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All the main cast's illustrations put together 🌈🌼💤💘🧣🌙☠️
Daydream - Warwick - Sleepwalk - Flopsie - Timber - Moonpie - Alone
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Sorry not sorry for all the Samone posting but I made her a necklace and I'm very proud of it. I think she's a fan too! :)
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*hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plushie* *hugs plush- (x100)
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Soft, Sweet (and Horny)
Ever since you found a strange, sentient plush of your favorite Fazbear Entertainment character (or characters?) things haven't quite been the same.
You've tried to look at the situation like having a new roommate -- one that just happens to be mute, made of cotton, two feet tall and most importantly:
he is woefully, obsessively horny for you.
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"Okay," you huff, eyes narrowing towards the comparatively small form in front of you. He stares at you in return, mismatched button eyes somehow seeming to communicate a gentle sense of curiosity despite the lack of… well, a normal face. "So I'm thinking we'll do like… one raised arm for yes, two for no?"
Eclipse looks at you a moment longer before bringing up his paw-like hands against his face in a silent mimicry of laughter. Then he looks at you -- and somehow you always know when he is even without pupils to track -- and makes a very slow, obvious shake of his head.
No? He doesn't want to do… oh. Oh.
"Fuck," the realization and word tumbles embarrassingly quick from your mouth. "Yeah I guess- yeah. That's uh… a better option. Listen dude-" there's an attempt at some sort of hand gesture, though all it ends up looking like is you waving your hands open-palm like a five year old enthusiastically greeting someone. "I just want to make sure you're… able to talk to me, yanno?"
Eclipse nods. At least he's following the logic, at least?
With a sigh, you look around your room and then glance at the time on your phone. Getting a bit too late to stay in bed, even if 'clip wanted you to stay snuggled with him the entire morning.
"I'm going to go take a shower," you inform the plush with a firm point of your finger towards him. "I'll be quick, just ten minutes alright? Do not go into the kitchen without me or you'll end up stuck in the fridge like last time."
Even without facial features its not hard to practically hear the exasperated sigh from your cotton-based companion. He shrugs, then all but tosses himself back onto your bed with a soft squeak from the toy inside him that you still can't locate, despite all the manhandling of the ticklish plush's body the last time he let you.
After gathering up some clothes that seemed clean and mostly presentable to the general public you make your way quickly down the hall and towards the bathroom. The shower was truly intended to be quick -- so quick, in fact, that you never realized that you had left your phone on the bed where you'd been lazing about just a few minutes earlier.
A fact that Eclipse all but pounced upon after catching sight of the dark shape against the messied comforter. While he can't exactly utilize face ID or the thumprint, he does have several of your passwords and pin codes memorized just from watching you put them in a few times.
The plush erupts in soft, joyous squeaks of delight as the lock screen transforms into the last app you were in, which he quickly swipes away to open up the internet browser instead.
. . .
It truly doesn't take you more than ten minutes to shower, having scrubbed your scalp and skin so quick and hard that it feels like you maybe took off a layer of skin -- but you're clean and that was the goal, leaving you feeling accomplished with something for the morning by the time you open the curtains and step out of the tub. A glance towards the sink leaves you confused, however, eyes looking for your phone since you wanted to check on if there'd been a text message from a friend.
It's… not there?
You wrack your brain a little while toweling down, and only after getting your shirt on do you recall ah, yes, you'd left the damn thing in the bedroom with Eclipse.
That in itself doesn't bother you, you'd left your phone with him before to no issue. This time, however, your mistake is made obvious by the sounds drifting from the open door to your bedroom. Soft, breathy noises intermixed with gentle whimpers and moans, all culminating into what sounds like… voices? It takes a second or two before you realize what you're hearing from down the hall is porn. Loud, eager, desperate porn of what must be at least two people going at it like animals.
Did… you leave a video on autoplay? Fear and embarrassment tear through your mind as you tear down the hallway, reaching your bedroom door in such a frenzied state of awareness that you're able to catch a most blissful sight:
Eclipse, all two feet of the plush figure, hunched over one of your other soft toys; his body is shaking and his hips are twitching needily in a way that suggest he's trying to grind and thrust as if he had anything to thrust with. Your phone is laying in front of where he's got his body all but wrapped around his chosen conquest, screen flickering with enough orange to realize exactly what website he'd--
Not stumbled upon. This is obvious, this is intentional. He didn't accidentally find fucking pornhub and accidentally fall ontop of another toy to start bunny-humping like he was in heat.
Had he been waiting for you to leave the bedroom that whole time?
You're not sure, watching the small figure thrust and grind and squeak in the same way that he would whenever you'd pluck him off the ground and into your arms. There's such a carnal, desperate feeling to the motions, the way his legs can barely straddle the other toy as his hips cant and shift, trying as if to get the perfect amount of pressure and drag of textured cloth between his thighs-
And then he finally catches sight of you, turning his face around and letting out such a cut-off, shrill sound that you thought the mysterious noisy toy inside of him outright broke.
The poor thing is already scrambling off the bed before you can say anything. It would be so fucking funny if you weren’t otherwise worried about scaring or embarrassing the plush — you can hear a soft squeak as he falls onto the floor on the other side of the bed, porn video still playing as the moans reached a crescendo of pleasure that sounded good enough to probably be authentic.
