[This cover isn't tagged. It lacks the polish that the other covers he's posted have. It's just an audio recording of him and his piano]
[Some of the lyrics have been changed, found below]
I hoped that you'd stay by me True to the very end But you ran away The first rainy day Just a fair-weather friend
I had a heart I showed you But you had one to lend For when skies were black You covered it back Just a fair-weather friend
Foolish me I couldn't see The handwriting on the wall Sunny skies Had dimmed my eyes I never thought that rain would fall
Just when I needed someone On whom I could depend You had betrayed me What else can you be? Just a fair-weather friend
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Covers Friday #2
I came across a song that made me think of someone, so I decided to cover it.
Momento Mori - Fish in a Birdcage
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Shoutout to characters that are both genuinely deeply kind and also genuinely terrifying and willing to spill buckets worth of blood to get something done. And neither of these are an act, they're just both very true.
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You called me friend... I can't believe I fell for that.
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Webster here! we interrupt this broadcast to deliver a brief content warning!
this episode contains: discussion of starvation and mom death, autistic masking to a traumatic degree, allusions to patricide, cannibalism
if you're not in a good space, come back later!
if you really want to watch the radio demon have a dramatic blow up and end in a puddle on the floor, then i hope you enjoy the show~
and now,
Breaking the Radio
that's not me. you are not me. YOU got caught up in a fairy tale glamour. YOU gave up control of your own fate!
do you remember how the other kids used to mock you for your “death glare”? “what's wrong with your face? why are you always upset?” squinting into the light and the noise. asking if it bothered anyone else. “what are you talking about? bothered by what? don't be a baby.”
do you remember thinking how everyone else must be so much better at managing themselves? to not even notice. or if they did, to smile through the pain.
do you remember that Lundi? red beans and rice.
the first time Moman didn't eat with you. and when you asked why not she just smiled and said “don't you worry, baby. Moman already ate at the canteen at work. I just love watching you smile while you eat. I wish I could see you smile more.”
do you remember watching her grow thinner, frailer. watching her start to struggle to lift the pot as she offered it up to you and the neighbor kids. but she’d just smile and say “eat your greens, dear. it's cheaper for me to eat at work, but i’m fine.”
so when you got home from school you stood in front of the cracked old bathroom mirror and you practiced that smile. you practiced until it was a part of you.
and it made her happy. 
you remember how strange it was when people started asking how you were always in such a good mood.
“oh, nothing special. that's just my face, ha ha!”
do you remember the day she took you to the tailor for your first suit? the one that cost more than she made in a month. and you asked why it couldn't be the one leftover.. you know.. from when you buried dad in the bayou. 
but she just smiled and said “no son of mine is going to his first job interview in a hand-me-down suit. you wear it with pride, and you show them your best smile, and you make your mother proud.”
do you remember coming home from the interview at the station? how she was just lying there on the floor. the doctor said she had slowly starved herself for so long that her heart just couldn't take the strain anymore.
do you remember holding her bird-light hand? and all you can do is smile. smile through the pain. 
and you keep smiling. 
and you keep reassuring your friends. you keep your enemies guessing. you keep a tight hold of the one thing in this hellish existence that you can control. and anyone who can't put in the effort to present a happy face to the world is too weak to be worth worrying about.
and as for this, coddled duchess,, long pig in silk skirts.
oh yes, i remember Reverie. liked to play genteel with Rosie and me, but as likely to slaughter as any cannibal when she felt enough righteous indignation. she tried to do her story trick on me, once. tried to lull me out of myself with a ghost of Moman. i ate her for it. she tasted like escapism and self pity.
[shadows collect in the corners of the room. they coalesce into amoeba arms and test the air]
you are not me.
and while your son has been taking his sweet time trying to gauge if i’m a good fit for his cultish delusions of grandeur, i’ve been reassessing and renegotiating my own contracts.
because, it turns out the one clipping my wings doesn't apply to me if i cross into an alternate universe. 
[shadow arms rip reality wide open]
so i’ll be taking your world now.
[darkness and green light flood the opening. Alastor steps to the edge of the rift. suddenly! there's a bright flash of white light from inside the rip that hurls him back across the room. the rip in reality shudders once and snaps shut.]
