doors-but-vores · 3 months
How tall would Figure be in this au? Because he is a tall, skinny boy. Not to mention has long arms-
I did actually look into this way before (And admitedly we did make a post where i was detailing it down about entities being big, doorways and furnitures too), We did conclude that the doors would be bigger, including closets to fit certain characters in this AU..! (Especially since Sulavin is 7'11" foot tall he gonna need to bend his body to pass the door especially hiding inside of closets)
There did exist some actual heights of these entities, Like F//igure and S//eek, But we've decided to make them tall..! Because 1, Tall = Best. and 2, Just so that the height of Sulavin can be enough to compare these said entities..!
Overall to answer your question, The original height of F//igure was said to be 9'3" foot tall according to the Wiki which seemed to lost the height for some reason? But either way we made them to be 11'4" foot tall! Basically adding up 2'1" foot tall height increase! (And we did also add those to each and every other entities that does have a height..!)
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doors-but-vores · 3 months
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I think i can finally go back and work on D//oors art now finally..!
Here's some J//eef Nom, And to celebrate the sneak peek and the hunt event..! (Sort of just imagining renting a stomach as a hotel room for some rest)
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doors-but-vores · 6 months
So something I just decided I wanted to say here is that I somehow consistently fail at the second seek chase in doors due to inpatients and that seems like a good build up to being eaten tbh
- Glass anon
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He's a bit disappointed you gave up before you even got halfway into the chase, But he still ate you though at the end of it! Just expect an annoyed tone and complaints as you'll eventually fall asleep and wake back in the hotel entrance..!
(But yeah it a good buildup to being eaten..!)
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doors-but-vores · 7 months
I wish i weren't too distracted that i forgot to keep this blog alive-
Oh welp, Atleast the new floor was announced, No?
(It's not like we would ever be able to escape-)
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doors-but-vores · 8 months
Hello, Sulavin here
Figured we let you know we still mega busy (And doing prompts overall on our main tumblr)
But we still alive with this blog! We even saw the recent teaser for D//oors and the mines update, We're hyped and hope to see new entities from there!
Although will i and Cam actually get through the first floor or are we still gonna be stuck getting eaten and sent back to the lobby no less-
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doors-but-vores · 9 months
I’m so so so glad there’s real content like this for doors bc Seek is PEEK PRED MATERIAL
So is Figure (listen, I’d be dammed if I didn’t bring them up… Seek would be mad that I didn’t bring his husband.)
I see hehe..! Glad you like it overall!
We've just thought about making this blog as a silly AU thing, Along with some story stuff that is involved with it all, Along with having some excuse to draw vore of them i suppose..!
Anyhow we will post more content off from it entirely! And ofcourse more pred stuff of S//eek and F//igure!
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doors-but-vores · 9 months
what if I dissolved, appeared behind you, snap my head off of my neck, gave it to you as a gift, disappeared again, and then my head slowly blinks at you and says “times almost up…”
HA! I’m just kidding
*starts to dissolve in front of S//eek*
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Turns out, An Anon that probably described themself as a ticking time bomb and proceeded to do one of the steps they described, Are not welcomed to blow themself up in the hotel, Do you know how expensive it is to fix stuff when it quite isolated??
(Jokes aside, It just what i thought might happen in my mind..!)
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doors-but-vores · 9 months
Does Room Entities exist or appear in this blog?
I was thinking about it for a while for this AU in a sense, But to decide on it... I say yes..! They do exist and can possibly appear in the blog..!
Though i haven't thought of how they would appear exactly, So I'll figure out a way for them to show up..!
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doors-but-vores · 9 months
I have noticed a lack of activity here.
So uh...
Slams wooden door on the ground.
Jokes aside, Me and Cam were caught by Real Life stuff pretty much, I will get back to the blog soon enough..! We are just working on other things..! But we'll get back soon enough!
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doors-but-vores · 9 months
New blog name!
Appreciation is sent to regards to a friend of mine who suggested it!
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doors-but-vores · 10 months
Can I give S//eek a crocheted scarf?
- Glass anon
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THEY LOVE IT! Sul likes it too~
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doors-but-vores · 10 months
Sul gets nommed!
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Cam don't know where he went!
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doors-but-vores · 10 months
Quick question
Because of the fact that the entities are so tall/big,Are the doorways and just about everything else slightly larger in scale? I'm assuming it has to be for folks like Seek to properly do their role
(Incase for context as someone may ask, we made some of the entities taller)
Yep! Closets, Door and other things are made bigger, Mainly because well- Initially it was thought about exploring and potray the story of Cam and Sulavin going through the hotel, Getting ate by the entity, etc, etc! (More below the cut, Contains some images that is otherwise not vore-)
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But then i realize that Sulavin, My sona, His Height is admittedly tall that it might be a problem, While sure it can be seen comical that Sulavin can't fit through the door, Hiding inside of a closet is another thing to worry about..! Not that he can't just curl up, The other problem is well-
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He's Fat Wide that I'm pretty sure some entities like R//ush or A//mbusher and others can easily tell where they might be hiding behind it because it will be partly open.
So in the worldbuilding sense, the hotel will have larger closets and Doors! (And beds, since it definetly assumed they will be here for a long while-)
(But the other reason for why they would be taller is so that it makes sense in one drawing idea that is to be shared soon, But also because we like them tall too-)
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doors-but-vores · 10 months
D//upe Ref Sheet!
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This is cam speaking!
This is D//upe! Th entity that Sul we all know and love!
We decided to make them a giant fluffy cat-like creature with quills going down its back side. Though it is not shown in this photo, it was shown in Suls to ask that he answer. D//upes quills will sontimes carry the sighs to the doors of the hotel! Having different signs, they use and put them on the fake doors to trick people so they get a free snack.
D//upe also has retractable claws and a cat-like tongue (meaning it's rough like a cats), and they have lots of fur they like to maintain! With their big eyes, it helps them see better, but all their other senses are not as good, like smell and hearing.
Anyways~ another character to the roaster! Thank you all for the support so far, and we love yall!
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doors-but-vores · 10 months
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@agent-the-shifter Cam speaking!
And yes! they can get pulled into S//eek! Tho he doesn't do it often, if someone is brave enough and he isn't chasing you, and you poking him, he will definitely take that as an invitation to eat you! S//eek does shrink his prey, so as you get pulled in, you will slowly be shrunk and pulled into his stomach!
As for when he is in his larger form, he will do that too, like giving you a false sense of hope by putting his hand out for you to step onto and you get pulled in quicksand. you will get pulled
through and into his stomach just like his regular form!
But this will only happen very few times-
He prefers to catch and srink his prey and the swallow them whole, so don't expect him to do this often.
Thanks for the ask! More stuff and maybe a story from me, coming soon!
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doors-but-vores · 10 months
Just realized D//oors anniversary was few days ago and while they did say they will release a small update which seems to allow you to make your experience harder with modifiers
I am still hyped and interested to see when they'll release the next floor, Because more entities and places to explore..!
Otherwise, Given the tad bit late of this anniversary, I can share to you lots that the next entity to get a reference of aside from D//upe, Is F//igure!
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doors-but-vores · 10 months
I'm kinda curious on what D//upe looks like.
And also kinda interested about being nommed by them too.
- Glass anon
Admittedly we didn't have a design before of D//upe, but i did had an design in mind after being inspired so, But eventually Cam made me a rough sketch so i can draw
And by means draw, I mean you got what you wished for; eaten!
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Enjoy your stay while he talks about how easy it was, and how willing you came down to be!
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