doyochix · 23 days
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doyochix · 4 months
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doyochix · 4 months
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doyochix · 4 years
"ugh mdzs is sO problematic, mxtx is #cancelled (except for tgcf this one is Okay™) lmao anyway mdzs fans pls give me recommendations instead of enjoying the series because you somehow owe this to me and i don't have any autonomy and can't use Google hihi, also i just Have to bother you in your own space because i am annoying"
Instead of scolding international fans for wanting to see diverse characters,ideas in mdzs/the untamed ,Chinese English speaking fans should direct them to literatures/movies dramas that have those elements.Take the non-con matter in mdzs for example.Is there any lit/drama where this isn't an issue?If there is then please mention it to the fans.If there isn't then int fans can certainly raise that point.
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doyochix · 4 years
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What more to ask for
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doyochix · 4 years
Every time I think about MDZS I'm so grateful Jin Ling wasn't killed off.
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doyochix · 4 years
yeah i'm glad it doesn't get as much attention i want to protect sv from the antis and their discourse and purity crusade
at first when I got into svss fandom I got mad for all the disregard and general hate it gets (aka lbh is r*pist/sqq doesn't really love him and stuff like that) but now when I'm seeing a lot of drama on twitter... I'm glad it's not as popular, because ppl see the novel as "problematic" and also because it doesn't have many adaptations the fandom is smaller and so there are less antis in it, I'm still kind of pissed at all the antis in mdzs after it got popular (with the untamed and etc)
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doyochix · 4 years
People who complain about toxic ships, minor/adult ships and rape in fiction but have "reading 2ha" in their dn immediately lose all credibility.
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doyochix · 4 years
i loved it 😳
I love TGCF but I hate, hate the Land of Tender part.
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doyochix · 4 years
back on chengxian discourse i found out today that there are actually more chengxian fics than xicheng ones on ao3 and i just think that's funny
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doyochix · 4 years
are they wrong tho?
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I can't even read Liu Qingge fics anymore. They always turn him into a blushy maiden
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doyochix · 4 years
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Bai WuXiang +
the Crown Prince Who Pleased Gods
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doyochix · 4 years
Yeah the art is cute and all but sometimes fanon takes over canon and that's a little annoying to me...
I think ppl who are obsessed with the found family trope are probably because of their own lack of family bonds,,, but it's a bit annoying when it excludes friendship because not everything has to be family and it's even healthier to consider other relationships idk they must be insufferable if they think every friend they have has to be on family terms with them lmao
LmAO the brain rot yikes what the fuck absolutely Nothing about xicheng is incestuous it's like those ppl who jump on zhuiling shippers because "ThEy aRE CoUSinS!!!¡¡!"
fun fact about chengxian when i first showed my sister the mdzs donghua she thought wwx and jc were supposed to end up together,,, she didn't know about the whole family background she just watched some early scenes
so yeah sometimes you just ship out of chemistry and personally no amount of "but they were brothers" will stop me from liking the chemistry, Especially if they're not blood related.
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doyochix · 4 years
I'm not sure I understand this... People are excited because they like it... saying it's "just a chinese bl" sounds a little condescending... But if this is about the entitlement some of them are harbouring or the drama i agree. Otherwise I just don't get anon's point.
I think people in this fandom are too obsessed, it's just a chinese BL. It feels like Twilight fans who'd never read a book before suddenly became hyperfixated on it. They're also like kpop fans, BL is just a bunch of dudes, the appeal is the same.
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doyochix · 4 years
yessss i don't know where that entitlement with family bonds comes from it's pretty annoying like the ones who obsess about the whole "sizhui is wwx and lwj's son" like,,, i'm pretty sure he canonically doesn't think of them as parents 🙃 and it annoys me when they act like they're a little family while wen ning (his Actual parent) is right there
Also i just think they like using buzzwords like incest and idk why, they're fascinating i couldn't do that much mental gymnastics about ships
fun fact about chengxian when i first showed my sister the mdzs donghua she thought wwx and jc were supposed to end up together,,, she didn't know about the whole family background she just watched some early scenes
so yeah sometimes you just ship out of chemistry and personally no amount of "but they were brothers" will stop me from liking the chemistry, Especially if they're not blood related.
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doyochix · 4 years
mdzs fandom is so messy omg
everyday i hear another drama coming from there... don't they get tired?
yesterday it was the person who ""edited"" exr's tl to make it more family friendly (madness) and today it was ppl apparently selling mdzs/cql as the chinese version of whatever western fantasy show
i don't even go there but just hearing about it makes me cautious of any mdzs main (especially if they have cql as pp i know that's sad but yeah)
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doyochix · 4 years
fun fact about chengxian when i first showed my sister the mdzs donghua she thought wwx and jc were supposed to end up together,,, she didn't know about the whole family background she just watched some early scenes
so yeah sometimes you just ship out of chemistry and personally no amount of "but they were brothers" will stop me from liking the chemistry, Especially if they're not blood related.
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