Soooo obviously I haven’t really been here lol. Partially due to a slight lack of motivation, but mostly due to the fact that I’m in a musical for the first time ever AND IT OPENS TONIGHT AAAAAAA
Unfortunately I can’t promise when I’ll be back, but hang in there! Bear with me! I’m a bundle of nerves lolol. (Please don’t say g00d l*ck btw, say break a leg instead)
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
@lcstinfantasy asked: ❝ ... whoah. sorry, i'm just absorbing the shock of actually getting to hear you laugh. ❞ from junie
In all honesty, SO WAS JEKYLL. He hadn’t laughed like that in a long time. The stress of his work was a heavy burden, one that never seemed to lift — but somehow, Junie had lightened that burden, even if ONLY FOR A MOMENT.
Henry’s laugh faded, but his smile remained — A RARE SIGHT nowadays. “It’s quite the accomplishment.” He lowered his gaze a bit; he almost seemed to be BLUSHING from the mere sound of his own laughter.
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
“MMM… you’re damn right.” Hyde’s fingertips dug sharply into the man’s flesh for a moment before loosening his grip slightly — not enough to let him get away, but enough for him to be able to get some more air in his lungs.
“You some kind of MASOCHIST?” Hyde advanced, taking a couple steps forward to pin the Duke up against the wall, still holding him by the throat. “Or just STUPID? Or both?”
@greedything (continued from here)
IN ALL HONESTY, Hyde was just… angry. There wasn’t really any rhyme or reason for it; he just wanted to SPILL BLOOD. This man, taunting him about having to use both hands, was only serving to infuriate him MORE.
“You’d like that, WOULDN’T YOU?” The words were growled out as Hyde moved his other hand up, now choking him more effectively. He figured there was no harm in making up SOME kind of excuse to be mad, though, so he just narrowed his eyes and went with the default. “You’re a disgusting HYPOCRITE!”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
“OH, I KNOW HIM.” The response came out faster than Jekyll intended, but he supposed it didn’t really matter. The bitterness in his tone would paint enough of a picture without him having to say much else. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem to be taking him SERIOUSLY — which wasn’t ideal. Especially because Hyde enjoyed a challenge.
Regardless, her words made him look up in surprise, meeting her gaze. That was… WOW. He couldn’t help being touched by her sudden protectiveness. And yet, if she hurt Hyde, they would BOTH suffer. With a soft sigh, Jekyll managed a small smile. “Thank you.” He lowered his gaze again. “But it’s… COMPLICATED.” He needed to elaborate, but the words wouldn’t come out. He was normally able to explain things with ease, even difficult scientific processes and concepts, but when it came to his… SITUATION, he often found himself at a complete loss for words.
“You don’t want to interact with him. EVER.”
MADE ANY MONSTERS? God, yes. But how could she possibly know? Jekyll had to come to the conclusion that she was just throwing random guesses out there, and as long as he didn’t GIVE IT AWAY, she’d probably never know that she was spot on.
“MAYBE I AM too trusting,” he replied, purposefully avoiding her other questions. Why he’d let her stay, he had NO IDEA — maybe it was his guilty conscience. But he knew Hyde would try to hurt her, so wasn’t he just PUTTING HER IN MORE DANGER? “Look, there’s… there’s someone else that comes around here every now and then.” Play it cool, Henry. “He… he’s not always THE NICEST person to be around. I just… I thought I should warn you, in case you need to find… SOMEWHERE ELSE to stay.”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
HENRY APPRECIATED her perspective. Not many people seemed to believe that these days — at least, not many he’d spoken to. With a soft smile, he managed a nod. “IT’S DIFFICULT when there is so much evil in the world, but… letting it consume you is a fate worse than death.”
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“I STILL BELIEVE in goodness.”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
@deathsbecome asked: “Where are you going at this hour?”  (for hyde. lil menace)
“WHERE DO YOU THINK?” Hyde rolled his eyes, not even bothering to turn and look at her. Almost every night, he went out to prowl the streets of London, to increase his BODY COUNT — usually in terms of kills.
“I have duties, remember? POPULATION CONTROL.”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
I fucking love dancing with walkers
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
@imprvdente asked: why do you have to be so secretive about this? FBI Fish for Hyde
“I DIDN’T REALIZE we had come to the point where I must give you my constant whereabouts.” His tone had a small hint of annoyance, but it was mostly AMUSEMENT. She would figure it out sooner or later, but she still appeared to be blinded by lust for now. At least, HE HOPED SHE STILL WAS.
Hyde’s demeanor remained casual; he didn’t want to get DEFENSIVE about it — that was Jekyll’s move, not his. So, he shrugged nonchalantly, deciding to simply BRUSH IT OFF. “Getting a little clingy, are we? Wanting to know where I was?”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
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“WOULDN’T YOU LIKE a taste of the power?”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
SLOW? Bullshit. Hyde snorted at that, realizing the ridiculousness of the comment before he let himself get offended by it. “Is there truly a difference? You can’t really love a man like me without FALLING for me, can you?” His smirk only grew.
