drbrookeweinstein · 7 months
Making small shifts towards regulating your nervous system can produce huge wins.
We can’t always avoid the stimuli but we can support our brain and body through it.
This is an ongoing practice that requires self-reflection, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth.
It takes time and effort, but the rewards are significant in fostering a healthy relationships and promoting the well-being of yourself and your family. If you want that, the first place too start is with awareness. And where do you obtain that awareness? Within my Battling Burnout Course.
DM me I WANT MORE, if you want to learn more about this incredible course.
Don't forget to Subscribe to our YT channel for daily informative videos! Dr. Brooke Weinstein - YouTube
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeweinst/
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drbrookeweinstein · 7 months
Bilateral music is music that gently shifts from one ear to the ear.
We are designed to orient towards sounds.
Because of this, the two hemispheres of the brain begin to interact.
This gentle activation of the body’s vestibular system causes non-invasive calming of the limbic brain.
Therefore, music can be calming for your nervous system—specifically called 8D, which you can find playlists on Spotify or YouTube.
This type of strategy and so many other techniques are possible. But we need to be able to find specific regulation strategies that work for YOU.
But first, you must understand your sensory triggers, so we can support them in real-time when they happen, or even before…
If you want that comment I’M IN, and I will DM you to see what’s going on!!! Don't forget to Subscribe to our YT channel for daily informative videos! Dr. Brooke Weinstein - YouTube Follow me at Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ph/drbweinstein/
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drbrookeweinstein · 7 months
I know you are tired.
I know you try to hide it because you were taught to suck it up and keep going.
I know you are holding so much weight on your shoulders to show up for your family.
I know you are exhausted but you feel like you need to do more.
I know you feel like you can’t do anything right.
I know you feel like you are messing everything up.
I know you feel like you are letting yourself and everyone else around you down.
It’s ok to feel all of this. You aren’t the only one. You don’t need to be the strong hero all of the time. It’s ok to talk. Share. Let the ones who love you most how you are feeling.
If you are not fine please DM me THRIVE, I would love to talk with you about what’s going on and how my team and I can help.
We are here for you. YOU MATTER.
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drbrookeweinstein · 7 months
 A question I get asked all the time… When do you know you are finally healed from trauma?
The truth is… It’s not about when is the healing over. It’s about gaining awareness to understand that you actually do have control over how you feel in the midst of a trigger.
It is the ability to say, I know that I can support myself through this. I know I have the capacity to do it. I’ve done it before. And I know I’m going to feel okay on the other side. And that is what it’s about.
The healing and work always continues. Am I more healed now than I was a year or two ago or five years ago, you bet. But I also love the person that I am here today. And I also look forward to the person I will be in a year. Like I look forward to that. And it’s okay to accept it all.
Healing can happen, but it does happen very slowly. And I do believe that we become wiser as we get older, we become more comfortable within our skin and more comfortable with the choices we’re making and who we are and how we choose to lead our lives and not caring about what others think as much like all that happens with with time, right and experience, but also healing. So best of luck on your healing journey and know that it’s okay to go slow.
Join me on this weeks episode of Thrive Like a Parent and let’s talk through how we support ourself long term through trauma.
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drbrookeweinstein · 7 months
A question I get asked all the time… When do you know you are finally healed from trauma?
The truth is… It’s not about when is the healing over. It’s about gaining awareness to understand that you actually do have control over how you feel in the midst of a trigger.
It is the ability to say, I know that I can support myself through this. I know I have the capacity to do it. I’ve done it before. And I know I’m going to feel okay on the other side. And that is what it’s about.
The healing and work always continues. Am I more healed now than I was a year or two ago or five years ago, you bet. But I also love the person that I am here today. And I also look forward to the person I will be in a year. Like I look forward to that. And it’s okay to accept it all.
Healing can happen, but it does happen very slowly. And I do believe that we become wiser as we get older, we become more comfortable within our skin and more comfortable with the choices we’re making and who we are and how we choose to lead our lives and not caring about what others think as much like all that happens with with time, right and experience, but also healing. So best of luck on your healing journey and know that it’s okay to go slow.
Join me on this week's episode of Thrive Like a Parent and let’s talk through how we support ourselves long term through trauma.
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
I have focused on my mental and physical health as the top priority for years.
I practice what I preach.
So, when I was diagnosed in April with Hashimoto’s, I was devastated.
My body can’t be breaking down. That’s not the plan. I want to maintain health for myself and the boys.
I’m all they have.
So, instead of just accepting the diagnosis and taking a pill every day for the rest of my life, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I immediately hired @instar.gardens to spearhead my holistic health journey. I’ve known Erika since I was a little girl and trust her deeply.