“Clippy,” the nickname naturally rolls off your tongue as you hurry onto the bed, peaking over the edge to see him almost curled up in a shivering ball as he tries to hide from your gaze. You reach a hand down towards him, close enough to brush over a few of his soft rays that haloed his face. “It’s okay lil’ guy, I’m not mad! Just— I got worried I left my phone going and hurried in here and saw you and-”
You’re… not quite certain where you were going with the thought at that point, in all honesty. Comfort? Assurance?
The fact that the sentient plush could feel pleasure let alone crave it is already enough to make your mind roll with questions. You make a point to stroke his rays again, gently pinching them between your fingers in a way he always seemed to appreciate.
And he makes that noise, the same that you’d heard just a minute or two before when he was desperately rutting into that other stuffed toy. Is that—?
“Does that feel good?” You suddenly find yourself asking, tone too soft to be casual and too warm to be neutral. Eclipse simply shivers, eventually turning his mismatched button eyes up to meet yours and nods; the motion is so soft that you nearly miss it. Despite the fact that he weighs maybe a few pounds sopping wet, he turns his soft face into your touch with a surprising amount of force— eager, wanting, silently giving into your touch and opening up a sudden influx of emotions you never thought would need to be contested on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
And yet, after watching him for a few moments, there’s a smile tugging at your lips.
It doesn’t take much to scoop up the plush and pull him back onto the bed. He’s all but cradled in the crook of one arm, the other keeping your hand at his soft rays and tracing all the little stitched details that outline where the original fabric had been cut out and sewn together.
“You’re really cute,” the words are warm, murmured into the narrow column of empty air between your face and his. Somehow his eyes feel as if they are honed on you, heavy as lead and attuned to every detail as your lips part. Soft. Warm. He wants so badly to kiss you, to be able to kiss you.
So the best he can do is mimic the motion, squirming until he has a hand pressed on either side of your face and his is pushing eagerly until you feel warm cloth brush against your mouth.
And maybe, if only for a moment, you feel a specter of intimate warmth tickle against eager lips.
The kiss -- if you can even call it that -- doesn't last for more than a few seconds. It's more of a peck than anything, given the fact that Clippy doesn't really have anything to make the kiss much more than an affectionate brush of your lips across where a mouth would be upon his hand-decorated face.
"…are you feeling a bit better now?"
Your question hangs in the air for a minute, giving the plush time to process the words even though you're still stroking and pinching one of his rays between the tip of your index finger and thumb. He shivers a little in your one-arm embrace, looking up at you long enough so that it's obvious that he's trying to match your gaze before offering a firm nod.
"Heh," a gentle laugh falls from your lips. "That's good, I didn't want you… feel bad, you know?" Another laugh, this one a bit louder as the moment hits you almost all at once -- more silly than anything, though you can't help but blush when you add, "I guess I never knew you could… feel things like that. Like… being… horny?"
The plush tilts his head slightly to the side, eyeing you without so much as another twitch in that unnerving, overtly-still way that he tended to do when waiting for you to say something more. As if he knew there were still thoughts deeper inside your brain wanting to come out but held back by your sense of… caution? Embarrassment? Worry?
Maybe all three?
After tugging your bottom lip between gnawing teeth, you're left with a choice. Should you… push things forward? See how far it could go? You've been with Clippy long enough to know he's more than capable of making his own decisions and understand his own needs and emotions despite his rather adorable appearance -- but at the same time you don't… want to make things weird. To ruin what felt like a perfectly good companionship, to lose someone whom you'd come to cherish deeply.
... Then again, you had walked in on him watching porn on your phone and mounting one of your plushies like he was starving for it.
So maybe... things have already been pushed into motion? Maybe they'd been heading that way for a while to begin with.
What's wrong with seeing where it takes you?
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I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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Soak up the sun with this big, soft sky dragon!! 🌈☀️ This friend is for auction over on Toyhou.se!
Please click for higher quality!
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Raffling off this plush horsie that didn't sell! Check it out on ToyHouse!
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All the main cast's illustrations put together 🌈🌼💤💘🧣🌙☠️
Daydream - Warwick - Sleepwalk - Flopsie - Timber - Moonpie - Alone
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Weep 🐲💧
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Come and party with this clownfish plushie!! 🤡🐟 This friendly fellow is up for auction on Toyhou.se!
Please click for higher quality!
Toyhou.se | Commission information
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desideriumdaydreams · 10 days
💖🌸🌈Pastel Pink Baby Dragon🌈🌸💖
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One of my super cute artist liberty comms :) absolutely love how this baby turned out 💖
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desideriumdaydreams · 10 days
editing your own writing is like woah you really like commas........ maybe ease up on those commas there, pal........ maybe Fewer commas would be nice
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desideriumdaydreams · 12 days
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Been using my being sick as an opportunity to draw SO many build a bears
Psst... did you know I'll draw yours too? :000
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desideriumdaydreams · 12 days
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My boy, Chase Tycoon
[ID: Several pictures of a large 90s Mattel Meeko racoon plush. The first batch show the process of washing him, starting with him unstuffed in the bath, getting dried, then finished and fluffed.]
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desideriumdaydreams · 12 days
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miffy mood board (my jellycat smudge rabbit) 🍰
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desideriumdaydreams · 13 days
Now that the wedding and honeymoon are checked off, I can start up work on writing Desiderium again >:3c
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desideriumdaydreams · 16 days
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Raffling off this plush horsie that didn't sell! Check it out on ToyHouse!
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