etynn · 1 year
Herbs that transmute negative energy into positive energy
Basil: This fragrant herb is believed to have purifying and protective properties, and is often used in spiritual practices to promote positive energy and ward off negative energy.
Thyme: Known for its cleansing and purifying properties, thyme will clear negative energy from a space.
Peppermint: With its refreshing and energizing properties, peppermint is often used in aromatherapy to promote positive energy and mental clarity.
Bay leaves: These leaves are believed to have protective and purifying properties, and can be burned to manifest.
Mugwort: Often used in spiritual practices for its protective and grounding properties, mugwort can be burned or placed under a pillow to promote positive energy and clarity.
Angelica: Known as the "holy herb," angelica is believed to have spiritual and protective properties and can be used in various forms to promote positive energy.
Rue: Used in various cultures for centuries, rue is believed to have protective and cleansing properties, and is often used to ward off negative energy.
Juniper: The berries and branches of the juniper tree are often used in spiritual practices to purify a space and promote positive energy.
Cinnamon: This spice is believed to have warming and energizing properties that can help transmute negative energy into positive energy.
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etynn · 1 year
Angel numbers 💗
000 Completion -
A chapter is ending & another one will begin
111 Intention -
Trust your intuition
222 Alignment -
You are on a path to find balance
333 Support -
Your angels & the divine energy will assist you always
444 Protection -
You are being divinely protected in all aspects of life & spiritually
555 change -
Energy is evolving, new things are on the horizon
666 Reflection -
Take some time to rest & assess what is happening
777 Luck -
Embrace the goodness coming your way
888 Abundance -
You will be receiving some good karma or abundance of some kind
999 Release -
It is time to let go of what no longer serves you
1111 manifestation -
Focus your intent on manifesting your desires
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etynn · 1 year
Dopo tanto tempo, dopo tanti anni, sono riuscita ad avere il coraggio di prendere quella decisione e dire finalmente basta.
Fa male, non lo nego, ma so che d'ora in avanti sarà migliore.
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etynn · 1 year
Past Life Regressions: Fake vs. Real Memories
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Ok so I wanted to take a second to talk about how to tell past life memories are real vs fake. There are many instances where past life memories can be fabricated or faked on occasion. Unfortunately spirits or even your own brain messing with past life memories is not as uncommon as it should be. So I’ve complied how I determine fake vs real past life memories.
1) They will feel superficial. They just tell their story and that’s it. Sometimes the story will be painful and it will hurt but it will be superficial.
2) You can manipulate it. If you can move and make different things happen it’s imagination not a past life memory. Try to move around outside of the memory path. Try to sit and if your body doesn’t sit it’s a memory.
3) If it was planted by a spirit it will unravel and like flake off when you play it. It will have a set end and a set beginning and you can’t change the end and beginning. As you play the memory it will begin to unravel. It will feel like twine coming apart at the seams.
4) You’ll feel deep deep down in your soul that it’s not true. With past life memories our heart and souls remember. If you feel deep down that NO that didn’t happen I would take some time to discern if it’s reality or if someone could have messed with the memory.
5) Another thing with past life memories is they can bring up past trauma. If you have a memory of your death it can lead to a new fear you’ll have to work through. Fake memories aren’t deep enough to reach that soul trauma area. Or if they do it will feel different and less complex than a real past life memory.
Now, what to do when that really hard past life memory rears its head…
1) Play it through. Sit down and give yourself some time to just remember it. It’s painful; it’s hard and it’s hell. But if you are able to just let the memory come.
2) Talk about it. The best way to get rid of a nightmare is to tell it to someone it’s the same with past life memories and the pain. If you have a close friend tell them about it.
3) Remember it’s the past. You’ve sat and remembered it. You’ve felt it. Now it’s time to remember that it’s the past. You’re here in the present and it’s not your present reality anymore.
4) Get that comfy blanket and that self love tea and take a good long self love bath. Reaffirm your love for yourself. Get your mind off of it for a while and just let yourself be ok after the pain.
5) Later when it’s time (you’ll know) sit down and dissect it. Take away the pain by giving it truth. Letting it be in the past and just let yourself feel and remember but not hurt.
Past life work can be rewarding but it can also be painful please take care of yourselves.
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etynn · 1 year
guardare gli altri fare mille passi avanti,
guardare te stesso farne mille indietro,
è un altro tipo di dolore.
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etynn · 1 year
Ogni fottuta cosa mi porta a pensare a te...