She has helped me find a new doctor who focuses on the root cause rather than just accepting the diagnosis for what it is, handing me a pill, and moving on to the next client.
We will get to the bottom of why my thyroid is acting up in the first place.
And today is the day I finally get to meet @connealymd and her entire team at @centerfornewmedicine!
Health is our responsibility. Take the time to ask the questions. If you don’t understand, ask more questions. Find practitioners you trust and believe in.
Never give up your health! Cause you matter!!!!
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
So often, parents don’t realize our behaviors all stem from our nervous system. We either seek, or avoid.
These particular behaviors demonstrate sensitivity to certain stimuli, which I attempt to regulate with coping strategies.
Make sense?
What if I told you, YOU could understand your brain at a sensory level? What if I told you you could learn how to support your individual brain rather than shame your behavior or “weirdness?”
It’s doable! And it’s life-changing. For the better.
Comment I WANT TO REGULATE if you are ready to learn this type of info and so much more! I’d love nothing more than to support you!
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Auditory stimuli such as vent fans, hand dryers, or loud toilets can drive you up the wall.
Especially at the end of a very long day and your last task is dinner.
But they can also be scary for your kids.
The cooking. The vent fan. The tv. The toys. The crying.
It all might just put you or your kiddos over the edge. And what happens next?
You snap or they meltdown.
Not because you hate your kids and family. And not because your kids what want to drive you up the wall with another meltdown. But because the nervous system is DONE.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
If you are tired of the overstimulation and ready to find peace and calm within your home, or you have a child that struggles and you want to support them in the best way possible, comment I WANT THAT, and I’ll DM you to see if we can help!
Here for you!
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Tactile sensitivity???
Clothing. Sheets. Hand holding. Massages. Even kissing.
Allll a part of the tactile sensation.
And how regulated you are for sure has a lot to do with touch and sensitivity.
It’s all part of what makes up our sensory system.
tactile hypersensitivity occurs because the brain pays too much attention to light touch and protective sensations from the skin.
Instead of listening to the extra information available from the discriminative pathway, the brain keeps paying attention to the light touch and protective sensations.
Curious. How many of you struggle with tactile sensitivity?!?
Would love to know in the comments below.
And send this to a friend who may find this interesting!!
Xoxo Dr.B
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Boundaries are a hard one in parenthood. You look at their cute faces. The tears possibly rolling down their face. Your heart breaks, and you cave. I get it. Trust me—more than you know. But setting boundaries and remaining consistent is what their brains need. They need us to be strong and remain in the driver’s seat. This will allow their brain to grow, learn, and understand what is required of them. I know it can be challenging and uncomfortable, but consistency is critical. Through neuro sensory parenting we can support both emotional and logical sides of child’s brain. You’ve got this.
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Unlocking Your Parenting Potential: The Power of Parent Coaching
Parenting is one of life's most rewarding and challenging journeys. As children grow and develop, parents face a myriad of decisions, dilemmas, and uncertainties. While there's no one-size-fits-all manual for raising children, parent coaching has emerged as a valuable resource to help parents navigate the complexities of parenthood. In this article, we'll explore what parent coaching is, its benefits, and how it can transform the way parents approach their roles.
What Is Parent Coaching?
Parent coaching is a professional service that provides guidance and support to parents in their journey to become more effective, confident, and fulfilled parents. Coaches work with parents to identify goals, challenges, and areas for improvement within their parenting practices. They then develop strategies and techniques tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of each family.
Key Elements of Parent Coaching:
Goal-Oriented Approach: Parent coaching focuses on setting specific, achievable goals. Whether it's managing tantrums, improving communication, or establishing routines, coaches help parents clarify what they want to achieve.
Empowerment: Coaches empower parents by providing them with tools, knowledge, and skills to make informed decisions and overcome challenges independently.
Supportive Environment: Parent coaching provides a non-judgmental, confidential space for parents to express their concerns, fears, and frustrations without fear of criticism.
Evidence-Based Techniques: Coaches rely on evidence-based strategies and principles of child development to guide their coaching sessions, ensuring that advice is rooted in sound research.
Accountability: Coaches help parents stay on track by setting milestones and holding them accountable for making progress toward their goals.
Benefits of Parent Coaching
Improved Parent-Child Relationship: Parent coaching helps parents develop more meaningful and positive relationships with their children by fostering effective communication and understanding.
Reduced Stress: By equipping parents with tools to handle challenging situations, parent coaching reduces parental stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm.
Enhanced Parenting Skills: Parents learn evidence-based techniques and strategies that improve their parenting skills, leading to better outcomes for their children.
Increased Confidence: As parents see positive changes in their family dynamics, their confidence in their parenting abilities grows.
