elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
Alternatives to the Word “Said”
accepted, accused, acknowledged, added, addressed, admitted, advertised, advised, affirmed, agonized, agreed, alleged, alluded, announced, answered, apologized, appealed, approved, argued, arranged, articulated, asked, asserted, asseverated, assumed, assured, averred, avowed
babbled, bargained, barked, bawled, beamed, beckoned, began, begged, bellowed, beseeched, bet, bleated, blubbered, blurted, boasted, boomed, bossed, bragged, breathed, broadcasted, broke in, bubbled, bugged, burst out
cajoled, called, carped, cautioned, censured, challenged, chanted, chatted, chattered, cheered, chided, chimed in, choked, chortled, chorused, chuckled, circulated, claimed, clucked, coaxed, comforted, commanded, commented, complained, conceded, concluded, concurred, condemned, conferred, confessed, confided, confirmed, congratulated, consented, consoled, contended, continued, convinced, corrected, coughed, countered, craved, cried, cried out, criticized, croaked, crooned, cross-examined, crowed, cursed
dared, deadpanned, debated, decided, declared, decreed, defended, demanded, denied, denoted, described, dictated, digressed, directed, disagreed, disclosed, disposed, disseminated, distributed, divulged, doubted, drawled, droned
echoed, elaborated, emitted, empathized, encouraged, ended, entreated, enunciated, equivocated, exacted, exaggerated, exclaimed, exhorted, explained, exposed, extolled
faltered, finished, foretold, fretted, fumed
gasped, gawped, gibed, giggled, glowered, got out, greeted, grieved, grinned, groaned, growled, grumbled, grunted, guessed, gulped, gurgled, gushed
handed on, held, hesitated, hinted, hissed, hollered, hooted, howled, hypothesized
imitated, imparted, implied, implored, importuned, inclined, indicated, informed, inquired, insisted, instructed, interjected, interrupted, intoned, invited
jabbered, jeered, jested, joked, justified
kibitzed, keened
lamented, laughed, lectured, leered, lied, lilted, lisped
made known, made mention of, made public, maintained, marked, marveled, mentioned, mewled, mimicked, moaned, mocked, mourned, mumbled, murmured, mused, muttered
nagged, necessitated, needed, nodded, noted
objected, observed, offered, ordered
panted, passed on, piped, pleaded, pledged, pointed out, pondered, postulated, praised, prayed, preached, premised, presented, presupposed, proclaimed, prodded, professed, proffered, promised, promulgated, proposed, protested, provoked, publicized, published, puled, purred, put forth, put in, put out, puzzled
quaked, quavered, queried, questioned, quipped, quivered, quizzed, quoted
raged, railed, ranted, raved, reasoned, reassured, recalled, recited, reckoned, reiterated, rejoiced, rejoined, related, released, remarked, remembered, reminded, remonstrated, repeated, replied, reported, reprimanded, requested, required, requisitioned, responded, retorted, revealed, roared
sang, sassed, scoffed, scolded, screamed, screeched, seethed, sent, shared, shot, shouted, shrieked, shrilled, shrugged, shuddered, sighed, smiled, smirked, snapped, snarled, sneered, sneezed, snickered, sniffed, snivelled, snorted, sobbed, solicited, sought, specified, speculated, spluttered, spoke, spread, sputtered, squeaked, stammered, started, stated, stipulated, stormed, stuttered, stressed, suggested, supposed, surmised, swore, sympathized
tattled, taunted, teased, tempted, tested, testified, theorized, thought, threatened, thundered, ticked off, told, told off, touted, trailed off, transferred, transmitted, trembled, trumpeted
understood, undertook, upbraided, urged, uttered
ventured, verified, vociferated, voiced, vouched for, vowed
waffled, wailed, wanted, warned, went on, wept, wheedled, whimpered, whined, whispered, wondered, worried
yakked, yawned, yawped, yelled, yelped, yowled
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
Just cute and fluffy headcanons (like pet names, cuddles, etc) for Reinhardt, Mercy, McCree, Hanzo, and Widowmaker? I love your work already btw!! Keep up the excellent work c:
I love that almost every single request I’ve gotten so far has been for fluff. You’re all anons after my own heart. Thank you very much! I hope I don’t disappoint!
Reinhardt’s favorite pet names for you are: Liebling, Schnucki, and Schätzchen
Literal fucking bear hugs
I’m talkin’ bone crushers
Very loud exclamations of love and devotion every single time he sees you
He’s a very happy man. Very happy and in love and he wants the world to know
Will probably roll on top of you in your sleep if you’re not careful
Will cry if you make him a home cooked meal
Asks you which part of the brotchen you want and gives you that piece and eats the other half
Like…the epitome of a chivalrous knight
But also enjoy watching you defend your own honor if you prefer
Probably has little flags with your name on it to wave around while you kick ass
Cries tears of pride and joy afterwards
Angela’s favorite pet names for you are: Herzli, Häsli, and Schäri
Is a delicate cuddler, but prefers to be the big spoon
She drools, though, so wear an old t-shirt or something
Insists she doesn’t drool
She does
There’s drool on her chin as she’s saying this, with a very red yet very dignified face
It’s very cute
Likes to bake with you in nothing but socks
Don’t ask why just roll with it
Sings in the shower
Very off key
But damn it if you don’t have the dopiest grin on your face every time you hear it
Talks in her sleep
Usually medical jargon
Sometimes she says your name and you absolutely melt
Buy her chocolate (Swiss) and you’ve won her heart forever
Ok but what pet name HASN’T he called you?
