dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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Project Description
I have used the pinhole obscure technique to project an image from outside of the room on to the interior walls of the room. This Creates at photo that visually shows the relationship between the view that the room receives interior layout and occupants of the space.
This reflects on the difference in each photo as the character of the view and the occupants are so different, although the photos still work as a series as they show the technique of Camera obscure. This is reinforced by inverting the photos show the importance of how the view does or does not have a relationship with the room.
The Pin hole obscure technique is a result of blocking out every source of light, to do this I used black plastic to block out the windows and light that may come through the door or gaps in the wall.
A hole is the size of a nail which is punched through the plastic covering the windows allowing a controlled amount of light to come through. The light that comes through is reflected from the objects outside which is why they appear inverted.
To capture the image the camera is set up on a tripod to hold it steady as the exposure is eight minutes long. Such a long exposure is required as the room is very dark.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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Alebardo Morell is a Cuban photographer who creates a camera obscura in several hotel rooms around the world. This way, he succeeds to project the view outside the original window onto it inside the room. The result an overlapping of domestic space and outside world.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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An experiment with Camera Obscure showing a close up of photo taken in a sun-room shoeing houses on Kelburn Parade.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
Photographer users his small truck to act as a giant camera to capture images on a large silver negative, the results are extremely clear giant photographs.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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Light Drawings with a torch and long exposure.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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To capture the outside view on the walls of the room and observe the layout and the contents and how that relate to the view. Let the personality of the occupants come through.   
Using the method of pinhole obscure; by blacking the entire room and controlling the amount of light passing through a pinhole. This creates a projection of the view in the corresponding wall. To capture the image a camera is placed on a Tripod to hold it steady for the long exposure which is up 8 mintues.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
Design synopsis
This is an interactive PDF that allows the users to play with time fast fording and remaindering it as they please. The first frame is manly empty apart from one pigeon; this is how the space often appears apart from occasional rushes for users from inbound trains, by building that layers of people from each the viewer is able to get a sense of how many people pass through the space in a period of time.
I took the idea of an interactive photograph from Havve, (http://www.havve.net/things/focusme/) here they have used a series of layers which make a photograph, as the user scrolls his mouse over top the blur intensity of the layers change giving the impression of a camera lens changing focus.
I Used Abode Flash to construct interactive layers linked to buttons that are activated when the mouse rolls over top. Each Photograph is taken at five minute intervals of a period of four hours. Each photo is assigned to a button. I used Photoshop to cut people out from each frame and applied them to each activated layer so that the people remain in the space.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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First shoot of the interior of the concourse in wellington’s railway station in which half were used from the final hand in. Photos taken at five minute intervals over a period of four hours.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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Photographs showing change in room cleanliness.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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T I m e   P r o p o  s a l :
Aim:        To take a series of stop motion video that shows the relationship between the courses of a day and    how this effects that activates on the selected animals.
Method: Set up a stationary camera to take photos on at a regular frequency to capture the animals. The  frequency of photos will depend on the activity of the animals, such as cows grazing across the hill will have a longer distance between photos. Compared to Maggots eating a caucus as there movement is faster so the photos would be taken more frequency.
Rational: To show animals reliance on the day to function, such as light and warmth to achieve their daily tasks.
Output: A stop motion video that show changes in between different involving the animal groups selected, whilst also showing the course of the day through light.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
Stop motion through the Waterloo Quay apartments showing the changing light intensity over the period on time traveling through the space.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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Design intent
The intent of these photographs it to show the drastic contrast in spatial qualities centred around one object. These photographs show how the spaces can change on either side of a threshold, such. My second photo shoot I attempted to photograph a puddle to show this concept. From above the water level the puddle is uninteresting but below the water level the puddle is a completely different interesting space.
I used Ben Cauchi as a precedent as in a lot of his photography has a high ISO to give the photos noise. The noise effect makes a space that could be quite uninteresting to a space that has a sinister quality. I used this effect for the photos outside of the tank to create a sinister quality before the photos inside of the tank, adding to their experience.
For the Photos inside of the tank I took a long exposure with a large aperture as the space was very dark, which meant I had to use a tripod. I kept the ISO at 100 inside the tank as the space was dark as noise deteriorates the quality too much.   
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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Original idea was to photograph above and below the water level to show the difference in spaces. I constructed a device to photograph under the water but due to multiple problems I decided to go with a different idea. The Photo’s tell the story.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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These are a various collection of photos taken underwater of war airplanes, and ships.  I find the emotive equities of these images inspiring.
The angle of the photo is quite interesting as the photographer is not restricted to the ground. This allows the photographer to photograph from a perspective differs to photos on ground.
 For my final shoot I like the idea of photographing a underwater space not only because the space are a completely different environment but how colours appear less saturated and often more textured. The clarity of the water the photo a depth as if the background is out of focus.
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dewhirst-blog · 12 years
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Anne Noble plays with light to create forms such as the bed sheet which is wrinkled to make it appear as hills or mountains. Often her photos have a very simple back ground which highlights the objects in the foreground.
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