drmonicatadros · 2 years
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Male teen rhinoplasty before + after
Read more: https://drmonicatadros.com/procedures/rhinoplasty/teen-rhinoplasty/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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There are two fascinating reasons why women require a bit more sleep than men If you've been struggling with feeling rested after a night of sleep, you may have a medical condition that affects your sleep cycle. To find that wonderful night of sleep, schedule an appointment with Dr. Tadros in NJ (201) 928-5117 or NY (212) 585-5827, or visit https://drmonicatadros.com/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night to feel refreshed. However, research suggests that women tend to need just a bit more than men. Not only that, women's sleep tends to be lower quality than men's sleep. So, why DO women need more sleep than men? 
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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Dorsal hump removed and a perfect, smooth nose for this teen!  
Read more about Teen Rhinoplasty: https://drmonicatadros.com/procedures/rhinoplasty/teen-rhinoplasty/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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More complex than a primary rhinoplasty, a revision rhinoplasty is often done to correct a bad one. Dr. Tadros ensures that you leave our office fully satisfied and confident with your results 
Learn more on revision rhinoplasty: https://drmonicatadros.com/procedures/rhinoplasty/revision-rhinoplasty/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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DID YOU KNOW When the air you breathe is too dry, it can irritate your nose, mouth, and sinuses. Moist air can help thin and loosen mucus, and the water vapor can moisturize and calm irritated airways and ease dry eyes. If you're one of our sinus patients, do you regularly use a humidifier in your home? Would you like some tips for choosing a humidifier?
You can read more about sinusitis here: https://drmonicatadros.com/procedures/sinusitis-and-allergy/sinusitis/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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Teen rhinoplasty update this morning!
Read more: https://drmonicatadros.com/procedures/rhinoplasty/teen-rhinoplasty/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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Some of the main symptoms of sleep apnea are usually observed by a spouse or other family member - loud snoring or visible episodes of interrupted breathing as you sleep.If you live alone, how can you tell if you have sleep apnea? Here are the most important and noticeable signs to look out for.If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, you should see an expert in sleep disorders to confirm your diagnosis. Dr. Tadros specializes in sinus and sleep quality treatment. Call our office in NYC (212) 532-4590 or NJ (201) 408-5430, or visit https://drmonicatadros.com/ to schedule a consultation.
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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What happens during Obstructive Sleep Apnea Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a disorder in which normal breathing is interrupted during sleep due to the blockage of airflow in the upper airway breathing passages. Most commonly, sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat relax as we enter our more restful deep stages of sleep, or our dream state (REM) sleep. See diagram below for the difference between a non-obstructed and an obstructed airway. Blockage of airflow during sleep apnea causes prolonged hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen, in the blood. As the concentration of carbon dioxide builds up in the blood stream, the brain finally overrides the lapse in breathing, forcing the patient into a lighter stage of sleep to reposition and resume breathing. Extreme fatigue and unrestful sleep result from sleep apnea because the patient fails to enter the restorative stage 3 deep sleep. It's difficult to assess if you have sleep apnea on your own, but if you get a full night of sleep and still feel tired, that may be a warning sign. Dr. Tadros can restore your sleep and correct sleep disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Schedule a consultation in NJ (201) 408-5430 or NY (212) 532-4590 or visit https://drmonicatadros.com/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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SNORING When we talk about snoring, it's a noise - a noise that comes from vibration, and vibration comes from anything along the pathway of how we breathe. If the nose is blocked, we might even open our mouth during sleep. When opening our mouth and breathing excessively through our mouth, there's going to be more vibration through the back of the throat - and it's going to sound a lot louder. If there's a lot of noise while you sleep, there might be a problem. It may just be snoring, but more than likely, there may be some component of sleep apnea developing. You owe it to yourself (and your partner!) to seek out treatment for your sleep. Dr. Tadros specializes in sinus and sleep quality treatment, so coming to us might just be the best way to ensure a better nights' sleep. Call our office in NYC (212) 532-4590 or NJ (201) 408-5430 to schedule a consultation.
You can read more about  sleep apnea here: https://drmonicatadros.com/procedures/snoring-and-sleep-apnea/sleep-apnea/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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Our beautiful patient had a rhinoplasty surgery previously, but wanted to improve her tip. Now, the tip blends into her face and the nose is more elegant and aesthetic! We LOVE her results!
Contact us to book your consultation! NJ 📞 (201) 408-5430 NY 📞 (212) 532-4590
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May your holidays sparkle with joy and laughter.
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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During this rhinoplasty for a male patient, we lifted the tip of the nose slightly and created the perfect nasal contour.
Schedule your rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. Tadros today! NJ 📞 (201) 408-5430 NY 📞 (212) 532-4590 DrMonicaTadros.com
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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Thank you Nicholas 🥰 So glad we were able to help with your sinus issues and provide a pleasant experience along the way!
Read more: https://drmonicatadros.com/best-plastic-surgeons-nyc-top-cosmetic-surgery-nj/
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
Two procedures we've recently adopted in our office have one HUGE benefit over others... they don't require anesthesia, and they aren't surgeries. So what are they? Dr. Tadros explains.
We welcome you to ask us about your non-surgical treatment options for chronic sinusitis and other sinus problems! Schedule a consultation at DrMonicaTadros.com.
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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Reminder ☝️ Dr. Tadros treats patients from two gorgeous offices in NYC and New Jersey 📍
Call us to schedule an appointment or go to https://drmonicatadros.com/ NJ 📞 (201) 408-5430 NY 📞 (212) 532-4590
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drmonicatadros · 2 years
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FALSE ❌ Snoring can be a symptom of the sleep disorder, but there's a BIG difference between the two.
Sleep apnea is no joke. It's a health issue that's been linked to quality of life, heart health problems, and more.
"If there's a lot of noise during sleep, that draws our attention to the fact that there might be a problem. You may just be snoring, but more likely there may be some component of sleep apnea developing." says Dr. Tadros. You owe it to yourself (and your partner!) to seek out treatment for your sleep 💤
Dr. Tadros specializes in sinus and sleep quality treatments, so coming to us might just be the best way to ensure a better nights' sleep. Call our office in NYC (212) 532-4590 or NJ (201) 408-5430 to schedule a consultation ✨
Read more about sleep apnea: https://drmonicatadros.com/procedures/snoring-and-sleep-apnea/sleep-apnea/
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