[unfiltered voice]
what just happened?
[radio cuts to static]
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Ơ̵͙̮͕̙̼͈͚̳̻̥̾́̀h̷̖̖̺̺̳̦̥̞̹͉̖̪͑͋̒́́̒̽͝ ̷̬̑̾̋̓̈́̋̊͋́̆͗͌̆̀͘d̶͚̎͆̇̉̒͛̀ȩ̷̛̘̲̙͙̬̈̅̈́̌̔́̿̈̚͘̚͠͝a̴̛̫̰̖̫̦̬̠͇̖̝̥̺̔́͛̕ͅr̸̳͔̻̺̉
Remember how me calling in manifested feathers in your studio?
It seems the green light of your power has just swept over my house.
I'm...going to have a lot of explaining to do.
Alright, my good man, the game is up. I've grown a bit bored waiting for you to show your hand. Your poker face is impeccable, and you play with the patience expected of one of your status. So, I will now show you my hand. Or, at least, the Ace I hold that somehow spawned me.
I am the son of my world's Alastor. Something I'm sure that you've known for awhile now, as it's stated plainly on my blog.
As such, I was quite surprised when you said that my description of my father didn't sound familiar. But, well, the simple fact of the matter is that you aren't him. However, you still hold enough power, and enough charm, to be useful to my plan. If you would be interested in cross-universe travel, and a chance at finally usurping an old rival's power, please reach out to me in my DMs.
It's been wonderful playing with you, but allies require trust. And I am afraid that neither of us have quite earned the other's. 🪽
was that supposed to be a secret? it's literally the first thing people see on your webbed site. sounds like you were expecting some sort of big reaction, sorry to disappoint~
no lies to be found there, Vincent. i "can't say that i know" either of them. this hell doesn't currently have anyone called Reverie on the census, i made Webster check. and your description of your father fits nearly half of cannibal town~ plus the whole "judgement" thing is really not my style. maybe try an exorcist with that line.
can't say i'm particularly good at taking direction, but the invitation is truly appreciated.
let's make a deal~
i stoop to personally using this Direct Message nonsense, in effect show a little of this trust you so desire, and in return you never compare or contrast me with your father again. sound fair?
shouldn't be too hard since you've already acknowledged i'm not him.
do we have a ψ d̵͚̜͕̊e̴͍̖̺̎̈́a̴̠̹̟͋́̄l̶̜̝͈̒̇̏͜ ⛧?
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It came as a surprise to the people of my world as well, if the stories my parents have told me are true. But, well, hell is hell. In my world, certain unlucky people are punished in particularly cruel ways tailored to them specifically.
Ah, wonderful! While games of power can certainly be entertaining, it's quite refreshing talking to someone I can be open with. Of course, you'll forgive me if I'm not completely open. This is hell, and the internet. Anything I say could be used by someone else.
The Rosie of my world is doing very well for herself! She is contemplating marrying her fifth husband. They've been going out for at least a year now. He's a very sweet man. Softspoken, shy, but very intelligent. Rosie says that he lights up when around people he trusts, and her descriptions of it are truly heartwarming.
Cannibal Town is doing well as well. They've recovered their numbers, and even grown, since the final Extermination Day a little over twenty years ago. The cannibals have been very helpful in keeping my hotel afloat. They're such nice people! And their recipes? To die for. I know my father prefers his flesh rare, but a good Bostonian Butt Roast is simply to die for.
"Salutations! You're the one I heard from Alastor. It's quite a pleasure to make your acquaintance, darling. Why don't you tell me more about your little corner of Hell? The music is already to die for! I just can't contain my curiosity" @emporium-of-delights
Oh, haha, it seems the website messed with things a little bit. I only just received this ask after sending one of my own to you! Ah well, it's only polite to answer.
Ah, but I can't tell you about my corner of hell if I don't know what you already know! I wouldn't want to bore you with information you already have. What has Alastor told you already?
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Oh yes! It's quite lovely. Though, before I divulge, I'm intrigued by your wording. Are we considering me offering you information a formal favor?
Hello Rosie! It is wonderful to meet you. How are you? (( @devilish-media-productions ))
"Hello, darling! It is quite wonderful, isn't it? To think it is even possible for us to communicate! Really, how delightful.
