moving Across the Horizon". This new canvas painting (oil, acrylic) measuring 60 x 80 cm takes us on a fascinating journey through the realm of time. On the canvas, I captured a moment, a phenomenon that prompts reflection on the nature of time and transience.
The central element of the composition is a clock, its hands seeming to move with a dance across the horizon of time. Every second, every moment, is crucial and simultaneously ephemeral, emphasizing the impermanence of each fleeting fragment of life.
The Earth floats on the wave of time, like a ship on the sea of uncertainty. This subtle metaphor reminds us that our planet is just a small part of the vast fabric of time, where we all are travelers. The play of rays of forgotten seconds adds an extra layer of mystery and nostalgia to the painting, suggesting that time is like a captured beam of light, difficult to grasp but beautiful in its transience.
In creating this painting, I wanted to propose a moment of contemplation on the course of time and its impact on our lives. Does the clock, moving across the horizon, indicate that every moment is precious and unique? Does the lifting of the Earth on the wave of time symbolize our continuous journey into the past and future?
My latest artwork aims to encourage individual interpretation of its symbolism and reflection on one's own concept of time. I hope that my work is not only an aesthetic composition but also an invitation to a philosophical journey into one's thoughts about the fleeting nature of moments and the impermanence of life.
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dariusz-art · 5 months
In the mouse-like dance of dreams, a clock tasting sound beckons time, and images shatter mirrors of reality into thousands of mists of dreams.
The undeniable reality is that we find ourselves at a critical moment. Our Earth has been a resilient host to life for centuries, but it's no secret that it faces unprecedented challenges. Signs are all around us - changing climate, decreasing biodiversity, and scars from human impact on our environment.
Yet, despite this urgency, we often get entangled in endless political debates and disputes. It's as if we are trapped in a cycle of argument while time slips away.
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dariusz-art · 5 months
🌌✨ Beyond the limits of logical thinking, we find meaning in the unconscious? 🌈✨ Share your thoughts on what "The world is our great common home" means to you. Are you discovering new meanings beyond the boundaries of logic? I look forward to your suggestions and reflections! 🌍💭 I invite you to a fascinating journey into the land of surreal dreams! 🚀🎨 is a behind-the-scenes look at the process of creating my latest painting in the series "The world is our great common home". It's not just painting - it's a journey into the depths of the unconscious, where reality mixes with imagination. 🌠🖌️ I encourage you to discover the mysterious worlds that are born on canvas when thinking outside the box. Every drop of paint is a piece of my imagination, and every detail is a story about unexplored areas of the mind. 🌌🎨 I invite you to watch a short video that will shed light on the process of creating this surreal work. Share your impressions and together we will create a space for unusual interpretations! 🚀🎬✨
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dariusz-art · 5 months
"Rzeczywistość Metafizyczna - Podróż w Krainę Surrealizmu" -Malarstwo surrealistyczne to fascynujący nurt artystyczny, który eksploruje nieświadome, sny i absurdy. To świadome odkrywanie granic między rzeczywistością a fantazją, co pozwala widzowi na interpretację i doświadczenie sztuki w niezwykły sposób. Malarstwo surrealistyczne, pełne tajemnicy i niespodzianek, nadal inspiruje artystów i odbiorców na całym świecie.
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dariusz-art · 6 months
🎨✨ Creative explorations ✨. I invite you to an inspiring journey through the land of abstract art, where the boundaries of reality unravel before our eyes. 🌌🖌️ In search of inspiration, we explore the connections between abstract painting and surrealism, creating a space where imagination takes over! 🤔 What makes these two art worlds intertwine? Can abstraction be the gateway to surrealist dreams? 🌈🌀 Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments! 🔍 🎨 The works of artists who follow the boundaries of imagination into the realm of surreal dreams are inspiring. 🌠🎭 Discover this extraordinary artistic journey with me! 🔗 https://art.graficom.pl #SurrealistArt #AbstractionISurrealism #ArtistJourney #VisualArt #ArtLovers
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dariusz-art · 6 months
The Drama of Parents and Children Who Are Gone Forever
Wars always bring not only material destruction but also unspeakable human suffering. One of the most tragic places on Earth is the Gaza Strip, where families lose their homes, and children lose their innocence. Continue reading Untitled
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