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Skyrim Water Scenes
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Sacellum of Boethiah
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Skyrim - 2/?
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The 17 Daedric Princes
Azura – The Daedric prince who maintains/draws power from the balance of night and day, light and dark
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Boethiah – A Deity of deceit, secrecy, conspiracy, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority
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Clavicus Vile – A shape-shifter, who grants power and wishes through ritual invocations and pact
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Hermaeus Mora – The formless Daedra of knowledge and memory, seeks to possess all that is knowable
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Hircine – The Prince of the hunt, sport, the Great Game, and the Chase
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Jyggalag – The Prince of logical order and deduction, upholds strict order above all else
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Malacath – The Prince whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized
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Mehrunes Dagon – The Prince of destruction, violent upheaval, energy, and mortal ambition
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Mephala – The Prince of unknown plots and obfuscation, a master manipulator, a sewer of discord
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Meridia – A female Deity, the patron of the energies of all living things, enemy of the undead and all who disrupt the flow of life
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Molag Bal – The Prince of domination and spiritual enslavement, seeks to ensnare souls within his domain
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Namira – A Prince of the “ancient darkness”, the upholder of all things considered repulsive
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Nocturnal – A female Deity of the night and darkness, the patron of all things secretive
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Peryite – The Taskmaster, the Daedric Prince of Pestilence, desires order in his domain
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Sanguine – the Prince of hedonism, debauchery, and the further indulgences of one’s darker nature
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Sheogorath – The infamous Prince of Madness, whose motives are unknowable and illogical
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Vaermina – A Deity of dreams and nightmares, a deliverer of evil omens and dark portents
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landscapes of skyrim - part 24
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Breaking the siege of Kvatch
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an actual accurate 'what your favourite playable tes race says about you' post because im an expert
khajiit: probably a warrior cats (ex)fan. enjoying the safe haven that TES is by offering socially acceptable ways of having a fursona and being a furry. that or theyre just glad they can make a dragonborn based on their cat
argonian: lots of scalies here, but its not a general rule. lots of dinosaur fans. and also orc fans who have transcended being orc fans and are now too alternative for orcs, lizards are more subversive. possibly just an artist who enjoys the variety of possibilities (shapes, colours, reptile/amphibian species)
dunmer: relates to the dunmer in some ways (coming from a nation thats generally considered rude and weird?) or is simply fascinated by the absolute mess that is dunmeri society. or likes 80s sci-fi a lot. or doesn't realize drow are a thing and thinks TES invented the concept of dark elves. or likes bugs. or is that one brand of morrowind fan who doesnt seem to acknowledge any other province than morrowind. possibly all of the above. also deny it all you want but you DO feel some type of way when you hear tes3 music or see tes3's plot being acknowledged in other games. admit it
altmer: a chill person who loves high fantasy and the kind of fairytale-esque aesthetic surrounding the summerset isles. OR someone who makes really uncomfortable genocide/religious persecution/ethnic cleansing jokes.
bosmer: really chill people. sometimes former dunmer fans who cant stand other dunmer fans. lots of old TES fans here, with really old OCs. generally seem to be thankful that skyrim made bosmer look unambiguously cool after years and years of people reducing them to Fargoths/Glarthirs/Adoring Fans.
orsimer: what can i say. orc fans. and people who love their characters not conventionally attractive but still cute. sometimes just elf fans who have become too alternative to be elf fans, and orcs are more subversive than elves. often lamenting the fact that sometimes people forget to even put orsimer on lists like this
redguard: people who are right because redguards are neat. possibly obsessed with swords. many of them have played tesa:redguard. or even got far in it. or even finished it. baurus is 1# best boy
imperial: rip in rest martin septim 2006-2006 never 4get [*]
nord: see this is a similar situation to the altmer. on one hand you have people who enjoy the aesthetic of skyrim (both the more magic-oriented, elements/nature focused version we see in the lore of the earlier games, and the more Mundane relatable version in tes5, also the ancient nord/atmoran lore) and are just really into the lore and atmosphere and characters. but on the other hand you have like... white supremacists
breton: i have never in my life met anyone whose favourite playable tes race is genuinely bretons. people who like being short? strange powerful beings who find daggerfall really fun and easy-peasy, whom i am afraid of?
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It’s four days into his journey, and after the unfortunate closing of the border to High Rock, Marcel, after a long carriage ride, has made it to Riften to visit the Black Briars. Riften Market is exactly as shady as he thought.
On his way there, Marcel came across a wreck carriage with an array of some strange looking arrows. He’s going to investigate them. 
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The Elder Scrolls - Favorite Daedric Princes
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The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Scenery:                               ↳ Skingrad + Late sunset
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Shivering Isles revisited. 
Sheogorath seems to be doing both fine and not fine, so everything is as it should be.
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