I am quite alright! Busy, as one might expect. Hell doesn't lack people in need of a favor. Speaking of, you just got to tell me all about your little corner of Cannibal Town. Is it every bit as lovely as here?"
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"Salutations! You're the one I heard from Alastor. It's quite a pleasure to make your acquaintance, darling. Why don't you tell me more about your little corner of Hell? The music is already to die for! I just can't contain my curiosity" @emporium-of-delights
Oh, haha, it seems the website messed with things a little bit. I only just received this ask after sending one of my own to you! Ah well, it's only polite to answer.
Ah, but I can't tell you about my corner of hell if I don't know what you already know! I wouldn't want to bore you with information you already have. What has Alastor told you already?
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That...bothers you? Why didn't you say something? I would have stopped if I had known that it troubled you so. Especially since it troubles you so deeply that you want to make a deal about it.
While I would be happy to make the deal, I would suggest some modification to it. To simply say that I would never compare and contrast the two of you would be far too broad. I will never compare and contrast the two of you as if you are the same or similar persons ever again. People compare and contrast strangers all the time, especially when they work together. That's simply a matter of observation.
But, if it bothers you even that deeply, then I will accept the deal with its original wording.
I may be insufferably annoying at times, but I never intended to hurt you. It seems that I have. I'm sorry.
Alright, my good man, the game is up. I've grown a bit bored waiting for you to show your hand. Your poker face is impeccable, and you play with the patience expected of one of your status. So, I will now show you my hand. Or, at least, the Ace I hold that somehow spawned me.
I am the son of my world's Alastor. Something I'm sure that you've known for awhile now, as it's stated plainly on my blog.
As such, I was quite surprised when you said that my description of my father didn't sound familiar. But, well, the simple fact of the matter is that you aren't him. However, you still hold enough power, and enough charm, to be useful to my plan. If you would be interested in cross-universe travel, and a chance at finally usurping an old rival's power, please reach out to me in my DMs.
It's been wonderful playing with you, but allies require trust. And I am afraid that neither of us have quite earned the other's. 🪽
was that supposed to be a secret? it's literally the first thing people see on your webbed site. sounds like you were expecting some sort of big reaction, sorry to disappoint~
no lies to be found there, Vincent. i "can't say that i know" either of them. this hell doesn't currently have anyone called Reverie on the census, i made Webster check. and your description of your father fits nearly half of cannibal town~ plus the whole "judgement" thing is really not my style. maybe try an exorcist with that line.
can't say i'm particularly good at taking direction, but the invitation is truly appreciated.
let's make a deal~
i stoop to personally using this Direct Message nonsense, in effect show a little of this trust you so desire, and in return you never compare or contrast me with your father again. sound fair?
shouldn't be too hard since you've already acknowledged i'm not him.
do we have a ψ d̵͚̜͕̊e̴͍̖̺̎̈́a̴̠̹̟͋́̄l̶̜̝͈̒̇̏͜ ⛧?
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Do let Rosie know that my blog exists, Alastor. If she'd like to get to know me, I'd be more than happy to answer her questions! Of course, I trust you're more than capable of catching her up. I simply, well, want the opportunity to get to talk to another version of such a delightful individual!
Oh, Alastor, still not leaving poor Vox alone? Is this why you haven't had the time to visit? Not that this rivalry isn't highly entertaining, of course! Why don't you swing by so you can tell me all about this new companion of yours as well? In the meantime, give us a song for your dear old friend Rosie, won't you? - 🫀
so sorry i missed this week's chat, darling, i've been swamped with work!
[radio buzzes] Rosie, i respect your neutrality on the matter, but please don't push me about that.
oh! so you heard about Vincent, too! no one can keep you in the dark for long, and that's a fact! you're right, i have so much to catch you up on!
Tell you what, i'll clear out my morning and take you for café au lait! or is it more of a tea day for you? either way!
Just Leave Everything to Me
or in the case of the song, to you, dear. see you soon~
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oh wow! that's a lot to take in!
i'm sorry to hear the hotel is having trouble with its success rate. for now, i think i have to weigh my options, but if it improves I will definitely be checking in!
traumas? Maladaptive Daydreaming? have you had problems with people abusing your work before?