Some of his favorites include: honey, sugar, sugar pie, darlin’, baby, baby cakes, sweetheart, sweetie, xar’thanax the world ender, sweetie pie, pumpkin, doll, sugar lips, and honey bunny
Will also make up new names to call you
They get increasingly sickeningly sweet as your relationship progresses
Pookums, sugar bear, sugar bean, honey bunch
Eventually you realize he’s doing it because every time he does your face goes all red
Thinks you’re adorable when you blush
I’m talkin tangled limbs, waking up sweaty from being held all night, crick in your neck, all of your limbs are asleep good luck getting out of bed
He also snores
Not loudly but since he sleeps like straight up on top of you he snores into your ear all night
Honestly you can’t sleep without it anymore, it’s too quiet otherwise
Walks around the house naked or half naked more often than not
Probably definitely maybe has asked to keep his boots, hat and belt buckle on during sex
Also likes to see you wearing his hat
Hanzo’s favorite pet names for you are: Koneko, my love, and koibito. Also just..saying your name. Hanzo saying your given name is actually very intimate
Will never admit it but he loves cuddling
Is almost always the big spoon but one time you woke up as the big spoon and he was already awake just enjoying being held
So really it depends on how the two of you are feeling
Dude’s ripped though so you find you can barely get your arms around him, but you make do
He has nightmares sometimes and that’s the only time he actually asks to be held
Will apologize for it later, even though you’ve told him countless times that there’s nothing to apologize for
Pro-tip: run your fingers through his hair, lightly scratch his scalp
I promise he’ll be melting in your hands almost purring
Likes laying his head in your lap anyway
He’s fallen asleep that way more than once
Likes cooking you dinner and is surprisingly good at it
He actually looks really at peace when he’s cooking, almost like it’s a form of meditation in and of itself
He wakes up groggy and confused af, not a morning person despite forcing himself to get up with the sun
You’ve actually gotten him addicted to coffee
Way to go
Her favorite pet names for you are: Mon amour, Mon coeur*, and Mon lapin
*(it means “my heart”) she calls you this because while she is no longer supposed to feel emotion she believes she feels it through you
You are literally
Her heart
Her body temperature runs cold so she’s perfect for snuggling up to in summer
She hates it
But she doesn’t really
She’s just afraid of letting you too close
A classic Tsundere trope
Or like..basically a human cat
Pretends she doesn’t want affection
But gets all pouty when you don’t constantly shower her with it
She has a hard time admitting her feelings okay?
Not even she’s sure how she should feel
All she knows is she doesn’t want to be separated from you
Likes to cook dinner. She finds it calming.
Sips red wine while she does it 
Will sing to you if you’re having trouble sleeping, always in French
Bonus points if it’s a sad song
Very physically affectionate when she’s tired, or when you’re falling asleep/just waking up
Loves to smother your face in kisses just to hear you giggle
Likes to draw or paint across your back
Teasingly yells at you to stay still while the brush/pen tickles your back
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
Oh! If requests are open and you don't mind, what kind of gifts do you think Genji and McCree would give their S/O for their birthday and such?
Genji would give cute trinkets and such— anything that he sees and makes him think of you. It’d be such a random but wide assortment of items. A certain body wash smells good? Definitely getting it for you. Need makeup? He’ll do his best to remember what your favorite brands are. A small glass figure of your favorite animal? Done. They might not be things you need, but damn it is Genji adorable for getting literally anything that catches his eye.
McCree’s a romantic sap. A large bouquet of flowers would be brought to you first thing. Sweet peas, honey suckles, roses, you name it. Your favorite flower would be most plentiful and he’d ask the florist to choose a bunch of different kinds to accentuate said favorite. He’d bring you out to your favorite restaurant and take you to any desert place you want afterwards. He’s not so much about gifts as he is about making sure great memories are made on your special day.
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
me seeing a meme: yup. that’s a meme right there. the kids on tumblr would go wild for one o’ these. that’s some content if i ever saw one. yu p
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
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request// This user wants McCree to give them a long, warm hug.
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
The Overwatch group talking about their heritage
Soldier 76: My grandmother was actually French-Canadian. Can’t speak a lick of it.
Lucio: Never would have guessed!
Mercy: I’ve got some American ancestry as well!
Lucio: yeah? From where?
Mcree: Well she’s definitely had some Texan in her, I know that much.
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
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[ #Overwatch ] Brigitte and Zarya instantly like each other - Brigitte is used to strong personalities. 😂
Zarya knows her polish game helps her win. 💅💪
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
Concept: My girlfriend shows she loves and appreciates me all the time instead of just when she needs me, and acts mature enough to talk to me instead of leave me on read🤷🏽‍♀️
Loll what a concept
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
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The Crystal Gems + character development
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
me when a girl refers to her “partner”: 👀 me when i find out she was talking about her boyfriend with a beard: 😴
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
how many more fucking kids have to die in school because these selfish ass lawmakers don’t see the the importance of making stricter gun laws
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
Check it out! This is only ONE PAGE of adorable stuff 💕 Use my code “pianosodalexi” for 10% off your WHOLE ORDER 😍💖😋
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
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elementalcupcake25 · 6 years
Syndrome store is based in Guangzhou, China. It is one of the leading online stores who sells kawaii harajuku street fashion inspired by Asian styles from Korea and Japan. Everything they have in store is cute cute CUTE! Happy shopping 💕💕
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elementalcupcake25 · 7 years
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kyoani just stepped up their gay game
kyoani still needs to stop teasing though
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