Customized Solutions: Parent coaching provides personalized solutions tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of each family, ensuring that strategies are effective and sustainable.
Who Can Benefit from Parent Coaching?
Parent coaching is beneficial for parents at all stages of their parenting journey, from first-time parents to those with teenagers. It can address a wide range of parenting challenges, including:
Behavioral Issues: Tantrums, defiance, and other challenging behaviors. Communication: Improving communication between parents and children. Family Transitions: Navigating divorce, blended families, or other significant life changes. Education and Development: Supporting children's academic progress and developmental milestones. Parenting Styles: Exploring different parenting styles and finding what works best for each family. Conclusion
Parenting is a journey filled with joys and challenges, and parent coaching offers a valuable roadmap to help parents navigate this path more effectively. By focusing on goal setting, empowerment, and evidence-based strategies, parent coaching equips parents with the tools they need to build stronger, healthier relationships with their children and experience the joys of parenthood to the fullest. If you're a parent looking to enhance your parenting skills and create a more harmonious family life, consider exploring the benefits of parent coaching – it could be the transformative experience you've been seeking.
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Parent Coaching
Empowering Families Through Parent Coaching: Building Stronger Bonds and Nurturing Growth
Parenting is a journey filled with joys, challenges, and a constant quest for guidance. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to raising children, the concept of parent coaching has emerged as a valuable resource for parents seeking to enhance their parenting skills, improve communication, and foster positive relationships within their families. Parent coaching is a collaborative and empowering process that equips parents with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to navigate the complexities of parenthood successfully.
Understanding Parent Coaching
Parent coaching is a professional service designed to support parents in developing effective parenting strategies, improving communication with their children, and addressing challenges that arise throughout their parenting journey. Unlike traditional parenting advice, which tends to be prescriptive, parent coaching takes a personalized and holistic approach. Coaches work with parents to understand their unique family dynamics, values, and goals, tailoring their guidance to suit each family's needs.
Benefits of Parent Coaching
1.Enhanced Parenting Skills: Parent coaching equips parents with a diverse set of skills and techniques that enable them to handle various parenting situations more effectively. Whether dealing with discipline issues, sibling rivalry, or communication struggles, parents learn how to respond in ways that promote positive behavior and emotional well-being.
2.Improved Communication: Effective communication is at the heart of strong parent-child relationships. Parent coaches help parents refine their communication techniques, fostering open and respectful dialogues with their children. This not only reduces misunderstandings but also teaches children healthy communication patterns.
3.Conflict Resolution: Parenting comes with its fair share of disagreements and conflicts. Parent coaches assist parents in understanding the root causes of conflicts and guide them in finding constructive ways to address and resolve disagreements, promoting a harmonious family environment.
4.Strengthened Bond: By focusing on building strong emotional connections, parent coaching encourages parents to spend quality time with their children, engage in meaningful activities, and create cherished memories together. A secure parent-child bond forms the foundation for a child's overall development.
5.Personal Growth: Parenting is not just about raising children; it's also an opportunity for personal growth. Parent coaches empower parents to reflect on their own experiences, beliefs, and behaviors, fostering self-awareness and personal development.
6.Positive Behavior Reinforcement: Through positive reinforcement techniques, parent coaching helps parents promote desired behaviors in their children. This approach emphasizes acknowledging and rewarding positive actions, which can lead to improved behavior and increased self-esteem.
The Parent Coaching Process
1.Assessment: The coaching journey typically begins with an assessment of the family's needs, challenges, and goals. Coaches work closely with parents to understand their concerns and expectations.
2.Goal Setting: Based on the assessment, parents and coaches collaboratively set specific goals for the coaching process. These goals guide the coaching sessions and provide a clear direction for the desired outcomes.
3.Guidance and Strategies: Parent coaches offer evidence-based strategies and techniques that are tailored to the family's goals. These strategies encompass various aspects of parenting, from communication and discipline to emotional intelligence and stress management.
4.Skill Building: Coaching sessions focus on developing essential parenting skills, such as active listening, empathy, effective discipline, and conflict resolution. These skills are practiced and refined over time.
5Reflection and Feedback: Regular reflection and feedback sessions allow parents to evaluate their progress, discuss challenges, and refine their strategies. This iterative process ensures that the coaching approach remains effective and adaptable.
6.Empowerment: The ultimate goal of parent coaching is to empower parents to take the lead in their parenting journey confidently. Coaches provide parents with the tools they need to continue nurturing positive family dynamics long after the coaching relationship concludes.