Oh! but the Voxtech ads all say "trust us" too. if it's a competitor wouldn't they say the same thing about you? aah this is all so confusing.
i should probably go, thank you for your time! 🕸️
That's understandable. Just please be safe wherever you go, dear. The last thing I'd want to hear is that you were murdered by someone with angelic steel.
I have, yes. I was unfortunately very young when I first came to hell (in 1853). I had to learn the hard way just how damaging my power can be... It's... not something that I'm proud of...
Yes, VoxTech advertisements tell you to trust them, right before they fill your screen with a hypnotic spiral. They've tried to discredit and defame me for a long time, but I let my company speak for itself. If you'd ever like to get coffee together sometime, though, I'd be happy to let you monitor my pulse or use a lie detector to see if I'm telling the truth.
Thank you for asking all of these questions! You've been simply darling. Do check in every now and again, would you? I just want to make sure that you're doing alright. Ta-ta!~
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Greetings Miss Reverie!
i'm pretty new to this realm and i was hoping you could help me find my feet! your Story Sculpting power is so fascinating! does it really offer people peace? how do you decide which story to pick? are there ever any side effects? are there any stories you refuse to tell?
also is this "Unvoxing" something i should be worried about?
sorry i have so many questions, it's just all a little overwhelming.
thank you for your time! 🕸️
Greetings, Web Anon!
Oh my, so many questions! You don't need to apologize, dear. I'm taking the weekend off to spend time with my family, so I have plenty of time to answer them all.
I completely understand how overwhelming it can be to first arrive. If you would like help getting on your feet, darling, I would be happy to offer you a job at my company. I pay people living wages, so you'd have more than enough to spend on a place to stay. Depending on the type of person you are, you may even want to give the Hazbin Hotel a try! It's a hotel where sinners go to try and be good people. The ultimate goal is to get them to Heaven, but the Seraphim haven't been terribly cooperative. All I can promise is that the people within the hotels are a cut above the rest of Hell. They're not perfect, but that's not what we ask for. All we ask is that they try.
My Story Sculpting ability can be used to give you peace, but it's a temporary peace. Think of it like reading a normal book to escape. It brings you joy as you read it, and distracts you from the pain in your life. However, when the book is over, you must return to your day-to-day struggle. But! That doesn't mean that you can't re-read it. It will always be there to wrap you in a hug when things are hard.
I have a website, as well as a mailing and emailing list, that I use to send surveys to my readers. Those surveys are how I choose what to write. People that want a story with specific themes, settings, kinks, and the like, can commission me. Those that wish to have a book written for them regularly may offer their soul as payment if they so desire. It ensures that I will write for them for as long as I own their soul. Which, in hell, means for eternity (or until they ask for it back). Of course, they're not forced to sell me their soul. I have plenty of patrons who simply pay me with money every time.
There are no side effects to reading or listening to my stories. After all, it's basically just having a very vivid daydream. However, I do have a medical warning about the dangers of Maladaptive Daydreaming and excessive escapism right on the inside of the cover of my books, and at the beginning of my audiobooks and podcasts.
I do not tell stories involving people's traumas. When someone commissions me, I ask them if there are any subjects that they don't want me to touch on. As such, I do not touch on them. I also refuse to "resurrect" the dead. Escapism is all fine and good, but I will not tell stories about someone's late loved one. I understand how hard it is to lose someone, and no amount of delusion or daydream will bring them back. Please, if you miss your loved one, talk about it with someone you trust, or a professional. Using my, or a similar, ability will only make it harder to heal and move on.
You have no need to worry about Unvoxing, dear. What you need to be wary of is VoxTech. It is run by Vox, an insidious demon who would likely use his own mother for scrap if it meant giving himself more power. He and the other two Vees (Valentino and Velvette), use VoxTech to spy on and manipulate the denizens of hell. My technology, however, does neither of those things. Wishing to make technology safer for people overall, I devised Unvoxing. I can't disclose how I do it, because Vox and I are in a constant struggle of getting around each other's code and hardware in order to outmaneuver each other, but it is perfectly safe. Perhaps, if you become a trusted enough employee, I'll let you work in that department. Of course, all who work in that department must enter a soul contract with me to ensure that they don't then sell my secrets to Vox, but I promise that I am a benevolent master.