The question, once again redirected at him, made him scoff. “Can’t a man BE HAPPY about a love confession without being questioned about it? Tell me, WHO WOULDN’T be happy?” It seemed that he still hadn’t comprehended Marque’s point yet.
OF COURSE he was happy with it! Why wouldn’t he be happy? Marque loved him! And he’d CONFESSED TO IT! And he wasn’t even denying it now! The other’s teasing tone wasn’t lost on Hyde, but at this point, it didn’t even faze him. What did Marque even have to tease him about, anyway?
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“IT’S CUTE that you think you’re the one with the upper hand here… when you’re the one who’s HEAD OVER HEELS in love with me. If anyone’s the schoolgirl in this situation, it’s YOU.” Clearly he was being dramatic, but that didn’t matter; Marque’s reactions were bound to be HILARIOUS.
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
send me a ⚠️ with a reason my muse should be shamed (e.g. “hangs toilet paper backward”) and I can only confirm or deny
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
"TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for demanding answers, adjust as necessary
say it again, slower this time.
i don't have much time to explain, but i'll try.
you need to tell me what's going on.
i can't help you if i don't know what's happening.
you said something earlier, but i think i missed it.
i'm not hiding anything. i'm just trying to protect you.
what were you trying to say to me?
there must be more to the story than this.
you're not telling me the full story. you're leaving things out.
why do you have to be so secretive about this?
i wish i could tell you the truth. i really do.
why can't we discuss this now?
what's preventing you from telling me the truth?
you know what happened, yet you're just going to keep it from me.
don't i have a right to know?
i'll never forgive you if you keep this from me.
you're just going to have to find out for yourself.
don't leave me in the dark.
since you don't want to tell me, you leave me no choice.
i want you to talk to me, tell me what happened.
i don't like it when you're evasive.
you're hiding something.
all right, i'll tell you what i know.
you have to promise to take this with a grain of salt.
if i could tell you the truth, i would.
some things are better left unsaid.
you wouldn't believe me if i told you.
i don't know the truth.
i can't remember what they told me.
the last time i tried to explain it, you laughed in my face.
there's no getting through to you, is there?
tell me what's happening. tell me what's going on.
i can't do anything without your information.
you're the only one who knows how to fix this.
there's always something more, isn't there?
what else did they tell you?
what did they whisper to you when you were leaving?
you're keeping something from me.
you've never been a good liar.
look into my eyes and tell me the truth.
i wish you would just be honest with me.
something happened, and i'm going to get to the bottom of it.
if you won't tell me, i'll find someone who will.
that doesn't help me, you know.
you could try to be a little more helpful.
you never answered my question.
were you ever going to tell me the truth?
i'd like you to be honest for once in your life.
if you really loved me, you'd tell me what happened.
i won't judge you. i just need to know what happened.
just let me warn you... you're not going to like what you hear.
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
@monmuses asked: "you're not patching this up alone. let me help." harriet to hyde
“TOUCH ME and I’ll rip your goddamn throat out.”
A little dramatic, perhaps, but it would get the sentiment across. Hyde was in a significant amount of pain, yes, but HE COULD HANDLE IT. He had Jekyll’s knowledge, after all. The only problem was that he was starting to feel weaker by the second. The injury wasn’t FATAL; the stabber had missed their mark on that one, but it had left a big gash in his side, one that he couldn’t fully reach, and CERTAINLY not without wincing in pain. He was trying to suppress his reactions, but it was obvious how much it stung every time the bandage touched the wound. Regardless…
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
@timeguardians asked: you've got a lot of nerve, showing your face around here (Brianna Wayne to Hyde)
“IS THAT SO?” The expression on his face was one of pure amusement. It was easy to see how UNBOTHERED he was about the whole situation. Hyde never saw any danger besides himself; he’d always figured he could survive anything SIMPLY BECAUSE he was Edward Hyde. That mindset remained, even now.
“I’m not scared of you, DARLING. What are you gonna do, hm?”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
@greedything (continued from here)
IN ALL HONESTY, Hyde was just… angry. There wasn’t really any rhyme or reason for it; he just wanted to SPILL BLOOD. This man, taunting him about having to use both hands, was only serving to infuriate him MORE.
“You’d like that, WOULDN’T YOU?” The words were growled out as Hyde moved his other hand up, now choking him more effectively. He figured there was no harm in making up SOME kind of excuse to be mad, though, so he just narrowed his eyes and went with the default. “You’re a disgusting HYPOCRITE!”
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
Things are really rough. Probably going to be taking the weekend off. Queue will still run though! Feel free to reply to open starters or send me memes for when I get back <3
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dualitytransformation · 2 months
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“NO ONE KNOWS. No one knows what it’s like.”
His hands shook, voice trembling as he spoke. “You can blame me for the mistake I’ve made; I BLAME MYSELF, TOO. But to call me mad… after everything I’ve accomplished before now, after ALL MY HARD WORK… to call me MAD… is one mistake all it takes? Does it erase the people I’ve helped? Does it erase my GOOD INTENTIONS?”
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