Parent coaching is a transformative approach to parenting that empowers families to overcome challenges, strengthen relationships, and thrive together. By focusing on personalized strategies, effective communication, and emotional connection, parent coaching equips parents with the skills and confidence needed to navigate the intricate path of parenthood. As families embrace the guidance of parent coaches, they discover the joy of creating a nurturing and harmonious environment where children can flourish, and parents can find fulfillment in their role as caregivers and mentors.
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
There are many ways to regulate your nervous system.
The key to regulating your nervous system is to find what feels best and right for YOU.
Another key is to figuring out what FITS into your life.
Finding a quick fix exercise challenge or a recreational one time program may take the edge off but it’s not going to regulate you long term.
This has to become part of your life. You have to live and breathe regulation. Unapologetically giving your brain and body what it needs.
IF YOU HAVE A BRAIN you must give this to yourself.
We all matter. We have to work together as a team to make sure we are all taken care of. Support one another when we have the bandwidth. Hold boundaries when we don’t.
But this my friends is the #1 key to mental health.
Awareness of how your brain functions. Acceptance for your individual brain. And commitment to brain growth in areas you feel need it.
I am here to support you through all of that. Honestly, it doesn’t even have to be me. Just find someone you trust. Someone you feel safe enough to do this work with.
Stop waiting for other day to pass you by.
Comment I WANT THAT LIFE if you are ready to change your life.
Find brain health and enjoy your life.
Cause you are so damn worth it.
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Sometimes we have no idea what a parent is going through to support their children.
I find so many don’t understand what sensory difficulties are. When a child is attempting to regulate for themselves and one might think they are acting out.
It is important to remember our nervous system knows how to naturally regulate our nervous system. It’s the programming we place on our brain which attempts to stop us from these behaviors in an effort to look “normal.” But it’s actually doing you harm.
Listen to your body. Listen to your brain. Have understanding for everyone’s individual brains and what they need to regulate for themselves.
Thank you to @happyhandswith_hallie for shedding a light on bringing more social awareness to sensory regulation. Way to go mama.
Xoxo Dr.B
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Bilateral music is music that gently shifts from one ear to the ear.
We are designed to orient towards sounds.
Because of this, the two hemispheres of the brain begin to interact.
This gentle activation of the body’s vestibular system causes non-invasive calming of the limbic brain.
Therefore, music can be calming for your nervous system—specifically called 8D, which you can find playlists on Spotify or YouTube.
This type of strategy and so many other techniques are possible. But we need to be able to find specific regulation strategies that work for YOU.
But first, you must understand your sensory triggers, so we can support them in real-time when they happen, or even before…
If you want that comment I’M IN, and I will DM you to see what’s going on!!!
Xoxo Dr.B
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
Layered music can have a positive impact on the release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure, reward, and motivation. When we listen to music, especially when it’s complex and layered, it can stimulate the release of dopamine in several ways. 1. Musical Complexity: The brain finds pleasure in processing and deciphering these intricate musical patterns, which can lead to an increase in dopamine release. 2. Emotional Resonance: Layered music has the ability to evoke strong emotions and create a sense of immersion. When we connect emotionally with music, it activates the reward pathways in the brain, triggering dopamine release. 3. Anticipation and Surprise: Layered music often incorporates variations, unexpected chord progressions, or sudden shifts in dynamics. These musical surprises can stimulate the brain’s reward system and trigger a surge of dopamine. The anticipation and resolution of musical tension can also create a pleasurable response. 4. Sensory Stimulation: Layered music provides a rich auditory experience with multiple sonic elements. The brain processes this sensory input and responds with dopamine release. Different layers of music can engage various regions of the brain, enhancing the overall sensory stimulation and pleasure response.
The experience of music and its effects on dopamine can vary between individuals. Personal preferences, emotional connections, and individual brain chemistry all play a role in how music impacts dopamine release.
So. Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below! And if it’s a yes, PLEASE SHARE this so others can learn the impact on music and the brain.
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drbrookeweinstein · 8 months
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Is your brain on overdrive all the time?
Do you constantly worry you aren’t doing enough.
Do you secretly tell yourself “Sometimes hate being a parent.”
Yep. That OK! I promise. It is allllllll OK.
But what isn’t ok is for you to feel exhausted, depleted, and done all the time. What isn’t ok is for you to constantly neglect yourself.
What isn’t ok is to shame your every move thinking you need to be more, do more, have more, etc.
That is not the key to success and happiness in parenthood.
You want to know what is? Self- compassion. Self-care. Mental health.
And where does it start?
YOU. It starts with YOU!
You must put your oxygen mask on first!!!
And if you don’t know how that’s where I come in!
I would love nothing more than to support you! If this is you comment I WANT SUPPORT and I will reach out to see what’s going on and how I can help!
Also, please help me out by sharing this so others know they aren’t alone!
Xoxo Dr.B
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