That's something that I've mentioned a few times now. Here in hell, souls are the most valuable form of currency. Gaining possession of a soul makes the owner stronger, while making the contractee bound to them. There are some people that you do not want to enter a soul contract with. Namely Vox, Valentino, Velvette, Zestiel, and... as much as I love my dear husband, Alastor. Myself, Vincent, and Rosie are relatively "safe" options to contract with, but never take a soul contract lightly. Someone that owns your soul owns your very being. The vast majority of the people in hell will use that for selfish purposes, at best, and nefarious purposes at worst. Those under Valentino's control are often subject to sexual assault, for example.
I'm sure that all gave you even more questions to ask. Please, sweetie, ask them. As I said before, I have plenty of time, and I'd rather you ask someone that as a rule doesn't lie than ask someone else.
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Hellooo, everyone!~ My darling son has invited me onto his blog to answer questions for the time being.
For those of you who don't know, my name is Reverie. I've been in hell for quite some time. I first made a name for myself by writing books for those who paid. These were very special, due to my Story Sculpting ability. You see, if I write a story, or tell it orally, those receiving the story experience it as if it were happening to them. Sights, sounds, tastes, the whole nine yards! It's a simply wonderful gift, and I use it to bring sinners like you peace amidst the stress and turmoil of hell.
I gave that up for a few years to focus on building my company, Automated Revelry. We specialize in gaming technology and video game creation, but we also offer other services. Namely Unvoxing, a process which removes the tracking, spying, and other signature VoxTech functions from your devices. You can rest soundly knowing that your device is no longer eavesdropping on your most private moments!
A year or two ago, I picked up writing and publishing books again, this time specializing in erotica. It's not my favorite genre (I much prefer fantasy), but it was a niche that required my talents.
I'm afraid that if you'd like to know anything else, you'll have to ask. I look forward to hearing from you!
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Anon, look at his face. Look at his face! That is not the face of someone you can trust. You're going to sell your soul to someone who couldn't give less of a care about you? For what? Because he's attractive?
You wouldn't even be working directly under Vox! You specifically wanted to work at VoxTech. For all you know, he could take your soul and stick you in an outlet mall.
People, please, think before you offer your soul to someone.
How can someone get a job at Voxtech? I am willing to do anything to work for you.
Well anything but work for Mr Valentino...
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“Anything, hm? Typically we have some minimum requirements, but if you’re willing to sign a special contract, I’m sure I could pull a few strings.”
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hmm. can't say that i know anyone by those descriptions, but that's very good to know!
tell me more about your hotel! it might do me good to compare notes with the future for the sake of best practice! 📻
Really now? I find that hard to believe. 🤭
Oh, my hotel is even better than the original. Just as Charlie's, we do trust exercises every morning. But we also have groups throughout the day that encourage positive thinking and growth. It was quite difficult to find people to lead the 12 step program meetings, but I managed it! It's very interesting seeing them struggle with the thought of finding a higher power while they're in hell. Most of them decided to choose an Overlord, Sin, or some other powerful demon, to be their higher power. After all, it's the only realistic thing they have down here. But it seems like it's working so far!
We have meals at set times of the day, but my staff and I are happy to cook for anyone that misses them. After all, we have people from all walks of life staying here, we can't expect them to be able to make everything that's scheduled.
We also have tons of recreational activities. My personal favorite are the music jams, where those of us that play instruments or sing gather together and just have a grand time!
I hope that's enough information for you. I just realized that I forgot to link the song you requested last time! My apologies.
As requested, something with pep! An electrowing remix of a song you're familiar with.
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My mother's company, Automated Revelry, offers unvoxing tech services for a fee!
So I know that you have the ability to peer into pretty much any device created by your company, but has anyone ever been able to reprogram one of your devices to prevent you from using that ability? Like you try to look at what they're doing, but all you get is a blocked message. How would you feel if you ever came across such a person?
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“My dear, you are describing Alastor, and we all know how I feel about him.”
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