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etynn · 1 year
Dopo anni di mancanze non puoi pretendere che io continui a starti accanto.
Tutto questo è solo grazie a te.
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etynn · 1 year
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etynn · 1 year
Non so se mai riuscirò a prendere quella decisione e a dirti quelle parole..
Non so se tu mi vorrai o se il tuo cuore sarà già impegnato..
L'unica cosa che so ora è che non smetterai mai di mancarmi e che tutto questo mi fa male da togliere il fiato..
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etynn · 1 year
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These are not mine, nor am I claiming them to be. The information here is good & I needed a place to save it for when I can incorporate it into my home.
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etynn · 1 year
Mi hai dimostrato che posso avere di più, che merito di meglio.. E adesso che sono condannata qui starò male per il resto della mia vita..
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etynn · 1 year
need one of those hugs that allow you to relax your muscles and feel the tension leave from your body before you press yourself further into their arms. one of those hugs that make you feel safe even if it’s just for that moment
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etynn · 1 year
Le attenzioni fanno sempre la differenza in tutto.
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etynn · 1 year
Finché mi vorrai al tuo fianco avrò sempre tempo per te..
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etynn · 1 year
Ho imparato che non è sbagliato usare qualsiasi mezzo per far stare meglio le persone che ami.
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etynn · 1 year
Mi manchi e non potrai mai sapere quanto...
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etynn · 1 year
⛤Evil Eye and Protection⛤
Many cultures around the world believe that through our thoughts or through an envious look, a person can harm another person by causing illness, injury or even death. 
There are many different names for this phenomenon, and the most common one is “the evil eye”.
What is the Evil Eye?
This word describes the process during which a person is affected by the negative energy of another person that hurts us intentionally or unintentionally.
In Islam:
“The Evil Eye” (ar. el-ajn) is a "poisonous arrow" that comes out of the envious person or the cause of the spell and goes towards the person who is envied and who wants to be cursed.
Sometimes this arrow works on a person, and sometimes it doesn't. If a man has no protection, then it affects him, and if he protects himself from it, then it has no effect on him.
The spell that affects people is the result of envy or too much admiration for something.”
Although we have our first testimonies of the evil eye in Islamic culture, it is deeply present in other cultures and traditions under different names.
Many people consider this to be pure superstition and a phenomenon for which there are no rational explanations but still partake in some of the methods used against it (such as knocking 3 times on wood) during situations in which they feel like their luck could turn bad.
⛤How to protect yourself
There are a lot of ways to check whether in a period when only bad luck follows us, the cause is someone's magic or the evil eye. 
Some of the oldest and very simple methods offer us the possibility to find out easily.
⛤Spot The Evil Eye with Olive Leaves
Olive oil, olive leaves and water should be prepared for this ritual. 
Fill the pot with water and pour three drops of olive oil. 
Then add the olive leaves.
If the oil separates from the leaves, it is an indication that there is an influence of the evil eye.
⛤Spot Negativity With Lemons
Lemons are used in this ritual, it is best if it is an odd number, three, five or seven. 
They should be placed in the corner of every room. 
After a few days, see if there are any changes on them. 
If black spots appear on them, spots of unclear shape, this is a sure sign of present negativity.
⛤A Magical Ritual to Remove Spells and Negative Influences
This simple and old method is considered very effective for removing spells and negative energy. 
It is done during the full moon. 
This ritual requires a little help from someone you trust.
What should be prepared for the ritual is:
one new white plate
one new white candle
fresh water
olive oil.
First, find a place where you will sit during the ritual and light a candle so that it is close to you. 
In the plate that the person is holding above your head, they should pour water, and then you should touch the water with your left hand. 
After that, the person pours three drops of olive oil into the water, saying:
"The evil eye was sent with envy and left with love."
Then it is observed on the plate how the oil drops have formed. 
If they have not separated, it is a sign that there is no presence of the evil eye, but if they have separated into countless small droplets, then the influence of negative energy is present. 
This method allows us to find out whether the evil energy was sent by a man or a woman. Namely, if the drops of oil are formed in the form of a line, it means that the influences were sent by a man. 
Oil droplets formed in the form of a circle mean that the negativity was sent by a female person.
At the end, the water is thrown into the ground, which should be illuminated by the light of the Moon, and on that occasion it is said:
 "May the spell and evil return to where they came from and to the one who sent them."
⛤Isidora ⛤
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